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Everyday. A good chunk of my 30 mile commute it works. Approx 20 miles. At 60mph on the highway that's 20 min 2X a day I don't have to do anything but watch the road.


Almost daily, makes using the freeway so much more relaxing, I hate that when my 3 years are up I will pay for the yearly subscription, I enjoy it to much to go without it.


Wow I have it and don’t use it enough because I’m not that comfortable with it. But due to these comments I’ve resolved to give it another go on my commute tomorrow.


I use it every day for my work commute. It works great on the 20 miles of interstate that I drive every day. I also used it for most of my 2500 mile round trip to Florida and back with no issues.


Every day, 36 of the 44 miles of commute covered under SuperCruise, and every highway in the city covered - the hands free option is incredible, esp comparing to other “autopilot” systems i’ve used (we’re all using glorified adaptive cruise + lane assist anyway). Have a California road trip planned in August and even more grateful I have SC for the trip. Worth the added cost to get, for me Location: Las Vegas


I use it almost every time I drive (LA area). It has its limitations but has been a true gamechanger for congested freeway driving. It's more relaxing - the mental load of having to be constantly "on" is reduced substantially. When I get to a destination I'm more chilled out, somewhere between the feelings I get after driving 100%, vs riding as a passenger. After having our EUV, it made me realize that as long as I live here I won't buy another car without ACC at minimum; SC when it works (which for me is often enough) is the best version of that.


I intentionally did NOT get it, but got all the options needed to support it. I then got Comma AI. I did that because of reports of limitations of Supercruise and that it was a dead end and maps would not be updated further. That plus great reviews of Comma and Openpilot. My wife and I use it constantly during all kind of driving. After arm-day workout, my wife complains bitterly if she isn't driving the Bolt and actually has to steer herself! 🤣 It works really well and we are really glad we got it. It is nice to have for every day during a 20 mile one way commute, as well as 110 mile one way weekend trips to LA to see our daughter and 210 mile one way weekend trips to see my parents, driving all the way through Los Angeles and out the other side. It has been great.


I'm planning to install a comma3x this weekend! Already got the device, just waiting on the harness.




It mounts on the inside of your windshield and plugs into an existing plug inside the rearview mirror cluster(I assume this is the same plug that supercruise would plug into), and also has a connection run down to your OBDII. It adds a forward facing camera as well as a rear facing camera to track your eyes and make sure you stay alert. The software is open source and you can choose from the most stable release branch. It will drive straight off of road cues and doesn't need a map, but you can also download a map and that will add speed limits and speed warnings. In theory the software will get to the point that it will be completely self driving. As it is, it is really useful. There website has some videos that may make it more clear. [https://www.comma.ai/](https://www.comma.ai/)


In the bolt EUV prem you don't need the obd port plugged in fyi, so very simple install.


I have a premier and didn't read anywhere NOT to hook it up, so I did. I certainly can't tell you whether or not it actually does anything.


Yeah I just saw on Reddit it wasn't needed.


It basically takes over your car's automatic lane centering and adaptive cruise control and puts them on steroids


It's worth noting here that Comma won't work with Bolts that have SuperCruise. It must be ACC only.


We have a Comma 3x in our '23 non-premier EUV (needed a 'comma pedal interceptor' to get best results). You then need to use an Open Pilot branch that supports it such as FrogPilot. It works very well, especially on the highway.


I have a comma ai on my Bolt. 22k of the 26k I've driven have been on "self" driving.


I recommend you check the coverage for roads in your area. Because I am in a greater metropolitan area of Southern California, I use it everyday.




It is certainly worth it for me even after the first three years where I would have to pay $25/month to keep using it, I would. The adaptive cruise of the Bolt is average compared to other makes but super cruise just over all improves the adaptive cruise. For example, in stop and go traffic, the Bolt (like some other makes) will follow traffic but if traffic is stopped for more than 3 seconds, the vehicle will chime at you to either hit resume or the accelerator pedal to resume adaptive cruise control. Super cruise doesn't do that, the time out for stopped traffic is much longer (I think about 30 seconds?) My best use for it is in stop and go traffic.


The Supercruise braking in low speed traffic is a lot smoother than the ACC braking, it's very noticeable.


My wife tells me this. I don't really notice because I'm probably not paying attention lol


For ACC, I switch the gap distance depending on speed. Low for higher consistent freeway speeds, Medium for lower speeds with more stop and go. It helps a little bit.


Almost never because it limits regen to 10kW or so. I have a pretty hilly commute so I’d rather have the extra regen and just drive myself.


I've heard this said but it can only mean two possible things, and neither of them makes sense to me – limiting regen must mean that either it allows the car to overspeed down steep hills or it uses the friction brakes. Which of these things does it do?


Friction brakes. I get to at most 2 MPH over my set speed when using ACC.


That's wildly disappointing.


Comma 3x is much better if you want to look into that.


It’s a safe, helpful driving assist system. Works well and is a real way to fight fatigue on long drives. We use it on every freeway ride here in Michigan with our Bolt EUV.


Does your car need to have adaptive cruise control to be compatible with it?


Yes, it’s only available with the premier trim, which is the trim that comes with adaptive cruise control


I have Super Cruise on my EUV and I really like it. I use it often, and thankfully most highways near me are supported. It's awesome being driven places by the car, but be prepared to take over in tricky construction (it doesn't like sudden zig-zags in the road, it can jerk the car then kick off). On bendy highways I've had it slow down too much during turns, well below the speed limit, where I've had to take over. It likes to hug the right side of the lane during turns, which can also be annoying, so you have to be ready to take over. Like adaptive cruise, it will come to stops during traffic jams and pick back up on its own. If you have to switch lanes or take over, the light bar on the steering wheel changes color, and it's quick to re-engage SC once you're ready. It's one of my favorite features, and I'll continue using it after the trial. Had I known about comma 3, I would have considered that and a model without Super Cruise instead. Just did 60 miles with it today, worked great.


