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I thought Charles was the king...?


"Police - there is a crazy old.guy wandering around the parking lot confused and talking about replacing King Charles."


Is he talking about replacing King Charles with Johnny Cash? Unfortunately he has passed.


I heard he went into a burning ring of fire.


And It Burns Burns Burns


But the flames they went higher


After they put it out he sure did cry cry cry.


You might say that he hurt himself today.


To see if he still feels


I was saying Boo-urns


He got out of it on his Tennessee stud though.


Were you there?


He never would’ve made it through the Arkansas mud.


Did he die one piece at a time?


It didn’t cost him a dime


They knew it was him when he came through their towns….


Take him back to the care home. ![gif](giphy|l41lG0QZw1KGV5UB2|downsized)


This is the way




Yes, smiling, like this, right?


This will be the winning comment


Tampax is King


Chas. Chas is King :-D


Best comment here 👏👏😂


That’s why he’s on the cash.


Maybe it’s a nickname?


Most are supporters of King George III 2.0.


Old Man Yells At Cloud


In this case I think he was yelling at the cloud.


Angry upvote




Underrated comment


He is in fact a crackpot 






On facebook i saw a post about how cash is king. Next post was about someone losing 80 euros at the atm lol


I’m confused. Shouldn’t they have gone to the bank teller instead of using this new-fangled technology?


In all fairness, that kinda backs up their point, they want to avoid their money being interfered with by any technology, they want to get paid in cash, and pay in cash, not go get cash through an ATM, these people would be convinced it was on purpose by the bank.


A year or so ago, a former boomer landlord had trouble at a Chase Bank ATM and then decided that it was a sign that she needed to post a multiparagraph facebook rant about how the entire country was switching to digital currency, like that day in her eyes.


They have no idea what digital currency is


Oh the digital currency that requires signing sanity away to Q and drinking urine. Charlie down at the gas station told me about that and I get all my news from them. Sounds like the guys I talk to locally and my wife wants to know why I don’t make small talk when we go places living in the country.


They could have been mugged and lost the cash that way.


IKR! MIL used to visit always carrying $2-3000 USD in cash. I understand having cash on you during a road trip in the south but it could be lost or stolen and they do not have just extra money lying around. As far as I know she never had a problem with theft (well except from her daughters and their daughters just stealing cash, credit cards, SSN which in her mind was something all kids do…). Sigh.


Guess we know how she paid for shit if the kids do it too.


The amount of times I see people fumbling with parking meters in this day and age... The apps are rad because if you're somewhere you can see your car you can just not pay until you see an inspector coming... ^(don't do this unless you're sure they don't also read plates during drive-bys)


I’m a boomer, it as a kid my mom would leave us in the car with a coin. We were supposed to watch and go feed the meter if we saw the meter lady coming!


Holy moly GenXienniel here, and this just unlocked a core childhood memory. Thanks?


It would be just my mom needed to go onto the bank, back in the day when you did need to go into the bank. If I recall it was 12 minutes for a penny and this was back in the time if you saw a penny on the street you’d definitely pick it up. You could buy candy with that!


I still pick up pennies because I feel sorry for them. Any coin. I saw a person drop coins and pick up the silver and leave the pennies there.


If I see a penny and it is "tails up" I turn it over for the next person. If it is "heads up" it's my lucky day!


I balance them on their edges.


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


"the silver" is definitely showing your age.


I pick up the pennies. I figure I am getting paid to exercise.


I used to pick up pennies, but now I've taught my kids to pick them up instead.


This is the way


It was fun walking down the street and seeing someone’s meter had run out. Spare quarter or two? Fixed it! No ticket today.


Nowadays you’ll get a ticket for interfering with municipal operations. In certain cities.


Ha that's pretty cool. I'm a software dev for one of the parking apps lol. I wish I had production access so I could like make my car immune to all inspectors


My dad and his sister used to have to sit in a car all day while their mom worked sewing at some factory. Single mom in the 1940s in the US. Fucked up shit


My only complaint about these apps is how it seems like every town has chosen some different app to use. Which means I need to download a couple different apps if they don't have a website.


