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"Your generation is going to be cared for by my generation in a few short years. We aren't going to forget how you treated us."


I think they will be shocked at the cost of convincing the younger generation to take jobs in the care field too.


This is why you have politicians from time to time demanding national service programs.


You mean the disproportionately boomer politicians?




Nah. BINGO time is over. Lights out at 5 pm in your care facilities now, boomers.


I'm imagining you looking like Ben Stiller in Happy Gilmore lol.


You will go to sleep, or I will put you to sleep


@ tories in England rn lol


rushi right now


Wild guess that his own kids will be exempt from this


National service programs sound like socialism ;)


"Not the ones that I use. They aren't socialism because *I need* it. The programs that help people who aren't me are all the bad ones that shouldn't exist."


No- they see programs they use not as a ~need~ but a ~right~ since they “paid into the system”. You know a little mind trick that somehow keeps the cognitive dissonance at bay.


I still remember the extremely popular slogan back in the early aughts of get your government hands off my medicaid lmfao. Like who the fuck do you think your getting that Medicaid from???


Only if you mean the far right-wing kind of socialism that killed all of the socialists and union reps and trans people and gay people and autists and Romani and Jews...


Exactly! The kind of "socialism" boomers can get behind!


I hear if you join early, they give you a cool knife.


To be fair, some sort of 2 year after HS national service (with multiple choices of armed or peaceful services) \*would\* do the US a lot of good. Everyone would get at least a couple of other states worth of experience in dealing with "different"; perhaps dispel some of that "there be dragons there" at the edges of the map their early life drew them. All part of the "hey, you learned the basics of life in early/mid-schooling, now we start fastballing little slices of everything past you to see what takes your fancy for in-depth study later" HS/pre college(or trade) experience. And man... what could Habitat for Humanity (as an example peaceful service) do with 1/6th(ish) the 18-20 year olds each year?


I would be a lot more about it if it meant after the two years of "service" the government footed the bill for whatever education they wanted to pursue afterwards. But we all know how that discussion would go..


Have y’all never heard of Americorps? I had grants for my education, learned how to build nature trails, worked with at risk youth, worked with Habitat for Humanity, did disaster relief, etc. The infrastructure is there, but they’ve been trying to gut it for years.


To be fair, most of those jobs are done by women who are usually *gasp* immigrants! Ironic if the boomers throw them all out of the country...


Almost all of the home care workers we have had for my Mom were born in Jamaica


WhY shOUlD i pAy YOUR sTudEnt DeBT?! Cool, cool boomer, I'll go into the trades. Enjoy being wiped by a high school dropout and getting bed sores because no one knows what that is when you go into the bad home


Enjoy the HCOL area home when nobody who makes minimum wage can afford to live with in driving distance to work at your facility.


They don't need the younger generations at their facility, they have god. God created Adam and Eve, surely he can wipe their asses.


"Thoughts and prayers for your chafed asshole, maybe pull yourself up by your bootstraps and wipe?"


Boomers use that cheap stuff I bet, 2 ply sandpaper...


First ply sand, second ply paper.


I worked in healthcare for years. Many don't care. I've dealt with plenty(in their right mind, not dementia patients) that would rather wallow in their own filth than be helped by someone they didn't see as worthy of wiping their asses.


Hold on just a second I need to - 🤢🤮


Wallowing in their own filth it is then.


Boomers in northern New England, especially New Hampshire and Maine with the oldest populations in the country, will be superfucked by this in at most 5 years. Let's see how protesting every effort to build affordable housing and surpressing all wages by keeping the federal minimum works out for you.


West Virginian here. They’re already fucked here. They voted all that shit away years and years ago. Then sit and wonder why all the younger people are abandoning the state in droves (like they have been since the fucking ‘70s).


They basically are now. Maine has had several facilities close within the last few years.


The local facebook page for my town is all boomers pissing and moaning about workforce housing. Meanwhile the intent is that it's affordable housing for the employees of the local healthcare places... that the people complaining will soon need.


