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She has to drive a whole 10 miles. How unheard of. Anyway, what's the furthest you've driven to see a doctor? For us it was almost two hours for a pediatric specialist.


I’m at an appointment that I took an hour long train ride train to. Imagine the meltdown she would have!!!


i walk 10 minutes to my dentist. if they moved 10 miles away i’d just get a new dentist.




Or just go the 10 miles. Either way its not a big deal


But anything more than a mile means the boomer needs to saddle up the horse or maybe take the buckboard and pick up supplies at the mercantile. And a hot lunch at the “fancy new hotel “.


But Boomer specifically asked about parking and traffic, so she wasn’t walking. I also walk to my doctor; if they moved 10 miles away, I’d schedule an Uber. It’s only one appointment, and it won’t cost me more than $14.


Boomers like that don't take public transportation. They don't want to be around "those people".


I spent a couple of years traveling to Mayo with my kid. This boomer can get bent.


Right?! When I was in middle and high school, my orthodontist was an hour and a half away, and I went to an immunologist that was 2.5 hours away from where we lived. My poor mom drove me to all those appointments and never said a word about it.


Hello from Rochester


I used to drive my mother from my place at the central NJ shore to the University City section of Philadelphia to see her cardiologist because she was convinced the cardiologist she’d seen at our local ER didn’t have a medical degree. (He did. But it wasn’t from a Philadelphia medical school. The snobbery ran deep.)


Whats special about about a Philly degree?


My mother refused to acknowledge that doctors could be educated competently in any other city. She worked at a hospital just outside Philadelphia and every doc she worked with graduated from UPenn, Jeff, Temple, PCOM, etc. Yes, I know. It makes no sense.


Yo mama logic center busted. Need to refuel that asap.


Well, she’s passed on, so I don’t have to have that argument anymore.


Was she a hoot or a blight on society? Thats borderline insesitive but sometimes i have convos like these on this sub, and people out their parents as trash humans.


She was both, lol. Totally depended on the day.


Oh what a bundle of joy.


My guess? The 'issue' might have been that the Dr was a POC


Nope, he was a white guy but we wasn’t a PennMed doc. Her cardiologist at PennMed was actually a Korean-American woman.


So she passed up sexism and racism to focus on something a person can control (where they go to school)? I kinda respect that, though it sounds like a pain for you. And it’s state pride, not some crap like demanding Harvard or Ivy League.


penn is ivy League. I'm sure other pa schools wouldn't have been acdeptable


Penn or Thomas Jefferson.


Also won’t watch hockey unless it’s the Philadelphia Flyers.


That's more understandable. If you're unfaithful to the Flyers, Gritty will haunt you in your dreams.


This is 100% accurate.


He will actually slip into your house at night and push you down the stairs.


My mother flies up to Philly from FL to see her cardiologist. I don't know, after living in VT, I get it. Philly doctors are really damn good but I'm definitely biased.


My sister had to drive two hours both ways for chemo


Tbh, that's 10 miles to far. They are all ass at driving. They go 25 in a 50, brake .25 miles away (without using a turn signal), and are generally a liability on the roads. They (boomers and older) should have to PROVE annually they are still capable of driving without being a hazard to everyone else on the road. Plz talk to the provider to have him consider moving his practice into her home. /s (the /s only applies to this paragraph, I'm infinity% serious about my above paragraph)


I have been saying this for years! Like, since before I could drive. I understood why teens have restrictions, have step-up licenses, whatever. But I feel like that oughta happen after 65 or so, too. Then a classmate was killed in a head on accident when a 70 year old man had a heart attack while driving and crossed into her lane. It’s been one of my biggest complaints since.


I drove 50 miles one way in active labor to deliver our babies - twice.


I drove (as a passenger) 10.5 miles in labor for my last kid because they inconsiderately moved the hospital and still gave birth on the front seat😂 Glad you made it!


2hrs because im 32 and ive had this dentist since i was 8 and she will be my dentist till seeing her becomes unreasonable or she retires.


My primary care physician is 2 hours away. Been seeing her a long time.


4hrs one way just to see a specialist abt my double vision and then my insurance wasn’t gonna cover another visit so we couldn’t do a follow up. 8hrs+traffic😢


Did you get it figured out?


