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knp orang kita bnyk akai cetek mcm ni?


Pegi sekolah tapi tido keja skolah tak penah buat kuat melawan cikgu join 3 line


This guy 25-35 years old hahahaha


Kecik2 x nak mampus, dh besar menyusahkan orang


I'm may look 30 but still 30


Trust me, it's not just orang kita, it's the same in Indonesia too. As one example, the people in this [video](https://youtu.be/UnA2r-y3WVU) tore down tents provided by a church organization that helped them during the earthquake.


Tiktok users are known to have single digit IQ and mentally challenged. At least here we are not pretending


Not the tik tok but the person too like why? Why?! That is the reason why some malaysian wish they live in a different country.


At this point, I really don't think it's Cina balik Cina or India balik India. It's more like Melayu balik kampung at this point that's more appropriate. And don't come back out from the kampung.


tahla, i thought Americans are stupid, Malaysians are just the same.


Tiktok made it easier to show stupidity


So it's both entertaining and enlightening! /s Easier now to separate the wheat from the chaff.


Bukan makin banyak, tapi diorang dah ada tempat nak tunjuk akai cetek


I'll stand my ground, all these people are clout chasers. Virtue signals about this and that but ask them to recite Qunut then they give a bunch of excuses not able to




No wonder selalu gagal test jpj




Those goddamed Swiss


Lemah iman. Tengok lambang salib terus menggeletar.


tiba tiba rasa nak sambut krismas yedok?


Tetiba nak masuk gereja


Honestly in my opinion it is already dumbest things that we Malays do I mean we are the type of people to give a whole island to an outside force and then expect that set colonial force to give the island back


I think that if there's any invasion from the outside world happen to be in Malaysia... Blame the locals for their stupidity




Tengok salib terus terjadi Kristian haha


Apparently a number of my evangelical Christian acquaintances believe in this too — by attending weekly service and invoking the name of Jesus is good enough to excuse the unchristian behaviour when interacting with others ...


Chill, people are riding their religions since forever. Even Muslims are using their religion to enable their wrongdoing and gain profits.


Interesting 🤔




Kau jaga adab sikit. Jangan pandai-pandai nak tuduh iman orang. Mana tahu dia Dracula ke, sebab tu dia sakit tengok salib.


Cuba tunjuk bentuk kris dekat dia. Lebih kurang macam salib jugak.


Bila dia tiba Kuching, dia terus berenang balik ke ‘Malaysia’ dia


Remember this ? https://preview.redd.it/72tf2rtpg9sc1.jpeg?width=1428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d1782dbe687ad575089e780a6d8a3521f56e63


Yea that's Grace residence if I'm not wrong. Story went like building got cross because developer is Christian and name called Grace Residence because developer is Christian. It was a laughing stock really amongst people in the construction industry (mom works in that industry).


Suratan atau kebetulan? Lol


https://preview.redd.it/0fd506gvf9sc1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eadea57d4d6a9b6b253899cdfdc600dd74506c3 credit : hexism


Legend at it again. 10/10


t is like a taboo for them lol


I miss hexism. Not sure what happened to him but hopefully all is well. Used to be my fav Twitter profile.


iman lemah sampai nak type salib pun tak boleh lmao


Literally.. they treat it like they'll get stoned if they typed out the whole word lmao


Had a chat with a friend and was invited to a Christian wedding at church. Then dinner. She was worried if can or cannot. She asked her imam/guru/whatever you call them. He gave her a loooooooooooooong story and finally say, "haram". She asked another friend, they said its OK. As long as you don't participate in any prayers or touch their religious stuff. She then told me and my friend who's getting married. "Cannot go. It's a place of... Uh... That will reduce my pahala and I am going to hell". We actually felt sad for her. She's super nice and she's groomed so badly and so wrong. I can bet that's what the long ass story is. To threaten her. Made me wonder, why always we are kind of asked to go to their place, then when we go, terus ask us to convert. Moga moga peluk lah Islam. But they scorn and if possible, sees other holy places as the syaitan. Sorry for the long ass one but I am actually borderline pissed and sad


That’s the Malaysian branch of Islam for ya. I’ve had friends from Islam HQ in KSA, and they told me that its ‘whack’ over here. I’m not sure what exactly they meant when they said that, but I think the word they were looking for was ‘extra’. Or tertaksub maybe, I’m not sure what’s the correct BM word to use here.


