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There are several literal gems hidden in Wattpad fanfiction. And unless you search for them, you won't find anything. It all depends on you. Though, I agree that most of the books there aren't that great. But I've read over hundreds of MHA Fanfics and I can say with certainty that some of them were so good that they changed my mindset and the way I thought about the world.


I've never read an MHA Wattpad Fanfic outside of a React Fic, which I haven't done in over a year. And I can say with complete certainty that the vast majority of fanfics are so bad that one would find more fun trying to make a React Fanfic of Gojo VS Sukuna (Which I only saw this once on a JJK fic, and which I consider a great shame for the Gold what is that fight for the reactions).


I have found one story I thought was interesting and even that was discontinued. Hidden gems exist but they can be very hard to find. Most stories in any fandom there are awful and I only search when I am desperate for something. I only ever post on Wattpad myself because I want my story on multiple platforms to give readers options for their preference.


depends on who writes them and how well they're written, there are some pretty good fics like the villain deku aus of 'Mightless', 'Mightless Reborn' (a rewrite of Mightless), 'Verdant Emperor', or 'Apotheosis'. But there are bad stories too.


I mean I post on fanfic wattpad and ao3? That mean mine are bad? Haha


Nah only the ones on wattpad. Once their on Ao3 your chillin 


I read one once that literally ruined a ship I had once that cute and now I can’t look at it the same way ever again.


Ohh what ship was it


Kacchako. All I wanted was a wholesome Izumomo fic and literally the first scene was a scene of Ochako cheating on Deku! Also, after they were caught, Deku proceeded to call her a bitch and not ten minutes later start flirting with Yaoyorozu. This is my experience with Wattpad


I read a fanfic where izuku literally got cucked by every single class1A girl member that were in his harem And what he did. He got like real crazy misognistic and negan to insult them publically,at end of fanfic Ruined their reputation as the girls literally became prostitutes , went beyond and would beat their ass (i wish i was joking) and not only girls ,but guys also who would only just do as much as telling Izuku to calm down All might and Aizawa sensei noy interfering because According to them , Izuku have every right and the fact that due to his Uncontrolable rage his OFA can kill them and thus problem chikd needs to take out his frustration And then began to go to mirko and midnight for therapy where as tome went on ,they began to go to them for more than just therapy Also Wattpad MHA fanfic wrters have like rrally edgy and terrible humor sense


That’s insane! So glad I stick to ao3 and ff.net


I will always use ffn or ao3. Wattpad is horrid. Yes there are good fics, but they're so rare and hard to find that it isn't worth it. Most fics are cross posted on ao3 anyways and ao3 is just better. No ads. Good filter system. Actual effort required to make an account. Don't get me wrong ao3 has some horrors as well. Just not as many if you filter em out


That you are rummaging through trash bin and found only one gold coin, is the concept understandable??? You find good things that are actually bad and bad things that are actually 👍


Wattpad has a few good fics but they're extremrly rare


In terms of writing in average ao3 writing is better due to wattpad mha fanfic tend to very rarely have something original In terms of ship both equally can be cursed or hidden gem of freaky fic One of different , wattpad fanfic is home nest of izuku yagi fanfic which ao3 version not have said fic but...izuku yagi fic has been known for bad reputation because imo the biggest slander fic compare other bad inko and bad allmight fic