Nope! Bc after dropping $1500 (with my insurance only covering 15%) on *one* eye that the dr assured me would fix my double vision with a 95% success rate I had single vision for 3 days before it reverting back. Since they no longer accept my insurance it would be $800 out of pocket just to see the assistance physician for a check up to see what more we can do to fix my double vision. I’d fuckin take a plane to whatever country I need to go to fix this but no one seems to have a guarantee I’ll ever see one again without heavy prism.


Thats sad


Tbf, we really don't want boomers driving


Several times Congress has discussed some sort of driver testing for older drivers. Every time AARP’s flying monkeys descended on Capital Hill. Ain’t gonna happen. They’ll argue that younger drivers are statistically worse, and the only workaround would be re-testing all drivers at intervals, and we’d need a lot of additional infrastructure to do that.


I once drove 12 hours for a doctor. I'd trade with her in a heartbeat


All of our doctors are 30-40 minutes away, but that's because our family doctor is part of a large group of hospitals/urgent cares/etc and she's absolutely worth the extra time/distance. We drive past 7 other hospitals and who knows how many other doctors' offices to get there.


2+ hrs both ways cause of traffic multiple times per year to see a specialist about my wrist when I broke it.


I sometimes forget not only how america-centric reddit is, but also how americans percieve distances. 10 miles would be 100% unacceptable for my european ass. I walk to my doctor, and it takes me not even 5 minutes. If I have to go to a specialist, there is almost certainly one within 3 miles of me.


When my daughter was born last year, they discovered a heart problem that needed looking at by the experts ASAP (she's all good now). Got flown half the length of the country in an emergency medical flight to the national children's hospital. On a side note: spent nearly 3 weeks there and our only expenses were food (and the bus because the hospital is so damn far from the supermarket). They even supplied my wife's meals because she was breastfeeding.


Had to go from my town in IL that’s just on the edge of the Wisconsin border all the way to Chicago during rush hour.


Pretty much the norm for me back in chicago to drive up north 90 minutes to see a doc


The nearest in-network PCP is the next town over. That's a 15-20 minute drive, depending on weather. If you need to see a specialist, depending on the kind of specialist, you might end up being sent down to Pittsburgh. That's 2.5 to 3 hours from where I'm at.


When I lived in IL I had to drive into Chicago to see a specialist. Where I live now my doctor is 15 min away. The farthest now I drive is to see my colon surgeon about an hour away.


Yeah, all my cancer/post cancer docs are off an 1 1/2 hours away! Woe is her....


5 hours, but I have a rare condition that only 4 specialists in the US treat so I was actually lucky he was so close. He retired so now I have to go to Boston from Tennessee to continue treatment.


My cancer treatment was at a hospital that was 2.5 hours away by bus! Unless I was staying overnight, I had to do 5 hours of travel several days a week.


3 hour train ride. The only place that was specialized in my disability


I consider myself lucky that my urologist is only an hour’s drive away (and I can take BART to MUNI right to the hospital if I don’t want to drive that far).


Some of my appointments are an hour and a half away.


193 miles to find an OBGYN who could help me with a high-risk delivery.


I had to make visits to one of my doctors a full day experience. Get up early, get a lift to the station half an hour away, spend a couple of hours taking a train or bus to the next state over, see the doctor, have lunch, do a little shopping if I was up for it, spend the rest of the afternoon in a train or bus, get picked up from the station and finally get home. Every month for over a year.


I left 5.5 hours early for my last appt. We had a bridge closing for a submarine to pass through, then catch the ferry across the Sound to my orthopedic doctor. All three of my surgeries with him meant a hotel stay so we could make the 6am check in. He always scheduled me first, even knowing where I was coming from. lol


Went to a different state and had to stay overnight.


Mine was at least 30 minutes away, more if it was rush hour or there was a wreck. It's why I would make early appointments and take the entire morning off just in case.


Two and a half hours by train and bus. Not a big deal for the surgery, but the follow ups were brutal. Takes a whole day off work for a 15 minute checkup.


My partner and his family drive over half an hour to get to their long time doctor because they moved further away several years ago but don't want to have to find a new doctor that will understand (and listen to) their medical issues (some are complicated). When I moved in I signed up with the local doctor and it's a <10 min walk with a pharmacy next door


Have driven 6 1/2 hours or so to a whole Nother state because it was the only location actually doing research on a condition I have


Right now weekly 6 hour drive one way every weekend for my wife to get treatment available in every western country except America. Going on week 8.


