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Yeah I’ll believe our justice system works when he spends the rest of his life in jail. Not gonna hold my breath.


Or, you know, any of it. Then I will believe right along with you.


lol I would take even 1 solid year as a W. He wouldn’t last 1 year 😂.


Literally what I said to a coworker of mine. I’d be fine with even just 1 year of him behind bars.


Just one year, in general population, without any Secret Service. It would make me very happy.


>happy ![gif](giphy|dANm7WjeWZi00)


The judge owes it to the jurors to render a worthy sentence. They’ve been living in fear for their lives and have been receiving constant death threats since this trial began and will likely continue to do so until Trump passes out of public memory. We NEED to make an example of him. We need to show the world how we treat petty upstart tyrants.


He can still be elected and I'm concerned this will light a bigger fire under his fan base. I'm not holding my breath for this November


I don't know how being a convicted felon doesn't disqualify a presidential candidate. That just fucking blows my mind. 


I also don't understand how that doesn't disqualify someone. Especially since in most states convicted felons lose voting rights. It makes absolutely no sense


Theres a good reason. You dont want to live in country where political leaders can be labled felons by their rivals and legally not be able run. The real question is why are felons not able to vote?


>You dont want to live in country where political leaders can be labled felons by their rivals and legally not be able run. What in the literal fuck are you smoking?


Im smoking not wanting to live in a country like russia


You stated utter nonsense that by simply claiming a political rival is a felon, the rival wouldn't be legally able to run for office. Again, what the fuck are you smoking?


I'm not agreeing with that person, but vindictive prosecution is a thing and incumbents are in control of the prosecution. It's pretty common in places like Russia for a political rival to be charged with some bullshit and jailed after a mock trial. I don't think we're there, but with another 4 years for Trump to stack the judiciary, who knows.


You are absolutely right about this. And it's not just Russia. Pretty much every crap-hole country does this. This is how most of Africa operates. "What? He's popular? Charge him with murder and make him go away."


Not missing an opportunity to point out that most of the political unrest and foolishness in Africa was created by white colonialism and Christian terrorism ☺️


What part don't you agree with? You just repeated their exact comment almost word for word and said you don't agree with them? Huh?


The slippery slope crap.


We live in a country where the judicial system is rapidly declining due to republican appointees. Would you really want to risk having a good president charged with some bullshit felony that disables them from running? I think elections should be up to the people. Wether or not the person has a felony shouldnt disclude them from running. The people should be able to deside, not the courts. Allowing felons to run acts as a safe gaurd for democracy. You could get a bullshit weed charge and not get to run for president. Its a way to exclude people from candicay and the people should get to deside who is president.


>Would you really want to risk having a good president charged with some bullshit felony that disables them from running? For the third time, what the fuck are you on that you think simply claiming or being charged with a felony would legally prevent a rival from running for office? Please, quadruple down on this....


What are you smoking? Why does that confuse you so much?


This should be good.... Can you please explain this, then? >You dont want to live in country where political leaders *can be labled felons by their rivals and legally not be able run.* Heavy emphasis on the italicized section please.


Is your comment satire?


>Theres a good reason. You dont want to live in country where political leaders can be labled felons He's not labeled a felon. HE IS A FELON!


This is my point. What happens when more abd more if our rights are eroded? It becomes difficult to not be some sort of felon.


Wow, you are a moron. Just take your room temperature IQ to the short bus and go home Corky


Let me put it this way. Smoking weed is a felony. Do you think that someone should be left off the ballots because they got caught smoking weed? This is my point. We dont know what the future of felonies hold in this country. Abortion could soon be a felony. Trump should be left off the ballots because he's an insurrectionist, fascist, and wanna be dictator, not because he's a "felon"


But they were already going to vote for him anyway. It’s the independents they’d need to sway


Light a fire then what? His voter base is dying off and he helped accelerate that with his lack of response to COVID. They can’t even wear a mask in public. You think these poor fat losers will actually try to start a civil war? Haha


The high end punishment for this would be 4 years in prison.