They don’t care about that. They think anyone who will be taking care of them are servants who don’t deserve basic things like shelter because they don’t work hard enough. Because if they worked hard they wouldn’t be in a service job and they would be able to afford a home. The hamster wheel in their head runs a vicious cycle.


These people literally want to bring back slavery for the masses, and they justify it by calling us lazy.


They do have a romantic view of the Antebellum South


They already bring in so many workers from out of the country for restaurant work in my area.


Or afford to buy your house when you're forced by age and infirmity to downsize.


The comeback for that one is, "You aren't. I paid my student loan. The government is forgiving all the bullshit interest that tripled my loan amount."


Something that is not talked about nearly enough is that student loans used to be self-amortizing, but now the interest continues to accrue on the unpaid balance. (And the interest starts to accrue when? The moment the loan is taken out?) When did this change? Did anyone think this through to understand how burdensome this would be?


They knew it was burdensome. It’s intentional to make money off young people.


This is why I have avoided paying anything on them. I'll pay them the lowest amount possible til I die if I have to.


Yeah same. I stopped giving a fuck. I do the bear minimum and fuck em. Fortunately I own my home free n clear and they can never touch that. Thy garnished my wages for a bit like 15 years ago when I was going through hard times and fuck them forever.


It's also intended to keep people with lower socioeconomic backgrounds from getting a higher education.


And to drive them into the military with the hollow promise of a good paying job and a free education.


This is why college will never be free in America......whos gonna join the military then?


That's a lie, too. They're probably hoping there's a good chance you get killed before they have to pay for anything.


Racism is always a correct answer to shitty policy changes in the US.


Don't forget classism! Poor POC get twice fucked.


“Did anyone think this through to understand how lucrative this would be?” Fixed it for you.


The student loan interest is "Usury". A ban on usury's been endorsed by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Which really make you wonder about the souls of people in favor of it.




"Make America a Christian Nation" NOT LIKE THAT!!


I love this argument. They also tend to forget that you worked a low pay public service job for 10 years instead of chasing that capitalist dollar.


I always hated the student debt conversation with boomers, and the minimum wage conversation…but now I want to ask do they want their social security coming out of a stranger’s $7.25/hour check or out of a stranger’s $16/hour check especially if it is a percentage. I know it might not be accurate but most boomers aren’t operating on completely factual beliefs


Sometime around the mid eighties, early nineties, boomers completely disconnected from reality. I'm just so tired of the greediness, while at the same time weaponizing a religion they don't even honor or follow. It's like, if they wake up early Sunday and sit in a big box for an hour, they are absolved. That way, they can be shitty for another week. Rinse, repeat.


Lol I have a boomer family member that is downsizing and has this list of wants for her future apartment with the rent of the 80s or 90s. She won’t move into an area where it is possible because it is too far from where her life is now, but she won’t budge on all these amenities. But being disconnected from reality seems to be the foundation for boomers


Boomers' relationship with reality unraveled in 1980. Carter told them the truth, Reagan told them what they wanted to hear, and they voted en masse for the latter.


This is why I get ticked at people complaining about politicians being dishonest . “ why oh why can’t we get an honest man!” They wail . If you keep voting for people telling you comfortable lies then you’re going to have to deal with the consequences . And it’s been going on so long they can’t spot an obvious liar right in front of them aka the orange one . Your politicians will be as honest as you let them


>WhY shOUlD i pAy YOUR sTudEnt DeBT?! I dunno, Boomer (not you, mishma2005, responding to the hypothetical boomer) - why should we pay for Social Security that's going to be spent on you and not there for us, like it's intended to be? How 'bout we cut off those SSI checks once the money that you paid in is completely gone? Oh, it's already gone, you say? Guess your generation is fucked, huh.


Enjoy rotting in your McMansion bc nobody can afford the inflated price you need to get to pay for a nursing home.


GenX here and a former caregiver/Med Tech for both assisted living and memory care. It's grossly underpaid and overworked. The turnover is so high that many new hires are very poorly trained or not at all, and abuse both by residents and management is ongoing. Even though I loved it in the beginning, you seriously couldn't pay me enough to do that work ever again. Boomers are so shortsighted that they don't even realize how their multi-decade erosion of a fair living wage and the stranglehold they have permitted insurance companies to have on people's healthcare is literally coming back to bite them in the form of **extremely** poor conditions in the homes where many will spend their remaining days on this planet.


