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I’m an able body looking 32 year old man. But I’ve had the back and knees of an 80 year old since my deployment in ‘13. On bad back days my wife does all of the carrying, I’ll try to help out and she’ll shoo me away cause she can see I’m in pain. Between that and handicap parking at a young age we get all kinds of stares and dirty looks from old people. I try to avoid confrontation because I don’t trust my temper and would prefer not to lose my benefits. My wife normally just stares daggers right back until they feel awkward. If they make a comment she’ll point at me and say “my husband is a disabled veteran so you can mind your own business now” or something to that effect.


It must be fun to watch the desire to thank you for your service fight the desire to criticize you for your wife. Like a boomer short circuit.


They have never once swapped up to thank me lol. Which is fine, I fall in the camp of it’s an awkward interaction when people do. I also live in an area that isn’t crazy about veterans.


No worries they’re busy thanking me for my service because (checks notes) I use a wheelchair. I have never been in the service.


lol no shit? That’s kinda funny. Sorry about the chair though.


Honestly the chair is the bomb. People otoh are a PITA.


>I use a wheelchair Username checks out.


Dude, you have THE MOST amazing username ever! It’s absolutely awesome plus it sounds like an NPC in my husbands fucking awesome D&D campaign, Futt Buckington. Anyway I’m just passing through floating on mushrooms and thought you should know that. Have a great weekend!😊


It almost ended up FuzzButtington. Enjoy your trip!


I get that too - never been in the military but people see my cane and assume.


Wild isn’t it?


Well, thank you for hour service then


My uncle fought in Vietnam and his response to those kinda interactions was a barked “I didn’t choose to go murder people for the Government’s pissing contests, don’t thank me!” (At least when he felt polite… he could get foul if it was a bad day, or if they startled him.) Only people who could thank him for his service without a nasty retort were his nieces and nephews and Granddad who was drafted into ww2 as a young man. Everyone else did it at their own risk and paid the price. He was a crotchety old man with a bad temper and a habit of getting into fights with his kin on the front lawn, but he was a pretty great uncle all things considered. When I was diagnosed with PTSD he was incredibly kind and gentle with me and made me feel less strange about having a “soldier’s disease” at 12 years old. (I had it earlier but it wasn’t diagnosed yet.) RIP you mean old man. Hope you’re quarreling with angels.


I feel awkward about it too. Like, it was a job. I got a paycheck.


When people thank me for my service, I thank them for my healthcare.


Oh - you're welcome ;-)


This is the best response.




Sooo America?


lol Bay Area California.


Where doesn't like veterans?


Bay Area California, shocker right?


They only “support the troops” when it’s convenient anyway.


Welp a boomer just approached my wife’s window while we were parked in handicap to complain that we shouldn’t be there. Yelled a fuck you at my wife through the window so I hopped out and dealt with him. While hobbling away he said “you don’t look handicap” I pointed out that DV on my plates means disabled veteran so his opinion doesn’t matter. He turned over his shoulder and said “thank you for your service” I said “you’re not welcome go fuck yourself”.


i'm 50, 6', 150lb, fit-appearing white dude. i have a heart condition and a hernia. i sometimes take the 'disabled' seats on the bus (BECAUSE I AM AND SOME DAYS WALKING ALONE CAN BE DIFFICULT) i get dirty looks too. usually from a lady with six kids under 10. i often just move because i don't want to be near someone's wild children.


We have become to be better about admitting to mental health stuff and now it's about bloody time we deal with hidden disabilities.


this. now i never 'assert' my seat needs, i'll defer to others often, as long as i am feeling ok, sometimes i need a minute. 95% of the time though, i feel totally fine and take a 'regular' seat.


It's like this for my husband and I. He also has invisible disabilities from his time in service. And I do the heavy lifting and most of the body-taxing manual labor. I'm not a small person at 5'11 and people still look at us crazy because I'm a woman doing manly-man work. He used to feel uncomfortable and pressured to do more labor oriented tasks. However, I sassed him to surrender. Why should he injure himself because some shitbirds can't mind their own business? I use a similar script as your wife if given the chance


Bro I feel you. I'm service connected due to issues from service and I swear people only accept if you have problems from the service if you're 60+. The second you don't fit a civvie's ideal of a soldier they turn on you so fast.


