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I like the fact that mutant, quirkless, corrupt pro heroes/hpsc, and 'villainous quirks' discrimination is elaborated upon in fanon. Also, I think people have started to be way too negative about quirkless hero fics. Guys..it's fiction. Where is your sense of whimsy?


Yesssss I love how more elaborate people can get with thus stuff. Also the whimsy of a quirkless underdog will always be my favorite. Though I do like it to be a bit toned down where they are not the all powerfull fighter. The fic The Green Guild, does it perfectly. He is not overpowered, and poor green beans character growth is great in this. Also had the greatest boomeranian character growth I had ever see . I had never seen a fic before where he decides to go underground after learning so much about other people who are discriminated and his guilt over how he treated Izuku.


I love fics like tat too! Have you read Pied Piper?


Most authors completely ignore prejudice against mutant quirks to focus on "villainous quirks" They can make up whatever they want, but saying that being called a villain is worse than being beaten and banned from entering places because of your appearance is crazy


It's probably because how many authors pull it off terribly AND try to come off as serious, only way it's fun to read about is when it's crack, otherwise it's usually the same pattern of: "Inko is an alcholic abusive parent/dead -> Izuku becomes vigilante at 8-15 -> gets caught and adopted by Dadzawa who also proceeds to adopt Eri and Shinsou -> he gets a boyfriend (very rarely girlfriend) ->\[Insert same character conflict being raised and resolved over and over in the next chapters\] "


My whimsy was destroyed by just how edgy/angsty those fics tend to be. When the mc is so traumatized they have mental breakdowns two times a chapter it just gets blegh. Gimme more batman/ironman esque quirkless hero fics. Or green arrow!


You have no idea how much I can relate to this.


>. Also, I think people have started to be way too negative about quirkless hero fics. Guys..it's fiction. Where is your sense of whimsy? I don't mind the quirkless hero fics and honestly I do have a sense of whimsy it's just come on there are some instances where they get a bit too well fan fictiony like if you're telling me that a quirkless person is getting the better of One for all,Gigantomachia and Overhaul Is then I'm calling cap there and then


I like the idea that Quirks fucked with people's bodies to make them faster, stronger and more durable. The show makes no sense if something like this isn't the case.


It’s the only explanation that makes sense. The baseline human in MHA is stronger than our real world baseline human due to those humans being more evolved in order to handle having a quirk. Given the feats of strength we see Izuku capable of after training with All Might, but before he receives OFA, it’s clear that even Quirkless people are more evolved baseline humans too. Would also explain how Bakuhoe can burn him and blow him up constantly without any scars.


Yeah and how Izuku naturally having green hair isn’t considered a quirk but being a dog is despite both altering the natural human appearance (I bet when quirks first started it was definitely considered one though) and how Dabi could somehow inherit cold resistance and not fire resistance despite his fire quirk cuz resistance doesn’t necessarily come with the quirk it just comes over time via evolution


I guess it depends on the mutation. If it’s a useless mutation like a strange hair colour or horns, then that’s obviously more genetics than a quirk, but if you had dog ears or just a whole dog’s head, then that’s a quirk cause you’d have dog like senses to go along with it.


That’s real cuz Mina has the pink everything and horns and eyes but that’s not her quirk. Tokoyami has a bird head but that’s not his quirk. However Hound Dog’s appearance is his quirk cuz he can sniff out shit and has dog like behaviors and instincts right?


Yeah exactly. Some mutations are directly caused by a quirk, like Ojiro’s tail, Shoji’s arms and Kyoka’s earphone jacks, but others have nothing to do with their quirks and must be related to genetics, something their parents or maybe even grandparents passed down to them.


No other explanation for todoroki not being a stain in the stadium after howitzer impact


Or skinny-ass froppy shrugging off being thrown through a building without a scratch.


Is it non canon??? It makes no sense otherwise as seen as Izuku trained proffesionally for close to a year and still had less of a score than people who arent trained at all (Mineta, Toru)


Hence why a lot of people came up with the idea of Aizawa deliberately messing with the numbers on the test Absolutely no way Toru did better than Izuku


The manga has Izuku claim that he fucked up the later tests after he broke his finger because he was in pain.