Depending on where I am, the VA is between a 45 min drive {with no traffic} to the Phoenix VA, almost 2 hours drive (with no traffic & good weather) from the New Orleans VA, and 4ish hours (in good weather, more than 9 hours in a blizzard...yes, I've done it) to the Detroit VA. So, yeah, when people bitch about how far away their doctor is, or how long they've been waiting. And it's not just the VA. When I was active duty, a visit to the nearest ER took a _MINIMUM_ of 15 hours. Most of that spent crying and vomiting in the waiting room. So....🖕🏻


I have a neurosurgeon who is approximately 95 miles from me but is the only one who can see me. For context, I live in Mesa AZ, which is close to Phoenix, but I have to drive to Tucson. The reason I have to see my neuro down there is because I have a peripheral nerve stimulator implanted in my chest with 2 leads in my head. Nobody in Phoenix will program it or even do the surgeries.


I live in the sticks of Arizona, and it takes me no less than 1.5 hours to get to any doctor


Well I just flew 800km each way from south Thailand to Bangkok to see my fave bone doctor after the local hospital screwed up their diagnosis. Going back for the follow up next month so that’ll be 3,200km total


I think the perfect reply to her complaint about moving further away from her would have been "Yes, but he moved it closer to his other patients. " Her head would probably have exploded.


Better yet - he moved to be closer to his younger patients 😂


They are so incredibly narcissistic.


I know you can’t because well you’re job. But if you could. “And what’s with YOU PEOPLE thinking the world revolves around you? What’s makes 1 patient feel like they’re entitled to the entire practice?”


Make sure she has to sit and wait in an exam room forever before she gets seen, last in line.


And if possible, turn the AC way down below their typical 85* home thermostat setting.


They love swamp ass.


My parents have their house at 82 in the summer and 75 in the winter. It's honestly terrible and makes me want to visit less often. Mine is 77 summer and 69-70 winter.


Oh hell, my parents keep it set at around 85 year round. My dad (78) says it’s so he can just sit in his (loose) tighty-whitie underwear when he watches TV. Doesn’t surprise me since that’s what he did when I was growing up. 🤦‍♂️🫣🤮


My dad doesn't even wear that. He uses his pool and walks around with nothing on without a care in the world. And the houses are right on top of each other. Two story homes. It's why I'm not allowed to live there even though I could save so much money. Like they need 5 bedrooms. Remember ugly naked guy from friends? My guess is the neighbors feel the same way. He does wear clothes when I'm around. And when we were kids, so at least we weren't traumatized. I guess he just really wants to enjoy his retirement. I think the exterminator got a surprise once, though, when he unlocked the gate and went around back without knocking on the door and telling my mom he was there when my dad was outside. I'm sure he went back to the shop and told everyone. It's probably in their file at the company.


🔪👁👁 🩲


What’s that in rest of the world temperature


Was in healthcare. Was a physician. Actually told some people similar things before I retired and just couldn't give a shit anymore.


The weird part is that those people are probably your biggest fans. Some of the patients who love me the most are the ones where I’ve had to pull the “you’re not acting right” card. They’re probably bitching to their new doctor about how they will never live up to Dr. Robdamanii and Dr. Robdamnii would have never made them wait this long and Dr. Robdamnii would NEVER……


My favorite doctor is the one who threatened to put me in a psych ward unless I got help immediately. She calls me her weird patient and my genetics make things difficult for her. She's honest and she's fair. I appreciate the hell out of her, even when she's shaking her finger at me.


Because everyone is a servant to Boomers. And if they're a BROWN servant, they have even less respect


I'd do it anyway.


what do you mean "you people"




The boomer would just get all huffy and say "Well I NEVER!!!"


Today we young people like to call that main character syndrome.


"It's 10 whole minutes away what if I am late?" "I would recommend you leave your house more than 10 minutes before the appointment "


*10 miles but yeah point still stands about leaving earlier


I mean depending on where you're traveling to and from that does math out to about 10 minutes


Boomers have nothing to do. No jobs, no hobbies. Why are they so precious when it comes to waiting?


