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Are you in Southeastern Oklahoma? I watched nearly this exact situation happen on Saturday. Rude boomer shoves her way in, the woman she accosts is very polite, boomer escalates, delicate looking young woman explodes. Boomer cowers and slinks away. That made my whole weekend.


No! But it might as well been me šŸ¤£ Iā€™m in northern KY


Well, I'm proud of you anyway. And that other lady. When she told the Boomer, "well, your mama didn't teach you any manners, so I guess I have to" I died.


I love that other generations are NOT putting up with this shit.


It delights me. The people who honked at us nonstop about manners are finally getting smacked for being rude af




Bravo to you. I've recently had a run in with a boomer whilst picking up my kid's medication. Granted, it wasn't some super secret medication, just some allergy pills, but still. Why would you try to insert yourself in someone's private matters? I personally couldn't put my hands on the old lady because I'm a 36 year old male, but I did give her an earful, and cussed her old white ass up and down. The look on her face when she walked off said it all "back in my day, you blacks wouldn't be able to talk that way to me"


Oh fuck no. Iā€™m not a man. And Iā€™ll lay her out if you can point me in that direction.


That's why I say good on you. If it were an old man, you bet your ass I'd knock hi dentures out. Had some old man call me the hard N word for telling him that he was cutting in front of me in the liquor store one time, and if not for the fact that a Sheriff's officer being in there, overhearing it and telling the dude to leave, he'd need more than Fixadent


Sometimes being a woman has its advantages. For example, I can fight anyone šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£ if I would have heard that I would have laid her out for you. ā€œMartha in your day women wouldnā€™t be in allowed in public, so letā€™s all take a step backā€ thatā€™s such a disgusting comment to make. I hope she makes it to the right person and gets her hip broken.


Can we get a large economy-size box of Fixoface over here?


"you blacks"?! how could you possibly be a Father, no less, picking up medicine for your kid! You should be sweltering away at your Black Job! /S /S /S!!!!! Unbelievable!!!! šŸ˜®


Some people are too comfortable in their racism and need to have their chins checked




Shit, Iā€™d say to her ā€œBack in **your day** youā€™d need your husband or daddyā€™s **written permission** to be able to **legally obtain** a credit card, a bank account, or a car. So maybe itā€™s a good thing weā€™re not living in **your day** isnā€™t it?ā€


Or remind her "your ass could have been married off to some 40 year old dude when you were like, 10, I'd sit this one out."


>look on her face when she walked off said it all "back in my day, you blacks wouldn't be able to talk that way to me" When they crow "make America great again" that's the "good old days" they're fondling themselves to the idea of.


I know. What's crazy is that time when America was "great" it wasn't great for women, of any color


Iā€™m GenX and there is no fucking way


Iā€™m genX too. Iā€™m waiting to see if our etiquette and consideration for others fade with our ability to hold our bladders too. Weā€™re next to be called out. Incontinence and constipation can make a person angry. Iā€™m getting scared. I apologize in advance -while I still have the manners to do so.


Well gen x and millenials were exposed to less lead than boomers. So there's hopefully hope for us. I've been seeing more and more articles suggesting part of the emotional decline we see in boomers may be all the lead they came into contact with through their lives.


It's very true. While out of their control (somewhat) it's annoying they still get a vote with their lead rittled brains.


Yeah but those boomer fucks on the SCOTUS just neutered the regulatory agencies, so whose to say leaded gas wonā€™t make a return


Too bad we were exposed to microplastics since we first started growing in our mothers' wombs. Hopefully it won't be as impactful on us as lead was on the boomers. Speaking as a Gen X kid here.


Iā€™m a millennial and regularly deal with both of those things and I am not an asshole to people until they give me a valid reason to be. So unless we also have a severe emotional/mental decline (idk if it just happens or if it is highly related to lead exposure) you should be good! Just take some magnesium, throw on a pee pad, and go on your way! Itā€™s not hard to not be an asshole.


Haha šŸ¤£ Iā€™m on a variety of the magnesium. So far so good. Sorry to kidnap the post. I just canā€™t believe how inconsiderate and absent of thought people can be. Iā€™ve worked in hospitality/service and for USPS most of my life. For me, the customer is NOT always right, and Iā€™ll take my chances with living by that standard. I can give it back when provoked. Do unto others, right? I will respond in kind.


Every single job Iā€™ve had has been some kind of customer service and I will NEVER understand it. When Iā€™m the customer and Iā€™m upset by a policy or something that happened I make it very clear Iā€™m not upset with the person, and I have never once yelled at anyone, I canā€™t even fathom shoving someone in any non-emergency situations. Absolutely baffles me. If people get ridiculous at work I usually try to use the grey rock method and give them no emotional response whatsoever and as few words as I possibly can, and always offer to get a manager because theyā€™re usually going to be on my side haha The customer is absolutely not always right; theyā€™re wrong more often than not and should be treated as such šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The worse part is the saying is "The customer is always right *in matters of taste.*" meaning if that guy wants to buy a fugly hat, sell it to him. NOt "the customer can do no wrong."