FAFO. 🤷‍♀️ They'll reap what they've sown. They've more than earned their subpar conditions and care from all the bridges they've burnt and all the opportunities they destroyed.


I think about this a lot. The elderly that will be put in homes and the people barely paid for their care. The facilities are already severely understaffed. I think it will be grim.


Yes... Even for the well intentioned, it's not going to be great. I have a good boomer relative in a nursing home. She has home care insurance, but she couldn't find the staff to consistantly provide the care she needed and the rate the insurance was willing to pay is no longer a viable rate. She's a great person and would be living with family but for the level of care she needs too. Those same pressures will get worse and worse as the boomer wave travels through the system. They think they have pulled the ladder up after themselves, but failed to notice that it's on a rudderless ship that's adrift. It's not going to end well.


Where is the rudder?!? “We used it to build the ladder”


Every young person I speak to pretty much agrees they will never work with the senior population. Retail and jobs with the public show these young people real quick what AHs people can be.. honestly they’re the most entitled people I’ve ever met… I never realized it. I know that they don’t get it. They’re totally clueless. They don’t understand why they aren’t being waited on hand and foot and celebrated everyday even the ones who have never done a damn thing in their life to warrant it. They think catering to their every whim should be the joy of everyone’s life. 


I'm hoping that old GenX will spend their dotage smoking legal weed and not giving a fuck. 


Yeah, currently looking to get out of it because every patient I've had is an abusive, racist boomer. Oh, and we can't forget the meth/drug addictions!


"It's OK, Grandpa! Assisted suicide is the new retirement!"


Fuck that. They don’t deserve an easy way out.


Well, caregivers for seniors make about minimum wage, so I don't think anyone is going to convince people to go into the very underpaid field.


I have a relative (good boomer) in a nursing home and all of the care staff are women and recent imigrants. I can see this set of retiring boomers saying things like my imigrants are some of the good ones. Without that, it only the ones who can offer big bucks will get the care level that they are expecting.


They are going to be shocked that the people wiping their buts are immigrants, with few exceptions, legal and illegal. But when Trump deports all the pp they want deported...that will include their doctors, nurses, and all the way across the healthcare spectrum. Good luck morons.


At $7.50 a hour.


The reality isn’t they aren’t going to be cared for by anyone, at least not in the US. I was at a conference a few weeks ago where this was stated out load and nobody could rebut it. The healthcare profession, including the federal government, has no means of providing for baby boomers in 10-15 years. This isn’t really (entirely) a money thing either. There is a projected need for 3-5 million home healthcare providers that they can’t figure out how to meet. Nobody wants to do it for any amount of money. It’s compounded by ‘baby boomers are the most isolated generation entering their elderly years than a generation in recorded history. They live the farthest from their children than any past generation and they are the generation most likely to have alienated family members to the point of no contact than any generation before them. If they have family members that live near them they are very unlikely to be willing to help them with even the basics as they age. In short, we have pissed off everyone we know and we are going to die from preventable issues because of it’. -researcher presenting at the conference (approximately 70 years of age)


I live ten minutes from my mother, I was going to buy the house next door to me to have her move in so we cuddled take care of her and my stepfather. Then Covid hit and they became right wing Fox News nut jobs. I tried everything to reason with them but had to walk away about a year ago. Fuck Trump, fuck this whole timeline.


I saw the same thing happen to my boomer parents (as I’ve commented above) it’s crazy to me how they have been groomed to trust the media so much and they haven’t evolved with what the media is today. in their day it was facts and the anchorperson was reliable. it’s how you knew what was going on in the world. now with all the crazy out there being passed off as “news” they just blindly believe and it’s tweaked them into people I can’t even begin to understand anymore.


Is there a copy of this presentation available anywhere? I'd really like to hear more about this.




that’s just because “no one wants to work anymore!”