"well ma'am I'm absolutely sorry. But a different boomer called first, crying about how we were too far away and that the whole world is supposed to revolve around them. So we relocated to a location closer to them. You called about a month too late."


Aren't those morons familiar with the concept of an employee ? What's the point with getting all upset at a receptionist or other staffer ? They're not the ones who made the decision to move and they certainly don't have the power to undo it. Maybe it sucks for them too. Their commute may be longer now.


They just have no emotional regulation. They get upset or anxious about something so they just dump all over the nearest person, and then to justify their attack, they find a way to blame the other person's entire character. The option of just keeping their stupid mouth shut never occurs to them.


And, like most boomers, you can pretty much guarantee that she'd generally be of the opinion that business owners should be free to do whatever they want with their business. It just inconvenienced her in this case.


Yeah that is the part gets me the most. Why they blame low level staff (especially ones in large corporations) for policies or decisions when they have absolutely no say in making them! It is why even when I’m annoyed or pissed at a company and I’m on the help line, I’m sure to clarify to person on the phone that I’m mad/annoyed by the company/situation not them and I in no way blame them. The person on the other side of the phone is just someone working at a customer service call center, they have no power….. so why take it out on them? In this case it isn’t like the dr’s office consulted the receptionist or nurses before they moved.


“If you are unsatisfied, then we would encourage you to establish with a provider closer to home.” I love telling people in the most professional way to find a new doctor.


This! "I understand. I hope you find a [objectionable noun] that better fits your needs."


You People. \~\~Certified Boomer


'What do YOU mean by "you people"?'


I own a medical billing service and it's the Boomers that call me and say "I just got a bill from you people", and that phrase is a particular pet peeve of mine. Since I own the place and can't be fired, here is my response: "Sir I have about 50 clients, and not one of them is called "you people" so I'm afraid you might have the wrong number. Unless your bill actually says who sent it?" That usually resets the conversation pretty fast.


STORY TIME! I work in Audiology as a patient concierge, which is just fancy talk for receptionist. Our patients are almost exclusively Boomers and the elderly. There’s nice patients who I absolutely adore seeing, and there’s others who make me want to pull my teeth one by one with a rusty Coke can. One lady, who isn’t even a patient of ours but her husband was, called to let us know that she was planning to stop by our office to have her husband’s hearing aids looked at. This is a free service, mind you, since he purchased his hearing aids through us. She is jerking us around telling us that she was going to be coming in. This was on a Friday, in which we close at 4p if we are done with our work, despite what our voice recording says, and we normally are done with everything by that time. She was made aware of this. What time does she stop by? 4:45pm. Doors were locked, no one home. She left 5 nasty voice messages saying how ridiculous this was, to open the doors because “she knows we’re in there” which we weren’t. We called her back on Monday apologetically like “I’m sorry you didn’t understand that we were closed by the time you came LIKE WE TOLD YOU WE WOULD BE, but we’d be happy to see you today before 5p!” She said that she couldn’t believe we had the gall to do that to her, that’s not what the recording says, I drove ALL THAT WAY for nothing(She lives 15 minutes away), yada yada and said she was going to another practice and we could forget about her and her husband and abruptly hung up on us. Any other practice would charge $65-$75 for the same exact service because they didn’t purchase their hearing aids there. This lady couldn’t suck it up and admit that she was denying HER OWN HUSBAND a free service because she wanted us to roll out a red carpet for her WHEN WE WERE CLOSED. My office manager called her back and basically told her “Well we apologize for the inconvenience, but I have it on good authority that you were told when we were closing that day and you chose to come afterwards. If you want to go somewhere else, we’re happy for you. Your husband deserves better though, and we’re here if you change your mind. But you won’t be demeaning my staff like that anymore.” and hung up. Fucking boomers. 🤦🏽‍♂️ Tl;dr- Boomer lady refused to come to our office during operating hours for a free service we could’ve provided for her husband’s hearing aids, was told when we were closing, and then made it out to be OUR fault despite not following instructions. FUCKING BOOMERS. I have so many different stories like this one, and I’ve been working in this office for less than a year. -_-“


Yeah. Don't know a darn thing about the OP other than the fact that she's young. What I do know is that "you people" has a helluva load of connotations to go with it and usually carries a car load of bigotry with it to boot.


Ya, I was waiting for OP to mention their race or gender or something...