Gen x here, and I see a lot of posts from millenials & younger asking why boomers are so damn angry all the time. Thing is, the older I get, the more I spend any time outside of my house angry too. I swear to jebus, as soon as I step outside, the average IQ of everyone around me goes down by 20 points and I am just walking rage. The difference is that I don't take that anger out on the people standing behind the counter, or the people waiting nicely in queue, or the people minding their own business & having consideration for everyone around them. Still, the near-constant anger does worry me a little.


My Ma and Pops are Gen X. I can see some of y'all getting rude with age but I just don't see a mass of ya'll being like that like the Boomers are. Gen X got rat fucked by the Boomers and the Silent Gen. Ya, some of you madeout like bandits in the past crashes. But like 96% of you didnt. And are still working into your 50s not knowing if you'll get the chance to even retire. I do wish your generation were more politically active but growing up in the aftermath of JFKs killing and witnessing Nixons resiging, ect. I can understand ones drive for public office would be quite soured across the board for you. Ya'll got rat fucked every which way for the past 5 decades. Can't imagine how exhaused ya'll are now.


Oh man, itā€™s my favorite invoking the ā€œDidnā€™t your mama teach you better/I know your mama taught you not to _______ā€.


I wish I could give OP and that woman awards lol, especially as someone who freezes in confrontations and only thinks of lines like that in the shower.... way to go, ladies!




Florence Yā€™ALL? If Iā€™m in the ballpark, that area has grown a lot.


thatā€™s the spot! Not Florence exactly, but 10 min or so away! But why you gotta call us out like that with that Florence Yā€™all water tower šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That tower is how we terrify anyone who has fell asleep or isn't paying attention. Rule is once the full tower is in view (half way through the underpass) you scream FLORENCE YALL! and the first one to say it wins. Bonus if the rest are scared. Since we moved to TN it isnt as fun cause everyone has a 6th sense and rouses and pays attention that bit of road but we all race to be the first to say it. Amazing how a painted water tower brings my family glee. Lol


I love that so much šŸ¤£


I'm glad mine isn't the only family to play that game šŸ˜‚


Boomer was obviously not a local, then. You do NOT want to FAFO with a woman from KY, they will almost always throw down.


Please be the Burlington Walgreens lmao I feel like that happens every few days


No lmao it was Ft. Mitchell Kroger but I think youā€™re right about that one šŸ¤£


Grew up in the region. Can picture her.....lived in Ft. Mitchell/Park Hills/Ft. Wright all their life. Goes to mass every Sunday. Thinks their crap doesn't stink. Clearly didn't have kin from eastern KY. Off topic, but it's been many years since I've seen the Florence Y'All tower. I can remember when it was built.


Omg thatā€™s her šŸ¤£ The Beechwood crowds are special lol


As soon as you said NKY I just knew it would be Ft. Mitchell Kroger! That is a very common occurrence there!


I've got a cousin by marriage who's from the Kentucky mountains, so deep in the holler they have to pipe the sunlight in! And she's the same way. Looks as sweet and darling as a poodle puppy, but don't cross her. Piss her off and you're dealing with an angry wookiee!


I'm also in NKY. I hope she's not switching to my pharmacy after being banned from yours!


Sounds like you're in my area. Thanks for putting an entitled boomer in their place. Made the world just a tiny bit better. =p


Iā€™m sure sheā€™s just firing up some place else šŸ¤£


Appalachia don't play!


More like Cincinnati area but to your point, they really donā€™t play down there lol


Off topic but there are excellent donuts at best donuts in Campbellsville. If you're ever in the area


There are entitled boomers at pharmacies all over the world, unfortunately. They act like they are in a rush even though they have no jobs to get to or small kids to raise.


The number of septuagenarian drug addicts shambling around middle America is unfathomably huge. If I had to bet, Iā€™d say OPā€™s boomer was probably jonesing and hitting their third pharmacy of the day after having been turned away for refilling too soon.


The weight loss injectable people have been worse than the early controlled substance people lately. I had a lady scream at me on the phone so loudly she could be heard semi-distinctly by a customer standing 10 ft away. When I told her she couldn't scream at me like that, her response was "I'm the customer and I can treat you any way I want!" Cue the surprised Pikachu when I told her she wouldn't be filling with us if she continued acting that way...and the extra surprise when she demanded a manager only to be told that she was speaking to one. Also got cussed out today over Viagra because the guy showed up before the order arrived. Old Viagra guys can be as bad as the crazed Ozempic folks.


