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Boomers are exceptionally paranoid, because in their younger years that’s the kind of shit they got up to. Boomers are notorious for injury scams and theft, and they think every other generation is therefore also a buncha scumbags they need to watch out for. They’re mad as fuck when you aren’t doing anything wrong because they think they caught you in the act and you’re *getting away with it* by stopping before they could see/record hard evidence.


This reminds me of my friend’s boomer parent. Whenever said friend’s parent would drive us anywhere as kids she’d make sure to always casually instruct us to “not move right away and yell about back pain even if nothing hurts.” if we happened to get into an car accident. This parent was also insanely paranoid about accidentally hitting someone and getting sued for fake injuries. Even as a child I thought, how ironic?


Boomers may not have invented the grift but by god did they spread it like covid and catholicism.


Boomers hero is Donald Trump. He's the king of grifting.


lol I love that last phrase!


Boomer in-laws can't fathom why I would just be upfront and honest with potential buyers. They're probably gonna find the errors anyway, and I've never been unable to sell a used item because of it. If anything, people are put at ease when they know the known issues with something and when they know any other issues are unknowns. But to boomers, it's all "Why did you tell them that?"


Lol my boomers forced me to take a loan from them to buy a terrible used car from a family friend mechanic. This was a condition for me not being put on the street. Before buying it, I immediately noticed concerning things about it like significant rust. I was told I was being too picky. When we got to popping the hood, they literally would not let me examine anything. Literally stood in the way and blocked me from looking. My dad and grandfather said everything looked ok. Turns out the car had incompatible coolants mixed and had sat for years gelling into a solid brown sludge. Had to have it flushed three times. That was at least $1k. The head gasket went because of the coolant issues. That was another $1k. Things went on like this. Anyway, I'm virtually certain the mechanic knew all of this. When I pointed out how messed up this was to my boomers, they said something like "Well you should have known better and inspected the car. It's his job to make as much money as possible. He did nothing wrong, even if he knew about the issues."


Did you point out to them that they literally blocked you from inspecting the car?


Yeah they just gaslight and threaten violence if you argue about it. I eventually got on my feet and moved out despite all the bullshit they saddled me with. Only then did they "gift" the loan to me and tell me not to worry about the car. You know, after I spent years struggling dealing with it while constantly walking on their eggshells and it was no longer an issue. I got very lucky and fell into a good career that would allow me to support myself. I continued to live with them for about a year. Once they realized I would be able to support myself, they started trying to sabotage me. My mom would make a point of watching every sporting event she could and would scream at the TV until 1AM or later. Lol, jokes on her. I developed a meth habit to keep my job and get out of that shithole. My parents have an obnoxious friend they expected me to get pot for as a literal household chore. She was the type that would flip out and call you multiple times a day when she ran out. I was not a dealer. This was something my parents forced me to do. Anyway, I had enough of her shit and refused to do it anymore. The next day, my mom found something different to pick a fight over that escalated to the point of her grabbing me hard enough she left marks, then telling my dad I assaulted her so he would kick me out. I gladly left. I did not talk to them for a few weeks. Eventually they started leaving me voice messages saying they'd send the police after me, etc. Finally my dad recorded an apology while crying his ass off into my voicemail. I don't know if we qualify as low-contact now, but I definitely keep them at arms length and have to constantly remind them that my life doesn't revolve around them or their grandkids.


I used to work in a small law firm that handled a few personal injury matters. I had some disagreements with the owner when I left, but his ethics were pretty impeccable. I never really understood suing for fake injuries. Smarmy defense lawyers hired by insurance companies to avoid paying money made legitimate cases worthwhile. "If you can't deny liability then deny damages" must have been their motto or something. I'm not by any means saying bogus claims don't happen. Just was never my thing.


It's always "rules for thee not for me" when it comes to boomers Edited because I apparently can't read xD


That's backwards.


🤣 lol ?backwards is this how noticing else one no is why ,agree I


This reads like Yoda is having a stroke.