The one I work for has rolled out a qr code on the sign that takes you to a mobile-first website. No app needed. Of course you can't stop once you're done - you have to pre-set an amount. For reasons I guess as it's definitely doable through browser localStorage. It'll come eventually I guess.


I don’t much care for boomer lingo “sweetheart” “Dear” and “bless your heart” it’s code word for “we hate that you’re alive”, we hate “you think different from us” we hate “you do things differently”.


“Bless your heart” isn’t a boomer thing, it’s a southern thing and in the south it’s synonymous with “fuck you.” As a southerner I beg you please don’t take this from us it’s one of the tools we use to fight against shitty southern boomers. ETA: I understand it can have more than one meaning I live in the south myself, I’m saying it’s a handy tool when you can’t directly tell grandmas friend from church to go fuck herself after making some racist comment. 😅


I use it back on them 😂 those prissy boomer ladies think they’re smart but they don’t know sarcasm when it’s staring at them in the face!


There's a certain combination of tone and age of the person saying sweetheart that instantly puts me on alert and I know they're about to say boomer Karen things. Sweetheart coming from the diner waitress usually means good service and they get a big tip from me. A boomer in the wild interrupting me with sweetheart and that certain tone is something else.


Literally the only time I use cash is to buy drugs.


I prefer cash. Helps me stick to a budget. I pull out a certain amount for a 2-week period, divy it up between Groceries, Gas, Rando Needs and Dining Out envelopes, and stick to it. If I find myself switching cash around between envelopes, maybe it's time for me to reassess how I spend, and change how I divvy it up, or change how I spend. Turns out I had WAY WAY more money when I didn't just use a card.


probably helps them stick to a budget whilst buying drugs as well!


I'm the opposite. If it's not in my spreadsheet, it doesn't count. Cash isn't real money to me, so I can spend it on whatever and it doesn't count.


It's the other way around for me. Cash feels life "free money" because it doesn't make my bank account go down.  I get a text every time I use a card. 


Dispensaries here are cash-only (AFAIK), so, yeah...


Yep. Same here.


Hell, on certain smokables websites, you can use sezzle now. Edit, spelling




I know this a boomer thing but I’m getting heavy sexist vibes from this story. From the demeaning sweetheart, him telling you how to do things, then when he finds out you already have it handled he gets enraged and starts cursing…… it all just sounds so textbook sexist.


Yes, but chances are in his favor that he’ll die sooner than OP. We’ll be rid of him shortly.


No reason it can’t be both.


There was [ludicrous article](https://www.theguardian.com/money/2022/nov/26/britons-digital-banking-shopping-parking) in the Guardian last year which finished with the super-ludicrous claim that: >Private parking sites may have the right to app-only charging in their terms and conditions but would this stand up to an Equality Act challenge from someone who is physically unable to use a smartphone? Probably not. Leaving aside all the reasons this challenge would fail if brought (it would be indirect, rather than direct, discrimination, and therefore there is a legitimate purpose defence which would hardly tax the young barrister) who's going to bring it? Oh yes: someone who can legally drive a car, and yet is physically unable to use a smartphone. And who would that be, precisely?


Why technology challenged boomers of course!


As ever, if they put a tenth of the effort into learning useful skills that they did into whinging, everyone would be better off. Including them.


I went to a city council meeting once where a Boomer whined during open comments that the city was posting announcements to their website rather than calling everyone and said that he refused to use a computer and "wasn't going to start now."


It’s the whole “you can’t make me” thing. Which is true. But we can ignore you.


Yeah, I don't know. Me (53) and my two siblings split paying for our mom's yard service and my sister (65) insists upon writing me a paper check. My brother (68) happily signed up for Venmo and pays me that way. As a Gen X I rarely even carry cash and haven't written a paper check in probably 20 years.


We have to use one for our property taxes. So, four times a year.