They almost never accept it if you’re a woman vet, either. I’m definitely at the “fuck off, asshole” stage of caring about that. I also hate being thanked for my service - it’s awkward at best, it feels performative and perfunctory, and often just pisses me off if the person who is ostentatiously thanking me also is the type to vote against fully funding the VA and actually helping veterans.


I thank soldiers occasionally just because it’s what I was raised to do, and I honestly do appreciate that there are people willing to go fight for our freedoms, even if it seems like a lot of the time our soldiers are just being used in someone’s pissing contest or whatever. But I also vote for soldiers to get everything they deserve from the government because they fucking earned it! I’m from a family with some military ties (not always by choice tho, my uncle was drafted and to the day he died he was kissed about it) and I never quite know when it’s appropriate to thank someone though. So I usually don’t do it unless they are actively TALKING about their service and seem like they’d appreciate it. Really stupid story: As a kid I got to meet our state’s senator (or one of them? I was like eight.) and because I was an absolute teacher’s pet, I was allowed to go give him some cute gift from our class and ask him a question. My teachers must have assumed I’d be super respectful or something, but unfortunately my family had -opinions- on the man so I said, right into the mic, “senator, why did you cut funding to the VA? Is it cuz you’re a draft dodger?” You never saw a third grade teacher dive for a mic like mine did! I had to miss two field trips I was in so much trouble. My uncle loved it though and bought me ice cream.


It’s sad you got in trouble for asking a basic question about his actions as a senator. Why are we protecting them from accountability when they work against our interests?


Because they don’t want to raise someone who asks questions. They want yes men in society not intellectuals.


Best third grader ever! 🤣


I was a cheeky little shit, not sure why my teachers thought otherwise. And in my defense, they didn’t tell me what I was supposed to ask! So I just asked the first question that popped into my little air head.


It’s sad you got in trouble for asking a basic question about his actions as a senator. Why are we protecting them from accountability when they work against our interests?


I feel you, sis. I always shuffle awkwardly when people thank me too because I'm truthfully not all that proud of it due to the things that happened to me. And yeah, they'll thank you and croon about how grateful they are you served and then turn around and say 'But FUCK their healthcare.'


Or call our care an “entitlement “ - yeah, it is because we’re legally entitled to it, you dickface.


The one that kills me is people ask what the service is like. So I tell them the LAUNDRY list of human rights violations I went through that led to me getting service connected. They then claim that I'm lying and they really don't like it when I ask them 'if I'm lying why is the Goverment paying my ass. You think they like cutting checks?'


I have PTSD, along with a host of other things like hearing loss, tinnitus, sleep disorder, high blood pressure, etc and I’ll have people tell me “well, you don’t look disabled”. Ummm… okay. If I’m especially irritated, I’ll say “well, you don’t look especially stupid, but here we are”.


Trust me. I've been there and I get it. It fuckin sucks. An NCO told me straight up since he knew I was from the Bible belt 'be prepared, no one hates the troops more than small town christians' and fuckin hell he was right. They'll smile and give you every platitude while doing everything to make your life a living hell.


Yikes - at least living in a larger suburb of a big city, I can avoid that and (semi)easily access the VA services that are available. I mostly just avoid talking about my service when possible though - I’m over being used as a prop in someone’s “patriotic” display.


That's how they treat everyone, but they are really horrible to vets. The evil that pervades small town Christians in the Bible belt.


VA: "your injury is not service related"


lol nah I got mine :)


All. The. Time.


Feel you, I've got joint pains (in my 20s), Aspergers and ADHD. Boomers often deny that any of that is real, even though I've got an official diagnosis for all of them.


I have disabled plates and often go to a particular gas station where the cops go for coffee or whatever. More than once they lean over and check my plates since I don’t use the hang tag.


I mean, that’s their job though right?


Oh true. I am young looking still from a distance and there is a huge problem with people without plates or tags using the disabled spots. I would rather they check than let assholes get a pass


Thank you for your service.


Dude, your wife is a badass 😎


No argument here :)


Thank you for your service.


Were you in afghan in 13? I was in RC east 13-14


Yep I was with 10th mountain 1st brigade out of ghazni for the most part. You?


1st cav 2nd brigade, we stayed around Parwan province for the most part, near Ghorband. I think I ran into some of your guys on our way out going out of BAF, said you guys had a rowdy time lol.