Yeah, NGL that's a really dumb explanation, and even then, didn't he break his finger after all the tests were done and he ended up in last place?


No. There were several tests after the ball throw.


Must've misremembered. Still, stupid excuse that honestly really doesn't hold up


I think there was a discrepancy between the anime and manga, with the manga having the ball throw being the first for everyone(though my source for that is word of mouth)


Seriously. Stains ability only gave him control of blood after ingesting it, yet he's speed blitzing speedster heroes and overcoming them physically as well


I always read that as true in superhero media in general. People are definitely more physically adept than they are in the real world.


I mean, obviously. Otherwise Deku and Iida cracking Stain on opposite sides of his SPINE should have killed him.


I mean, this is fiction. You can feel free to read into it how you want, but there are tons of stories where baseline humans are incredibly powerful without interacting with the Power system


My piece of headcanon is that Toshinori was misdiagnosed as Quirkless. His Quirk is basicly useless, it just transforms him into this buff form, but doesn't actually increase his strenght. When he got One for All, his Quirk allowed him to use it from the get-go without problems, unlike Midoriya. I know that this headcanon has more then just few holes, but I am willing to die on this hill!


Matpat did a game theory video on this. So it must be true.


Man, I miss Matpat... Game Theory isn't as good as it used to be without him... (that's nostalgia talking)


Nah I agree, he had mote charisma than the new guy. He still pops up on gt live occasionally though.


I remember that theory.


I can honestly see this workinh


In case anyone wonder, here is extra info on manga about how fucked hpsc is and the potential future for hawks if hpsc remain exist and never changed https://x.com/TiredAlys/status/1804272488014123024?s=19


Maybe I'm missing that, but I don't see the extra bit. Didn't we already know all of that?


Well it just tiny detail of what is miss a bit from the manga plot


I love the idea that quirkless bodies are more durable. They are tanks of the human race now with a bite that can chomp off a person's fingers. I like the idea of a higher pain resistance, too. I always love a quirkless vigilante who can tank hits that even a pro would freak out over. (My OC uses a wrist shield then smacks people with anything she can get her hands on when out of costume. Sadly, for some people, those objects are sharp pointy objects known as hat pins. Found out about how they used to be used for self-defense, and now I am obsessed with them) One fanon thing I wish there was more of is someone using skates when in costume.


What is the fanfic? Link?


Sadly no fanfic. D;


Got one for ya https://archiveofourown.org/works/50437159 Bit of a crack one shot tho


Did you hear the song about the hat pins too? They became a special interest for me after I saw a YouTube short with that song


Yep that is how I got into it!


Is it? I see more people here dunk on Horikoshi that dunk on fanon outside of criticizing bashing


Huh. I think people dunk on the way certain characters were handled. Because as far as the art goes, Hori is awesome. And the way he handled the Todoroki family was so freaking amazing, that's one of my (and many other people's) favorite parts of BNHA. There are ups and downs but if someone says that the story is completely subpar, then either they didn't read the same story or the genre isn't for them.


Deserved quite frankly


Whatever you think it's deserved or not, the reality is that people here dunk more on him, not the opposite


Really? more people here dunk on Horikoshi than Fanon.




I like whenever we get to see more development between Deku and Lemillion after he loses his quirk for the time being. And that can come in several ways, but usually all involve a bit of self reflection and introspection and I think it's cool, and would work as a good setup for the more recent chapters. In cannon Mirio was just kinda put aside which I get is how arcs usually go but it's a bummer tbh. I guess for now they might use iron might or even Melissa. Who knows.


