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Even I'm getting tired of these people's speculations on them. Imagine what they must be going through with this type of questions. 😮‍💨


I think journalism as a whole is just outright rude and mannerless in India.


The problem with these questions is that you don't know what's happening in people's lives. They might be trying but not having a kid? Imagine how hurtful these questions might be to these couples who just can't get pregnant. And on top of that asking while laughing and everyone was clapping. Pathetic, our culture really needs to learn boundaries.


Others whistling and hooting goes on to show that all the media people in the room are uncouth


The media really should hesitate!


As Indians we really need to respect personal boundaries. These invasive questions shouldn’t be asked in jest.


Its in such a bad taste. Katrina js clearly going through something considering her long stay in UK and her really baggy clothes. It could very well be IVF treatments as it takes a toll on a woman’s body. People need to be more sensitive and not ask those intrusive questions. I wish Vicky would just call them about sternly.


Seriously! It took me almost two years to conceive my second one (not the same) but people would keep asking me if I was pregnant because you know once you have one, people just assume you’ll have a second one eventually. All the aunties kept asking me and giving me unsolicited tips or tell me how someone else got pregnant. While I was happy for others, it would really impact my mental health when I’d be asked so many questions. I can’t imagine as a celebrity, you constantly get asked by LITERAL STRANGERS. Like it’s nobody’s business!


Yup ...I remember PC also gaining a lot of weight before Malti was born. Jonas fans were so insensitive about the whole surrogacy. Dragged her through mud. But only PC not their fav


It amazes me how much money the rich are willing to spend, and undergo physically and mentally taxing procedures, but would never consider adopting an orphan


as someone who advocates for adoption and plans to adopt in the future, I believe that it is not for everyone. adoption requires a significant emotional investment as it is inherently traumatic, and it should not be viewed as an alternative for ppl that can’t conceive. most individuals who consider adoption due to fertility issues tend to seek babies, there are fewer babies legally available for adoption than there are prospective parents. it’s the toddlers, older kids and children with special needs that have hard time getting adopted.


I guess it's more with the human thing of having your own, someone who will look or talk like you... Also it is not everyone's cup of tea to love another's child as your own, requires selflessness up to a level.


Oh but you can love your partner who is the child of unknown people, and you legally vow to spend your life with them? Make it make sense


For most people loving your partner and loving your child are not the same thing, there is a reason why it's really common to have failed relationships/marriages but very healthy loving relationship with the children from the same relationship/marriage. Human relationships do not really follow a certain rule, to each their own, so good for you if you consider both things the same and it's totally fine if some people don't.


Completely agree with you. I have nothing against IVF, but having seen the crazy toll it takes on women's bodies, and the many many many rounds of IVF that women put themselves through (including my friends) I do wonder if this is not a continuation of deep patriarchy, where there is something almost mandatory about women having to be able to bear a genetic child and "pass on genes". Because maternal instincts kick in with adoption as well.


IVF isn't painful for everyone. IVF doesn't fuck everyone's body. I'm a doctor. It depends on your body and people I'm unmarried as of now, and God forbid if I don't have a kid of my own, I'm willing to undergo IVF not because of patriarchy but because I love kids. I would love to have something that's an amalgamation of my partner and me. Not everything is patriarchy! And IVF is a very wide term for different procedures. You have no idea how much it has revolutionized having kids for people. Do you have any idea there are so many people who are cancer patients? And the only way they can have kids is via eggs getting frozen before radiotherapy and then IVF? When you have not been in the position of not having kids, you shouldn't be questioning the science for having kids.


Not one thing you said negated one thing I said. What you said exactly proves my point. The fact that it's seen as such a HUGE achievement when those who are infertile (for whatever reason), those who are/have suffered from cancer, or even just those who decided not to have kids till their late 40s when it's tougher, are able to bear "biological" kids, is utterly ridiculous at best, and irresponsible (ah yes, and patriarchal ;) ) at worst. If one loves kids this much, then the biggest achievement is to have a kid in your life and commit to raising that child with all your love and economic resources. "Bearing" a child versus "adopting" a child is not some great achievement, and people should stop projecting it as such.