I can now identify with Ben Stiller's nursing home character :)


Give them a nice warm cup of shut the hell up 🤣




"Now, you will go to sleep or I will *put you to sleep*!"


This is actually one of the biggest reasons I’m looking into becoming a death doula. So many people from this generation have already alienated the family who would otherwise be at their bedside. The largest segment of our population is aging fast and many of them haven’t seemed to put too much thought into who will be left to hold their hand when they die. It makes me sad, honestly, even though I know much of it is of their own making.


you're a good person, and that's an important service.


Thank you. I’ve been the person at the bedside for my mom and my grandmother (I was the only one who would be with my grandmother when she died), so I know how I handle death and I know it’s something I can manage well. It’s not an option that a lot of people know is out there, so I don’t know if it would be sustainable as a career, but I think it’s an important resource that’s only going to become more needed as the Baby Boomers are passing away.


It must be tough finding a good death doula. None of the customers seem to leave any reviews.




Or "this is why your kids never want to call you, so don't take out it out on me"


Ooooh, they will definitely be getting their comeuppance. My dad had to stay in a nursing home a few years ago because he ended up severely ill and needed surgery (take care of your UTIs, folks). Yeah, that was a massive wakeup call for him. The conditions were beyond horrid. And why are they like that? Because of the people boomers have voted into office that have turned nursing homes into profitable for-profit venues where corporations are gobbling up facilities like crazy and making skeleton crews run them and filling them with managers who don't give a shit about the patients and only care about the bottom line. Here are some things my dad experienced: \- Not fixing his toilet. He had to walk across the hall to get to a toilet when he was in excruciating pain after having open heart surgery to replace an artery. \- Not caring about his diet. The pills he is on makes salt taste like sulfur. The food they were serving was heavily salted and they didn't care about changing it. \- They rushed him through his rehab sessions. He nearly fell multiple times. \- The staff was always late giving him his medications, especially his pain medications. \- He'd call for staff and it would take a half hour on average, sometimes more. \- Most of the staff was fresh-faced and barely knew what they were doing. Older nurses said turnover was high and it was miserable working there. Yeah, boomers are beyond fucked.


As a Gen-X'er, your gen can have them. I don't know a Gen-X'er who isn't alienated from their shitty parents. My father can rot in a homeless shelter.


This. Exactly. Most boomers are a product of a spoiled selfish generation that was pampered and spoiled by well meaning parents that earned money during a time when the middle class were paid well and able to buy homes maybe even a vacation home, pay for college educations, hot rodded cars and while their parents sacrificed and scrimped and saved, while they frivalously bought boats, Harleys and SkiDoos and waited for mom and dad to die to collect their generational wealth which they effortlessly squandered and then they pulled up the same ladder they climbed that was left by their parents and project and blame all of this same behavior onto the following generations who ARE kinda fucked due to their selfish asses.


They won’t even let go of the past and hand over the keys to Gen X and millennials. They just want to keep their glory days.


It's very strange that the conversation for elderly abuse is starting to gain real traction. It was ok for their parents, but heaven forbid the Boomers get treated like they treated others.


Gonna be hilarious when the reverse mortgage generation gets dropped in the cheapest old folks home Medicare can buy


I don't want to be too harsh but if we're being 100% honest here, I love my Boomer mom to death but I'm certainly not going to miss her when she's gone. Just as you said, I'm not going to forget how she treated others including me.


I'd be tempted to quote [Wheaton's Law](http://www.wheatonslaw.com/) to them.


*cafeteria ooooooo noise* I like that response. Seriously, im an older millennial approaching 40 (i look like im still older 20s/young 30s by those who drink, smoke and sun bathe too much) and i still have coworkers and peers older than me treat me like a baby faced 20-something and disrespect me personally and/or all the social equity advancements US society has achieved. Mostly i think they are blaming everyone and everything other than themselves for their multiple divorces, keeping up with the Jones' debt, and general abuse of their health. Maybe there is some projecting of displaced guilt in there too. And it isn't every "old person". The loud ones are the minority, not the majority.


