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I mean, Darwin wasn't quite instant, and was killed with something he couldn't adapt to fast enough. But that would definitely come close. Gravity reversal would be negated by Float though. Same reason Katsuki was able to fight Uraraka even without his personal gravity.


Movie Darwin was nerfed hard. Comics had him become a god of death at one point.


Comic Darwin was OP but inconsistent because his power was absolutely uncontrollable. IIRC one time he was trying to stop the Hulk and his power just teleported him away to the far side of the planet. With that said I think the question of seeing how original quirks stack up in MHA is pretty moot because the "rules" of quirks and their limitations is pretty wishy washy in how they are applied. I mean OFA by itself doesn't make sense with the durability issue as no amount of training should be able to increase a human bodies limits to be able to handle the forces required. Momo for example is really inconsistent on what constitutes draining for her and realistically speaking she should be chunked up like fatgum to maximize her powers and even then the conversion rate of lipids to creation just seems all over the place with sometimes her resource pool is incredibly limited and others she's creating cannons and doesn't seem very restricted at all. Star and Stripes New Order is another one... It supposedly has limits but the final order given to sabotage interacting with other quirks seems far outside of its normal perview. If it is self-affecting to that level then making itself a self referencing stockpile quirk doesn't seem to be out of the question to start removing limitations over time by imposing new rules. i.e. a rule to stockpile power to impose more rules. Then once 3 or 4 more are established have a stockpile rule to increase the limits of the rules themselves i.e. remove the strength boost limit her quirk had. Then have the quirk be able to stockpile energy from external sources and wire herself into a nuclear powerplant for a few days. This isn't limited to those but it makes coming up with a quirk pretty nebulous as what kind of restrictions are in place even in the established universe are already inconsistent. As far as general ideas to defeat Deku without going the Tomura/AFO route of just kind of ignoring most rules when convenient for overwhelming power. I'd say the biggest hurdle is overcoming danger sense. So either something to do with superspeed to the point where Deku just can't keep up or a quirk that erases peoples perception of you. Not like invisibility but more mentally making yourself completely unknown to a target including something like danger sense. Then just walk up and slit his throat or something.


Gravity reversal would be fitting on a priest.


Nice one!


You consume the negative emotions of others. The range you can drain them from increases with training, so the user can take an entire country's worth when he fights them. It comes with many ways to leverage this energy, as well as the ability to grow massive, transform your body, regenerate, and more. Damage taken is subtracted from accumulated energy. The user barely feels it and it's as if you punched a wall.


There was a one Fanfiction where Izuku adopts kids and Has Orphanage. Kid takes negative Emotions and Makes Grimms from RWBY


If someone was going to use this power, they could just tack that on as an ability. Why not gain the ability to spawn monsters out of negative energy? A quirk that can fight OFA is probably a singularity quirk, so you might as well.


Disintegration: Feathers are launched from the user's back towards the target. Statistical Balancing: Any living material encountered by its user loses half of its strength and that same half is granted to its user for 15 Minutes.


Divine Dividing be like


Bro wishes he was the grabbing dragon


Second one is fire


"Feathers" -- you mean Hawks?




"Feathers are launched from the user's back" Hawks.


I took inspiration from him for that part.


A Quirk that could be used to defeat Specifically Deku? Well if you want to go the non-conventional route then I have the perfect idea. Quirk- Perception Alteration Description- The User is capable of Altering how their Target sees the world through careful Manipulation of their Senses. The Quirk is activated once the Target and the User have finished a Full Conversation. From then on the Target is under the effect of Perception Alternation, and the World they see and experience are completely under the control of the User. Of course it's not as useful when you alter their entire world. It's most effective when the User changes small details. Deku goes to punch a Villain, but they are actually a few feet to the left and his punch ends up taking down a building. Deku tries to help his friends up when they fall, and is actually lifting thin air. Deku tries to activate his Quirk, but feels nothing, so he tries harder and accidentally goes over his Limits. The User could also use this to disguise their Quirk, like making Deku think the Quirk activates via touch by making him see the User run up to touch him, his hands glowing. This seems OP, and it kind of had to be, but we can add some limits. There can only be One Target at a Time, no matter what you try you can only ever use it on one person at a time. The Effect needs to be renewed by the end of the day or it fails and the Target remembers everything as it really happened. This is fairly easy as the User just needs to make Deku see them as a friend, and talk to him like that. The Effect takes a lot of mental strain on the User, and the more complicated they make the change to Perception the more of a toll it takes. So it is actually beneficial to make the changes small and hard to notice. Thoughts?


