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Yet another dumb fucking boomer who doesn't understand how "free speech" works. Their civics knowledge is embarrassing.


This guy, with his "under public commons law" has Sovereign Citizen vibes written all over him, except he didn't read the homework.


100% chance he had a blade on him capable of cutting that sub.


High chance he's cut more cheese than subs in his life


It’s duller than him


He never figured out how to open it without bruising the side of his thumb though


A public accommodation (not public commons) carries an assumption of being open to the public, but it's still private property and you can still be ejected for cause (which can be... basically anything except being part of a protected class)


An invitation to shop can be rescinded at any time.


The idea of a public commons isn’t a sov cit thing. A public commons is any where traditional used as a gathering place by the public used for political discourse ( protesting or otherwise) , I.e. the front of city hall, a public sidewalk, town square, public park, etc etc. it’s basically so important when it comes to peoples 1st amendment rights actually being imposed upon by the state That said, your local Jersey Mikes is not somewhere traditionally considered a public gathering place, despite it being open to the public lol


It's not about civics, it's about him.


Yeah, cause Civics are made in Japan.


*Bum dum dum tis*


Of course it's about civics. Dumbass boomers rarely understand what free speech is, and that is a lack of civics knowledge by its very definition.


It's about civics to everyone but the boomers.  To the boomers, everything is about themselves.


Him and his lack of civics.


I bet he’s never seen the inside of a civics class.


I think the reality is that people like this very well could understand that's not what it means and they're just using it as a license to be a fucking idiot. The fact that it enrages you that "they don't know" is probably half of the point.


The entitlement has risen to levels previously unheard of


"She's violating the law, free speech, and the constitution." ...I'm so fucking tired of these people. 


Look, it's a private business running under public commons law


How can she kick him out when she doesn't own the property!?1 Edit: Apparently I need this --> /s


It's a "We have the right to refuse service" ordeal.


Ironically a right SovCits *dont* recognize


In her capacity as the store manager, she possesses the authority to have him barred from the store's premises. The store leases the property and, as such, has the right to manage it as they deem appropriate, provided that such actions do not contravene the terms of the lease agreement with the actual property owners.


Because it is common that a member of management is considered to be in charge of not only the staff, but the property their business is situated on. It doesn't matter whether it is leased or owned, the store management is responsible for anything that occurs on the premises. Which means, even if it is a common food court, they can trespass a person out of their agreed lease area.


Nobody understood your joke lol but I appreciate you. Could use the /s next time if you don't want the video explained to you a dozen times 😂


I thought at first the people explaining were also joking until there were like 47 of them in detail. Lol


She is the property manager, she has the authority to chose if she needs to who to serve/provide service or not, it’s on their walls. If you don’t agree with that then you can simply walk away from their store.


She’s a representative of the company renting the property and well within her rights to have him trespassed


Right? Dude completely ignores the laws of interplanetary food etiquette


My sub wasn’t cut? Make another one, that’ll show this bitch not to follow applicable food safety laws! Got em!


The antivaxers of legalese shit. "I did my research!! I'm a bonerfided lawyer now!"




"I did my research!! I'm a boner~~fided~~ lawyer now!" There ya go fixed it for ya!


"I did my research!! I'm a boner finder lawyer now!" Even more fixed for botha ya!


They are just parroting away what their whiny leading example posts all day long about “free speech”


The “misunderstanding” of the 1st amendment is willful and malicious now from these people.


People like this run on magic spell logic. They think the law is saying the right words in the right order then everyone has to do as you say.


sovereign citizens fit this too, great description


My brother in law talks exactly like this. Thinks he’s a genius but barely made it through high school


Let's address the elephant in the room (no pun intended on the manager). He's more pissed at the fact that Black woman refused him service more than anything.


She didn’t refuse him service. He got served and then he tried to get a free sandwich on spurious grounds. What happened to him? In some countries he’d be served with a penalty for wasting police time.


I wish they *had* served him with such a penalty.


Not just some countries, some counties/local jurisdictions.




Oh I got those vibes, too. Especially at the end when he told her to take the sandwich and throw it away. Fucking asswipe. I love how the cops just let him spew his shit and don't shut him down. Then, they begrudgingly trespass him. What a joke.


