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Sliks for sure. Wack hands + flares = dickriders Respect to him for getting up heaps


Glad I'm not the only one that thinks this. Seems like a writer that people that are new to graff fucking love.


Yeah, I agree. Dude is making a living off of his shitty flares as well.


never heard of the dude til now. decent throw tho


I agree. SDK are more like a PR company than a Graff crew. Big Miles dubs and pieces are pretty average IMO but his hand style is next level. His can control when tagging is on par with Sofles IMO. They should rename their crew to SLS (share like subscribe crew) LOL. Their choice of clothing and rapping is wack too!! That bit is subjective tho.


If you've seen one Big Miles piece, you've seen em all. Specially his "whole cars" that are like half letter, 1/4 m extension and 1/4 red paint.


yeah his whole cars are pretty unimpressive. although if you've ever actually done a whole car with roller paint and an extendo on a hopper, you gotta give a little credit to anyone that rocks a decent one with three or more colors.


Oh no doubt. He has at least one whole car running, and that's one more than me. Like I'm not hating, it's just the kinda repetition that I'm not down with. I'd still bench em and be hella hyped about it, though.


dudes got a lot of whole cars running. but yeah, his hands are dope but you'd never know from his whole cars haha. and I'm all for repeating the same piece over and over if it's done right. when it comes to freights that's one of the best ways to be noticed and remembered.


100% agree with that, but I'm also the kinda guy that like, variation and style range is what shows the real good writers versus the good ones yknow. It's like how Bates has a nice hand, and it kills and has for ages (I also understand he isn't a handstyler but it's just an analogy) but kanser has hands that burn just as much, but has dozens of styles. I respect them both for their solid hands but I have more interest in a bunch of stlyes that kill than 1 or 2 that kill. Yah feel?


absolutely know what you mean. and yeah that's definitely what sets real talent apart. but since I don't have that natural gift and I focus most of my efforts on painting freights, I personally stick to a handful of styles and just do them repeatedly, with different letter tweaks and extensions and shit in each one. which is enough variation for me. cuz I don't got it like dudes like kanser and saber. I couldn't wild style to save my life. but freight graffiti is a different beast. I respect dudes like gasp and avol who practically paint the same letters every time with different color ways and fill patterns. but you can still wild out a little and be recognized immediately too, i.e. maple tci, stoe cdc, much hm, etc. but freight graff should be somewhat readable IMO. not that I don't dig styles like myst ANT and asoter CBS, just not what I first think of as 'freight style' I guess. dudes got mad talent to pull that shit off on boxcars though. I would say kwest is probably the best example of perfecting the task of mixing the two (technical wildstyle/freight style).


I agree, specially with the avol gasp bit. They're up so much for how little they're talked about. But yah, freights to kinda lend themselves to being more legible but at the same time, give people the time to go all out.


word, i love legibility in letters.


awal is the whole car king


Very true. Did you see his quad b2b while cars?


dont think so




jeez thats crazy. lets hope they lined up that way and he didnt do 4 back to backs at the same spot, good way to lose a chill lay up


Wonder if he did em all in one night, too


keep6 burns miles imo, his shit is so repetitive


"Stompdown Killaz" stole the name from one of the most legendery crews in the world the "SDK" from Paris and in my opinion they shouldn't get any respect


I totally agree, sometimes they have flairs of brilliance but most of the time their stuff just reminds me of heavy metal shit


Hope you're not talking about HM outta MN


Love me some HM, I don't think he's referencing them though.


Me either, just wanna put it out there ;)


I think he is talking about heavy metal style abstract letters on album covers?


Keep is really the only writer I respect from that crew


he's the reason they ever gained traction in the first place.


MILES is crazy for those wholecars though...


Him and Naks


Well he's not bad but he has a worn off style evreyone saw it a 1000 times,he hasn't really developed it into something that's originally his


UZI get a decent fuckin handstyle


That hand is absolutely disgusting.


In a good way. In his tags and throws video he even says tags arent supposed to be pretty


Ghost ea. I watch his videos their cool but fools hype the shit outta him


You can only make so many videos of chill spot pieces before they turn into the same shit. Like ooouu I wonder what desolate abandon building he's going to piece this time!


Honestly that's partly why I watch his videos, he goes to some pretty dope spots and it's cool to watch someone do a piece in gopro but toys hype the shit outta dude and hes not that good tbh. I respect the fact that he goes out and paints and has followers like that but people talking bout dude like he's a king lmao.


That's fair, and yah I agree. Can't hate on anyone who paints, and fairly well at that. I should say that his fans over hype him hella.


Well being from Vancouver, I can tell you that stompdown is more of a brand than a crew, I think they got some good writers tho. Keep6 is really dope, and I dig snaks shit. The real crews out here are NWK, ETC, OSB, Voltron, and GMF from the island


Real talk. Voltron piece game is on point since like 2009. Love when etc rolls through too.


For sure, Lotta heavy hitters in there


SDK has some good writers, some of whose freights I've caught, so they kinda get my respect, but the fact that they have fanboys all over YouTube and IG (which I'm not even a registered user of, and I still know they have em) kinda makes them seem pretty dumb, yeah..as far as overrated individual writers is concerned, ETHER & UTAH. They get around, they're up, I know, but ETHER was way iller when he was just another member of MUL. He used to have mad style, but now it seems like he paints simple straights to match his girl's style. Ok, well, there's way better people out there, who gives a fuck about those two?


gotta agree with you on this, I never personally saw what the big deal was with UTAH and ETHER. I think it may be the novelty of them being a couple, and the fact that there are not many well known female writers out there


That's really all it is.


that boris dude is shit




klops. rose to fame through self-promo on instagram. lame and whack


While I do think he's overrated I still think he can rock some dope shit. I don't fuck with the political bull shit but he has some funny stuff. The first thing I saw of his that made me laugh was that piece were his character is humping Utahs throw.