They are almost dead, however.


not dead enough


Never fuck with a woman who ā€œseemsā€ sweet and polite. We will eat you.


Oh man, I had a similar situation where an a-hole didn't expect a small stature person to defend themselves. Only this instance, it was a middle-aged man in a restaurant about 2 years ago so my younger sibling and i were still masking then of our own choice. My sibling is in her early 30s but is a "forever teen", just really small built and even her voice sounds like a kid. Mentally they are a full grown adult though and meanwhile i'm in my 40s and look it. So, this guy comes in with his kids and we are all waiting for the hostess to greet us. He looks at my sibling and says, "You don't have to be afraid you know." Sibling replies, 'what'? And he goes, "You don't have to be afraid of Co-..." She cut him him off right there and just tore into him. The way this dude shrunk and averted his eyes and clammed tf up! And omg, my immediate delight when i realized this moron thought she was a child that he could tell what to do and turn against my "bad parenting" or whatever. I look my age but I'm small too, not as small as she is but I definitely get bullied quite a bit and I'm always wondering why people, especially men and boomers, think smaller built women are not going to fight back??


I wonder when they'll realize we, as women, are carrying the rage of generations before us but not keeping quiet about it any more.


I had a foreign boomer try to cut the line in Walmart with six people behind me. She told me in her country, abuela goes first. I told her that in my country, people wait in line for their turn and to get in the back of the line. No one wanted to let her cut and she stormed off,


Wowā€¦so itā€™s not specific to the US? Thatā€™s actually kind of wild. I never thought of that šŸ„“


Some cultures are used to the idea of orderly lines and some have no idea that that's a thing AT ALL just like some cultures think traffic lanes, stop signs and lights are mere suggestions that real drivers pay no attention to.


Asian woman at the airport, once, just bulldozed through lines and sent bags/people scattering. Zero fucks given. I was told (at the time) that such experiences are common. Lol


I just watched a video about some Chinese tourist doing this in Korea and Japan. They just push to the front of the line and then act all surprised Pikachu when told they have to wait like everyone else.


It's like some people have never been told to stand the fuck back and wait a minute, not even once in their miserable 60..70 years.


I'm Korean American, but I have heard stories that Korean tourists in other Asian countries can be awful & incredibly self-absorbed. I went to Vietnam a few years ago & loved it. but have read some stories in r/vietnam about Korean tourists that make me feel ashamed. it'd be one thing if it was just in Japan, but apparently it's pretty pan-Asian that Kroean tourists are like that from what \\i've heard.


There are places where old people do get to go first by law, but then they have special lanes only for old people, so they don't get to actually cut into a normal line. Brazil is one such country.


I wonder if some people try the "Where I come from ..." in the expectation that people will choose to let them do whatever they want for fear of being disrespectful to another person's culture. It would certainly explain some people and their entitlement.


Where the rest of society comes from, we keep our hands to ourselves šŸ¤£ weird that they didnā€™t learn that in kindergarten


Of course. This is why I wonder if they're just trying it on in the hope that we will all be too fearful of another person's culture


My wife is from Brazil and it is actually a law that people over 50 and pregnant women get to cut in line. So I wouldn't really blame that abuela


Does anyone ever challenge their age/pregnancy when someone cuts the line and if so how does it go?


When I visited my grandma in Peru, they actually had lines specifically for older people so that they wouldnā€™t wait so long.


I actually love this so much


In the late 00's I watched an older British man attempt to cut a 10 person line in Target. Someone reminded him that there was a line and he should be at the end of it, so his response was to start yelling about America and "its stupid fuckin war" before throwing his things and leaving the store.Ā  Absolutely bonkers to me that a Brit didn't get off on being in a queue, that's like half of their national identity.


The American war he was angry about took place in the late 1700ā€™s.


bet she wouldn't run her witch mouth at a man. boomers hate a fair fight.


Guarantee it! I told her she was going to think ā€œassholeā€ when she got popped in the mouth. I will fight you grammy. Do not play with me.


it's crazy how they just don't even think there are people out there that do not play games under any circumstances. abide the social contract or suffer the consequences.


The thing is, they all got so traumatized from having 'respect your elders' literally beat into them that the mere *idea* of standing up to an 'elder' is sacrilegious. They think that because they are the 'elder' now, they finally get to be as cruel as they've always wanted to be because it's their turn now.


it's not hard to stop generational trauma in its tracks they are just weak of mind, weak of character, and weak of spirit.




Don't forget they're all suffering from varying levels of Lead poisoning.


Don't give them the excuse of lead poisoning. They've always been entitled assholes.


because they were eating lead paint as literal babies in their cribs. It's not their fault they've brain-damaged. Doesn't mean they should be allowed to be belligerent.


They've had lead poisoning for a long time


Yeah, and I suffered severe early childhood abuse, and I'm not a raging asshole. ^only ^a ^mild ^asshole.