Our FOB got invaded a few weeks before redeploy. SF guy got a Medal of Honor like 100 meters from me. Full scale attack shit was……. Interesting lol. Grunt style did a violent but true on it unfortunately they messed up details. The attack was at 1530 not night and Ollis threw himself in front of a suicide bomber not on a grenade. https://youtu.be/K2x3ZglsEY4?si=x04bgFqa6w_jlO3B


31yo 13B deployed in 13' threw out my back during fire missions and no one cared which eventually led to me separating my hip completely twice. I understand your pain, the looks. I was awarded permanent unemployment for life because of it. It hurts to walk, I can't do any sports I had to give up everything. I threw my hip out 2 weekends ago raking leafs. I absolutely understand your situation because besides the handicap sticker, I'm there too.


Fuck dude, everything about that is so relatable. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to learn to live with the chronic pain without making people around me miserable. I have slowly but surely gotten back into physical hobbies with my kids skateboarding and biking. Where were you at in 13 I was mostly out of ghazni. I sustained a TBI during the base attack there but my LT who was wayyyy closer to the VBIED got medevacd the next day for balance issues and when I was on guard with our CO that night I asked about his status and he more or less called him a pussy faker. I just didn’t report mine after that. You sound like you should get a handicap placard brother there’s no shame in it, those parking spots have greatly reduced by pain in public.


I was part of the early "No US troops in Iraq"-Obama before the 101st went in and ISIS became more of a public thing in 2014. You know that 90 day presidential leeway they don't have to tell congress about using military force? Works extremely well when you rotate 2 arty batteries in and out by platoons for 2-3 weeks "training" in the desert until those targets shoot back. Sequestration is a beautiful thing right? My unit disbanded out of Carson when we got back. Entire 2nd brigade stood down after that deployment and we all got transfered around to other units or bases. Always thought it was weird we trained to fight a mechanized force and not insurgents at NTC and the first briefings we just watched fucking beheading videos and ISIS mass executions. Some of the videos ended up online, I've seen portions that were cut out. Most have been removed or idk what happened. My back and hip hurt all the time, I'm on 2 toxic registries, acknowledged PTSD but still no answers. I'm just finally paying for doctors I have so many weird health issues and suddenly lots of dudes from my units do too, the ones that are still around anyways.....


Sounds very army. Yeah I signed up for the burn pit registry. Ever since getting back I’ve had relatively frequent respiratory issues. Literally right now I’ve had a fever for about a week and can’t stop coughing. A few people I deployed with have been diagnosed with ultra rare cancers, shits scary. I try to stay on top of it but doctors don’t wanna listen.


Honestly going to a holistic doctor helped my GI issues alot. I have horrible acid reflux and symptoms like chrones disease it's horrible. My doc got me on natural supplements to help alleviate symptoms plus she's seen a ton of vets. Did blood work and immediately had me on adrenal and cortisol managers. She said my hormones have been in fight or flight state for a decade and she see it in almost every veteran. It helped me calm down alot and focus on my mental health. Don't have night terrors or flashbacks in public anymore.


That sounds promising I’m going to look into that, thanks. you ever tried microdosing shrooms? Never have I been more at peace it was incredibly calming and relaxing.


I haven't I actually learned how to use weed and meditation which eventually turned into sober meditation. I had a PT who worked with vets, SF, trauma victims like OKC bombing. He helped me get mobility back in my left hip/leg but along the way he helped with trauma. He taught me how to focus on my injuries and the memories/emotions associated with them. Took me awhile to figure out what he was doing as it came naturally and I "faced" my demons head on. It's been painful but helpful to coming to peace with it all. Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychologist is the one where I figured out what my therapist was doing and then learned how to help myself as well. Jung might seem a little fringe to our normal western mind, but he helped me heal. It's still an ongoing process but I can get through the grocery store without feeling panic now! Haha


That’s all that matters brother, I’m glad to hear it!


Wear a veterans hat. Seriously that's why people wear them.


I bought one from the VA just to take a stereotypical picture to send my old section sergeant. I was parked in a handicap spot with a “these colors don’t run” shirt and tactical glasses looking around menacingly, comedy gold lol. My memorial band is about as veteran as I get and I’m good with that. Actually that’s a lie I still wear the same G-shock watch I had through deployment because it still works and I like it lol, if you know what to look for you can tell lol.