He followed that up with "I understand it's a private business so she can do what she wants". He has no idea how anything works.




What?!? 9000!


Vegeta; “Nappa! I had the scouter upside-down. It’s over 9000.” Nappa; “Then why do you sound so bored??!” Vegeta; “Because he’s still not a threat.” Nappa; “But—“ Vegeta; “To me.”


Besides, once we gather the dragon balls we'll wish for immortality. Then no one will stop us.


it’s always been there, it’s just more documented now




"That ice will dilute my water! It will taste all... Watery!!"


Hitherto undreampt of


Can you imagine taking time out of your day to do this shit? I’m convinced boomers do half the shit they do because they’re bored in retirement.


they really don’t have enough to do


The boomers yearn for the mines


They yearn for the urn




Nobody wants to work.


His hobbies likely consisted of mowing his shit lawn and being "politically incorrect" at work. Grass only grows so fast and nobody threw his retirement party until he fucked off.


Tell that to my neighbor. Dude mows his grass like every 4 days.


All of these boomers raised on having the 'white picket fence' utopia have been brainwashed into thinking the suburbs and mcmansions lets them be little lords of their little kingdoms. It was a crock of shit and a braindead experiment and now they're all miserable and bored af. Like Manor Lords is in early access now, boomers. Go play that shit. You get to be a feudal lord in there I think.


They'd have to have what I would unfortunately call an above average understanding of computers to do that, which most boomers almost certainly don't have


Where I work we have a neighbor that mows *our lawn* even tho it's just unusable land under a high voltage line. So now there's a weird low spot in the middle of a field. We tried to get him to stop, large rocks taking out four of his mowers helped for a while, he just HAS to mow it tho.


Met quite a lot of boomers who will just start doing something, then when told not to will say 'Well I HADDD to becuz YOUUU WEREN'T!!!!" Yeah dick, I was getting around to it, right now I'm busy paying the jacked up rent on your 'Investment' property' and getting bled dry by rich fucks with the help of the guy you voted for because he says mean things about minorities and the poor. Go home Papaw, you're all hopped up on the Foxnews again...


Hilarious considering these same people have spent the last 20+ years shrieking about how entitled millennials and gen Z are.


*Gen X just quietly keeps on keeping on, used to being invisible*


And then imagine actually posting it for the world to see. This guy is a complete fucking moron.


Imagine being the cops that have to deal with this shit on the reg. fuck that


Cop: Ok sir I'm going to have to place you under arrest for assaulting an officer. Boomer: But I haven't even touched you. Cop: Yeah but your stupidity has given me a headache.


You mean the 15 that actually chose to retire and not hold a job that someone else could use because they know they would just be bored at home? Literally had this conversation with the GM at my work and how he is not going to retire until "at least 70 because I have nothing to do. I'm divorced and my kids don't talk to me." Dude is holding down a $250k a year job at a tech company and can't turn on his computer.


Jesus my Dad is over 70 and is partitioning drives and other shit still. He is way more knowledgeable than me.


This is also my mom she writes grants for a free clinic and they won’t let her leave lol. I wish I had a fifth of my mom’s knowledge but she’s always been a spectacular human and token boomer outlier though.


Yeah I feel that way about my folks reading these posts. Both of them don't seem to have their heads up their asses.


My Dad and my stepdad are both pretty classic boomers but my mom is amazing. She’s just not like *people.* Her side of the family is all like that, just magical, good, kind, smart folks. I think that’s why my mom is just different and my Grandfather (her Dad) is still alive at 97 so I hope she gets the live forever genes too. It’s hilarious that I somehow managed to dislike them as a teenager but ig that’s par for the course.


That's unexpectedly depressing. My father flourished like a tree in springtime when he retired. He taught me that real life is what happens when you're not at work.


>I'm divorced and my kids don't talk to me. Color me shocked his kids don't talk to him.


For real, give me their problems “oh Wah mommy didn’t cut my sandwich in triangles” for fucks sake.


Guy got served trespassing paper and he thinks he won the argument lmao


Because he thinks he can sue the store for breaking his First Amendment rights. Itll be the lawyers lmao when he trys to explain his case to them.