I pay ours through the website with an e-check. There is a $0.75 fee, but stamps are $0.68 and about to go up, so I call that a wash. Using a CC incurs a 2% fee.


Lol paper check is better than cash though bc you can do mobile deposit!! Agree VenMo would be better.


Boomer has missed the point. Cash is king for a lot of small businesses, because of the bank charges for processing card payments. Because of this I’ve started carrying small amounts of cash. However when it comes to large shops and local authority parking I just use the app like the op.


This story takes place in the UK. Where banks charge about as much to pay cash into business accounts as they do to process cards. And in any event, cash does not count itself or transport itself to the bank. Card only small businesses are common because it’s cheaper and easier. Cash only businesses are almost certainly evading tax.


I've stopped shopping at small businesses because of the bank charges for card payments.


What? The bank charges are wherever you use them, not *just* at small businesses! Why are you punishing them? They need customers, or there will be no small businesses. Just giant ones.


It also costs money to process cash and it requires security expenses to keep employees, customers, and theives from stealing from the till. For most companies getting rid of cash and paying 3% surcharge is well worth it.


Shout back “Thank you, that’s you added to THE LIST, thank you for outing yourself, the day is coming…”


Moron, can’t work a cell phone and takes it out on you WtF🤦‍♀️ The. “Sweetheart” is just classic misogyny.


Cash dies with him


I think he was trying to help you pay… in a form that he could potentially swipe.


Oh yeah good call- he may have been a crook


ofcoz they are angry. they are being replaced


Don't overthink it. Dumb, low functioning people react with fear to anything they can't grasp. They can't use an app so you're an alien force coming to outlaw marmite. 100% he still thinks brexit would have worked if it weren't for the darn (insert group here)s.


I’m a boomer, they were a moron. Enjoy your coffee


I’mstealing this to use in this sub from now on ,I’m just a boomer trying to learn how not to act


I'm so happy to see that obnoxious boomers aren't just an American phenomenon. 😀


I’m glad I could help in that regard, we DEFINITELY have them too. See also: Brexit.


Yes, I think we can guess how he’ll be voting next week.


Lead poisoning is universal. Even GenX has some. We were driven around in their seatbeltless 7MPG leadeded-feul guzzling death traps in the 1970s and early 80s.


Or when you go to Chipotle and pick up your order. And you get the ones standing in line who once in a while will say something. And that’s when in the most smartass voice you say yeah, I used the app and ordered it from my SMARTPHONE. You know, the one you’re staring into as you wait in line.


Tell them to get fucked. Give respect when you receive it.




My Boomer parents told me to carry several hundred dollars in cash on me at all times. And only use the card for emergencies. I think having a noticeable wallet would have gotten me in some bad situations in places I have lived


Please stop YELLING? It makes my eyes hurt.




Now that's decipherable 😁




This is a low level conspiracy nut thing that's been rumbling in background for at least a few years now. It's tied up with anti-globalist/NWO/WEF stuff.


Yes. A right wing complaint in the US and I just saw a „bargeld ist Freiheit“ (cash is freedom) on an AFD sign in Germany. Cash is a Traditional form of currency the government can’t track except they are the ones printing the money and guaranteeing its value


"App" is a dirty word to seniors. If you tell them "Did you know you can track your mail with your phone?" Or "You can purchase your whole grocery list with your phone and have it waiting to be picked up at the shop!" ECT -- anything that would make the world easy and convenient makes them angry. I get it. It's not 1975 anymore.


My dad openly fought against the idea of using informed delivery and putting tracking numbers on his mail. Why let your kids know about important documents that are coming, when you could just scream at them because USPS isn't moving at the speed you thought it should?


He simply wanted you to pay with REAL money like everyone else, not that fake APP MONEY you young folks throw around nilly willy these days


*laughs in Libertarians transacting in gold and silver coins*


“Maybe so, but cards are Overlords of the Universe. Get with the times, Pops!”