I disagree that it's easy though I'm glad if you have successfully done it without much difficulty. Sincerely, if that's the case I hope you have a platform to share your experience and wisdom about how to do it so other people can benefit. I succeeded at interrupting an intergenerational trauma pattern, as confirmed by my three adult children with whom I have great relationships, but it was often a struggle to not follow various ingrained dysfunctional patterns just by default. I really had to be mindful in just about every interaction about slowing down and not acting on any kind of instinct because those were usually wrong.Ā I also often struggled with a degree of jealousy of my kids as I processed how I treated them versus how I was treated as a kid. I found that jealousy both exhausting and something that sapped my self-esteem since I felt like a jerk for being jealous of children for having things they inherently deserved. By kid three it was easier in some ways, since Inhad developed new habits and had experience, but was harder in others just because of being older, more tired and cranky, having more pain in my joints, etc.


the work is hard the acknowledgement of the problem is easy. they fail at even that.


"They think that because they are the 'elder' now, they finally get to be as cruel as they've always wanted to be because it's their turn now." 100% This right here. I've wondered why they act like this in their old age. You worded that perfectly.


It's the most bizarre attitude. I feel like they've thought it was 'their turn' for everything at all times their whole lives. It almost explains their drastic attempts to appear marginalized and persecuted; it's 'their turn.' They insist on white education month and a straight pride parade because it's 'their turn.' No one can have anything they can't, it's 'their turn.'


So much truth and accuracy in your comment/observation. Succinctly put. Well done.


This...explains a lot. TY Also.I think lack of consequences, till they,finally F,around and find out


RIGHT?!? The simple fact that they *physically shoved her aside* is completely wild to me... I know plenty of people - myself included - who would beat wholesale ass for that initial assault ALONE. "Abide the social contract" is right: never put your hands on anyone in anger, because that just might be your last dance!


Yeah that part gets me. I go to a lot of shows that have rough crowds and I think those reflexes would take over. I think I'd just shoulder check her and continue like nothing happened.


I like to call these types of people "OPW" which is short for Only Person in the World. They never consider that other people have business to do or places to be.


that's basically solipsism. it is rampant among them.


Rampant Solipsism......awful people, but a great band name.


Main character


"I will fight you grammy" is now going to be my response to hostile boomers and I will think of you each time I use this phrase.


Lmao I love this šŸ¤£ right up there with ā€œthis is going to ruin the world tourā€


Iā€™ve been a big fan of ā€œyou geriatric fuckā€ ever since seeing the movie Stepbrothers.


Yeah, if you shove me out of the way and then call me an asshole when I'm trying to get things right, you have just officially upped the fuckin game.


Thatā€™s amazing šŸ˜‚. Thatā€™s similar to what happened to me at Costco yesterday. My husband was throwing some trash away as we were entering (that someone else left in the cart, of course). I took over the cart, I was standing right next to him. I began to move out of the way for the next person in line way, while I waited for him, as I didnā€™t want to make her wait. The boomer woman behind me rammed her cart into my ankle for absolutely no reason. I said ā€œOw,ā€ and she bitches ā€œYOU JUMPED IN FRONT OF ME!ā€ (? What?). The audacity of these people, lol. I gave her the nastiest look and said ā€œI was being polite and I was moving the cart of the way.ā€ Too polite for Costco, I guess. She continued, so I did the same thing you didšŸ˜‚. I, too, am a small lady and do not look like Iā€™d fight, but I was so pissed. She shut up and skulked past the card-checking employee. Later, when she began to come down our aisle, I started again: ā€œOh, thereā€™s that asshole rude lady!ā€ Along with some other choice words. She turned around and scooted so quickly in the other direction. They sure have a lot of confidence for being so rude and stupid.


The way I get irrationally mad when anyone hits me in the ankles with the cart let alone on purpose šŸ˜­


It hurts, lol! Iā€™ve gotten seriously deep wounds from it. šŸ˜‚


After having kids I trust NO ONE behind me with a cart šŸ¤£


Bruuuuuuuh this this this x1000 times this. You can easily catch these hands with that mouth, keep it up! I LOVE IT


Yeah, except if I raised my voice at grammy, I'd be the one that got kicked out. I'm pretty fuckin' loud.


My dad was a DI when he was in the army, and I learned how to shout from him. Still remember 7th grade when I got into a shouting match in the hall and teachers thought I was a grown ass man, lmao.


Drill Sergeant is the Army. Drill Instructor is the Marines.


This is one of my pet peeves. I take a lot of medicine because I have several serious chronic diseases. But do not come on me at the pharmacy. Stay the fuck back. You are not entitled to know what prescriptions I am having filled or what they are for or how much I have to pay for them. Stay the fuck back. My health is my business. You don't need to be so far up my butt you can smell my hair. Give me space at the pharmacy counter.