"The world is going to hell because of \[ insert anyone other than myself\] " ![gif](giphy|3oz8xDW2VU5qHu6EJG)


I said something similar to an uncle of mine. He was making a scene, at a funeral no less, because one of the mourners was obviously trans. He just would not shut the fuck up. I told him at least *she* has the respect and human decency to not make a scene at a funeral, something a man his age should know. He grumbled and walked off. This uncle has thrown hands with my brother and learned real quick not to fuck with me if he doesn't want a repeat. And people wonder why I only see family at funerals. I skip weddings.


Watching the inevitable boomer brawl is the highlight of my family funerals.  They're all so rotund that their punching reach is only a few inches past their gut, so they just end up waddling into each other like a pair of walruses.  They terrified me as a child, of course, but now it's just funny. 


This just made me think about a possible social security and medicare overhaul, since we're likely getting fucked, and the conservatives want changes so badly ... Start retirement earlier, say 58, then cap it at 80. Boom, end of your benefits. Let boomers reap the same system they left us. Financial crisis solved.


"Yup, thanks for that!"


"Whatever degree of 'fucked' we are, you probably won't live long enough to find out."


Read: they sure like to project. Wonder if they really think we'll take care of them


Good answer.


Their generation is f*cked...thanks to the trickle down reaganomics b.s. they voted for.


Yes, we are. Boomers made housing prices skyrocket and become unaffordable, drained the social security trust, deregulated student loans and made tuition sharply increase while telling us all to take out said loans, made raising children unaffordable, killed the unions and public programs that got them where they are, then ran up huge amounts of government debt without any plan to pay for it.


We will also be likely shelling out for their care in their golden years. So too bad if we can't afford it!


I’m NC with my parents. I won’t be giving them a cent. I honestly don’t even care what happens to them. It’s not my problem. 


In 30 states there are filial responsibility laws that may compel you to care for your parents. 11 of those states have never enforced those laws however, so I wonder how often they are in the states that have.


That is fucked up. They were both abusive. I might rather go to prison than give them anything. 


I was surprised to learn of the existence of these laws. Seems like there would be many potential issues like yours where it would be cruel if they were ever enforced.


Yeah I'll take jail over caring for someone that never cared for me as a child thanks


26 states is what I count. A couple have rescinded the law. Fortunately neither my mother or me lives in one of those. I would move before helping her.


Prison it is!


There will be a backlash against boomer politics and policies once most of them have died off. Millennials will crack down on a lot of these problems once they’re the main constituency for politicians. Taxes will have to be raised on inheritance and wealth, corporations will be financially penalized for owning investment properties, and housing construction programs will be launched to address unmet demand. This will likely happen if our problems continue to develop as they have been. If 70% of the population can’t afford to buy homes, there are obviously going to be serious political consequences for that.


I desperately want you to be right


Also refused to do anything about climate change when it was becoming a well-known issue.


They did something! They actively made it worse, is what they did about it.


In other words, yes, but not for the reasons (or by the perpetrators) they claim.


Next time OP should thank them for acknowledging how bad they fucked all the other generations.


This is an easy slam dunk HR complaint.


I was going to say where the hell does OP work? Must either be in a really toxic environment or somewhere that’s too small to have an HR department.


Ageism, ableism, transphobia, etc.


Homophobia too!


I used to work warehouse and it was just like this in each warehouse job I took. Doesn’t help I was a gay dude in labor. It’s never as easy as just talking to HR because they can make your life hell while not treading over the lines set by HR


I was told LGBT supporters deserve the death penalty by two of my ex coworkers, and HR said they didn't do anything wrong when I reported them.


Not all HR departments are created equally 🤷


It was the push I needed to quit. I like my new coworkers and hours better, so it worked out for the best.


I’m happy for you! And as for those fucknuggets, I hope they develop anaphylactic allergies to all their favorite foods.


Plot twist: Those two are HR.