Kyoka Suigetsu in MHA? Doubt anyone has a counter to this.


Love it!


All according to keikakau, MHA version


Composition- Compositions creates a copy of the quirks of everyone around them. These copies are automatically mixed into one quirk (the user cannot keep quirks separated all quirks within range become materials for composition.) Example: if the user was in range of Zero Gravity and Half Hot Half Cold, they would get the composite quirk. Gravity shift allowing them to increase gravity with their right side while lowering it with their left. If there is only one person in range they get a copy of that person quirk. Drawbacks: Range, this quirk relies on people being close enough to the user so long range could take them down. Rapid change, this quirk makes a composition of ALL quirk in range so if a new person gets into range it can immediately change what quirk the user has. Mutant Types, the user cannot copy Mutation type quirks.


Torsion testi..NO...EXPLOSION TESTICULAR Maybe something like reality bending , space warping , Chromokinesis cause OFA can't counter these two.


I saw a post with a theme song quirk where Midorya gained the powers of fictional characters while listening to their theme song.


[I hope he works quick](https://youtu.be/I-qMBS1frkM?si=k9DmrjM83BM4-jna)


Willforce: The weilders willpower is translated into telekinetic force. All you need is enough screaming anime protagonist energy to win.


Mantis Shrimp scaled up to human proportions. Enough said


Water form: you Can instantly become water and turn back in an instant


i don't think just being able to turn into water can rival OFA if there's nothing more to it, like being able to move while in said watery form.




Somebody forgot Sludge Villain vs All Might


A bucket


Easy hollow purple as a quirk


Reality manipulation. Anything in a radius of like 100 meters can be changed. Not even just landscapes either, ANYTHING. MC could change around the laws of the universe if he wanted to. Full disclosure I'm not original enough to actually come up with something like the prompt so I just went for a basic bitch overpowered answer.


Cartoon Physics.... ![gif](giphy|9S3FT1Lt3iaCQoUXEn|downsized)


Kinetic Battery.  Ironically, an idea I brewed up for an alternate Izuku as a creative blend of his parents quirks. It can absorb (pull in) kinetic energy, store it, then release it in kinetic blasts of heat, sound, light, or physical force.  Tank a few smashes, go skydiving without a parachute a few times, or have someone launch a nuke at you, etc, then poke Deku in the chest.  Pop. 


Bio-Lord: the user can control any organic material that comes in contact with the user (including themselves). With the basic of basic imagination they would have complete control over their own body, improving themselves or just going Parasite the Maximum on someone. At the peak they could splice their own genes with other life creating the strongest base human without even factoring in Quirks.


Tactile Telekinesis, like Captain Celebrity has. He could lift a whole ass cruiseliner out from the sea. If anyone could physically measure up to Deku's strength in canon, it would probably be him.


Absolute Destruction: the user can destroy almost anything physical, gas, liquid, or other wise based on the amount of negative emotions the user puts into each use (the only limitation is that the quirk cannot be used to directly kill a target(that would make it to easy)), for example the destruction can range from a fire cracker explosion to the erasure of anything after its quirk awakening (think HAKAI from dragon ball). creative uses such as the destruction of momentum from a moving target, or the destruction of ideas, or willpower from a person, or the destruction of the air in a persons lungs would make a great challenge for Deku.


Power Absorption: this quirk has the ability to absorb just about any kind of energy, including kinetic and most emitter quirks. This lessens the impact of most attacks (but doesn't nullify them) as well as allows the user to release this energy whenever they want (though holding on to the energy for too long can be painful)


New Order, it’s broken and if you think outside of the box it can only get even more broken and the only limit is the number of rules that’s it..