"Moga dapat hidayah blah blah" pissed me off like really and I had to constraint myself from saying things like 'if heaven is full of people like you then hell is my heaven' haha I fking hate it.


Always double standards ma


Typical ustaz moment ngl. Xenophobic around other religions that are not theirs.


This guy has too much spare time.


last time I checked, the cross was spelled "salib". heran aku ngn org² kita skrg


Spelling it would absolutely destroy his Iman


Because people like him believe their posts and comments on Facebook and TikTok won't be visible if they wrote salib, palestine, kafir and other "controversial" words you could think of. Basically they believe Facebook and TT censored those words because they're anti islam. This isn't new and has been a thing since FB became huge.


Bro can get confused by hot dog and root beer.


religion(christian) makes me a much more mentally tough person, guess it varies between individuals some became so fragile that lights and letter t can trigger their small pp mind I have more respect to momma's boy than them


In the past, we were different. Yes, we never landed on the moon, nor did we achieve significant international feats like defeating the Nazis. Economically, we may not be as strong as Singapore, a small island that was once "expelled". We haven’t often won significant sports events, and our national car isn’t an AE86 or a Ferrari. We may not be special or significant, but we weren’t as fearful or self-victimizing as we are now. We used to have internationally recognized stars. We lived humbler, more tolerant lives. We had industries that brought in wealth from abroad. We even invented, or co-invented, something that everyone loves to use every day. However, decades of corruption and greed from our previous administration eroded our caring nature, our tolerance, and our rational thinking. Now, we find fulfillment in playing the victim. We seek solidarity and cohesion in belittlement and boycotts. The long decades of consuming sweet candy can be addictive, and many of us are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. It’s a relatively short-term pain that we must endure. The recent liberation from the decades-long grip that force-fed us this sweet candy will make the journey to becoming a normal, rational, civil, righteous, and just nation a bumpy one. But I believe we will employ logical thinking to combat this, even if it takes decades to fully recover. In the future, when we look back at videos where people are “frightened” and offended by a cross or any other things that give us an excuse to play the victim, we will find it childish and laugh it off.


You are pretty optimistic... I see the opposite of the future. It will be more divisive and increase in hostilities due to the lack of competitiveness compared to other SEA countries. Everyone else will progress by, while politicians intensify tribalistic politics. It's easy to get votes by blaming someone else. Poor economic conditions tends to bring out extreme politics.


We can see it as a withdrawal symptom. Something that we, together, must endure. A lot of countries that are better than us didn't get it right the first time. It takes generations for them to get to where they are now. Singapore, Taiwan, Finland...


Finland isn't doing so sharp these days. Finland is homogeneous but now has an immigration problem that is importing organized crime. Both Taiwan and Singapore took the political will to overcome racism. Singapore practically forced every race to live together and to receive same education. They also place secularism above individual identity. People of Taiwan were oppressed when the KMT took over. They took effort to include indigenous rights and they identify as a Taiwanese and not Chinese. Their identity was already multicultural since their because everyone was equally oppressed by occupiers. Once the Lee Teng Hui became president, they created the concept of New Taiwanese. The people of Taiwan created their own national identity if you will prior to the formation of Republic of China and we're originally inclusive. Malaysia lacks the political will for change. The division is built into the constitution and could you honestly see the separation of state and religion in Malaysia? Multiculturalism works but only in countries that puts in the political effort to achieve that. Even Indonesia is more progressive and didn't resort to religion based politics in the last election. Division is political capital here so why would anyone want to change that? There is a reason there are increase in votes for the most conservative party. It is the will of the people and they will likely take over especially when race and religion is intertwined. It's a demographics game and UMNO lost the representation of the majority. Seems like all parties are not credible except the one that always kept a hardline on exclusivity.. that's the future that I see. We will laugh all the way to the bank.. because we got out then cry because the exchange rate sucks. 🤷‍♂️ A majority of those who could will leave.


aku rase dia ada keturunan vampire




It's thanks to people like that that us nons can get cheap/free bags with dog/pig images on them from Shopee live sellers. But then they have no problems buying Snoopy bags.


Irony in a nutshell.


It's thanks to people like that that us nons can get cheap/free bags with dog/pig images on them from Shopee live sellers. But then they have no problems buying Snoopy bags.