Hmm. Best fanon aspect? Probably either the scientific aspect of quirks (as in, how do they function, how do they change the human body, etc), or the fact that there's generally a lot more worldbuilding in fanfiction than in the canon material. I like fics that delve into how quirks work, how they shaped society, how people with 'villainous' or 'weak' or mutant quirks are treated, how the quirkless are treated. I like fics that show how the world came to be, what happened after quirks were first discovered, how the hero system works, how heroes are ranked, how laws were changed to accommodate for quirks. I just think fanon tends to do worldbuilding and lore better than canon 🤷


I adore the common threads of fanon tbh, especially the ones that can exist parralel to canon and still can work or make sense. Stuff like EraserMic, Shinsou being in the foster system furthering his mentality about his quirk being “villanous”, I love the consistent concept of Nezu being omnipotent in all things related to UA (aka all hail the Rat God) Oh and one thing I like that is so incredibly common in fanon that it feels more like canon than not: Detective Tsukauchi having a lie detector quirk, when in fact his quirk has never been mentioned or shown in canon. The only 2 things that directly hint at this being the case in canon are that 1: his alias according to Horikoshi on a Twitter pic is “True Man”. And 2: his younger sister (who is in the Vigilantes manga) has a quirk called “polygraph” that can (mostly) detect if someone in physical contact with the user is lying or not.


I’m new here, but is Shinsou NOT in the foster system in canon?


His family is simply never brought up, afaik


yeah he really isn’t all that important outside a couple cameos and the final fight… i think. i actually forgot.


Conspiracy theorist Todoroki. He canonically has good reasons to come to the conclusion that there's a connection between Midoriya and AM. He says "secret love child **or something**" which shows he doesn't believe that Dad Might is the answer. Conspiracy theorist Todoroki is not canon, but I do not care because it's fun, especially when the tone of fics gives you room to go wild with it. eg. [World Walker](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17602085/chapters/49155605): >“You think the moon landing was faked?” >Todoroki, may he be innocent forever, doesn't catch on. “No? The moon isn’t real.”


Inko being The Mamadoriya, where she gets a job as Class 1-A Dorm Mother and ends up adopting whole school, including teachers, as her children.


Izuku's father having literally any relevance whatsoever. Ain't no way this man is "on a business trip" while all this crazy shit's going on over the spawn of a few months.


Bro for a few weeks I saw dad for one so often I legit thought bros name was Hisashi and thought “haha it’s funny how Deku’s dad shares a name with Af- wait a fucking second…”


I kinda like stories that drastically lessen midoriya's unyielding trust and reverence in people "ahead of him". Realistically someone who'd been through the things he has and was as studious as him would be more cynical, and more wary of blindly following false idols like all might, or to a lesser extent, bakugo. I'm not saying he should be a straight up jaded contrarian, but it's established in canon that a lot of all mights "teachings" are him talking outta his ass, and midoriya's initial progress suffers for it. Stories where midoriya kinda realizes this, and therefore doesn't treat toshinori's word as law, are a breath of fresh air.


I really like these types of fics and if you know any ![gif](giphy|huPctuanTQmmOyEkLo)


His characterization in Cursed Blood is pretty good, as long as you don't mind some petty shipping drama, edgy humor, and benign crossovers.


What type of shipping are we talking about


Uraraka cuckery


Now I want to confirm one thing before anybody read my reply and label me some type of phobic I have maximum time period only those type of FanFiction stories and I don't have any problem with them but now I just don't find them interesting so I want a straight relationship story if the story has any relationship Link of the story please


i find it really funny that to this day Tsukauchis quirk is not cannon right now you can check the wiki and it still is unknown, its probably one of the biggest fannon change that people don't realize


I think i like fanon theory of trauma induced quirk being potentially the outlier quirk that is able rival or outmatch ofa and afo


The Fanon theory that Gran Torino is the biological Grandfather of Shigaraki going by how close he was with Nana just vibes way too hard for me to ignore there.


Fanon tends to be what Hori ends up doing anyway. Like Fanon knew that OFA can be transferred partially izuku did in the end. Tech always was powerful and strong and it could have stood toe to toe against AFO if you had the right pilots and team. In my opinion ironmight was too badly executed because Yagi even admits he sucks at dodging and evasion since his instinct is to tank hits which results in too much damage to the armour. If you had someone much more at home with tech like Melissa and Mei that'd be a different story. I feel weaker heroes would have been able to stand up and fight more effectively also with the benefit that AFO cannot steal their quirks since he needs to touch skin. If Hori had made MHA happen in the present 2010s onwards the story would have made even more sense instead of the 160 years in the future crap then having to explain why technology is still out of date? You still have gasoline cars, flip phones and crt monitors that we don't use in 2024 much now so MHA in present day would have been better accepted.