Neon from Infamous, if you get hit in the head, you straight up disintegrate.


Not to mention you can use it to become a speedster.


Quirk: emoji https://www.reddit.com/r/BokunoheroFanfiction/s/XSVTNDNhVO




Quirk:Immunity The user can't be affected or harmed by any quirk whatsoever. The downside is it doesn't do anything against non-quirk related attacks like regular punching and kicking. An example of this would be the user would be able to see through a smokescreen generated from a quirk, but not a smokescreen generated from a smoke grenade.


Quirk: Face Value People instanly believe anything you say to be true. Lies can be really powerful. Something as silly as: "You don't want to do this." might end a fight.


The thing about OFA is the passing down. Sure you could make a quirk that beats current deku but 100 holders later you will get destroyed. My answer is something like Black Sperm from One Punch Man. You can gain “lives” by eating food (you can eat infinitely) and using these lives you can either make clones of yourself or sacrifice them to create a stronger version of yourself. Include no aging on top of


Calcify: Amped up version of Bondo’s quirk. Anything he touches becomes immovable, invulnerable, and inanimate for eternity.


I could easily see someone with Magneto level control over a magnetism quirk be pretty damned powerful.


Four words. Controlable Absolute Force Redirection


So, basically Accelerator?


Can Accelerator turn force from a punch back to the puncher? Because that was the thing I was picturing when making that comment.


Noam: The user can transform themselves or others into 11 inch, chubby, feeble humanoids. The transformation wears off after 20 minutes and quirks can still be used in this form. Usually, this quirk isn't overly powerful. It can't be used offensively. Instead, it good for stealth and disorientating opponents. However, it is a surprisingly strong counter to One For All. Izuku needed to train his human body for months, so he wouldn't break his limbs. However, if Izuku used his quirk as a noam - His transformed body couldn't handle the backlash and it would instantly kill him.


Destruction: the user can generate black/red energy from their body capable of breaking the laws of physics and destroying matter and energy on contact. The user can choose which things their quirk affects and which ones cannot, they can also be completely transformed into this quirk energy


Leech - The user has a slug-like companion. The leach can latch onto a victim and drain on the raw power of their quirk. Through their telepathic connection, the user gets transmitted the "notorious" and gets superhuman enhancements. The leech will feed longer and more, depending on the strength of the victim's quirk. One For All would be extremely vulnerable to the leech, like a tick bloated on blood. The leech would overfeed and potentially kill Izuku.


Force manipulation. Can greatly reduce or increase force. You can enhance the force of your punch to OFA levels or completely nullify the force of a OFA punch


Quirk Insanity Has the ability to make quirk users go Crazy like animals when affected but can manipulate one of the affected, except if the affected is too strong (Yes basically if Trigger was a quirk) imagine if All might or Endeavor got affected by this Quirk


**All Eyes On Me**: The user gains power based on what people think they can do, with their upper limit based on the number of people observing them at any given moment. The user physically cannot tell people about their quirk or how to activate it.


(stockpile) **Glutton**: The user is able to absorb large amounts of calories and convert said calories into power. You are able to consume more than the average person. This energy can be stored for later use. If the body is running low on Carbs, Proteins, and fat the body will begin to emit steam. If overused it can cause great exhaustion It can vary depending on how much was eaten that day or the day prior. (Mutant type/Transformation type) **Ravenous Trap:** The user has the ability to manipulate fly traps and increase their growth rate. The plants can also merge with the user to transform in that form the user absorbs energy from the sun to increase their overall effectiveness.


Fenrir a sentient transformation quirk Some powers Hyper regen Fire breath Near impervious skin Strong enough to crack concrete The abilities to command wolves The user has three forms Hybrid (wolf ears tail small strength increase) Wolf form Wolf form the size of a skycraper Drawbacks Water Her insides (not like that you perverts) And oh yeah the sentient part the more you draw on these powers the more control you lend fenrir a being of pure destruction and chaos whos goal is the apocalypse it dkes not care who or what is in its way This is one of the strongest quirks ive given an oc


Kinetic Energy Nullification


mass molecule dispersal. You look at a person or object and then trigger the quirk and it's disintegrated due to all of it's/their molecules harmlessly separating from one another


Will to steal - User can steal a target's willpower. Midorya is a awkward kid becoming a hero through the power of his own indomitale will, he will fall easily without it forcing him forward.