Thiss my SIL used to sell bundle plushies, so when the stock came, the doggies/pigs would be packaged together with others. She had to wash them separately bc surprisingly her customers would care about that SO very much. I asked her why not just wash them together, it would not make a difference and they wont know? She said she marketed them as "basuh asing" so if she lied, her rezeki/biz wont berkat. Mind you she's more on the religious side, pakai niqab/purdah etc, just an overall pleasant person to be with too. Just proves that being religious dont have to make people go cetek like that😭


These people are so sad. They were taught things like that. Then again, we’ve all been taught weird things in our childhood, like how Pikachu somehow translates to Yahudi. You’re supposed to grow up and realise “oh those were all lies people make up when they’re bored”, but some people just don’t wake up 😐


Jenis pengguna tiktok penyalahguna untuk belajar tentang islam memang bahaya baik dengar ceramah ust azhar idrus boleh dipercayai. How can she believe that haram if we touch dog photos where the source that comes from?


But hey smoking, drinking, bribery, pedophile all seem ok… god forbid them seeing the letter T anywhere else 🤣


Throwing petrol also ok kot


Petrol bomb while other Muslim is fasting Remember Islam is a religion of love and peace![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


These Molotov throwers would definitely love to make others rest in peace.


Haha! dumb af! 😂


Betul la kata Nabi, akhir zaman ni banyak yang lemah imannya.


I think he is a vampire. The types who drink blood on his gf period. 🤢


That's disgusting


Muslims in Sarawak everyday looking at Crosses, Churches and many even goes to Saint Secondary school type and yet they still normal average Muslim. Semenanjung Malay must realize they need to learn to live with others to improve their own imam. They must not forget that Prophet Muhammad let Christian and Jews live together with Muslim under his rules and allowed them to practice their religion freely. They must not forget it was Christian monk that the first one to notice his prophehood and help protect him.


Bro ive seen a ton of crosses and been inside churches (as tourist) but I never left Islam Alhamdulillah.


This. I've entered a convent school and am forced to do their morning prayers (for all non-muslims regardless of religion) for all my primary and secondary school years, but I've never considered joining them. We are sentients and supposed to be able to adapt ourselves to the environment while still able to choose what's best for us.


Kesian. Lemahnyeeeeerrrrrr.


Come to Sabah Borneo I’m sure you can see plenty of Jesus crosses on rural area roadside 😉


Probably will have a heart attack something. Keep them in peninsula lah. Otherwise another drama ahahah


Gugat member


It's a sign he must convert


Nahhh those are third impact reference https://preview.redd.it/99k36nzew9sc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961eb2c258516e8e46306f279dc1b6bd4ee7981d


Senang cerita, yang ni namanya,"suratan dan kebodohan diri sendiri."


Mix with other races if can. Malaysia is such a beautiful, multiracial and multi religious country. Why can’t we just respect one another. Bukan dalam al-Quran ada ajar ke. To You Your Religion and To Me Mine (Qur'an 109:1-6)


Ask MOE to include Al Quran study a must to all Muslim.


Mentaliti camni la sampai bila bila kita setakat level bodo camni je


How weak must you be in your faith to be shaken by some random lamps that so happened to look like a cross? Bro must be shaking everytime he comes across the letter 't' as it resembles a cross then.


Is it just me or it looks more like a keris rather than a cross...


Salib dh lama merancang, keris je yg lalai


melayu oh melayu




Expected no less from the same type of people who can easily get confused by root beer and hot dogs.


Ciri Ciri puak puak lemah iman


Then he wonders why there’s Islamophobia.


selemah lemah iman, tapi cuti kristian sibuk nak sambut. nampak salib lemah kepala lutut.


Ceh, lemah iman. Saya tiap tiap hari nampak masjid dengar azan pun tkde masalah. Ko nampak lampu dah takut.


Same been listening to Muslim prayer everyday since I was born,still a devout Buddhist ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) ![gif](giphy|aaPUKNp0pj52GovPyW|downsized)








Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha.melayus


Holy shit the letter "t"


\*sees a cross-shaped item".. Oh no! My faith is slowly fading away! How could I retain my precious faith![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


If youre even on tik tok, that explains your IQ.


wait til he sees the lower case t


Oh come on seriously??? Iman lemah sangat ni bro


Better he is not under a plane when it flys over. Since a plane from bottom looks like a cross too.