> 160 years in the future crap then having to explain why technology is still out of date? The advent of quirks sent the society into a Dark Age. Development was arrested as the world was trying to answer the question of who is considered a human and who isn't. Even after the establishment of the Hero system, crime rates were far too high and reconstruction was behind by a lot. Not to mention the nightmare of accommodating quirks in the medical field. And the technological advancements aren't widespread but they are still there. Unfortunately, society has stagnated (Izuku mentions that someone once said that humanity would be enjoying space travel if it weren't for the emergence of quirks).


That makes ZERO sense from a sociological point of view. 100 years ago children died from Polio, People were dying from Cholera and Tuberculosis was a death sentence with no cure in sight. 100 years later none of these are medical problems. The development of powers if anything would ENHANCE technology itself! Look at the Inhumans from Marvel, same for the Antlanteans and new mutants of Genosha. Hell Bastion wanted mutant slaves because even he cannot deny how useful they are at labor and even the first episodes of X men back in the 90s were focused on Genosha using Mutants to build a dam that will power sentinel production faster than human labor ever could. I mean let's look at quirk society and how technology WOULD not stagnate. People like Mei would have to adapt new tech on a case by case basis which means she has to research more and develop more exotic materials and creative solutions to meet the needs of heroes. In the same breadth we see David Shield devlop the magic quirk amp crown that made a D lister like Wolfram into a God that needed 2 OFA users to take him down! Melissa also in addition to Deku's gauntlet was working on a myriad of projects with her dad as All Might was ONE of their clients. We also see Skycrawler get a better costume once he goes to the US and data books admit that Detnerat makes cheap knock-offs from stolen designs of American Companies that are making this kind of equipment. UA which is a school need I remind you has robots to do construction, training, evacuation etc. You think a low tech society would have those? In canon technology has been shown to exist and can be accessible but Hori is so inconsistent about these things which upsets fans when his world building cracks down! Like UA becoming an ariel fortress overnight?! That requires a WHOLE lot of tech! Not to mention the so called evacuation block system that turns entire buildings into subway cars that navigate massive concrete tunnels!? The biggest takeaway is the Ironmight armor which has 20 quirks! In short MHA always had this kind of tech around since the story happens in a span of one year meaning they didn't have decades to workshop this they had mere months to work with existing tech and prototypes that were already in development and at hand. Had he just said the year is 2012 and be done with the story 90% of these support weapons issues wouldn't even happen and people would accept the retro tech more readily.


An example from Marvel is kind of moot because there people have developed a lot of advanced technology (even super cheap space travel) but they also use gasoline powered cars, old style monitors and phones. Not everyone has access to the advanced technology that will make life easy. Same with DC. Those things exist because they have customers. Not everything is just phased out because there are more advanced alternatives. Flip phones are still available in our world as well even though many cheap smartphones are available. And again, society was literally fractured into many sub-groups. The technological development was slowed down and then hyper focused towards particular scenarios. During the world wars, the normal citizens did not start having an increased quality of life even though military tech was improved and advanced quite a bit. And even those improvements were possible because the countries at least had some internal stability and they were forming groups. We are shown that when quirks emerged, society was fractured at every level: global, national and state level. David Shield was a genius who won many awards. And he was the only one who made that one model of the quirk amplifier. And it was a huge, long effort if his traitorous co-worker is to be believed. The flying fortress was powered by quirk users and the quick development was possible because they had the right people. But not everyone in society is focused on scientific development and even if they were, not every technology sees widespread use, especially in fiction. There are inconsistencies because of the rule of cool. Do you start complaining about Marvel and DC people still using normal cars and not commercialising space travel as well? Because they suffer from these same problems as well.