No oneā€™s privacy should be invaded! My med wasnā€™t a big deal but she doesnā€™t know that. I felt more protective over the poor kid just trying to do his job and she ran up acting a fool. He didnā€™t know what he was suppose to do.


Right? It's one thing to be rude and butt ahead in line (when it's food or other "not super important" services) but when you're getting between me and my life altering medication. Fuck that.


And I do not understand why they do not see the difference between this or seeing a doctor at the urgent care. It's the same thing. There is a reason you still have to sign you were offered a pharmacy consult. Because that falls under HIPPA too. There is a difference between fast food and the pharmacy. But the pharmacy is the same as the counter at the urgent care check in. I don't want you on my ass there either. Back up and give me privacy


This is proper boomer repellant response. You have to come hard and fast at them. They're used to no one calling them out and they definitely are inept when it comes to natural consequences. If you go hard and fast, they realize they are powerless and melt like the wicked witch of the west doused in water.


Yes they rely heavily on ā€œrespect your eldersā€ thinking it allows them to behave like assholes. But respect is a two way street, you have to give it to get it!


And they take "respect" to mean revererence or deference. Like... no... Everyone is entitled to basic human respect. Reverence is earned. And you, my dear boomer, have worked yourself into debt for that one.


I'm sorry but if someone pushed me, they would immediately regret that decision.


The old me šŸ˜­ I have a professional license now and have done some therapy work to get that in check šŸ¤£


They assaulted you op. It's self defense.


Hey, thatā€™s true




Right. I canā€™t say I could kick a lot of folks asses but I could have probably taken this meemaw šŸ¤£


If "dish it out, can't take it" was an entire generation. She cussed you out, then crapped her Depends when she got cussed out?? Snowflakes, one and all.


Omg I swear. Iā€™m a grown ass woman. Who do you think youā€™re talking to?


looks like she FAd and FOd.


ā€œCrapped her dependsā€ šŸ’€


I actually had a drunk boomer swing on me in the pharmacy once. I had just checked out and was leaving. He stumbled in, shoved me, then took a really pathetic swing that was easy to duck. As I was leaving the store after grabbing a few groceries(pharmacy is in a grocery store), this guy was cussing out a police officer while being loaded into a police car. Standard ā€œDo you know who I am?ā€ bullshit that these people like to spout off.


Instant karma šŸ¤£ straight to jail.


I wouldā€™ve taken her phone and straight smashed it on the ground


The way Iā€™m still wildly angry over this and it was weeks ago, I wish I would have lol


Probably could have ended the call. I bet she had been on hold and been transferred a bunch. Ending the call would mean starting that ALL OVER and she might have combusted.


If I was smarter and faster on my feet I would have done that. Iā€™m so mad I didnā€™t lol


Taking her phone and throwing it across the store with a "Fetch, bitch" would have been hilarious.


I would've grabbed the phone and YEETED it across the store.




I'm not Gretchen Wiener. I WILL make fetch happen, bitch.


I would've said that too


Just end the call and hand it back to her very politely. Watch the smoke come out of her ears.


But seriously, the pharmacy just fills the bottle. If you have an issue with the Rx or your insurance company, thatā€™s on you to deal with. My insurance quit covering the name brand, was shocked when I went to pay, pharmacy rep said ā€œno problem, you ok with the generic that is way cheaper?ā€ My Rx was changed within 10 minutes. No huss or fuss needed.


Can't do that anymore, at least in the states. If it cost more than $500 you could be charged and arrested. Heard it from a cop friend years ago. I'm sorry I can't remember the correct term he used.


Cellular Battery?


I wish I'd thought of that šŸ™‚


I admit I loled.


Yep. Exactly right. The better thing to do would have to simply hit the end button and then tell her to wait her $#@&+$#%Ā„ turn in line. Maybe throw in a few more fun "@^Ā¢=Ā„=Ļ€^ā‚¬"s just for the hell of it to watch her get all offended and stuttery šŸ˜


She handed the directly to the tech. He just set it down behind the counter. If she was having some kind of urgent issue I would have gladly let her go in front of me. My vistaril can wait lol I just donā€™t understand why they think every issue they have trumps anyone elseā€™s issue.


Dementia fueled entitlement? Who knows? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I liked how you cussed her out and backed her away from you. Good work! It can be a lot of fun to shock people with words when they're being fools šŸ˜


It can be. I was embarrassed a little when the manager approached me because he def heard me use the ā€œCā€ word but Iā€™m glad they acted as well.


If it was urgent enough that she needed the drug immediately, the doctor would (should?) have called the pharmacy to have it ready the moment she walked in.