Rich have money, they can't take it with them when they die, so they will only choose these procedures!


Are they allowed to ask such questions?


They can ask whatever, that’s the problem. Lack of concern is why they do it, anything for content. I mean the media has zero filter but I’m guessing they took advantage of the situation - cause it was a trailer launch for Bad Newzz so it revolves around the topic.


This is so rude! People should really stop asking personal questions to anyone. This particular question triggers me a lot because I planned to have both my babies after I turned 30, which was 5 years after my marriage. So many people recommended IVF, and other treatments and how having kids in 20s is so much better. Like who even does that.


In search of masala lost their manners


Oh boy! These media people give a tough competition to those stereotypical indian aunties


This is so terrible he looks a bit annoyed too. But he did good and said the right thing. This obsession is so ridiculous


As an intern, I attended a press conf of Sid-Parineeti's movie Jabariya Jodi. The brief given to me was- just get "content" jo bhi mile wo. So I had jotted down all the things they spoke about the movie, shooting, etc. Back at the office, I got bashed because I didn't report this 'IMP STORY'. The story being - At the conf, a reporter asked Sid about his rumoured relationship with Kiara and he didn't give any answer, the PR guys asked reporters to move ahead with other questions. And that was the story many publications had reported 'SID FINALLY RESPONDS TO RUMOURED RELATIONSHIP WITH KIARA' But i missed it and got an earful😂. But one of many such fun stories.


He didn’t give a response but they ran with it that it was a response? 😂😂


Yup. Many publications ran the story stating "When asked about his rumoured relationship with Kiara, Sidharth chose to ignore the question" and the title being 'Sid FINALLY Reacts...'


The state of journalism, particularly entertainment portals, is pathetic. Eons ago, I was interviewing at an entertainment website for a content creator position. I was asked to write a piece on the spot as part of the interview process. I decided to write an article on sibling pairs who collaborate frequently on Hindi movie projects and decided to name it ‘Sibling Revelry’, a play on ‘Sibling rivalry’. As I was typing my article, the ‘interviewer’ walked up to my chair, read the title and said, “You have spelled ‘rivalry’ incorrectly”. That sealed the deal against that job for me.


This is so inappropriate


He still answering question in good manner...Media is influenced by mohale aunties on social media...they confirming pregnancy through comments & not thinking about any consequence the couple is facing...kitto is force to get pregnant from outsiders & it is not cool...also,since they got married,media become very annoying & only ask personal question,ditch film related question..


This is just plain disrespectful and inappropriate. I don’t understand why journalists feel they can ask such personal questions about pregnancy, like you never know what someone is going through. Love the way he answered it though. 


Tbh, his take on this whole fiasco on Kat’s pregnancy being put under public scrutiny was much needed. Thank god he shut down the media to stop pestering over it. I hope they take the sign!


That’s so mean! No one should have to go through no matter how famous. Feel bad for him


That is very disrespectful, just because you could doesnt mean you should. That was very uncouth of them.


uggh!!! this is so


These Journalists need to learn some manners


Ugh, media is so inappropriate


How pathetic of media to ask this - it is none of their business!


If one observes the reactions of others in the room, you'll understand why such uncouth behaviour is tolerated in Indian society. This mindset runs deep, and it will take considerable time and effort to overcome this sort of thing. But good on him for taking it in his stride.


Vicky indirectly said... not pregnant so stop speculating!


Unrelated, but tell this man to keep his beard. Cause damn 😍


Is being pregnant next goal after being married? Fk no, y don’t desi ppl get it


Vicky is too nice to be answering them like this. Had it been someone else like RK or Bhoi they would've shut the paps down then and there.


I'm shocked that there are no restrictions for media because this is really unacceptable. But I also noticed that they never ask katrina this type of questions which makes me feel that may be she herself requested that.


This is horrible! Such questions should not be asked.