I apparently can't read lol


I had a babysitter drive us every once in awhile. She would scream and honk at other cars. Call them idiots who don’t know how to drive.  Just as frequently as she honked, she would get honked at because she was an idiot who didn’t know how to drive. She would swerve into other lanes. Not use her turn signal. It was really bad.  Reminds me of how people who hate government programs take full advantage of them because “everyone else is stealing from them.” No Karen, it is people who need the assistance and people like you who have no morals.  If you justify your actions based on the fact that “someone else did it” then you have no moral compass and cannot be trusted. 


I have a Boomer boss who is always trying to play "gotcha" but the thing is I come in keep my head down and do my job properly while he abuses company time and resources. It infuriates him that he can never catch me doing anything wrong. I've turned it into a bit of a game to see how suspicious I can act so he blows up, and I get to correct him with hard evidence. He seems to have resigned the effort lately, which is a pity.


I'd ask if you work with my step dad, but he's retired. 


I had a boomer boss that would do that as our site foreman on an absolutely massive project. He seldom did *anything* productive. Wasted tons of time, lost us bonuses by coming in 60k over budget, a whole slew of consequences. All because he was trying to catch us slacking and was incompetent. He managed to fail up every time, taking the ladder with him


This is it. They're the absolute kings of projecting. They're constantly trying to rip someone off somehow so they assume everyone else is doing the same.


Watching my bio Dad be that excited person has turned me into someone that is paranoid about liability and making sure there's no openings for lawsuits at my place of work, home, etc. That and while I was working at DD, we constantly had boomers coming in when the floor had been mopped claiming they were going to slip and sue us. Even had a guy start to pretend to fall once. Pointed out the slippery floor signs and he got so angry (the signs or in English and Spanish) that he started yelling he couldn't read Spanish. When I pointed out that it was written in English as well as there being a diagram, he got so angry and didn't say anything else.


I'm a clumsy gal and I can't count the number of times I've tripped or slid on public (and my own) property. When I would mention it to my mom, she'd insist I sue. The only time I should have sued maybe was when I was 16 and working at McDonald's. It was winter in the Midwest and they didn't salt the parking lot. I was a closer and slipped, fell and hurt my hand. I was out a couple of weeks and they threatened to fire me, saying it wasn't that bad. I had gone to the Dr and had xrays so we all knew better. My mom called and basically gave them a choice, she could sue them or they could wait until my dr said my hand was healed. She pointed out they had a duty to keep the parking lot clear and she knew there were cameras. I still have problems with that hand today, but it was my right hand and I'm left handed, so I didn't give it much consideration.  Honestly though, how much would I have really gotten out of all of that? And how much would she have let me keep?  I quit that job a few months later when I noticed that they were getting more.careless with their safety procedures and mentioned it to my grandma. Turns out she knew people who worked for OHSHA and she put in a call. So they still got a little punishment for being careless.


This! I grew up lying about my age and my mom literally STOLE shit from her work (she was a nurse and we had a fully stocked medical cabinet.). She was always trying to scam someone out of something to save herself money. I've explained how much this bothers me. It's stealing! It's theft! Also we didn't need it! That's the craziest part. We were extremely comfortable. We did not need to save the $3 by saying my brother was two younger than he was. Like, why? Nowadays she is so paranoid. She thinks everyone is trying to scam her. But I think it's just cause she's assuming they're going to do to her what SHE would do in their shoes, take advantage of an older woman who has money 🥴


Good googly moogly, the theft. My grandfather’s second wife got fired from her part time grocery gig because they caught her stealing canned goods. To be clear: they absolutely did not need her job OR the cans, as my grandfather owned and operated a mechanic shop and rented out his tractor and hay baler to some guys. They were not hard up. She still for some reason felt the need to make a stockpile of these cans in their basement and treated the theft like it was no different than couponing. She is an extremely nitpicky, “everything must be perfectly tidy” “piss your pants then you aint coming inside with dirty feet” “everything i dont care for is unladylike” type of biddy and yet. *And yet.* She saw no reason, legal or moral, not to steal a bunch of shit she didn’t need and didn’t use from her employer. Is it really saving a buck if you never eat your stolen peas?