She gave it to the tech before I even knew what was happening but I wish he would have. Apparently whomever was on the other end was difficult to get ahold of, hence her urgency to shove everyone out of the way.


Probably her prescription insurance company. I used to work as an agent for one and I could hear this exact situation happening in the background more times than I can count


I've been sitting here wondering (while internally cheering you on, OP), just what the people on the other side of that phone call were overhearing. Visions of them putting the call on speaker and telling their whole office "Hey! Listen to this! Shit's going down!" šŸ¤£ Bet they enjoyed listening to boomer lady getting the verbal beat down! Good for you, OP.


From one sweet looking, small lady who will also go there if pressed to another, I salute you.


Weā€™re so underestimated lol


She played the ā€œfuck around and find out ā€œ game and lost, big time. Karma is a royal bitch, Boomer!


She did and I love reading everyone else not putting up with it either. Itā€™s not ok.


There are sometimes that I genuinely fucking hate the general public in general, but Boomers are becoming an increasingly larger part of the group that piss me off. Had someone done that to me, I can almost guarantee that Iā€™d have some angry words for them. You and the pharmacy tech would have been completely justified in pressing assault and battery charges on that woman, frankly.




Honestly, I would have cheered you on. You handled that pretty well. I am kind of mystified as to why my generation turned out to be such a collection of asshats. We were going to change the world, but ended up digging in and perpetuating the absolute worst behaviour and attitudes of the previous generation. But hereā€™s my small insight as to why boomer women tend to be so awful. We were raised to be ā€˜niceā€™. Take shit from everyone, smile and serve coffee. After a certain age, the futility of that worldview becomes glaringly obvious. A lot of women, alas, didnā€™t develop skills to live any other way. Enter the Karens. Sucks being old, with no real interests or expertise. How do you deal with frustration? Take it out on the younger people who now get to clean up the mess we left! Instead of engaging, give a piece of your shriveled mind to them kids and teach them some respect. I feel sorry for all the crotchety old farts out there who couldnā€™t be bothered to learn something new in the past 50 years, but they pretty much dug themselves into their own hole. God, weā€™re a stubborn bunch..


Thank you for that insight! It makes me sad as well. My mother lived with me up until she passed a few months ago. She was a boomer boomering for sure but it made me sad as well for the reasons you mentioned. Never bothered to learn anything new. I just pray that as I age Iā€™m able to keep my mind open to new ideas. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not as easy as we want to think it is.


I once saw an old man get banned from the local CVS. The next pharmacy was a 25 minute drive away because the podunk little town we were in only had the one pharmacy, and he had to now drive to the big town to go to Walmart. "Can you believe that?" He asked me as he walked out of the CVS after the ban. "No. It's crazy. You only have access to one pharmacy, and you acted like an entitled brat until they had to ban you. I could never imagine behaving that childish, but my parents raised me right." He left in silence.


Why do Boomers do this shit everywhere?? I canā€™t go to a grocery checkout line, pharmacy counter, or ATM without a fucking Boomer on my ass. Iā€™ve most definitely turned around and told them to back the fuck up. You do not need to see my bank information. You do not need to know what medications Iā€™m taking. You donā€™t need to know what Iā€™m buying from the store. Get tf out of my personal space, you entitled POS. Of course they always act so offended. One guy said, ā€œugh, itā€™s not like Iā€™m going to steal your account information.ā€ Good, then you shouldnā€™t have any problem with bippity boppity backing the fuck up.


Similar happened to me too, in HSV, AL. I'm up there filling my meds at the counter and this Boomer becomes a human hemmorroid and putting stuff of there with my stuff. I'm there to fill "Private Lady Medicine" and also have a pack of sanitary pads and Monistat. My awesome pharm tech asks the dude to back up and wait his turn, that this was private medical information. Dude says he's OK where he's at. I turn around and say "Well, I guess you can stay here if you want to hear about the problems with my VAGINA." Said it loud enough all the staff could hear. Pharm tech moved me to the other register, and dude TRIED TO FOLLOW. PT told him to stay right there and wait his turn.


I love that you yelled about your coochie meds tho šŸ¤£thatā€™s so great




Boomers tend to forget that the images they have of themselves in their heads are not what we see in reality. You got these fat out of shape Wrangler wearing thumbs walking around with puffed out chests like their unfounded confidence somehow makes them intimidating. My favorite is the fat fucks that ride Harleys with little club vests like they're some sort of outlaws. Pal, you're a retired chemical engineer, you're not fooling anyone.


Yeah, That phone would have gone flying...