I’d charge him before giving him an education on the law. Consider it a stupidity tax.


He's probably his own lawyer


Sad, that he thinks he’s a part time lawyer.


Lmao right? Dude thinks he’s won but in the end he’s being served a trespass order and no sub. He really owned them


just another bad ASS(!) day of owning libs


My favorite part is when his sandwich gets tossed cause you just know this loser was going to try and leave with it. No food for you!


All in all, he's just another dick in the mall.


Ya can't have any pudding if ya don't eat your sub!




We don’t need no education…


I had a teacher in school triumphantly point out the double negative in that lyric as if it wasn't intentional. Good thing Operation Ivy was too obscure for her to hear "All I know is that I don't know nothing."


"The man that knows something knows that he knows nothing at all." - Erykah Badu "On & On"


Perfect background song for this dumbass situation lol


🎵Hey dickhead, leave those sandwich artists alone🎵


In this case, maybe an education would be a good thing




Why is it always the people saying the stupidest shit who invoke the first amendment? It protects US citizens from prosecution by the government, not the consequences resulting from verbally harassing service workers.


It's an OPINION!


"My opinion is that you're not entitled to any protections, and it's legal for me to eat you." I love it when people play the "my opinion" game because it gives you license to raise the absurdity of the argument to unforeseen levels.


It's all fun and games until Fox News has to argue in court that no reasonable person would consider anything they broadcast to be factual.


When I first heard that it made me laugh so hard. Like, yup. There we go. They knew what they were doing to this country the whole time. They should have labeled themselves a satire network.




Thank you for this unexpected crossover!


This. Because I am a customer, a paying customer, I hearby invoke the “free speech right of no consequences”. Also there is a photo here that did not match my order that I am going to use as proof for the police.




Because fox news misused the 1st amendment as reasons for things for so long, these dorks don't understand it.


Ah yes, the 4 branches of the US government: executive, legislative, judicial, and Jersey Mike's


Ty. This made me laugh out loud in my bed at 4:29am.




Doh, I wanted to hear dude’s reaction to being told he will no longer be enjoying a tasty sub after getting himself banned.


Strange how the video cut off right when he was getting his desert…


and jersey mike’s is delicious. he should get banned from all locations


No kidding, I have a Jersey Mike's problem. You know it's bad when you go out of town for a week and when you come back the staff wonder where you'd been.


Don’t worry; he’ll find another location.


No one who cries about "but muh free speech!" Has any idea of what the 1st amendment actually says.


That's because the Constitution is part of the triumvirate of documents quoted by complete dickbag morons who haven't actually read them, the other two being the Bible and 1984.


“Is it not?” It is not. Free speech does not mean free of consequences.


What a fucking baby. Cut your own sandwich, got a real big case of special snowflake over here.


He's not allowed to use knives, he's too stupid


LOL imagine being so pathetic you’ve got to go into a fast food joint to attempt others to “respect my authority” unsuccessfully 🙄🖕


See, I once forgot to ask them to cut my sandwich as well. Though I guess I was an idiot since I merely ate my sub without it being cut in half. Complete fool.


You just let those jack booted sub shop employee thugs stomp all over your First Amendment rights. SMH man, fight the power and stick it to the man next time. America, fuck yeah!


But didn't you hear that somebody came at him with a plastic knife lmao? In reality, they were probably like, "Sir, here is a knife for you to cut it as you see fit."


Dude was definitely trying to get a free sandwich by complaining, came up against a manager who doesn’t play that game, and just dug the hole all the way down til he hit lava. I see these customers all the time. They’ll make up the stupidest excuses ever to try to get something for free. The amount of times I’ve heard, “So that means it’s free?” because a paper sign was knocked out of its holder is uncountable. Some people just go through life seeing everything from the angle of how they can exploit it.