It’s funny cos that counts as good natured banter to them. They’ve done it a million times before, they say that, the other guy says ‘Nut’s as good as a gander to a goose’ or some other meaningless shit and everyone goes about their day. Completely unprepared for a world where words... mean things and people aren’t pleased to hear mindless chunter


I’ve never heard the word “chunter” before but it’s the best I’ve heard to describe mindless banter!


When I served we referred to the Sunday lunch crowd as "chunts" lol


Does "chunt" = church+cunt?




That’s a new word for me too. I love it now!


> cos that counts as good natured banter to them. only because other boomers allow idiots like this to speak without recourse


I know that there are people whose entire inner monologue must consist of idioms and adages, judging by how their conversations go, but I just can't picture having my thoughts and conversations so restricted. Shaka, when the walls fell.


Temba, his eyes open!!


The internet is no different with memes being regurgitated ad nauseum. I don't understand people who's rhetoric consists of references on top of references on top of cliches and tropes.


This happened to my ex husband after he had an emergency appendectomy. He wasn’t allowed to lift over 10 lbs for six weeks. He’s a big guy, 6’2” and over 250 lbs at the time, and I’m 5’ if I try real hard. At the time I weighed about 100 lbs. We went grocery shopping after he got out of the hospital, and he was noticeably limping and hanging onto the shopping cart as we went (because he was an idiot and refused to just stay in the car). When we got back to the car, he went to sit down in the passenger seat while I loaded the groceries. The death-glares he got from passing people, especially the Boomers, were hilarious. You could tell they were whispering to each other about what a lazy fuck he was, making his tiny wife (or possibly daughter, that happened sometimes too) do all the work. They weren’t wrong about him being a lazy fuck, but this was the one time he actually caught shit for it while having a valid reason. 😆


5'1" on a full moon


My PCP says I’m 4’11” now. Won’t even give me the round up :(


Im like 6'.5" and my pcp rounds me down to exactly 6'!


I was clinging to 5'8" but recently they took away the last half inch so now I'm 5'7" :( Still not going to report it on my drivers license.


Same. I’m shrinking fast just like my grandma, but just like her I will remain 5’ tall and 29 years old forever


I’m supposedly 4’9” after all the spine surgeries I’ve had (and also having kyphosis and scoliosis) but my state ID always has and always will say 4’11” (my final height before all those surgeries I’ve had). Not going to change it and couldn’t really care less it’s “wrong”. Not like anyone will ever get an accurate height on me again anyways.


Never slow down exiting a convenience store. Don't let them catch you next to the big ruler!


Whenever a boomer gets called out and says “it was just a joke” You are obligated to reply with “Jokes are supposed to be funny dickhead”


I need to use this lol. Some of their jokes are just being a dick.


Man I love hearing about people clapping back with these type of responses. She sounds awesome!


I found a great one. She loves where we live, but there are a lot of retirees and they’ve changed her perspective of Americans for the worse. In general Swedish people don’t talk to people they don’t know on the street and she finds all the unsolicited opinions from older people infuriating.


I'm German. Smalltalk is our weakness. We would much rather get a tooth removed without medication than talking to someone we don't know.


LOL - when we visited Germany, I told my husband “these are my people” because no one tried to make small talk with me at the store or in a restaurant. It was so nice to just complete our transaction and be on our way. Other favorite thing - not a single restaurant was blaring obnoxious music while we ate.


Jeez, you would hate Glasgow then. Always, always someone will join in on a private conversation or start a conversation with you. It's kind of endearing when it's not annoying.


Sounds like the South. I personally prefer it that way. Can’t stand the heat though.


Yes! I lived in Sweden for 6 years and it was my favorite. No one spoke to you on the elevator, bus stop, grocery line… a beautiful culture of solitude and MYOB.


I was in Rhineland-Palatinate for over 6 years and that was something I immediately noticed when I moved there and began traveling around the country and took a bit of time to adjust to.


This. So much this. I am very much of the opinion of I want something done, I will do it. I grew up in East Germany with the mindset that women are as capable as men. My husband is American. Way stronger than me but also very adhd. Since we first started going places together I packed the car. And yes, that usually meant carrying stuff outside etc. If it really was to heavy I would ask my husband. Every time we visited my in-laws my MIL would complain and let her son know that he needs to do it. Every time we explained that I prefer doing it myself. Firstly it’s not that heavy, secondly I am better at it then my husband and thirdly, eventually I would like to leave - if my husband would have done it, we would have never left. After about six years during my first pregnancy it came to a head. I just walked out in my MIL. Yes, I was a bit hormonal too. Things never were the same after that. It’s how 14 years later and I haven’t talked with her in about ten years. It had nothing directly to do with that incident but that was the first step downhill.