I used to work phone customer service for an institutional pharmacist. They would be given a prescription, and then the pharmacist would review it, and by MINIMUM STATE REQUIREMENT, fill it in 42 hours, and then the prescriptions were sent in sealed containers by armed courier. This is just how institutional prescriptions are done. Pandemic happens, and there's a shortage of pharmacists in the retail pharmacies. State asks the institutional pharmacies to step in, and so they start accepting normal consumer prescriptions. Overnight, the tone of the customer service calls changes. We start getting people calling us rapists, racists, Nazis, pedophiles, anything you can name. We have people stalking us and following us out to our parking lot on the day out. Several of our pharmacists decide, spontaneously and rightly so, to quit. There is nobody on hand to legally fulfill these prescriptions. Retail customers are told they must seek prescriptions elsewhere. We got bomb threats, we got death threats, we got blackmail attempts. Armed guards were stationed at the front entrance. Eventually the entire pharmacy had to close up shop, and the institutional patients are now TOTALLY FUCKED. Nothing can be done about it. People treat pharmacists in a way they'd never treat a doctor, because they see a pharmacist as obligated to do whatever the doctor tells them to do.


People treat us nurses the same way. Itā€™s never ok to be abusive to people, especially ones trying to help you. My anger was trigger the way she talked to that pharm tech.


Pharmacy is prime foolish boomer habitat. I've worked in affluent neighbourhoods, and poor ones, and the affluent ones are far worse.


Oh the yeeting that phone would hav gotten. ā€œPhone incoming DAIRY!ā€


Itā€™s all fun and games to them until they get c bombs dropped on them. Iā€™ve never called an old lady a cunt but I totally would should the situation occur.


I hate that word. I canā€™t believe it even left my mouth lol


I'm also short and look kind, like a young grandmother, babies love to look at me and giggle, even when they're upset and screaming, they just look at me, giggle and calm down. I have that mothering kind of face, round and soft and kind. I didn't have an RBF, I have a resting smile face. I probably also look like an easy target. But I also have a black belt, I've studied kickboxing. I can (and have) broken kneecaps, not always intentionally, but sometimes things happen while sparing. I also tap and run and in general, even though I'm short and soft, I'm also strong. Being strong gives me confidence to stand up to people, heads and shoulders taller than me, and I have no issue verbally confronting people and putting them in their place. Let me put it this way, I run my own business, and I do my own collections. A couple of months ago I was in a shop, cashing out and someone pushed me from behind, I stayed upright, my dance and martial arts training keeping me balanced, and I elbowed them in the face in defense, didn't even think about it, it was just an automatic reaction, and they ran away screaming, holding their face, trail of blood behind them. I don't even know if it was a woman or man, or their age (maybe it was someone trying to pull one of those sucker punch pranks, who knows?). Similar situation to you, I was talking to a cashier, and they, along with store camera evidence all confirmed that they pushed me and I acted in defence. Even in Canada, we're allowed to defend ourselves with responsible force. And pushing someone away (even using an elbow to do so) who is grabbing or pushing you is considered reasonable force depending on the situation, and in this situation, it was completely unprovoked. Anyways, the manager told me not to worry, and gave me a coupon and apologized on behalf of the store, and assured me the person was in his office and being dealt with. Still have no idea why they attacked me.


Omg youā€™re a whole badass! Thatā€™s amazing! I bet they donā€™t do that again!


>I need to know where the entitlement and audacity is sold for such a low price. If you don't have store-bought, homemade is fine


>I need to know where the entitlement and audacity is sold for such a low price. They're selling it on Fox "News" for the low low price of becoming a self-righteous bigot.


Doesnā€™t sound like thatā€™s gonna be too long of a ban


I ALMOST put that in my post šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


You probably provided them the excuse they needed to ban her. Patient privacy is a big deal.




I am and the way Iā€™m still ruminating on it, I wish I would have shoved her ass back.


> I look kind and sweet because Iā€™m a small woman. I'm a tall man and slightly overweight. I also look kind because I'm told I give off the gentle giant vibe. I've only had it happen a couple of times, but when a boomer goes off on one and touches me I grab their shoulder with one hand and pull them in full force. All four times, this gives them a factory reset and immediately resolves the issue. Being a small woman and not having this power must suck. I think about this every time I'm on a middle seat in an airplane, suffering hours of intense pain, and thinking about what I would rather have. I can reach top shelves, but I will die sooner. I can open jars, but can't slip by unnoticed. I can see the band during concerts, but I have chronic knee pain. I don't know. In the end, I guess average humans just have it better.


God damn Iā€™m proud of you for standing your ground. Good for you. Itā€™s strange, the boomer generation is so hellbent on ā€œrespect your eldersā€ but forgot the part where they need to be **respectable** to be **respected**. As a millennial stuck as a bouncer at a bar, it is my genuine pleasure to teach them this lesson endlessly. Respect is earned, not given freely. Their parents knew this. Why donā€™t they?