**The flying fortress was powered by quirk users and the quick development was possible because they had the right people. But not everyone in society is focused on scientific development**  This ALONE proves my damn point with Hori's shitty world building. Had people been allowed to develop their quirks further they could have had CHEAP AF space travel! Imagine letting Ururaka have as many kids as possible with Monoma so that they can copy her gravity quirk just enough to make a space bound rocket weightless for majority of the trip out of the stratosphere! Hell if they had enough anti gravity quirk users rockets wouldn't even be needed to break the earth's atmosphere because 90% of the rocket is just used to get the payload to space. meaning they could theoretically have built big space ships and have anti grav users propel it out of the earth's gravity with quirk amplification and training and having as many of them possible. Cementoss can literally build buildings up fast. Hell in the canon ending of the manga Izuku is narrating how it took months to rebuild Japan instead of decades! meaning all along quirks wouldn't have hindered technology! Hori was just full of it because if people had super powers the government would use it in the labor market fully! I mean geniuses like Nezu and tea drinker girl with Night Eye would literally be part of elite think tanks or consultants on sensitive matters. People like Cementoss, Mt Lady would be immensely helpful in construction! Kamui could end deforestation if he wanted to with his freaking quirk by leaving his branches in the ground and letting them sprout. Bakugo could have been a demolitions expert. Astronaut 13 could provide unlimited propulsion by literally sucking space ahead of them to propel the craft or use her black hole in her body as a way to turn a turbine on earth by sucking it in forcing the turbine to spin long as she maintains pressure. Denki could generate power all along for buildings and neighborhoods by charging up their batteries with his quirk. All these quirks can be augmented by technology used in support gear! Support gear itself is proof that the society would have access to advanced tech since it has to be tailored to the individual and Detnerat had cornered that market by catering to its members of the MLA with its gear and making them hero level gear.


Now you're just bitching for the sake of it. You want to hate Hori and his work, feel free to do so. Your inability to understand the premise of the story and the social mindset that has been often cited and criticised by characters in-story is your burden. He isn't doing anything outrageous because there are a lot of stories with such settings.


Hori destroyed his own premise on quirks hurting the development of technology in the final war arc with Ironmight, A Floating UA, an overly complicated evacuation system. All Tech based solutions FYI meaning they had this tech all along and didn't use it earlier. This kind of tech doesn't come out of thin air! It was already there but the heroes made it unnecessary. The fact that UA floats in the final war contradicts all his stances on technology throughout the story especially since it was used as a flying coffin for the big bad. Ironmight is also Yagi being a hypocrite since he said Support Gear is unreliable at S1 and ate his own words by commissioning the most over engineered armor in MHA. This Hori flip flopping on his own World Building sorry. Writers are not allowed that luxury.


All Might had to expend nearly his entire wealth for the Iron Might suit. Nezu also had vast amounts of wealth which made the flying fortress possible. And even then, the people working on keeping it afloat and in one piece were in a race against time and we're close to the point of exhaustion after some time. If you think any of it has immediate long term feasibility then perhaps you should re-read/watch the story because none of it was easy or a long term thing. Up keep and maintenance aren't cheap even for them.


So how were those massive building sized tunnels dug out, with rails installed, power systems to power the movement of building sized blocks at rapid speed! That isn't a one day order sis. Same for UA to freaking FLOAT in the air. The plan could have worked just as well if they had UA on the ground with a shield! Hori just went over the top forgetting oopsie I said quirks hurt tech earlier in vol 1! Ironmight itself is a slap in the face of Yagi Toshinori who could have let Izukuy have Melissa's magic glove and the Zeta suit MUCH earlier but nooooooo...he toxically told Izuku Support Equipment's gay mkay,..break bones and be a sigma male k! Yea sorry you don't seem to understand how this much flip flopping on the elements of your world building is spitting into the face of all canon that was painstakingly established. The whole point of the final war arc was supposed to show case how the heroes win with sweat and blood and instead got fancy toys and tech at their disposal to end the fight which goes against the "tech was stunted by quirks crap". If tech did indeed regress then where did Anti Grav thrusters and a full on EM shield generator come from? That wasn't made from quirks sunshine and the schematics would have to be already in existence to build the damn thing. It doesn't matter how much money Nezu and Yagi had it.. Elon Musk can pay trillion dollars and even then he will never ever have an MCU level Iron man suit! Jeff Bezos can pour trillions into his space business he will never ever invent a fully functioning warp drive. Guess why? The tech doesn't exist! So your argument it was money and labor is BS. The tech did exist and they money and labor allowed it to be deployed in the field! If Anti Grav Repulsors and EM shield Generators didn't exist it doesn't matter how rich Nezu is they wouldn't be built in the first place! Same for the Ironmight suit that crammed 20 quirks and acts like MCU nanotech armor. That tech existed already Yagi just bought it. This proves that tech was already at a certain level but Hori never bothered with it and played it down throughout the story that we are stuck in 2005 with flip phones nonsense while being 160 years in the future. That is not how tech progression works.