I share similar traits to your husband. My wife speaks flawless English, but before we met, “procrastination” was not in her vocabulary because it wasn’t a concept she ever experienced. So yeah, she will sometimes need to take the lead to keep things on schedule too. I apologize for all of us scatter minded fellows.


Greetings from the Nordseeküste!


>His performative chivalry was deflected by a modern woman and I’m sure he’ll be bitching about it over soup for months to come. 🤣💯


My 16yo is five foot nothing and 105lbs. She looks like a faerie. She's also on her high school wrestling team and could pretty much bench press me. I'm constantly reminding her father (who has a bad back) that he needs to let her carry the heavy shit and move furniture etc.


“I was only joking.” “Get better material.”


It would not have been so bad except he threw in "the little lady"


The condescension is engrained in their dialect.


Boomers are always “Only joking”


I also choose this man's Swedish wife.


This is a GREAT example for why strangers should mind their own business. You never know what’s going on behind the scenes. Your wife sounds awesome 😄


And he'll be bitching about the soup, too.


My fiancee has 5 inches and easily 100lbs on me. We're both women but polar opposites size wise. I, like your wife, am petite but mostly do physical work so I can lift my entire body weight if necessary. My fiancee had a bad back/shoulder injury that took 2 years to even partially recover from. We used to go to tractor supply and I'd sling a 50lb bag of food over my shoulder and the LOOKS older people would give us. Like a small woman couldn't carry a large bag while a large woman carried small items. Like mind your business and keep shopping.


Boomers just want to talk and in their culture “friendly” insults are a way to break the ice with strangers.


I get this too as a male, but my wife is a scrappy little one with a strong potato-farmer back. She's perfectly capable of lifting heavy objects and to tell her that a man should do it for her is regressive and insulting.


These are the same old farts who constantly post “spouse bad. Spouse talk too much.” memes on Facebook. Your wife sounds like a badass.


He will probably make up some bullshit about how he responded in some super masculine way to your woman when in reality he obviously was caught off guard and could hardly come up with a decent response. "I'm only joking" is what people say when they realize that others didnt like what they said lol


You're wife is a fucking boss. And I love it. My wife is the same way. Let some dude tell her she can't she hears in her head is "Challenge accepted, fucker".


“is the joke in the room with us right now?”


I had hernia surgery two years ago. I took my then 14 year old niece school clothes shopping. She carried all of her own bags and I was carrying almost nothing. This rather annoying woman apologized to my niece that she had to carry all of the bags on her own. My niece, not one to mix words, told the lady to go screw herself. She explained I just had surgery and she was perfectly capable of carrying a few bags. My niece is a lot of fun.


We have experienced this as well. Well, more like my husband sometimes gets dirty looks from other men, at any age not just the older guys. He’s had back surgery and has a weight limit, but it took a while for him to build up strength to meet that limit after surgery and I was the one who had to lift the bags of feed into the trunk or truck. My husband hated it. Don’t let it get to you, and be prepared to get that same reaction even from millennials because it definitely happens.


HAHAHA…they do love their soup


Sometimes I wonder if these old dipshits are just lonely and forgot how to behave.


Lol sounds like my wife. She works in a factory moving 60lb boxes and such all day. She also grew up on a farm.


My wife is farm bred too. Grew up riding horses and hauling hay. If she doesn’t want help, there’s no way you’re giving it.


Yep. Learned fast to not offer help unless asked. And if asked it's going to be a tough job.


Hey, now. Don’t drag my good friend soup into this!


I work in live events and one of my absolute favourite things to do is load gear in heels and see the horrified look of security guards as I haul speakers in my pumps.


I've had this same thing happen to me when going on a walk with my wife. She was training for a backpacking trip, so she literally just had weights in her pack. I didn't bring a backpack, since it was only a short hike, and some guy gives me shit about making the girl carry the pack. People just can't help getting upset about situations they don't understand.