My mom was an office manager of a dermatology practice for many years. The doctor there only did skin cancer surgeries, not any other type of general dermatology. The patients were typically referred to his office by other derms who did not do this type of surgery themselves. So everyone coming to this office had been diagnosed with cancer already. On the largest organ of the human body. Well they had so much trouble with boomers who didn't want to be inconvenienced by having to drive in the rain or from a "far" distance (like the suburbs) or whatever reason. They always had boomers calling to say they couldn't make it to their surgery appointment because of blah blah blah. So mom and her coworkers would always have to call people from the waiting list for cancellations to see who could come in quickly and fill in the spot these people left open by not coming for their cancer removal.


W. T. A. F. Who is “too inconvenienced” to go to their freaking cancer surgery?! That’s just. I have no words for how stupid that is! No word has yet been invented that encompasses the sheer stupidity of “it was inconvenient to drive to get my cancer removed, so I’ll just keep it.”




I'd be like "what appointment? I guess we young people just don't know how to schedule an appointment". But that's just me being petty.


I admire your pettiness! I would love to do this to her!


Not scheduling would be bad, but you maybe she wasn't clear. Maybe you coulda swore she said 1 PM or 3 PM.


You people? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKONPxrqFxs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKONPxrqFxs)




It sure would be an inconvenience if you made a small typo on her insurance authorization so when she came to that appointment it wasn’t able to happen


Rest easy my child. She'll be gone before you know it.


Saw a video about a mob of blue-hairs at The Villages with their golf carts covered with Trump crap. And in ten years almost all if not all of them will be gone. This is what you want to do with your final years? Shake your fists at strangers?


Hey let them choose their own orange stained legacy I suppose. I just hope when I'm that age I am more compassionate.


Lady I gotta drive 30 fucking miles to work EVERY FUCKING DAY.


“Well the doctor didn’t tell ME that he was moving” What do you want ma’am? For the doctor to call every single boomer and be like “hey is it ok with YOU if my office is moved?” God the fucking self entitlement


Literally get this type of shit from boomers all the time at the office I work at. “Your office is offering a promotion on hearing aids? I want that promotion! What do you mean you can’t offer that because I bought mine 5 years ago?! Just give me a refund!” “You people should expand to other counties, I get tired of fighting traffic at 10am for 20 minutes to get here! Think about us older people, will ya???” “I lost my hearing aid, your boss will order me a new one and I won’t have to pay for it right?? He always does that JUST FOR ME!” **FUCKING** BOOMERS 😤


How does she know the move inconvenienced all your patients?


She’s an almighty boomer and knows everything! In seriousness though I had to silently laugh at that part. As if all our patient population lives in her area of town…lol


The more I hear stories of Boomers, the more conscious I am of my manners and how I talk to people like yourself, who deal with the public. It’s always nice when a receptionist or server smiles in a genuine way because you know that those moments for them are probably few and far between.


They figure if THEYRE inconvenienced, everyone else must be too and everyone must think like them.


Lack of empathy leads to exactly that.


“I understand ma’am, which new physician would you like us to send over your records for transfer?”


"Sorry, I seem to have left my fucks at our previous establishment, so I have none to give you at this time"




They get mad about everything. My mom was mad because she “had to” walk to the mailbox FOUR TIMES today. I asked her very calmly why. It was to get her electric bill and GASP! the mail didn’t go to 4pm. Oh the horror!!!!


Well, if she has a problem with "you people" (younger gen), then she should find a bonafide boomer doc to put leeches where's she's butthurt! Seriously, though... i'm almost 60, and i pray that somebody unalives me if I am ~*EVER*~ that self-absorbed and entitled.


Aren't these the fuckers that walked ten miles to school each way, in the snow?


"The world doesn't owe you anything."


…she could always find a different doctor. Or realize the person answering the phone almost 100% of the time did not make such a high level decision.


why doesn’t she just find another place then lol


I wish my doctor was only ten miles away.


Let me guess, You don't have valet parking


We do! And it’s free which I told her, she responded by hanging up on me


Make sure it's not avaliable on her visit


Why are so many older people just so RUDE? How did this happen and is there anything we can do to make sure subsequent generations never become the assholes that the boomers were?


Excellent question because these are the same people who brag about being raised with impeccable manners and respect, especially for authority.