And cheating for the highest office in the land doesn’t somehow necessitate the max penalty, if not now then when?  I know how judges like to make examples.  (Just ranting here)


What! Are you saying an incredibly wealthy government official business man could have any chance of getting out of prison?!


He’s not going to do any time for this. Frankly, as felonies go, these were the least of his charges. He’ll end up getting probation as a first-time offender. Like it or not these are his first actual felonies so the fact that he’s been a lifelong piece of shit isn’t relevant.


If our justice system worked, we'd let all the people in for simple narcotics possession free. And this \[redacted\] would be dancing on the end of a \[redacted.\]


Sadly, I have to agree. 😡


So a whole 2 years lol?


Exactly. The sentencing is actually more important than this guilty verdict. If he just gets a slap on the wrist, the system still failed regardless of the verdict.


I still remember all the people who thought after being elected Obama would be going after G.W. Bush... Nothing is going to happen to Trump. One way or another its going to get thrown out. These legal precedents can be used to go after a lot of big people, for example Obama.


Trump is a piece of shit but let’s not start praising the US legal system considering how many innocent people it victimizes every day 




Our Justice System is trash but this is a solid start.


Yeah. And at least wait until after sentencing before giving the judicial system too much credit.


And does that apply here?


lmao it does not 


Depends on who you ask lol


Lock him up.


Regrettably, it’s unlikely. I really wish they would but I’m not going to hold my breath.


Excited to see the orange man in the orange jumpsuit


Lol you think he's going to go to jail? This is America. We don't punish the rich.


We only punish the rich for stealing from other rich. Like Martha Stewart.


By falsifying business records, he's hurt his investors (other rich old white men). So, he might just see some actual punishment.






Donald Trump for prison. Throw the book at him. Also, is anyone else pissed off that the media keeps referring to him as "president trump?"


"President" is a title they carry for life.


No one says president Obama


He's mostly retired from the public life though, so nobody really talks about him either.


The judge has two options: 1: Fine him and not sentence him to prison and proving that our justice system is beyond fucked. 2: Be the one to finally get this motherfucker off the stage and sentence him to prison where he has a very high chance of kicking the bucket before his sentence is over since he is currently 77 years old. Please for love of God choose option #2.


Maximum of 4 years…. Idk doesn’t seem right to me needs to be a minimum of 4.


It's for each count.


Hey that’s not too bad then.


It’ll be concurrent.


Here’s to hoping it keeps him from winning so in 2028 he’ll just be the crazy guy talking to himself in the corner while the adults can talk again.


He can read his bible now ...


Before you get all excited, he still needs ti be sentenced and they get to appeal like 89 times before they see anything.


Hold for sentencing


I was surprised it wasn't a hung jury tbfh, as they had their own jury picks and only needed one vote.. My faith is a little restored but I'm with you on holding my breath until sentencing. House arrest is my guess


Crazy that Juror 2, who only got their news from Truth Social and X, still found him incredibly Guilty


He's not going to receive any actual consequences. Maybe probation and a fine that the RNC will pay for.


No it fucking does not. This man should *never* have gotten this far and it's an absolute **travesty** that he's been able to operate with impunity for so long.


I'm reasonably certain his campaign has been spamming fund raising emails since the verdict came back.


Yeah but they were probably spamming before the verdict as well.


Not gonna stop holding my breath until Trump's appeal is denied. Until then, don't give credit where it isn't due yet. Wait for sentencing.


I mean, he hasn't been sentenced yet, and he can still run for president. So, does it???


Thank goodness they marked that man as 'live' because I assumed anyone working with Trump was dead inside.


I bet he shit his pants


*Aileen Cannon has entered the chat.*


I'll believe in our justice system once I see him behind bars


The party of law and order will tear doors off prisons to keep this man free. The gop may as well wipe von shitzinpants ass with the constitution by trying to elect a felon to office.


i'll believe it works when he faces the same punishment any normal person would


No it doesn't work. Your system is now allowing a criminal to run for presidency. Your system is awful and broken beyond repair


The justice system is not the electoral system. I didn't say shit about the electoral system which is horrifically broken and will never be fixed without an amendment. The Electoral College served its purpose, but it is now a relic that is doing more harm than good. Just because you live in Bumfuck, Wyoming doesn't mean that your vote should carry more weight than mine. In the electoral college, a single person voting in Wyoming has their vote count for THREE TIMES as much as a single person voting in Arizona or Louisiana and nearly FOUR TIMES as much as a person voting in California.