I had a safety class alone a few years ago. It was taught by one person, usually teaching one person at a time. This was back when masks were mandatory. First thing the teacher does is say I can take off the masks while they takes off theirs. I told them “I understand, but I’ll leave mine on.” That wouldn’t be too bad if it wasn’t for the other stuff. Their idea of ice breakers and mid-lesson banter was gauging your politics. Asking you if you thought the election was stolen, if you think the vaccine is to be trusted, thoughts on Jan 6 being an FBI coup. Boy was I visibly shaking with rage when I reported them for having to deal with that for an hour.


If this place is somewhere like Home Depot, HR won’t do shit about it.


This is the worst thing about them. They literally created us. Like them whining about participation trophies when they are the ones who handed them out because they couldn't handle their children going home without a prize.


No, they raised perfect children, it's the other children that are the problem. And if their own children have flaws, it is the fault of the schools or their peers or other people.


The whole generation is basically just [this Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error)


This was very interesting to read about. I feel like this might have a lot to do with why so many people support trump.


This is absolutely a boomer phenomenon.


My parents to me and my siblings when they were careing for my grandparents : "pay attention". We did and you will be well cared for. My inlaws on the other hand... Classic narcissist boomersbeingfools that are currently NC with their only daughter : "We demand". Us: "new phone, who dis".


"Thanks but I'm happy with my current internet."


It's funny how they think demanding something will generate some kind of positive response. They spent so many years just being able to boss around their children and treat people working in retail like total assholes that when they suddenly have no leverage, they have no idea how to communicate in order to get their desired response.


They are aweful people and we're currently No Contact with them. They sent me a demand email that was a break in their normal rants to inform me that they were coming to visit. We had a good chuckle because they plan to just show up, expecting to stay with us (and be catered to like our house is a B&B) and... we'll be out of town. It's going to be a fun time on the ring door bell when that happens. Even funnier because my parents (also NC with them out of support for my wife), the only other people they know in town, will be gone too.


That's hilarious. My dad is the same way. He thinks he can just demand literally anything from me and fucking loses his mind when I live my own life. He's currently pissed off that we won't have any more kids lol. I would go NC with him but my mom is a saint, so I have to put up with his bullshit for now.


They wouldn’t do anything crazy like break in, would they? Just asking since you said they’re so awful. Hoping you don’t have to deal with property damage from those assholes.


Nah... they wouldn't break in or damage anything. I have ring doorbells, cameras, a security system, and nosey neighbors. They'd probably try the door, but locks are all electronic and I've removed their code. My FIL is more likely to kick a planter an break his foot.


That’d be funny to catch on camera lol


I'd get a call from my neighbor. There's an ambulence and two cop cars in front of your house. Is everything OK?


Boomers really, REALLY, hate that millennials and later have figured out we can just cut them out of our lives. Going no contact isn't some tiktok challenge, it didn't happen in a vacuum, it's the result of their behavior


i mean our generation is fucked....but its because most boomers never bothered to save for retirement and they are going to drain the social security, and welfare out of the country essentially taking more from our generation than they ever provided when they were in the work force. Funny enough it's these same people who bitch about how we need to get rid of welfare because it's bankrupting the country.


There may be some boomers who didn't save (haven't seen it much myself) for retirement, but are lucky because they had good pensions. Some people are "fly by the seat of their pants" and always bought the latest, greatest everything and are sweating bullets now.


Of course, and who do you think is wearing the strap on, bitch?"


“Yeah, well your generation is making its way into coffins.”


And I honestly can’t wait till everyone one of them is 6 feet under.


Nearly 6,000 boomers are dying every day: https://www.incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php


Hell yes! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!


Our generation is fucked. But not because of what they believe. We're fucked because the boomers set the whole world on fire and will vote against anything that stops the world from burning us. Next time they say we're fucked just tell them, "yeah asshole, selfish people like you fucked us, don't expect shit when you're in your twilight years."


"Your generation is fucked" "Because we made sure your's will be! Enjoy having no Social Security!" -- Boomer "Good. Since you won't help us with our student debt, I am NOT going into geriatric nursing" -- Everyone else


The numbers of geriatric specialists and primary care physicians has been going down for over a decade. We've known this. The boomers have known this. But they've still voted for education and healthcare policies that have disincentivized that career path. Oh well. FAFO.