Just one word to describe you. IDIOT


When i was 10 i sewed a swedish patch on my pencil case because i was into pewdiepie and i like collecting flags. I was mocked for bringing a cross to school from my classmates and even got warnings from teachers. I did not understand and never will the allergic reaction most malays have with crosses.


Aah. I remember the days when atuk nenek said "Bila ternampak salib, cepat2 toleh kepala sbb setiap kali nampak salib akan ada titik2 hitam dlm hati. Lagi lama tgk lagi byk."


Bro got offended with a lightpost that looks like a cross, even though it's OBVIOUSLY NOT ONE. Also, why u gotta censor that word 'salib'? It's not a controversial or bad word pun bruh. Also, kalo cross ye pun, apa salahnya? Does it offend the Muslims here? As a muslim myself, even if it's a cross, i don't find it offensive at all as long as they don't disrespect islam. The Christians overseas (not the hardcore ones obv) are chill with Muslims setting up their masjids and all, even though the majority of the country are Christians or atheists.


Ayo, thanks that I lived here in Sabah. There almost nonexistent tension that existed in Malaysia peninsular. Fuck, I thanks very much to my grandfather to come here. Many races and religion coexist without any problems Giant cross in the church sees by many without any provocation to other religion. The more I hear something bad about Malaysia, I always see the "Semenanjung people" first because I know majority of the problem is there


Aduhai. Lemah sangat Iman. Nampak bentuk cross terus takut kena convert pergi Kristian ke? Habis tu, bentuk keris bukan nampak mcm cross juga tak? Mentality sebegini merosakan image Islam je.


Sumpah aku betul2 fedup dengan orang otak kampungan camni. Tengok salib takut, nak ucap krismas takut, pakai kopiah angkat ke belakang terus cop yahudi. Sumpah aku malu ngaku orang camni seagama dengan aku.


i wish his name starts with T so i can buy him actual cross and say it's for his name and see him freak out. /s.


Suratan atau kebetulan? Dua-dua salah. Ketaksuban dan kebodohan. Nyata dan benar. P/s: Aku pergilah tengok akaun si bodoh ni. Rupanya aku dah block pun sebelum ni. Brainrot.


So many vampires in Malaysia. https://preview.redd.it/emadvt7j5asc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67bad3d5aff9be9e9e1167f38e80725206e85d3b


Lelaki Melayu bodoh terakhir 😂


Terakhir? Banyak lagi bro....


Terakhir sebab dia dah hilang iman dan jadi kristian 😂


Rainbow 🌈 exists Rednecks and fundamentalists: “LGBTQ GTFO!” 😡


boikot tiang lampu


Ewwww tik tok cancerrrrr


salib pun tak berani eja kau baik mampus jer la nakharom


LOL so many similarities to Indonesia, from rempit to daging babi issues. Maaf guys, sedari sekarang saya akan reply "SAME!" kalau ada hal serupa


Adui, insulted again? Boycott who then?


Why are they reacting like it's a cult? It's just a different religion.




S4l*b wehhh




Just block and uninstall anything from TikTok while your remaining brain cells can still muster the effort


Salib apparently a censored word now too?


Can they do "+" in math? Or use of calculator?


Hey, it's a ti.


Ni matematik mesti tak boleh buat addition


Want to jihad already ? 🧨🧨🧨


Shit I saw this when otw home last night and got me thinking "How long will it takes for some fragile humans to cry about it and making it everyones probelm when all they need to do is mind their own faith" Ahahahaha


Reminds me of a Malay ex colleague of mine who was super into all things korean — kpop, kdrama, kfood, etc. Her lifelong dream was to save up enough to make a trip to Seoul. She finally went and when she came back we asked her how it was, expecting glowing reviews. Instead she looked rather appalled and told us that there were way to many crosses and churches everywhere and she encountered street preachers as well. It made her “scared” so she didn’t end up enjoying her trip as much. Wonder what she expected when there’s quite a big percentage of Christians in Korea? Many celebrities are Christians as well.




"majoritinya" lmfao. That sense of entitlement


Type of guy that will do conspiracy videos and say science is sihir. Also the same type that will be shaking when non eat around him during Ramadhan fasting


Wtf is a "S4l*b"?




Why would they wanna to censor salib? Lol this is some low IQ shit..