My wife has a severe back injury from a horrific car accident 4 years ago. While she can walk okay, stairs are absolutely out of the question. So we always take elevators when we can. The amount of looks we get from Boomers is outrageous. One even snidely told my wife that "being fat isn't a disability." After that my wife agreed to carry a cane so she can thwack the ankles of any asshole who has an opinion.


Swedish women are a special breed.


We’ll look she spoke up. I get condemned for encouraging people to speak up in this thread. Great job, I’m sure your wife can hold her own when dealing with jerks.


Love it, oh and of course you got hit with the "I wAS JusT JokINg". No, you were not.


Your wife sounds awesome.


Hahaha. Good on your wife for telling him off.


Bahahahaha! I like your wife!


‘Just a joke’ Fuck you my guy. It’s not a joke and you know it. Cunt.


Your wife : perfect response!!! Assertive, ploite, short to the point. Well, well done the both of ya!


Swedes can be so blunt. That’s awesome!


To go along with this I got super triggered a few months ago when I saw the pentagon spokesperson in January say "I'm not aware of any US forces on the ground" in relation to Yemen and all I could think of was how I saw almost the exact same thing on AFN in the dfac and told that story for years. Here it is again, exactly 10 years later and it's all happening again.


Baffling. You’d think people would get over their weird judgmental commentary. My mom and dad both loved Wonder Woman growing up and I think he takes it as a point of pride that his wife is so athletic. They go on bike rides together. Guys who think women can’t do very basic things, as if women haven’t lugged around children *forever*? Extra strange to me. It’s like they never saw women doing the water jug balancing thing on NatGeo. How did they avoid this cultural meme??


Hah, yeah my wife is a Vermonter of old school Puritan stock. You can be damned sure she carries more than I can with my bad back.


I would, but the thought of seeing you in hell makes me physically wretch


At least you were willing to take it… on the chin?


Just learn not to care. Makes life better!!!


Yes, I’m sure he’ll be bitching about it for months. Wait…. When did you say this happened?


I too have convinced my wife that carrying heavy things herself is a mark of independence and girl power. Ignore the boomer, you're living the.dream.


Having your wife "let you carry anything" is absolutely pitiful


Here you are bitching about it too……..


Meh you should still be carrying it… even if she refuses… ask her to let you. I can’t stand seeing my partner carrying more than me


Seems pedantic this time. I was read to hear about him doubling down and all sorts of nonsense. I can give him a boomer pass for that one.


The guy was just making a joke even if it was a bad one. Your wife sounds like a bit of a mean person.


Or he was just joking and you two are precious af.


That is kinda gay man


Still gay


LOL ----you guys are really hating on Boomers aren't you Here's a not so secret, secret--- you will become one of "them" ...an insufferable twat on his way to a grave. How the fck does the guy know you're life story ??????? You're fcking achilles tendon ---or that wifey is really a miniature Clydesdale ???????? Maybe you were male threatened.....that another man offered assistance. He's a security guard at an "event" space.....they are usually always wanting to help.- Jeeezus Fucking Christ.....


This guy surprised that boomers are being hated in a sub about boomers being fools ![gif](giphy|g1yuxgumu6W8H7DZ3F|downsized)


![gif](giphy|3oEjI0Y54xa1680WBy|downsized) It's all the Boomers i tell yuuuu....where's my navel ????


Do you need instructions on how to mute this sub so it doesn’t show up in your feed?


First off, I think this isn’t the best sub for you to be wandering in. I don’t think it’s of great interest to you. You’re right the security guard doesn’t know their life story. In fact, he doesn’t know them at all. So maybe he should mind his fucking business and do his job as a security guard. If he wanted to offer assistance, then the proper way to do that is by saying, “ Do you guys need any assistance?”. I don’t know that’s just me. It seems to me that YOU’RE the one that feels threatened. You come here to attack this person’s story almost as if you were the security guard. Relax boomer


Your, mate. Its your. You’re is You Are.


>LOL ----you guys are really hating on Boomers aren't you Did you not see the sub name? >you will become one of "them" No, I choose to embrace the changes of the world. To try and understand people younger than me. Your choice to be intolerable is yours alone. >How the fck does the guy know you're life story ??????? He doesn't. Which is why he should've kept his mouth shut. What he did and said was *rude*, and I guarantee he would've taken issue with that behaviour should the roles have been reversed. >Maybe you were male threatened.....that another man offered assistance. The boomer offered unnecessary criticism, not assistance. I think your reading comprehension needs some work. >He's a security guard at an "event" space I don't know about you, but where I'm from, "openly criticizing people in the event space" is not in a security guard's job description. >they are usually always wanting to help.- Please show me where this rude security guard offered to help. Show me exactly where assistance was offered. Jesus Christ. You're just mad because you're just like him. Do better.