I commend you. I'm 43 and have avoidant personality. So I'd rather avoid conflict, if possible. However, I just finished a year of cancer treatment. My new go to will be "I didn't just finish fighting cancer to put up with your bullshit." Or some variant. I'm not afraid of throwing the C card when needed. I want to thank my DND group. They've helped more than they will ever realize.


I feel like they get extra feisty in the pharmacy line for some reason.


I'm millennial, but, once, my wife and i were driving the kids back from the apple orchard. Suddenly in the car my wife started having an allergic reaction. She was going anaphylactic, her mouth was swelling up, she stuff it was getting harder to breathe. She didn't have any known allergies, never had this reaction before. But we knew we needed an epipen. But we had to go to an urgent care first, the ER was 20 minutes away (now we know we'd go there in any case next time) but there was urgent care we stopped. The receptionist was oblivious but nurse and doctor dropped what they were doing to help her. They called in an epipen prescription across the street, i had to zip on over to the pharmacy, where i definitely acted exactly like this boomer. I didn't physically push anyone but i cut the line, straight to the counter, stated it was a medical emergency and i needed an epipen. Then, nothing but red tape. I was forced to wait in line. No urgency. The pharmacist had to cal the doctor back to make sure i could get it. The doctor was like "this woman is going to die just give him a fucking epipen" so he scooted on back to set up an epipen. Took his time. Brought it up and said it would be $10. I threw my credit card at him and ran out of the store with the epipen Edit: she came out ok, had to be observed overnight at the hospital. Later got a allergy test and 2 possible allergies we weren't sure which one did this to her but one was for hay and one was for brewer's yeast. She drank the locally produced cider but we didn't know how much brewer's yeast would be in that and she's drank it before. Also we've been around hay plenty of times before with no reaction so we are still scratching our heads about it.


That is in no way acting like a boomer. You had a time-sensitive need regarding an ongoing medical emergency. The people in line, as long as they were well-adjusted human beings, wouldn't have minded at all that you were taking priority, because they could wait, you could not. A boomer exhibiting boomer behavior would have judged your medical emergency as less important than them checking out with a package of toilet paper. That's boomer behavior. The pharmacy treating you like that was incredibly uncalled for and that's not on you.


Hands get hands.


Wild that anyone of any generation think putting hands on people is okay.


At ā€œphysically pushed me asideā€ I would be the Huckleberry at the pharmacy. Her being trespassed would be the least of her concerns.


I work for a credit card company aka the devil. I hate the job because itā€™s evil, but I have to pay the bills. Also, keep in mind that ā€œMillenials are the most entitled generationā€. Anyway, people sign the terms and conditions, etc etc etc. It is RARE for a Millenial or Gen Z to call in telling us we have to refund shit and do special tasks for them. However, the boomers and early Gen X are the ones I always hear call in yelling about this and that. Do this or else, yelling and screaming, waive this thing I agreed to, you are a POS, you are an asshole, etcā€¦ but remember, we are the entitled ones


I'm 63, anyone physically touches me without consent, their ass is gonna be on the floor.


"I need to know where the entitlement and audacity is sold for such a low price." I love this! I'm filing this away as a mic drop insult.


You can blame them and every person who has allowed that behavior from her. Seriously, calling people out these days spawns a fucking firestorm, waaaay worse than ever before. Make calling people the fuck out normal again because it's already too late. And I mean immediately, the moment they start, stop everything. They'll soon realize they didn't actually want all of that attention and start trying to walk back the statements they don't actually remember saying (it is SO easy to tell) because they already assume they're gods among men I say again: CALL PEOPLE THE FUCK OUT UNABASHEDLY. DO NOT ACCEPT FUCKERY.


I had something like that with someone cutting in line. Nicer area Publix. Lots of polite grumbling. I donā€™t mind being the voice of reason. I yelled at the woman until she got in line. ā€œI just have one item!ā€ NO ONE CARES THERES A LINE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOUR TIME ISNT WORTH MORE THAN MINE BACK UP BACKUPBACKUPBACKUP. She left.


So, not sure if this countsā€¦but. I was Home Depot the other day, and I bring my service dog everywhere. Anyways this entitled fat trumptard old boomer fuck hobbles his way over to my dog and starts to talking to my dog. He notices me noticing him. He says something to me but I donā€™t give a sht what he said I was pissed, my dog has patches that read ā€œdisabled veteran service dog, do not distractā€ ā€œIraq campaign.ā€ ā€œSemper Fiā€ ā€œNo touch no talk no eye contactā€ I growl through my teeth sort of with disgust, hate, and with perverted pleasure to finally see one of these scumbags. ā€œDonā€™t talk to me you Fkng traitorā€¦ā€ He and his wife ā€œBarbaraā€ just about sht themselves. The whole place went quiet. They were so confused. I went home, fed my dog, and got on my phone in my ac cooled home and posted this on reddit It felt good.


Banned for life? So hopefully the next like two weeks