They low IQ that's why they post this shit


Cannot type. Haram.


tbh i sometimes really curious because every week i take that highway and its just the same stairway lamp rumah tu tak laku ke? god-tier lightproofing? orang duduk bangunan tu memang tidur awal? ke sengaja nak troll? nak buat free advertisement ke?


Nak shaking wt pa....


Lol mesti umpan atau buat lawak ni. Haraplah, sbb klo dia serious...haiyaaa


See Allah Socks tak bulih. See cross tak bulih. Apa lagi Melayo mau?


become holier than even the Arabs


Always the stupid one in tiktok


disyaki pokjo21 adalah seorang vampire keturunan Eropah dari Transylvania yang sesat di Malaysia.


it should be "Suraan aau Kebeulan" because t also look like cross


Lmao, for fuck sake. I laughed my ass off when the post literally censored Salib 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


If this is a joke, then it's a good joke, but if it's not, this is pathetic.


Pretty nice of them to make an Ultraman reference


Terpaling bodoh nak mampus kut dia ni, wait, maybe it is sign he convert to christianity lol


"It all returns to nothing"


Wait till they find out what's Texas Chicken real name is


I remember when there was an outcry because one particular housing developer added what appeared to be crosses as embellishments to the exterior of the house. Man, that was really funny to me.


Feel sad for this kind of people. Already blessed to live in multiracial, multireligion country dont want to learn about others. Sigh. So many times in Quran said to think and to be grateful, but those also dont want to heed. Sigh.



saw plus symbol in math, MATH IS HARAM!!!!!


Bet he's the type of guy to call any Arabic food "makanan sunnah"


Hahaha guys are so fucked even this can scared their shit out, yea bitch is a sign from the god, is JUDGEMENT DAYYYYY!!


Otak mana otak?


God Blast You!


I actually think these people just do all this for attention and are constantly on the lookout for something viral just to post on TikTok… They know there are actual church with a cross with it if they wanna viral.


https://preview.redd.it/n7brcjte6csc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71edb706971e8e3f02854c7328a11ffb8b352817 MY IMAN!! NOOOOO!!!


I don't know what he's high on but I want some of what he's having.


Tergugat iman


TikTok is cancer


"sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit"


Cam bodoh iman lemah nk mampos ptot r melayu akal cetek senang kne game


Lampu salib arghhhhh


Ini kongkek saja tahu


Cruel angel thesis plays


Wow negara majority islam but yet the power of the cross persists! Hallelujah! It is a scientific miracle sign from yahweh. Checkmate Muslims! 


Pemandu ni kena sembahyang kuat lagi,takat nampak lamp post cam cross dah ketegar dah,x leh lah cam ni,x kuat ni.


dorang also takut ngan symbol plus , apparently dorang ckp setan dh control symbol plus kite je lalai


Face palm. Shit stirrer or legit smooth brain monyet.


kalau nak anak kita ikut agama kita.. ajarlah dia agama.. faith cant be inherited only to be taught. bukan attack church.. semua benda nak dikatakan salib..


Bani takut salib


Lmao, I guess that's why people love to play boikot game




The BGM lmaoooo 😂 These kinds of people are so dramatic lol


"Suratan atau kebetulan" ada tiga cross. Oh "tiga" ada cross juga. Dah yakin suratan lah. Harus delete semua perkataan yang mengandungi cross dari kamus. "Tuhan" ada cross juga!!! Oh my!!!


Ima T pose infront of this guy to show dominance


Damn, what's it feel like to be so weak in your faith. Ni letak arak ngan babi depan dia confirm dia Kasi licin


The most faithful Muslim :


Iman nipis bawang


"dramatic music" press


Pales**t**ine Israel


lol weak ass boi.


Nak kata bodoh, tak bodoh. Tapi bengap.


Ni lampu dari apartment along the highway dari jalan duta ke NKVE..


Ni mesti banyak tengok DVD ni.......


Looks like a sword and scabbard. Pays to be moderate and sane I suppose.


“Macam mana kami boleh biarkan non-muslim jadi rakyat Malaysia? HARAM!”


Stereng dia mcm cross dia tak tau ke. Toyota corolla cross tu. Support meja tapi tgk senget jadi cross gak. Ni esok2 ada anak cikgu bagi soalan 1 + 1 pon dia kata dakyah dajal ni kang.