Literally he’s just mad he can’t openly monitor other people.


This. 🎯


I thought he was going to spend the day standing in front of the payment spot, telling people it was broken, and collecting cash all day to buy crack. And got pissed that there was a work around that would prevent him stealing.


In the UK? Some of them have escaped!


We have an absolute loony over here called Nigel Farage - he rode a few miles on the Trump Train and has tried to go on a similar tirade across the pond


Boomers hare technology and despise credit charges.


I can't say for the UK, but there is this movement (?) in the US that thinks that electronic money is bad because they can take it away from you or "They" can track all your purchases, etc... additionally if all money is electronic, the impact of data theft is much higher. And yes, these are sort of real world concerns, it's why we have all the security stuff on any software that handles money. A few years ago, BIiden signed an Executive Order that told the national bank to *investigate* the adoption of a US backed cryptocurrency. Of course, right wing pundits translated this to replacement of cash, rather than the creation of an additional form of currency. So Boomers are now afraid of the government taking cash. Weird that it moves over to the UK.


Almost every day on the registers at work I'll ask "alrighty that comes to a total of X, will that be cash or card?" And some ancient goblinosaur will scowl at me and say any of the following, "CASH." "REAL MONEY", "CASH IS KING" or even a combination of all three. Then they hold up the line, fumbling around for half an hour, trying to dig loose change out of their pocket, wallet or purse. "Alrighty that comes to a total of $40.95" "Ooh hang on, I might have the 95c" *proceeds to spend an hour counting out 95c with a fistful of 5c coins* "Oh but I'm trying to get rid of all these bloody coins" Wait I thought cash was king? Also there's a dozen bank outlets 20 steps away from our store, go dump your change there for fucks sake


Just laugh in the face of these morons. That is the only legitimate reaction. They have earned my disrespect.


Oh shit, I paid for my event parking today ahead of time, just have to scan a QR code to get in...am I about to have an experience 😂


“Sweetheart”?! Really? Even without the “cash is king” nonsense he was out of line. Oh, and I’m a boomer that would have paid through the app.


I read something recently about how, actually, it's more expensive for shops to use cash than rely on card transactions. The fee the banks take from the shop from the card transaction is actually less than the fees for cash, such as collecting it and handling it etc., although I'm guessing that only applies for larger stores rather than small businesses. Would love to know why that guy thought that paying with coins into a machine that is probably broken or playing up is advantageous compared to via the phone.


He missed his chance, could have learned something new. A normal person would have asked about the app.


My wife would have been seriously pissed off if some rando just called her sweetheart like that. I would expect it to start something like, "who the fuck do you think you are calling me sweetheart?!"


BOOMER says CASH IS KING and then reaches into pocket to find has NO COINS to feed the parking meter -- then decides to somehow try to pay with app but cannot find app on his ancient flip phone bruhahahahah


Who carries cash anymore?


Especially in the UK or Europe!


I once paid for my groceries in the UK with a debit card. Cue the angry muttering from a boomer in line. Things going downhill, people paying for their food on credit etc etc


It's refreshing to know spun out boomer mind isn't just an America thing.


You activated his trap card, more precisely one of his ultra-extreme talking points that all boomers hold.


Wow. Sounds like New England where I live. They ignore you, unless they have a chance to put you down.


Truly miserable and unhinged. Next time don’t engage at all with any of them. I ignore most of them bc unfortunately some have ruined it for all. You re a nosy rude boomer until proven otherwise.


Yes technology. Boomers won’t use convenient technology themselves, but become absolutely enraged if others do. My mother refuses to use an Uber or any kind of taxi. My friend’s mother refuses to get in an Uber even if one is ordered for her. They don’t want to drive anymore, but get angry if people won’t take them when THEY want to go. I can understand not wanting to learn the app, but they flatly refuse to even take the ride arranged for them.