Yesterday, an older couple came into where I work and ordered a pizza with jalapenos, among other things. When it came out, there was obviously some jalapeno juice along with everything else on top of the pizza. Not a ton of it, just a marginal amount soaked into the immediate area around each pepper since, because the jalapeno slices come out of a big plastic container filled with liquid. Like it wasn't even visible beyond being a tiny bit shinier next to each pepper. They complained that they asked for the peppers, but not the pepper juice. The guy making the pizza offered to remake it since it was a slow day. The lady turned on me (I was just minding my business, making sandwiches off to the side) and demanded the pizza for free. I offered to get the manager on the phone, but she said they were in a rush (after literally hanging out by my counter for twenty minutes at this point, just staring at me while I worked) so they just wanted to take their "ruined" food and go. They ended up leaving with no pizza at all. People have too much fucking entitlement and time on their hands. They come in here every single day with demands and complaints, and it's exhausting.


I love Jersey Mike's. They NEVER cut my sandwich all the way through. Somehow they always cut the top bun but not the bottom. I just use my fucking hands and pull it in half.


Idiotic boomer has no idea how free speech works


Honestly, I don't understand how these people can still call themselves the strongest generation in history with a straight face. Okay boomer, please tell me all about how weak and sensitive us millennials are when you can't even set foot in a fast food joint without having the manager on speed dial to wipe your ass on command. It's ridiculous.


Keep in mind, this is the generation that invented the word "snowflake" and says the newer generations are too sensitive and entitled.


Always, *always* projecting. I think they believe that if they point their fingers elsewhere, no one will notice their own shortcomings. It doesn’t work.


This must be a small town with nothing going on. The cops in my city don't even respond to non-fatal car accidents or home burglaries anymore.


yeah how the fuck did he get TWO cops to show up for THAT


Cops are cowards, they love to show up for shit like this where there’s no danger but they still get to flex their authority and pad their numbers. They don’t want to show up to actual crime scenes because they might encounter criminals and they’ll have do real work. This stuff is their bread and butter.


He thought he had the multiple points of the law and the freaking constitution in his side to the point of recording this his self and loading it somewhere to brag to his boomer friends how he was getting someone fired for NOT CUTTING A SANDWICH? Is being such a confident and smug PoS that gets me.


What do u think the chances are this guy is estranged from at LEAST, one of his kids?


My free speech is under attack because I WON'T CUT MY SANDWICH, those wage slaves need to do what I say.


https://preview.redd.it/fyxo1k0icqxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7ea7d093f84178e8da88b025e063c4d2b57fd9 Parks & Rec at it again. Real life proving that people actually are that dumb


Doesn't matter how many times you explain what the first amendment actually says, they never get it


Quoth Calvin & Hobbes, "Most ignorance is willful".




Honestly, I wish more cops had your attitude. People call the cops for the most ridiculous reasons and wasting police resources should be an issue. Ha.




Lol. I fully understand the bedbug thing after dealing with them. I was about to cry but DE and heat treatment did wonders....




Who are these fucking Cops that show up over BS like an improperly cut sandwich while other dept's won't even show up if a drunk driver crashes into your property.


I thought the manager called the cops to issue a trespassing and get him out of there. He just felt compelled to explain himself


I think this is correct. She wanted him off the property and he wouldn't leave.


I called the cops last week because a woman outside was screaming bloody murder, repeating “let me go!” over and over as her screams got farther and farther away from me. No one came. I waited all night :(


If it’s something hard they’re never going to show up, but for a sandwich dispute? They are on it


Hmmm… maybe his parents didn’t teach him How to cut a sandwich himself?


Would you trust him with a sharp object? I definitely won't, lmao.


I just love my tax dollars being used to make grandpa leave the sandwich shop.


Quoting the Constitution over a damn sandwich. Guaranteed he was rude to her first. ALWAYS a victim. Take your money and get out!


I'm sure he was a dick from the jump... she would have gladly cut that sandwich anyway he wanted if he had asked nicely. I don't know why these people think being rude and entitled is the way to get what you want.


I bet he thinks it's Obama's fault that they don't allow sandwiches to be cut by the staff after being handled by customers.... I don't know why... or how.... I just know it lol


Ever since he wore the tan suit this country has been going downhill.


It’s the Holy Trinity of Obama-EPA-Fauci who are responsible for this


Hillary, secular humanism, and feminazis: are we forgotten?


White people use the police as customer service


Nah they weaponize the police in an attempt to enforce their entitlement. Good ol Tennessee


White people use cops as their own Minority Removal Service a LOT.