Her parents must have passed some of the depression era mindset. The hoarding, not the stealing. 


She grew up rich and spoiled


People who grow up around food insecurity or parents who are often pick up traits like this ( the hoarding not the theft ). I’ve never stolen from a store in my life but my Dad and I have way more food stored in the pantry and basement than we probably need . He grew up poor during the Depression and I’m Gen X


She grew up rich


And yet if someone from best buy or Microsoft calls and says they owe money,  they believe it.  I don't understand the logic. Only thing I can think of is they still think businesses are always honest? Hahaaa!


Kinda related My mom showed up unannounced at my doorstep (she lives an hour away) because she got a pop up message from Microsoft saying she had a virus and needed to call blank number immediately to give them money so they could fix it. She was smart enough to get a spidey tingle with that one thank god. I would not have been surprised in the tiniest bit had it gone the other way.


Omg it's the last thing. My dad will buy a shitty product and it will break or not do what he thought, and he will always go "But it's from (blank)! They're an honest business!" and I just laugh at him.


I am so proud of my boomer mom. Someone called pretending to be her bank and asked for her ss# and birthday, etc, and she didn't give it to them!


Funny thing is when employees practically insist that you lie. We were taking our kids to an event and my oldest was 13, with child tickets stopping at 11. Gave the right age and the employee said "No, she's 11" and gave us the child price. At that point we just went along because there was no point arguing. It led to some interesting discussions later on ethics. It's so common for people to lie about their kids' ages and it amazes me how far some will take it. My mom lied about our ages plenty when we were kids, but fortunately, that's the only thing she did. These days she's an awesome grandma to all her grandkids and very much the fun kind of Boomer rather than the awful sort.


I grew up lying about my age too. And I developed early so the lies looked worse than they were


Omg yes. The summer I grew 2 inches she was really pissed that she couldn't say I was under 12 anymore.


My grandmother worked at a juice factory, and she supplied the whole extended family with juice like some pusher.


There ARE a lot of scams targeting senior citizens.


For sure! She almost fell for one and I was so thankful she didn't! I'm talking more like, she wants to hire a gardener but doesn't trust anyone to not fleece her somehow


There was a woman whose mother sent $400,000 to a romance scammer over a number of years, including $100,000 that belonged to the women and her sister. As the woman was frantically calling banks trying to get some of the money back the mother tried to sneak him another $10,000. The photo the scammer used was slightly altered but recognizably Brad Pitt.


My Dad gets calls all the time . He thinks it’s funny to mess with them a little but I tell him he’s just encouraging them to call again


Omg, my MIL ended up at a Walmart buying $1000 worth of gift cards. Don’t ask me how one gets talked into this, but it’s going around. Thank god the cashier took the time to ask what she was doing and told her she was being scammed. She truly could not afford to lose that much money… these are the people that get caught by this snake oil.


It’s no wonder they all love Trump so much . He’s been ripping people off his whole life so he assumes everyone is doing the same thing and just haven’t been caught .


Oh yah major winning point with my mom was how he was such a good business man by using loopholes to get better deals and if he didn't pay any taxes it must be because he's soooooo smart that he figured everything out. No Mom. He's just a fuckin dirty crook who got supported by a whole lot of other dirty crooks. It baffles me that he straight up tells them how shitty he is and they eat it right up. It's disgusting.


For some reason that generation thinks it’s their right to police everyone. They see a random stranger doing something they think is “suspicious “, and they go after them. I see a random stranger doing something, and if it doesn’t seem to be illegal or dangerous, just think “huh, that’s odd “….


Someone on Reddit once wrote that all the fun and interesting Boomers died of drug over dose or Aids. We are stuck with the hall monitors. I think about this whenever I read a "I'm going to tell on you" story.  Even funnier? I bet most of us had boomer parents that told us that tattling on people was wrong. I guess it's only ok when they do it.