Now I know what to do with the big tray of coins that have been sitting there for months


A city near me recently replaced all of its change-meters with an app and a pay booth every block. If you don’t want the app, scan the QR code. If you don’t have a phone, go to the booth and use a credit card or change. Boomers have been lighting up the phone lines, quoted in the papers, and complaining on FB that they’re “never shopping downtown again” because they’re so inconvenienced by the changes. They’re mad that people with mobility issues won’t be able to find/get to the pay stations because they’re so far away. It’s not rocket science. If you have mobility issues, you’re still going to have to get out of the car to go into a building, you can walk to the nearest pay station (one on every block). It’s not like they put the pay station on top of a rock wall. As a person with mobility issues, I prefer the QR code. I travel to multiple cities and don’t want four or five apps just for parking. For whatever reason they all use a different company for their parking :/


Cash has all kinds of hidden costs and overheads that people either ignore or aren't aware of when parroting "CASH IS KING".


He was wrong and couldn't stand that, so he attacked YOU to try to silence the voice in \*his\* head telling him what a LOSER he is.


I don't get it. Born right on the cusp of Silent and Boomer generations. I started using my phone for payment since my Galaxy S6 Edge, so like eight or so years. Utilities and banking all done through their appropriate apps because it's easier. Last time I checked the gas and electric companies don't even have an open to the public office to take cash to them. I don't have a parking app because I have no need for it as I almost never find myself in the nearest large city where its in use. If I had reason to be there, yup, I'd get the app.


Parking meters in my city don’t even accept cash anymore lol


There's something in the mere suggestion that someone, somewhere used the internet for something that triggers a massive, grand mal fight or flight response in the average boomer's mind. We'd need an army of psychologists to parse the reasons why. I don't get it either.


how dare you do things in an easy and convenient way that is too complicated and confusing for him to try?!


Cash is not king. Gold and drugs are. lol. Boomers going to boom though.


Ass or grass also play a role




![gif](giphy|PnggNmuamz7kbgfUTL) Some people really just out there angry and bothering people for no reason.


From the headline I thought you were going to tell my story of my FiL getting mad at me cos parking was free in the (also British and council-run) carpark we stopped in but I opted to tap my phone on the payment device to donate to carpark upkeep. He seemed gobsmacked. "What did you do that for?? Why??? But it's free????" "Yeah, and I'd like to keep it that way in case I'm ever in a position where I can't afford three quid." Yours is better though. How dare you not dig through the door pocket for spare change like the rest of us? 😅


I'm betting he wanted to scam you and trick you into paying the money for parking to him, for his own pocket


Which is hilarious because if he’d asked, I probably would have…


Sounds like a no win situation of a conversation. Heads: youngsters expect everything for free, Tails: gah you're ruining everything with your convenient smart phone apps CaSh Is KiNG.


Apps are confusing to them so they get mad. Also, most parking places take a debit card, not cash. I can only imagine how upset he got when we switched to debit cards.  It's like when people got mad during covid that places wouldn't take cash when we thought cash could carry the virus. You can't tell me they carried around that much cash, they had to go to the bank or atm to get their money. They could have saved a step. I saw people back east (Midwest, farm town) getting upset about how not taking cash is illegal and debit cards are the devil. I said to one family member, "Bob, you have 5 credit cards that I know of and you are now worried about cards?" He didn't have an answer, obviously. "They have to take my money!" "No, they don't. They don't even have to serve you if you are beligerant."  Cue boomer pouting. He got upset and started in again, so I reminded him that it was his generation who developed all this tech, not us (gen x). More boomer pouting mixed with pride that boomer engineers are smarter. I handed the phone back to my spouse so he could talk to his crazy uncle. It's another case of technology is advancing and they aren't keeping up. I sometimes feel that way too, but instead of yelling at people I take the time to figure it out. If you are parking at the same place often, I imagine it would be easier because you are familiar with the app. I recently went downtown and had to pay for parking. I didn't want to download yet another app so I paid with my card.  Easy peasy. There are plenty of actual things to rage about, I'll save my anger for them.