>Ironmight is also Yagi being a hypocrite since he said Support Gear is unreliable at S1 and ate his own words by commissioning the most over engineered armor in MHA. I believe the correct word of yagi at s1 or if not mistake at s2 sport fes he seen lots of hero rather overly rely on support gear


Technology was held back because of quirks.


That is why I like the "quirk collapse" it just explains how they have autonomous robots and flip phones at the same time 


I mean no offence but logically quirks would mean faster technical progress for several reasons... 1) just researching materials for quirks to safely use them would alone Advance technology like crazy especially nano scale constructs. 2) alot of quirks are helpful for conducting research. David shield can bend his fingers in any way he wants which allowed him to tinker with small gadgets better or type faster without carpal tunnel. Mei has zoom so she can see intricate circuits without need of a magnifier allowing her to work on complex designs and find faults really easily. Froppy and Selkie could aid in marine research and construction to lay down cables and pipes faster and replace dangerous jobs like undersea welders. 13's quirk could be harnessed to produce power just like doctor Manhattan in watchmen. Overhaul could be used for genetic research because it gives you a full picture of the specimen you are disassembling and reassembling. Decay can be used to test material strength and durability much faster leading to much stronger materials. Nezu and tea drinking girl would be much appreciated in a lab keeping track of notes and finding patterns that lead to success. 3) the existence of I island which is 90% automated proves that technology did not stagnate and if they share their tech the world would jump 160 years into the future in an instant. I keep hearing nonsense that Yagi got ironmight and nezu got a floating UA because they were loaded! I say that's the dumbest argument on the planet! Elon Musk is one of the richest men of the world he doesn't have a self driving car, fully autonomous robots, proper AI, Mars capable mission rockets (he'll need 100s to colonize). Same for bezos who left Amazon to focus on blue origin! All their hundreds of billions and neither are anywhere close to a fully functioning iron man or iron might suit or having a floating HQ! Take a guess why? Money doesn't magically buy you tech that doesn't exist yet! Iron might tech already existed but Yagi gave money to put it together. UA floats on a similar way as I Island moves! In short they already have this space age technology! It's hori's poor writing that means they didn't become an interplanetary civ yet. Not because of quirks! Quirk collapse is a sophistry at worst and lazy writing at best. It makes zero sense! Quirks would mean more progress not less as it would force diverse tech to evolve! Like how does a mutant use a phone if they don't have human sized hands and instead have paws with paw pads or rock like hands? Think.... There's a mouse for the blind and accessibility based computer accessories today so why wouldn't there be a similar thing for mutants and other quirk users.


What I also love is that sometimes in fanon they have hero students confront their social issues through real therapists. I also love how side characters more deeply explore their quirks and their applications so that they can improve, and how each fanon helps by focusing and flushing out more of those background characters she never get to see more of and make a connection with like Sero. Plus I love how fanon writers give more character to them students instead of just making them into seemingly perfect boys and girls and make them actually act more like high schoolers.


I like fanon Dabi more than canon tbh doesn’t even need to love or even tolerate his siblings he’s just so feral and sassy for no reason in a lot of fics lmao. Canon Dabi is either sad af or obsessed over daddy and has literally nothing else going on tbh


(i just saw a post hating on this so it's on my mind 😂) loveee the "quirkless people and people with "villainous" quirks are heavily discriminated against" thing