Jesus , this explains the constant paranoia on Nextdoor


Yup. As kids we weren’t allowed to have a swing set or pool or trampoline or anything like that because my dad was convinced a neighbor would get hurt and sue us. He wouldn’t even allow our neighbors to use any of our standard play equipment (balls, bikes, scooters, jump ropes) because abuse he thought we’d get sued.


This is common. My mother is the queen of poorly thought through accusations of things which aren’t just ridiculous but pathologically so.


Absolutely spot on about the injury scams ! The last time I hung out with my boomer father and stepmom (I'm now N.C. for life) we went to eat at a Mexican restaurant in their town. I went to the bathroom. When I walked out of the bathroom, I took a wrong turn (not paying attention) and walked into the kitchen by mistake. I immediately slipped on some water and fell. I was not at all hurt, just got my ass damp. So, they saw this. As soon as I sat down, they spent the next 20 minutes attempting to get me to sue the restaurant. To tell them I was hurt. I told them this was bullshit, I'm not hurt and I'm the one who walked into the kitchen anyway. They were then PISSED AT ME for not going along with this bullshit. To make it even worse, they continued on about how these "illegals" working at the restaurant were nothing but "welfare fraudsters" etc. Typical racist bullshit. The worst part is, I'm pretty sure they were not serious anyway. They just don't like that I'm a moral person,not a racist, etc. This was just to attack my character for not being scumbags like they are. The worst generation.


Lead poisoning is a hell of a drug


Insurance fraud claims are rampant in Florida...


This is so true. They are always chasing me down with cash tips because they are convinced that if they leave money on the table, one of my (typically honest) co-workers will steal it, because of course that's what they would do.


I tripped and fell while downtown and was hurt. I was under the influence. My boomer dad kept telling me to call a lawyer and sue the city.


I would never think to sue the city or business that happens to be near where I fell some one tripped and fell near a business on city property business got sued, owner did not speak English so did not understand the paperwork in time had a default judgment and lost everything. One of the many reasons I have a hatred of ALL lawyers seen similar shit happen to friends and family near me. You do not need to even get to trial to lose. It’s cheaper to just settle most of the time. Even had opposing counsel say “yeah after all is said and done we have no case pay us x or pay xxxx and win. How do you think we make our money”and the justice system. This was not a one off. Every lawyer I delt with is like that. Trial lawyers anyway. So yeah. If I tripped and broke something. I would call myself a dumb ass and move on. Which I would be for not watching where I was going. To add saw a news story where this small family business was being sued for ada for there handicap sing being an 1/8 of an inch to low(no bull shit) lawyer would higher people to go into business use the restroom, leave. And lawsuit would fallow. Went down the street to nearly every small non English first language business(they consider “easy” targets)


Exceptionally paranoid AND YET fall for nearly any misinformation or scam.


So why are they all wire transferring their life savings to Nigerian princes to win the lottery?


Because they don’t personally run that kind of scam. They wouldn’t think to tell that kind of lie so they assume no one would


She’ll get you! And your little baby too! 🧙


Nursing infants are notoriously litigious


This should be top comment 😂😂


She thought you were going to try to sue her. Boomers were lied to over and over again by corporate propaganda media in the 80s-00s peaking with the McDonalds hot coffee spill scandal. To this day boomers think that was a giant scam to get money from McDonald’s without understanding a single fact from the case. Because they have been intentionally misled by corporations and have bought it hook like and sinker they think everyone is out plotting to sue them for damages. They think lawyers are tripping over each other to work for free to sue a residential woman for honey bee injuries… Most of them have never read a single court decision or been involved with a single trial. Most of them don’t even read. They have no idea how litigation works. They only believe what has been fed to them on tv and that lawyers snap their fingers and get million dollar settlements…


Even worse, that McDonald's story isn't taken seriously. That woman got *third degree burns and went into shock* from spilling coffee. Dude. Eta: the PR team worked hard to make it sound like the victim was over exaggerating. Which explains a lot. Growing up and hearing that story, all the adults that talked about it (96 bday) always sounded really dismissive and exasperated.