Everything is a personal attack to them... anything new or different is scary and is met with frustration and anger. Sad generation if you ask me. I'm guessing the people that made the decision to move are likely not boomers but probably also not that young


It’s funny you say that. I’m mid forties and the provider is early fifties so…youngish?


Yes I'd agree, youngish...I'm early forties so I get it. You and the provider are both Gen X then, literally the generation after this boomer...but it doesn't matter to them...the doctor could've graduated with them and they'd still find a reason to bitch


Summon up your nicest customer service voice and say: "I can see that you're uncomfortable with the change. I would not be offended if you decided to change to a doctor that is closer to your home. I can send your files over as soon as you let us know. Thank you and have a nice day." You know she'd just call back again and complain to someone new about everything she just did with you and then add commentary about your comment about her changing doctors. She'll complain about every little thing over and over, but still never ever ever actually change doctors after threatening to 100 times.


How does it have anything to do with the younger generation? I mean, my knowledge on things like this is very limited at the moment, but isn't the average doctor more than 30 due to like schooling time and what not?


Fine, have fun searching for a new provider! Bye.


I love my Docs office, I scheduled appointments and Rx refills all online


Oh, I'm sure your boss was terribly sorry to not consult her Royal HighnASS first before he moved his office. God, what a twat!


But you didn't get her permission to move!


You and I have the same job. I recently had a boomer call because they are “a smart person and do not need reminder calls for appointments like a simpleton.” I offered to transfer them to someone else since all I do is make apts. They then threatened my job by saying that the CEO (the one who retired 3 years ago) was taking a personal interest in her treatment and had called her personally last night. Uh huh. Was really sad they didn’t cuss me out. That’s the only way to cut them lose and when I said I would transfer them to the manager they hung up on me. Oh well. Maybe next time.


What a crotchety old twat. “Y-y-y-y-you people!” seems to be their only argument against everything.


When I worked in a fam med clinic, we agreed collectively to have a zero tolerance policy for that behavior (managers and providers had our back- which felt good to receive that kind of support). The "you people" comment was often met with something to the tune of "I am not "you people". I am a person who is trying to help you, another person. However I will not help you if you choose to be rude to me. So it's your choice, you can choose to be polite and kind to me and continue receiving help, or you can choose to continue being rude and I will disconnect this call." You'd be surprised what our zero tolerance policy did for staff retention, and (well... most) patients actually learned to respond well to it.


Dafuq. My doctor’s office has moved at least four times that I can think of - rental space is pricey, and partnerships change.


How reliable is your phone system? If it's sooometimes not great theres always the option to pull the: hello? Hello? Are you still there? I can't hear you anymore? I think there's a technical problem? Aaand you hangup. If she bitches again you do the same, blame a faulty phone system and say "seems we have a technical problem, if you can hear me please try again in an hour or two(or whenever you have a break and uts someone elses problem)" and hangup.


"What on earth makes you think I had any input in the decision to change offices? I told you it was Dr.(Name)'s decision, not mine."


I would have tried opening up the practice in your living room, ma'am, but I heard the landlord is kind of a bitch.


I understand the frustration, but you had nothing to do with the decision. I remember when a family doctor suddenly(to us anyway) decided to retire. We had no notice. We literally showed up for an appointment, and the door at the hospital was locked. Maintenence guy passing by let us know he retired and all associated staff was reassigned.


10 miles....As someone who grew up in a rural location and had to ride/drive 45 minutes for every single doctor's appointment as a child, this makes me cackle.


Her 1989 burgundy Oldsmobile won't GO 10 miles, didn't you know that??? And the cost of GAS?! /s


I think that an asshllle is just that. Not all of us are like that, I am sure they were a young asshlllle as well.


driving from Pensacola to Gainesville for granddaughters heart surgeries and follow ups. oh dear so inconvenient


I would but it's illegal to send firearms via post


Op, I'll send cyanide and happiness to you.


Lady, I just work here. I’m not responsible for changing locations of our practice






Karens don’t like change


> B: “Well that’s ridiculous, I’ve been seeing him for five years and he didn’t tell ME he was moving!!!” Oopsie, he forgot to send her gilded memo.