You seem to be a little upset at this sub. Try ignoring it. The purpose of this sub is to complain about boomers. Deal with it. Also please work on your punctuation, it makes you look ridiculous.


Lol their punctuation reminds me of my 60 year old aunt, my mother-in-law, and my almost 80 year old grandma. What is up with the crazy amount of ellipses in Boomer texts?? I really don't get it. It makes everything read as a question, sarcasm, or an incomplete thought.


It’s because… actually ——— I have no idea. It’s…. Really ………………. Fucking stupid


You do realize that she shut down a sexist joke, right? She was rude to him because he was making a rude sexist joke.


We get it, you hate everything on your way to the grave. If your generation would hurry the fuck up and get to your fucking graves we could start doing work to fix all the fucking damage you've done and continue to do.


BAHAHHAHAAAAAA....you can't even find a pair of matching socks....you guys will eat yourselves


Not only can I find a pair of matching socks, which is apparently an accomplishment to your addled mind, I can also fix a car, run a combine, build a computer and shoot a sub 1 MOA grouping at 100 yards, and use proper punctuation.


A enaissance man with mathing socks


Yes, a enaissance man. You fucking moron.


but you understood MORON alright didn't you. Its the 5th language I speak - right above Gibberish.


Oh yeah. I'm sure you speak 5 languages. Probably got a dozen doctorates too, eh?


you wanna try shit for brains ?


No. I don't speak shit for brains. It's obviously one of those 5 languages you speak. It's just too bad that none of them are real languages.


You know that someone doesn’t have to make comments to people walking by them, especially if they’re strangers, right? Like the boomer could have just said nothing and not embarrassed themselves, that was an option that they decided to not choose.


Jibbers Crabst. Did your keyboard have a seizure when you used punctuation?


I feel like you're one of those boomers who lose money doing Bitcoin and then get mad when they don't have enough for retirement. Vibes


I don't understand Bitcoin I have enough --- even some to leave behind


At least we can agree that the security guard was being an insufferable twat. I know you all are lonely because your own kids hate you, but nobody wants to hear your unsolicited advice.


Such suffering oh my.


Go back to the Y and do your cardio.


every day dude....5 miles on the mill followed by 25 miles on the bike.....keep on truckin.


You can continue brandishing your room temperature IQ like a loaded gun but you’re not going to win here man. Nobody here likes you. Nobody here is going to have their minds changed by you. You’d make more of a difference shouting at an asbestos wall.


You are a perfect example of why this sub exists


You write like an illiterate child trying to communicate.


I did that for you


I don’t talk to people or give options that weren’t asked of me … so no I won’t


Found the triggered boomer


Why.......Do people.......Think........Elipses.........Make------ Wait dashes now???------ Uhhhh......-----ok?. .."that another man offered assistance."........No he didn't lol. Nice---- reading comprehension.


I appreciate a good emdash to convey a disjointed tone. Instead, it's the logic that's disjointed here. Apparently, getting older means losing empathy and asking strangers, "What's wrong with you?"


Maybe people should just mind their own business instead of dive bombing to the most condescending interpretation as possible. And this demo has as one of their main forms of communication, loaded questions and snarky comments about any perceived "flaw" front and center. Even when you have just met them. And pull the "just joking" card when called out to call others overly sensitive and then do what they do best. Playing the victim whilst acting "tough". The generation of olders before them largely kept small talk very simple and minded their own business. And as an aging X-er I can tell you I will continue my life long policy of token politeness and small talk to bare minimum because unless we are friends or friendly acquaintances, I don't want to talk to any of you.


Ok boomer


here's the deal --you call me boomer ---i call you an asshole same same - right


Ok boomer


ok asshole


Is his wife a miniature Clydesdale, or is your wife just a useless twat?


as useless as she is --- I will still open a door for her --- while whispering into her ear ---you are a useless twat and then bring in all the boxed goods ---torn achilles or not. - If I needed help - I'd signal Security to bring me a dolly ---you know --those thingamajiggies that have wheels.