KLOPS is a known snitch. There is a reason he doesn't have any spots in HIS OWN FUCKING CITY.


Lush fasho. It's really sad to see his attempts to try and stay relevant.


Ok, I am NOT going to say that they don't have some amazing legendary writers, but I gotta go with MSK here. It's all a matter of taste of course, but especially these days, I would say MSK for sure, and while I am at it, speaking of West Coast crews, absolutely TKO.


MSK has killers that are consistent. They are not over rated at all.


Don't get me wrong, I am not hating on MSK at all, they have some of the best writers out there for sure, but there are a few (without naming names) that I would call dubious. They are almost a graffiti brand name at this point, so they are almost above reproach, but I personally think they are a bit overrated. Just sayin'...


Drop names. One of the few good things the internet has done for graffiti is letting you bitch about writers


TKO seems like more of a gang than a crew. However, their writers are usually cut throat and very up. True bombers, no fucks given.


The line between a straight up street gang and TKO is paper thin, if it exists at all. They are up as hell, but from a style standpoint, I think they are hella overrated. My housemate makes fun of them constantly, always goes "Toomer cries on TV!" I don't care about that, find it very silly. A great crew, for sure, but hardly style innovators in my opinion.


Yeah I think they just recruit whoever is up. Check out THE_TKO_KRUE on IG. There plenty of writers in TKO who are complete shit style wise but I wouldn't completely write them off as a style-lacking crew.




take it back


Pear is super up


idk. kuma is everywhere


Pear crushes like, the whole country, doesn't do self promo (I don't really count sponsored videos as self promo), has fucking mad style, all while still pissing off the barely relevant kez5. I think Pear is far from overrated.


They are up dude. And unless pear is some ultra-master ninja crackhead, then there's gotta be a few people behind that name. I'll see a picture of his on here from detroit then see him on a truck on my way to work in the bay area.


Paint a city, sell the zine, use the zine money to travel, stay with local writers, repeat.


Ichabod. I don't get the appeal at all. Blocky letters with no style and skulls drawn like a seven year old. I get that's he's hella active but why not switch it up a little at least.


you can't do better block letters than ich though, IMO he's got the perfect balance between style and legibility


I feel like everyone should be entitled to their opinion but you are starting to change my mind.


just cause hes up on nearly every line. i never fail to see at least one ich in my yard. clean and consistent, nicely painted skulls. thats about it


He has asperger's... The repetition probably doesn't bother him at all.


exactly. probably a big part of the appeal for him.


My housemate feels the same, he doesn't like Ichabod and pronounces his name like "itch." Doesn't get him at all. I personally like Ichabod, but I kind of agree, always the blocky tick tock letters and that skull. Wouldn't necessarily call him "overrated" though, does anyone really like him for his style?


I gotta say, personally, I'm a sucker for straight letters wich comes from my background. I like his style, but I think he could do more with it. There was a piece here on this sub a while ago, VALUE I think, just straight letters but I think that was really dope.


Straight letters are the shit, and it's harder than most would think to pull em off clean.


I love straight letters, and yeah, I remember that VALUE, and yeah, it was super dope. Could Ichabod do more with his style? Probably yes, but I sort of look at his stuff as almost a brand, if you take my meaning. Also read that he's borderline autistic or something like that, so that repeating of the same style isn't surprising in that context. I love seeing Ichabod on the trains, but I don't think he's any kind of style innovator.


Yeah, he's definitely not doing something new and unheard of. Just as you, I respect him for what he does. I think he is best when he goes big, that´s when his letters really shine. Like [here](http://www.12ozprophet.com/wp-content/uploads/images/news/12oz-Ichabod-Spotlight-Jurne-2.jpg ) and [here](http://www.mullenphoto.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/IMG_4367Train-Graffiti.JPG). I´d love to see a how big he can go, like whole a warehouse or something.


those are some great whole cars. have you seen [this](http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6pidhxM6F1r5ja7fo1_1280.jpg)?


wow, thats awesome. I wonder how long he took for that


wait a sec...did I post that VALUE pic?!! I am so buried in graff pics, gotta check lol


Nah, I meant this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Bombing/comments/48hbmu/font_master_valuebonus_pets_throw_up_top_from_who/ Maybe you have a throwaway though ;)


ok, ok, that is the one I remembered, but I am pretty sure I have a VALUE freight pic, and looking now, and honestly, I would have posted it well over a year ago


I think his style is like an acquired taste. You or I could do blocky straights and it just wouldn't be as cool. Ich is a brand. He's been at it so long doing so much he's fairly commonplace on the rails. That's the appeal.


how are you supposed to pronounce his name?


same like in the Washington Irving story, Legend of Sleepy Hollow.


kinda like ick




I've been saying it "itch" for fucking years. Everything I know is a lie.


i still call him itch anyway


I probably will too tbh


In an interview with KrimeTime podcast he said he chose those letters because they were easy to rock straightletters with.


Talkin' shit on sliks and lush is braindead