If you ever have the opportunity, tell the Boomer that the woman experienced genital fusion. \*Sorry, that should have been labial fusion


That's my response. "Oh, you mean the case where the coffee was so hot it fused her labia together?" In general, I've found the response is a dumbfounded and horrified, "What?!"


Idk what fantasy world you all are living in. Ive told them that and they look at me with a shit eating grin and say "yup!"  The issue is suing mcdonalds over coffee. They dont care about the injuries. They like the idea of her getting no help. 2 seperate boomers gave me this reaction.


It's part of their cope to pivot from "frivolous scam" to "it's her own fault, should have been more careful with hot stuff duh" They don't want to be wrong. So they shift the goal post with that shit eating grin. They're not even aware of what they do anymore. It's reflex.


The one would call me "melt dick" for the next few years because obviously since i cared it meant i had a melted dick.


JFC, what a fucking sociopath. And what monsters think it's funny that an old lady had her labia fused together by overly hot coffee? I despise people like this.


Its what 90% of landlords are like. Do you think i interacted with him because i wanted to? Lol. He was a pschopath. Instead of selling a house he rented it to me for more than a mortgage and because of people like him ill never be able to afford a down payment.


Most definitely.


She was actually an old woman (what about respecting your elders???) and *her labia fused together from the burns*. It was actually really bad and McDonalds deserved the ruling.


Mhm. She needed skin grafting.


There had already been hundreds of complaints about how overly hot the coffee was. After the incident McDonals did a full-court press to make the whole thing seem like a lawsuit scam when *all the victim wanted was her $800 copay covered*. McDonald’s should have had their asses handed to them.


Lawyers made some bank either way !


If I recall correctly, that poor woman had to get MULTIPLE SKIN GRAFTS around her groin area! In fact, I believe she was only suing so she could cover her medical bills from the incident, and then it got blown way out of proportion by McDonalds' PR team


The jury wanted to punish McDonald's for it's "unwillingness" to correct their coffee policy. They made mcds pay out Liebeck the equivalent of two days worth of revenue from coffee sales.


I actually remember getting into it with a Lit teacher in high school bc she was making some weird flippant comment about "people these days" and brought up this case. We had our chromebooks out and I was able to pull up the actual relevant case info and told her how wrong she was. She was actually *mad at me*! For what, I can't say, but she turned red and was pissed at me for having the *audacity* to actually fact check her.


How *dare* you embarrass her in front of class is what it really was about


Bro I was 16, what the fuck do you want from me


\*\*\*is what I should have said tbh




Boomers are big mad that they spent their lives bullshitting and lying their way into schools and jobs and everything else because there was no practical way to fact-check them, but now we can call them out in real time.


Yeah, because if I remember, they had been sued several times before for similar incidents, but none of that severity. For them, settling was cheaper than fixing the problem. They *knew* the coffee was brewed at unsafe temperatures, but insisted on keeping it that way because "people don't drink it immediately and want it hot when they get to work" or some bullshit like that. And in the court case they actually tried the angle "What idiot doesn't know coffee is hot?" Like, everybody knows coffee it hot. But nobody expects it to boil you alive.


I heard speculation that McDonalds made the coffee that hot so fewer customers would finish it in-store and get free refills.


Bullshit. That was pocket change. Punitive damages in egregious cases like this should be enough to affect the stock price. This shit will never end until somebody in charge feels some pain.


And the verdict was two days of coffee sales--as in, the jury didn't write a number on the verdict form, they wrote "two days of coffee sales." I'm not fusing my labia together for any amount of money.


Her labia was fused together from the coffee... it was extremely bad, but boomers will downplay other's symptoms because they were always told to suck it up.