They think they won't find out because their ~~trophies~~ kids will handle it


I don't know how you didn't look them dead in the eye and say "Yeah, and your generation is the one who fucked us."


"...weird flex, when you're the ones who fucked us with your incompetence and stupidity."


"Our generation will be *just fine* after yours is DEAD. Hurry up."


Lmao “Hurry up and Die already so we can start fixing your mess that your generation made.”


Yeah lol when I saw this I was like they are right we are fucked but its because of them not because we treat gays well which is what you basically said.


“Damn I guess y’all didn’t teach and provide for us very well then.” And then, and this is the important part, walk away from them completely.


"Well, yeah, thanks to you all we're fucked, thanks for that"


They've been trying to fuck the younger generations for decades now.


When I saw the header, I was hopeful that this was going to be a revelationary tale of boomer enlightenment and empathy. I guess we can officially call those terms an oxymoron. I feel that one of the worst manifestations of their entitlement is the pulling up the ladder, I got mine, fuck you. Why should I pay for schools, I have medical coverage but universal healthcare is socialism. Affordable housing. The list goes on. This is what I find reprehensible.


We are absolutely fucked because they they fucked the world for us and they will never have to live through the hell they brought on us And they knew they were doing it to. I heard “I’ll be dead by then” many many times. We aren’t fucked because we treat people like people. We are fucked because they never did


Boomers require greatness. They have been a worthless generation that has zapped prosperity, so their only play now is to cast doubt on future generations as losers, since they themselves are losers, but that doesn’t play into the greatness narrative. We will be rid of them soon enough.


Reply: Yeah, thanks for the disaster you all left behind. Outsourced jobs, national debt, wars, drugs, political partisanship, immigration, cost of living, environment. We’re fucked because of YOU.


"If God hates trans people so much, why does he keep creating them?"


My wife introduced me to Tiffany, is mtf trans. I introduced myself, shook hands, really nice person, went about my day. I don’t understand why people have so much bandwidth they care. You’re a human, I am too, how’s your day? I don’t understand why people take it personally if someone goes by a different name, gender whatever. You do you I’ll do me.


Millenial raised by boomer parents here, they used to hate gays in the 90s and in early 2000s I made a gay best friend . He died a few years ago of suicide and my wife and I still grieve him, named our son after him and my parents have become more accepting since, but whenever they talk shit about trans issues I remind them people have to die to earn the love they deserved while they lived. It's a good lesson, I think.


Our generation really is fucked, but not for the reasons they believe.


I mean, they're partially right. But mostly because they've destroyed the economy, given power to fascists, and generally fucked society into submission for the past 40-50 years.


"And these children that you spit on, as they try to change their world, are immune to your consultation. They're quite aware what they're going through." -David Bowie


I recommend stealing their lunches, and then telling each of them that the other one took it. Stand back and watch as the two Boomers get into an altercation and look in amazement as their pocket change and hard candies go flying everywhere.


>“Your generation is fucked.” When I say “No I think we’ll be just fine” he repeats himself saying “No, your generation is fucked!” Be petty, report them to HR. This is inappropriate work place language and ageism. I'm not kidding. Teach them our society has rules.


I got stuck in a conversation like this over the weekend (though it was mostly Gen X). It seems like transphobes spend more time thinking about genitals than trans people do


"We'll be fine once your generation is gone."


Report them to HR.


The best answer would have been: "If my generation is fucked, it's entirely thanks to your generation."


That’s when you ask them “I wonder who fucked it up for us? 🤷🏼‍♂️”


"Your generation raised us; if we're fucked it's your fault, and now we get to pick your nursing homes. Mwaaahahahahahaha" Totally worth the HR visit IMHO.


"And you'll be dead soon."


Sounds like some pretty inappropriate/disrespectful workplace conduct to me…. But I know now everyone is as lucky as I am that they can go to their manager about a conversation like that and actually have something done.


report them to HR.. this is workplace harassment


They probably thought the world was fucked when women got rights too.


That should have been a trip to HR, that is not a conversation to be having at work