Oh I’m sorry. Actually, we moved closer to our other , favorite , kind patient. Whatever she wants she gets. She’s coming over later to pick carpeting colors Yes we Moved away from YOU people


Bet your doctor was surprised to find out they had a new partner they needed to get approval from before making any changes.


I changed specialists once because he moved. It wasn’t specifically because of the move, though, it was because he moved to a much more expensive location and more than doubled his fees. If that had happened to this lady I’d be sympathetic, but as it is, all my sympathy is already spent on you for having to deal with her.


One phrase you need to learn: "you'll survive". Say it every time they complain.


"Do you have elevators?" "No, but we have a Teleporter so I can send you RIGHT to Abu Daubi if you give me anymore lip!"


Why can’t you fire her as a patient?


Right, cuz it's always the younger generation that moves businesses.....wtf?


Oh the hardships! Woe is me.


My aswer:"my people unlike your- means smart sane people?"


You people? Sounds like age discrimination and harassment to me. Immediate termination of customer service. When she calls back and loses her shit, treat her like the child she is and ignore until she can be polite. Don't entertain these fuckers.


It was the providers decission to move office? Anyone know how old he/she was?


Hey! Maybe she has to hitch up the horses to the covered wagon to travel that 10 miles to see you. They always act like they have to travel so far to get from A to B when it's like 15 minutes of driving, and they can just leave a little earlier.


The only generation not busy enough to complain about normal everyday inconveniences.


Props to you because I probably wouldn't have been as professional about it. 🙃


God, they can't deal with any change, can they? I'm dealing with something similar with scheduling in my medical office; one of our doctors had a change in his schedule/availability, since he also works at a larger clinic that offered more hours. So I have to shuffle around his patients to alternative dates and times and I get that it can suck (especially as now some of them have to wait longer or switch to our other doctor.) But some of them are just SO ABSOLUTELY resistant to any change or need for flexibility. It also seems to be the ones who really need our services the least anyway, insist on coming in more frequently than really necessary because they treat going to the doctor like a social hour. They simply MUST have their 9am appointment! No, they simply CAN'T come in another time. Well, then I tell them they have to switch to the other doctor or go elsewhere because their doctor no longer has morning availability, only afternoons here. NO, they will NOT change doctors! I had this exchange yesterday and just ended up staring blankly at the patient when they were refusing their two options (other doctor or afternoon appointment.) FINALLY they seemed to realize that stomping their foot and huffing at me wasn't going to magically make an impossible appointment slot appear for them and them alone. So with a labored sigh I get, "I SUPPOSE I'LL HAVE TO TAKE THE AFTERNOON THEN." Ugh.


"well this 'young person' suddenly doesn't know how to use all this appointment making and life saving medical tech that's needed to keep your sorry ass alive. Good luck out there"


I would’ve hung up on her. And when she calls back, ‘Oh, I’m sorry Ms. Boomer, we must’ve gotten disconnec…’ and hung again.


This lady needs to try living here in rural Nevada. People her age are driving hours for medical care.


It’s cute that she thinks it wasn’t the decision of the owner(s) of the practice, who I’d imagine are closer to her age.


I hope u make her wait longer!!!


Imagine how her doctor feels about this patient


The true issue is that your corporate overlords are faceless and you are left to take the brunt of the complaints. She's right to be angry but she's angry at the wrong people. Unfortunately this is by design.


I am going to be a bit of a devil's advocate here when I say that a lot of the boomer generation has undiagnosed ADHD and Autism. This absolutely does not condone this boomers actions in any way but could provide an explanation. I am late Gen X and am pretty convinced that I have some of these same disorders undiagnosed. I can now identify when I am having a meltdown over changes and try to prevent myself from taking it out on others. Boomers are completely undiagnosed and also downplay these disorders. Any change just is not acceptable and is everyone else's fault instead adjusting their reaction to change.


Plus, change is hard, see office move as an example. She was thrown off. A little grace by each party would be nice. That being said, as a boomer myself, I would prefer to die dead, RIP me if I ever behave this way in public. And as a boomer, I’ve seen some awful behavior by folks younger than me.


Some patients need to be fired.


“Sorry just pulling ourselves by our bootstraps. Got pulled over here because the rent was better - can’t waste money, am I right?? Sounds like you need to take responsibility to get to your appointment on time, Barbara. ‘You people’ just think you’re each a special snowflake!”