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I liked verdant revolution. The fights felt always really intense, and I like the premis of the fic. Ronin is an other one that comes to mind, the fights in that one can be a bit to long sometimes, but I had a real good time with it. Has a few rally cool concepts and ideas.


The sports festival fight between Mei and another support course student with a summoning quirk in Mechanize. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46765579/chapters/124211752 All the sports festival fights in this are good


"The Dark Below" with their All Might vs AFO fight especially and the "My Hero Academia: Ultra Achievement" series in general. Though, for a moment, I'll also plug [Deku! Suneater! Let's Go, Heroes!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52786156) since it's mine :) It's a crossover, but, in that I highlighted 36 different hero students across 1-A, 1-B, and even Shiketsu and gave them moments to shine as they all fought off evil-versions of Pro Heroes in an altered reality. It's the biggest fight scene I've ever written in terms of scale and I don't know if I'll ever be able to recreate it.


Aside the dark below which obvious peak kamino that is better than canon in term of scale power Locked in digital hosu arc. One of few case good pov changing arc. You have the medic pov constantly coordinating victim to be rescue, search and rescue team whicj jiro is the mvp guiding the medic and some pro hero to location needed, iida short pov handle stain but failed, izuku epic fight against stain that said battle as if a repeat of that allmigjt rescue video that 5 year old izuku watch because izuku existence during that fight i am here like allmight A lost word by aiden_21. stain found family aka zuku quirkless, toga, dabi, spinner, shoto vs mla ( lov are their enemy btw ). The twist where toga tricking re destro and stab him because disguise as curious so chef kiss Mha went wrong as i expected entire sport fes 3rd round aka pvp battle. Creative application of hikigaya 100th slot copy quirk, ironic conclusion bakugo vs ofa deku sport fes in final round due to win because technical rule which quite hurt bakugo pride