Every day. I drive about 35 miles a day on very congested interstates, and it's so, so useful! Not sure what I'm going to do when my free trial expires though, I really like it but $25/month seems really expensive


Get a Comma 3/3x. Works every where not just highway


I commute 60 miles each way and use supercruise for the majority of my commute, especially on my way home. It makes commuting for me way, way more tolerable when the car essentially drives itself after I’ve worked a 12+ hour shift. I specifically looked for a bolt that had supercruise when shopping and I’m so glad I did.


One thing to investigate is how long before you need to pay for the feature. When I bought my bolt the first few years were included but it was not free forever. It’s ok, but highway driving isn’t that hard so it might not be worth it. It works pretty well but it replaces something that isn’t very hard.


I have the comma ai on a EUV prem which works really well too.


I have it, but only because I wasn't patient enough to wait for one without it - I bought the first one I could get my hands on, and it had SC. I mostly drive around town, but when I do go into the city it's a "nice to have". I'm not gonna pay for the subscription, but the free trial period is nice. It doesn't work at times (e.g., heavy rain), there are random chunks of interstate around the Chicago 'burbs where it just stops working (and the display blinks and beeps loudly--really jarring), and sometimes it can jerk the car around when the lanes shift or widen, but it is great for long drives, great for being able to use your hands (to, say, take a drink of water), and GREAT for stop-and-go traffic. I'm certainly impressed with how close to "self-driving" it is.


It only works on big divided highways. ie, Freeways. In that setting, it's awesome. I love it. I take the wheel on big curves or if passing a truck. Just out of caution.


I use it every time I am on the expressway. It does a great job and makes the driving much more relaxing. It is great during traffic jams. That being said, the roads it can be used on is a lot less than the full version. It can't do automated lane changes like the full version can do. If I had known about all of the restrictions, I probably wouldn't have gotten the Super Cruise but instead buy a Comma 3 OpenPilot system. The two are not compatible so if you have Super Cruise, you can't install Comma 3. Comma 3 can auto pilot on more roads and costs less.


I never use because i dont have it 😭 thanks for rubbing it in! Jk but if i did have it i would use it everyday.


Had mine for over a year... What's super cruised? I only charge once a week generally so haven't bothered looking at cruise control since i usually don't bother unless it's a longer trip and charging at 200 miles means I get enough breaks.


I would use it constantly if I could. The highway where I commute is supposed to support it, but it cuts out so much that it’s not useable. I took a road trip once on interstates and it was wonderful.


I have it but rarely use it. Regular ACC does the job fine for my freeway trips in heavy traffic. I do use it for some open road driving but the difference between it and ACC is not likely enough for me to subscribe after the initial period runs out. I might feel different if the Bolt could use the expanded map and could keep growing the map in the future. I kind of wish I'd skipped SC so that I could try out Comma AI, but really have little regard for self driving it it's current state. The fact is, I've actually become so used to using OPD that I rarely use cruise of any sort. Steering is no big deal but regular braking is a pain. Now that I have a feel for OPD I prefer it alone.


Less than I thought I would. There are three highways near me where it is mapped. On one of them it disengages frequently I assume because of constant high winds blowing the vehicle on the road. I like it when it is available and works, however since that is not often, I regret spending the money.


Every day for my commute. Once you get used to it and learn to trust it it's very convenient. There is a learning curve though, as there are some sections on my commute where SC gets lost and disconnects. I just place my hands on the wheel at those areas so I'm prepared.


Every day 56 mile commute most on the freeway. I love it! Can’t imagine not having it now.


I also use it every day. There is a pretty good stretch of low traffic highway on my way in to work and it makes the trip much less stressful plus it is just cool. That said, I get a little uncomfortable with it on the I85 portion of my commute here in Atlanta. SuperCruise works great but there is so much traffic going very different speeds in 6+ lanes in one direction with people weaving in and out that I get nervous and take over a lot. It is fine when there is either very little traffic or stop and go traffic. I don't feel comfortable in heavy traffic that is moving fast. I have my first really long road trip coming up and I am excited to try supercruise on it. Much of the trip is on I-81 in VA and PA which usually has mostly light traffic, especially since I travel at night, so I think I should be able to use super cruise most of the way.


Just bought a used bolt with SC. But I have to call OnStar to get it to work? If that is the case... Bah.. I wonder if I get the left over 3 years? (22)


Literally never. My Bolt pre-exists supercruise.


DO NOT GET IT. I REPEAT, DO NOT GET IT. Buy one without SuperCruise, and instead get a Comm.ai Comma3x. It's half the cost, doesn't require any subscription ever, and is MILES above SuperCruise. It's actually the best autonomous driving software currently available, according to Consumer reports, and will actually get regular updates consistently.


Note: as another commenter stated, Comma3x is incompatible and will not work if the car has SuperCruise. I promise you, you will regret it you get it and don't get Comma instead


I have SuperCruise and try to use it, but it hardly works. Live and work in LA/OC area and for large chunks of my commute, it doesn’t work (5, 57 freeways). When it does work, it hugs the right side of the carpool lane too much. When the lane is too wide, it will jerk wildly from one side of the lane to the other.  The adaptive cruise control works well and I like that but SuperCruise is a waste and far worse than Tesla’s FSD.