Works how? What are the consequences? Can't he still run for president? lol


*Works how? What are the* *Consequences? Can't he still* *Run for president? lol* \- TheMireMind --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wait for the sentence before saying that. If he goes with a slap in the wrist then it doesn't work.


Now hwait just gd minute I was ASSURED by people who hate both sides(but only when the GOP is being criticized) that nothing would happen to Trump


Hasn't happened yet. Time in jail: 0d0h0m0s


Oh look they're already here to virtue signal lmao


Citadel still in biz so... maybe not.


Now the punishment...


For hiring a prostitute/pornstar? That's a crime now? Or for hiding it? So you have to announce every time you sleep with a prostitute? All these are not illegal as far as I know Just a false conviction to stop him from running Next, he will be found guilty for breathing


It wasn’t for hiring a prostitute you dolt. But since you mention it, unless your in Vegas yes, that is a crime


Did you even follow the case? The fact that your becon of maga justice had an affair while his wife was home with his baby shows his moral character, but that is beside the point. I know you are probably a troll so this will be for others of your ilk, he fraudulently falsified business records to hide a payment made to influence an election. The fat orange could have just made the payment out of his personal bank account but no, he is to much of a miser to do that.


Hahahahahahahaha He’ll still be elected because his tangerine worshiping followers will ignore it. For the record I despise that man and all of maga. At his sentencing a chant “4 more years” needs to start when they commence from the democratic picket line.


And yet he’ll probably be barred from voting for himself (or anyone for that matter)


I didn’t say it wasn’t a step in the right direction, I just know today at every trumper’s shrine in America they’re upsetty spaghetti (Insert something blah blah blah what about Biden and Hunter Reeeeee’ing) and will disregard “rule of law” based on emotions.


Sounds like thats not the case. Florida will defer to the state the conviction occurred in, and New York does allow felons to vote.


Not if he’s in prison (though admittedly probation is more likely).


If you think for a second he will even see bars I don’t know what to tell you lol


I literally said it’s less likely than probation. Pipe down, friend.


I was agreeing with you so down pipe lol


He lost in 2020 by 7 million votes and he hasn't gained any new support. His cult will vote for him regardless but many died during covid. And during this primary around 20% -30% of the Republican base voted for Haley, who dropped out months ago. Some polls showed him leading Biden in some swing states by 1.2%. Now he is a convicted felon which will probably cost him a few percentage points. All that being said everyone needs to vote in November. We need huge turnout 70%+. He needs to not just lose but be repudiated. Then after the election the classified documents case, the Georgia election interference case and the insurrection case will lead to actual jail time. Finish him.


This!!!!! Ffs everyone vote please. Vote like your rights are actually being attacked.


Bro is never gonna see the inside of a cell and still able to run for office. Idk if it actually works.


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He will get a fair day in court.


And yet…it’ll still let him run for president.


I wouldn’t go that far…


Does it though? He will still run for president. If he wins he will just pardon himself.


this is just the engine cranking. we'll see if it can actually start up. where's that damned starter fluid


He'll appeal it all the way to the Supreme Court.




We’re not in the clear yet yall


I [fought the law](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgtQj8O92eI)...


Tbh. I highly doubt this means anything. And I doubt he'd see jail. He has to pay some fines, but I don't believe anything will come of this.


Sorta. Despite being guilty of 34 felonies, he'll never see the inside of a prison cell. Or any reprocussions


Justice system only works on peasants. He will be fined and this will be forgotten


OP this is the dumbest title I have seen all week


Convicted Felon Sleepy Don von Shitznpantz the Slackjawwed.


This is in fact the justice system not working at all and being used to persecute a political opponent.