Gives me sovereign citizen vibes. He’s afraid a cashless society will be the end of all freedom. Cash is good, I agree with that, but I don’t think it’s a “globalist” conspiracy or anything trying to take our freedoms.


That's some funny stuff, I'm sorry you had to deal with that unnecessary snark. I would have leaned against the nearest lamp post, wall or building and howled with laughter. That's where I'm at now - the more pissed off, unhinged and just aggressive someone is, the funnier I find them. Which creates a compounding issue sometimes because deranged people have lost their sense of humor but anyway, you're just damned if you do or/and don't engage with some people. He probably lost his license already!


My dad says shit like this and all I can think is that I only use cash for the vending machines at work. It’s just so inconvenient compared to card.


I would have had such a go back that the boomer would never accost anyone else like that again.


out of interest, which part of the uk?


Plymouth. Ironically I was there to collect my ballot box for next week after my coffee. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say I know EXACTLY how that tool is going to vote…


I live in the USA so I'm going on a limb here, but I hope things go well for you during the babysitting of the ballot box for work. Please stay hydrated and take care of yourself!


Aw, thank you! That’s really kind of you. I’m quite looking forward to it, but I’m going to need a good supply of coffee!


Ha! I’ve just written this in reply to one of your other comments.


Tenner says it's Reform (bonus if he watches GBNews :-) )


Haha, did a set of delivery and work in Plymouth and then Torquay ages ago, but yeah loads of red face blowhards wandering around ..




A year or so ago, a former boomer landlord had trouble at a Chase Bank ATM and then decided that it was a sign that she needed to post a multiparagraph facebook rant about how the entire country was switching to digital currency, like that day in her eyes.


I live in Oregon in the U.S. On another subreddit, a guy was complaining that he ordered food and when he went to pay, they didn’t take cash. It was card or electronic payment only. He is upset and wanted to know if it was even legal to not take cash. While it is illegal to refuse to take cash, good luck getting that enforced. And there are people in the U.S. who don’t have access to a bank and who only use cash.


Maybe he was a Johnny Cash fan?


Just never pay any attention to people like that, just being a nusense to the world is all they are doing.


"It's defacto free parking if you drive off without paying the fee but thanks for sharing your opinions!"


Cash is king! ![gif](giphy|dyRhCAXGENobdYucFD)


Honestly? They’re just angry that their way of doing things (cash) is dying out. They avoid technology, and are insulted we embrace the convenience.


How would you put cash in a sidewalk meter? It is at a kiosk way over there? You can't track cash! Sweet, I'm not hiding -smart phone


The entire generation will die off within 20 years and no one will remember NOT paying with apps. 


Don't understand the obsession with cash. I think it's because they can't use banking apps but could be wrong. In what universe is carrying around a bunch of cash more convenient than a card that's accepted everywhere or an app?


I just love the posts about Boomers. They’re going down fighting, about EVERYTHING.


Sounds like he wanted some of your cash


The app is taking 'is jerb!


They're just mad that their talents are portable.


Probably thinks online pay causes inflation or makes money lose value some other way


"Cash is king" If you pay in Euros cash doesn't even have a king on it.


How does paying with app ruin anything for others?


Why fucking care? Why fucking bother with it? Obviously, hes not some kind old man, he's an asshole. Why fucking bother?


He pays for everything with polished silverware he melted in 1922.


That’s a weird way to say “I ate too much lead paint so I can’t learn how phones work”


I so often see confused people use the parking meters even here in Norway. The worst ones have been replaced, so the ones you can use now are at least decent. But still so so much work and inflexible compared to the apps. With the apps I can relax at my café/whatever and update my parking.


So we've finally found the person responsible for those parking apps. It was you all along. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I would have ignored the fukker after "Hey sweetheart"


I like cash but I also like convenience, if I don't have to carry around massive amounts of coins that's great.


Just tell them to stop being afraid of technology.


I wonder what he would have done if you ignored him? It could be an interesting conversation with a police officer and boomer, especially when you explain he was yelling and chasing you