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Really?Yelling how bad the current president is and how much you wish bad to happen to said president isn’t the pot calling the kettle black?Hating Biden so much just cause he’s a democrat somehow makes it okay in that boomer brain of theirs.


I know several who are voting for Trump not because they like him, but they want to watch the rest of the country lose it.


I dunno if chaotic evil is something to be proud of.


The status quo isn’t working for them either. They underestimate how bad this direction would be for everyone.


Conservatives are so idiotic their response to being unhappy with the country is to fuck us even further. "Country's fucked anyways, why put money into education? Let me keep my taxes fuck them!"


There's a lot they don't understand. Republicans know that. It makes them a mailable, easy-to-manipulate voting block.


But they are which makes no sense.Biden was in New York past week and I got stuck waiting to cross the street because of his motorcade.The amount of idiots booing him saying nasty comments made no sense.The street was blocked off and all they can do is boo him cause they couldn’t crosse the street.Some were yelling not my president and I lost it.Turned around and told a bunch of people thought you loved the US so much so why don’t you try and support the president despite who it was.I shit you not they stared at me for a moment then went back to booing him. These people don’t care they’re okay with chaotic evil cause that’s what they thrive on to justify their behavior.I didn’t vote for either party or have but I still treat the topic of presidency with respect and not a personal feelings deal.


You had me till the end there. A protest vote is a vote for the opposition. I don’t care what side you’re on, that’s unfortunately always true in the system as it currently exists. The only thing you’re doing is taking away votes from whatever you deem to be the lesser evil. And I think blanket support of the position of president is anti-American. The highest figure of the executive branch, the face of our country to the rest of the world, deserves our criticism. Be it left, right, or middle. Part of the checks and balances of the government is public opinion.


Yeah agreed.Just don’t feel it’s necessary to make a vote your whole personality. For me it’s not voting for the lesser of two evils it’s voting on the promises and plans made to help the people.Could care less who the president or party,just the actions that affect every person residing in the country.You may feel I’m taking votes away but that is your stated opinion.I still don’t see it the way you do but that’s free will.I use mine to continue focusing on what’s important which is controlling what I can and leaving the rest to be handled by a higher power. In the end everyone feels differently but letting political views determine how you treat other human beings is pretty stupid in my book.I still say if you love your country to give respect to your fellow man despite political standing.


They'd burn their house down to have embers for a cookout.


Smooth brains😑


Honest question, tho. Don't you also know a shitload of democrats who hate Trump more than they "love America" ? Everyone is bonkers anymore.


There’s an implied assumption in the meme that **everyone** who votes for Joe Biden doesn’t have any “love for our country”.   Pretending it’s anything but that is not an argument in good faith. Trump poses an existential threat whereas Joe Biden is just “business as usual as the corporate class continues to slowly screw everyone else” (or almost every president for the past several decades).


The biggest difference is people hate trump because he's a giant load of shit wrapped up in a cheeseburger shaped human. People hate Biden because he's a Democrat.


bOtH sIdEs!


Right, Biden Derangement Syndrome can be pretty bad


Sometimes accompanied by Boomer Derangement Syndrome


i love my country. that's why i fucking hate him


My conservative parents told me America is not to be ruled by kings. That alone is disqualifying in my book.


Says people who hate virtually everyone....


And have the bumper stickers to prove it


LeTs F@Ck BrAnDoN!


Probably my favorite Walter Masterson bit.


Could have been posted in 1930s Germany


Type of guy who says “I only hit you because I love you.”


This is followed by hpw much they hate biden


There are a lot of Biden hate memes in the original post.




Trump doesn’t love America-just what he can get out of it to benefit himself and to a lesser degree his family. He will always come first. January 6 proved that


These ppl are exactly like their orange God. Completely unaware of themselves, their hypocrisy and their projection.


I don’t hate trump, I just understand he wants to abolish democracy. That is not OK with me,


I mean, I *do* hate him because he's a horrible person who has made an entire life out of harming others, but the abolishing democracy thing is definitely a strong reason not to vote for the orange prick.


How could you not hate him?


They tried to take our country from us on January 6th. You think for a second we’re ever going to forget that?


Are we just going to start capitalizing random fucking words now? What the fuck is wrong with people who do this, IT TAKES EXTRA EFFORT, so it's a choice, not a mistake. All nouns are not proper!


I love how boomers capitalize words they deem important


The more dementia they get the more capitalized the letters become.


Want a gage of our education system’s quality? Start by observing all these randomly capitalized words.


Send it back changing Hatred to love


It’s tempting to quote the ”anti-American” things Trump has said followed by the word “indeed”.


They say this shit unironically too. Because self awareness is not a trait they value.


Nailed the background color anyway


My love of the country makes me hate people that want to destroy it.




Yes sir you most definitely are …


Lol those people hate the country, and a lot of other things. They don't even believe in elections but they think they can lecture the rest of us?


Conservatives approaching the point....


Well I hate this country, so I guess that makes it all a mess


Like an episode of Impractical Jokers, type Joe Biden in the comments


He’s right and in the way he thinks as well.


Patriots don’t support seditionists.


Say what?