He committed the crime. Falsifying business records is a felony, so he's a felon.


Nothing is going to happen, slap on the wrist.


No, it doesn't. Although it looks good on the surface, this is just going to bolster the ridiculous unhinged mob mentality he's spent the last few years cultivating: that lies and false charges are constantly brought against him and he might as well be Jesus himself if only everyone wasn't so stupid


So what? He didn’t already have those votes?


Yeah, they'll just do it harder now.


This will not improve anyone’s situation. It’s only a win for the political establishment. inflation is still out of control, most people won’t be be able to own a house, the climate is still teetering and people’s quality of life all over America is still going to decline slowly but noticeably no matter who is jail, or the Oval Office.


He's still gonna be president, and if not I'm sure his fan base will tear this country to shreds if he isn't.


Literally nothing will happen to him. He’ll win the election regardless…this changes nothing :)


Association with a twice impeached, convicted felon, rapist to boot isn’t a good look. This will absolutely cost the GOP. You can’t say you’re the party of law and order when a criminal is your leader.


Then you're too young to understand politics in this country. He will get a boost in the polls. And I will bet any amount of money in vegas that he won't spend a single day in prison because of this. He'll get probation most likely . I'm gonna be super crude, so hopefully. You're old enough but rich white people Only go to prison in this country if they steal or harm other rich people. Or make rich people look bad because they associate with you


I disagree, given that in lots of other races across the country his endorsement has cost races. Not everyone in this country puts on blinders to his crimes. I agree that his base has already closed itself off no matter what the facts say. I wish you were wrong about him going to jail but you’re likely right. Well, at least not for this case. That said, home confinement and financial punishment are still viable option but it’ll be some time before his punishment is determined and enforced given they’ll try to re-litigate this as many times as they can. Regardless, he’s a felon and that’s what the right is supporting. Facts don’t care about anyone’s feelings.


I'm gonna let you in on something here. Republicans are vastly and I mean vastly better at the political game than democrats. They are scary good at it. They represent less than five percent of people, yet control fifty percent or more of the power. This campaign season Their people who again Are freaking savants At this 1. Will convince enough of the lower class that the economy is bad under Biden. Because they can't afford rent, which is true because rent is crazy 2. Convince enough libertarians and independents To stay home, because neither candidate is worth their vote. 3. Young people is easy. They're very politically astute when it comes to social media, but when it gets time to vote, they can't be bothered and statistics back this up. 4. The actually young politically active people who vote they will convince a vote for joe biden is a vote for genocide And they will stay home. The Republican end game has never been. Getting a majority of americans to vote for him Their end game is in swing states to outspend the democrats and convince people to not vote...


Some of your points might have merit but I would point you to the last presidential election and the “red wave” the GOP expected that we now know was a drip. The left and young voters are motivated by the perception of control over reproductive rights. Standby well know definitely the effect this election.


They would be short sighted to think Trump wouldn’t support a genocide if it was up to him it would be two genocides. He would support Russia and Israel do not be mistaken.


The only reason Republicans are better at politics is because they aren't actually trying to govern. Democrats are handicapped by their assumption that you are actually trying to solve problems. But the GOP isn't trying to solve anything. They want to burn it all down to get power and punish their enemies.


You should check out what the conservative news circuits and commentators are saying about this because they’re all taking a trump conviction as a sign he’s on the “right side”


Well they also all claimed there was a “red wave” coming which we now know factually, was more like a drip. I avoid the right echo chamber like the plague. I still have faith that this will sway some of the more reasonable moderates.


Anyone who’s watched the last eight years of politics and remains an undecided moderate cannot charitably be called “reasonable” 


I’m not sure about that. Both Democrats and Republicans spout insanity on a daily basis.


If they’re both nutshit then anyone waffling instead of saying “you’re both trash” still isn’t reasonable 


I’ll agree to disagree then. You don’t deal with two crazy people by choosing which crazy you hate least. You instead stop rewarding crazy people.


By falsifying his business records, he's hurt his investors (other rich old white people). They're not gonna let that slide.


Cope and seethe snowflake!


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