I'm just gonna address the elephant in the room (no pun intended on the manager). He's more pissed at the fact that this Black woman refused him service more than anything else. That's why he kept leaning on that "she's rude and unprofessional" line. Speaking from experience, a lot of times I've had to tell people no or deny their demands, that's the very first thing they they go to, my professionalism and demeanor. And yes, if she's the head authority figure in the store then it IS HER store/restaurant. She's fully responsible for whatever happens at that store while she's in charge, therefore it's her store/restaurant until whenever she leaves for the day. Then it becomes the next managers store/restaurant.


Let's not overlook his desire to exercise any power over her he could. Ordering her to bring him his change, throw out his sandwich, the fact that it all started with him demanding his sandwich be cut in the first place.




I hate it when Jersey Mike's violates my freeze peach. That store is a public commons! The Constitution!!!


What a little bitch


I wanted to see him arrested for abusing 911.


These dumb MF’ers who think “free speech” means no consequences can all choke on their own dicks.


What a Moronic Fucking Hill to Die on, over sliced sandwiches. This Idiot needs to have a Mental Evaluation. I have been watching Court Cases on Youtube and these Sov Cividots ALWAYS get a Mental Evaluation for competency from the Judge.


"Your store, do you own the place?" No dumbfuck, but she's clearly MOD and "My store" is an applicable term. I loved the "chase me around with a plastic knife" part like he was somehow trying to twist that into being threatend.


I would have educated him and told him your freedom of speech protects you from the government, not kicking your dumbass out of my store. Now how do you like my freedom of speech dipshit?


I love it when some boomer dipshit starts in with the “muh constitution’s” and “you’s violatin’ the law” nonsense. Sure Larry, we’re going to throw this service worker in an oubliette for life because you got a medium fry instead of the large.


something weirdly fitting about the song in the background lol


absolutely… it’s almost creepy but in a good way?


"I reserve the right to refuse service under any circumstance, here's your refund, get out" was my go-to at the pizza place I used to work for when I got unreasonable dicks


Dude hot himself trespassed because his sub wasn't cut in half for him. What a child.. Holy shit lol


Exhibit 9 trillion of republicans not understanding how free speech works


Lil baby wants his sandwich cut like mama would do for him.


In the second you see the cop's face, the disbelief is palpable


Ironic background music.


Nope Nope Nope. Would you pull that shit if you ordered a pizza and it wasn’t “cut” the way you WANTED!? Fkg whining hicks! Geeezes! 🤦🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️ Pathetic.


What did she say to get the cops there because it wasnt "my sandwich wasn't cut". These people like to deploy the police like their own personal bodyguard in hopes to get someone shot


From one boomer to this guy, asshole.


So all this bs over an overpriced sandwich that isn’t cut into two halves that you are going to chew into pieces anyway and will end up the same way regardless coming out the posterior end once the prune juice starts working tomorrow…


Siiiiigh I’m so fucking tired of this fucking country 🥲


The best part is he recorded himself thinking it was a moment of righteousness. Instead, he just records himself being a clown and a laughingstock.


Boomer: Kids today cant do nothing if its not on an Ipad Also Boomer: pwees cut my bweead. :(


These MAGA dimwits always refer to the constitution but have no idea what it says or how it applies.


Yet millennials and GenZ are the snowflakes 🤔


I’m getting undertones of racism and misogyny along with boomer entitlement.


Can’t cut your Sammy wittle boy. You fucking worthless meat puppet.


Bet he has a Sovereign Citizen tag on his foreign made vehicle with Trump and 'Made in the USA' stickers all over it.


These are the idiots voting for Trump, FYI.


In 2024 everybody is a constitutional scholar


“All in all you’re just another brick in the wall…” Brick in The Wall Part 2 playing in the back seems nice and apropos.


Boomers only commandment: THOU SHALT NOT INCONVENIENCE ME This fool spent taxpayer money getting cops called and being trespassed over a fucking sandwich. All because he can’t tell the difference between rights and responsibility. Fuck that whole generation


For the one billionth time: free speech is not something that applies to everyone everywhere. It specifically protects our speech from being retaliated against by the GOVERNMENT, not fucking Jersey Mike's. You can't just go into a restaurant and say whatever the fuck you want, that's a private business.