Chiral Switch: User can turn anything within 1m of themselves into its exact mirror copy down to the molecular level. This is Not A Good Time for any person affected by it, Because Of Chemistry.


All of these super awesome quirks!!! I'm in writers heaven! You guys don't mind if I take a few ideas for my fics, do you?


Sure. Go ahead. 


force redirection


Sculk horde, the use has the sculk hrorde from the minecraft mod, if given enough time it could rival afo and ofa


Return by Death. Depending on whether he's going for the kill or the user is willing to kill themselves, enough loops can manipulate Deku in all manner of ways. You could even bring him to your side with enough skillful manipulation.


M.A.D: a quirk that when used inflicts radiation equal to 20,000 Roentgen or a nuclear explosion onto a target or multiple targets, making the user a living nuclear weapon.


Beast Form Can transform into any creature (real or fictional) and gain their physical attributes.


Leech: Leech mouths open up on your body and tongue tentacles sprout out of them. On contact with any living things they can drain energy, and even take a persons quirk. You can’t use the other quirks, but you can give them to other people. You can also use the store energy to regenerate yourself, and affect the structure of things around you. For instance, you can make energy constructs or make the ground rubbery.


Energy absorption and redirection. For example, you take a hit from OFA? Just storr it in your body and use it to enhance yourself. Since you absorbed the hit aswell, you don't take any damage. Fire attacks? Absorb the heat energy. Helll, absorb enough potential energy and constantly output it and yoj have a makeshift gojo infinity. Have sound energy sorted up and you can break someone's ear drums.


Sky Manipualtion - The user of this quirk produces a special gas, which makes a weightless floating material when in contact with the air. This material has various density and durability, depending on the concentration of the gas used. This quirk can be used to both create barriers as well as weapons.


Quirk: Shut down Emitter Shutdown allows the user to turn off active effects, such as electronics, moving objects, and even quirks. Or even someone's brain and nervous system.


Medusa's sight (the ability to look into an adversary's eyes and turn them to stone **permanently**).


theme song: the user does whatever they feel like they can whenever listening to a song EXAMPLE: sad song: everything is worse happy feel good song: barriers and healing epic song: I AM GOD IN THE MORTAL PLANE AND NO ONE CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ): everyone around gets the urge to groan and the user can't be harmed in any way, shape, or form, also can create illusions of the music video and teleport to anywhere in the world


A Spatial Manipulation Quirk will ruin Deku's day especially if the mechanics are similar to Kamui and Flying Raijin from Naruto.


Energy absorption the user can absorb all types of energy ie. Solar, life, kentic, cosmic the list goes on and use that stored energy to boost strength, speed, stamina, intelligence etc


It’s not physically gonna one shot him but it’s hella powerful Love Tap - Emitter Through skin to skin physical contact, the user is able to make the victim do anything for the user. Not unlike a love struck slave, the victim will actively wish to do anything the user wishes, as long as it is in their physical power. Ex: someone with a quirk to change their hair colour could not gain super speed just because the user wished it. This state lasts for fifteen minutes before the victim “snaps out of it” and resumes their usual personality and emotional state. It’s not going to directly kill Deku but all you’d have to do is get one skin to skin hit and you can make him kill himself right there.


His moms quirk just move some stuff in ofas brain


Void - a quirk that lets you absorb any and all types of energy through physical contact, whether it be kinetic, potential, mechanical, the stockpiled energy used in OFA, any type of energy and use it to boost your stats like speed, strength, reaction time, etc. You can also use the energy to regenerate damage. You could also just drain away an adrenaline rush and give them a headache.


Complete control of local time when at risk of death. Think of it as being able to speed up, slow down and erase time when at risk of death even if that risk was self imposed.


Eliatrope based on yugo from wakfu