I saw the case photo of her injury. Burned and fused labia. Yeah, real frivolous! The last time a boomer relative tried to bring up that case as a "stupid woman and her lawsuit", I just said "Burned genitals, yeah very stupid." Sure, it was dumb to hold a cup of hot liquid in your lap but you won't expect a cup of hot liquid from a corporation to be hot enough to fuse flesh together. My uncle immediately stfu and I just laughed at him.


“I’m sure if you spilled that same cup of coffee on *your* lap and needed skin grafts on *your* scrotum you’d feel the same way, right?


Hot liquids generally expand. Even though it’s small expansion at McDonald’s scale globally they were actually making a lot of extra money storing and selling it extremely hot. They knew exactly what they were doing and didn’t give a fuck. The lady who got burned also only originally asked only for her medical bills to be paid before ever lawyering up. She did this multiple times and McDonald’s basically told her to go fuck herself so she found a lawyer. McDonald’s had internal memos if I remember correctly discussing the money savings for the company by storing the coffee at the hot temperature and ignoring the warnings of it burning employees prior to the woman getting burned and needing skin grafts… Ultimately the punitive ruling was only two…just TWO…days of coffee sales for McDonald’s….


I’ve heard boomers make jokes about burning themselves so they could get millions my whole life. When you actually look into the case it all makes sense and McDonald’s got exactly what they deserved.


The way they reduced their reasoning for keeping the coffee that hot was appalling. The amount of complaints vs. amount of coffee sold wasn't enough to sway the company.


I’ll never forget that McDonald’s story growing up lol the infamous hot coffee scandal!!


Also born in 96 and my boomer mom absolutely LOVED telling this story. In her version, the McDonalds hot coffee lady was the harbinger of the nanny state-ification of America, as evidenced by what she believed to be a subsequent uptick in companies putting warning labels on products that have a potential to cause harm if mishandled as a preemptive defense strategy against an insidious cabal of lawsuit-happy welfare queens. I didn’t find out about what really happened with that case until I was like 25.


Wanted to hijack this comment to say that the coffee is still made at the temperature it was when she sued. I saw multiple injuries from coffee burns while working there


She needed skin grafts on her groin and thighs. I can’t imagine something so excruciating


-Stella Liebeck asked McDonalds to cover her skin grafts. They counter-offered $300. Then $500. She had no choice but to sue. -McDonalds serves their coffee between 180 and 200F. Your home coffee brewer brews it at \~120F. McDonalds coffee is not fit for human consumption. (Another commenter brought up the difference in brewing and consumption temperatures for coffee. I am now confused on this.) -McDonalds HQ on average receives "1" complaint per day from people who splash coffee on their feet or hands and require medical attention. Their complaint process is kid behind counter - manager - district manager - regional manager - corporate. Yes these complaints go through this process and still 1 per day manages to reach HQ. -Stella Liebeck almost died. They literally called in a priest that night to give her last rites. Who tf spills coffee on themselves and almost dies??? -The majority of the money she won went to her attorney fees. She really did only have her skin grafts covered and she was shunned by society. Also there are pictures of her injuries online. Google at your own risk, NSFW. ETA: Mrs. Liebeck was 79 when this happened, and she was not a frail old lady. She rode a bike and played tennis up until the incident occurred. She was the first woman in her family to die without reaching the age of 95. The coffee incident is what made her frail and she had almost no quality of life after the incident.


I saw them once, don't look for them.


Srsly. When I was taking Torts 2 in law school, my professor put them on the big screen and the whole lecture hall gasped. They are HORRIFIC. I was completely indifferent to the hot coffee case until that day.


The sad part is she didn’t even want to sue, she didn’t even want any money for her suffering she just wanted McDonalds to pay for her medical which was also cheaper than the smear campaign they went on against her but they would rather pay lawyers to be scumbags than actually treat this lady for her condition.


Big corporations don't care about you. McDonnell Douglas spent I don't even know how much on lobbying congress so that they wouldn't have to fix the DC-10 cargo door because fixing it was slightly more expensive than writing off a few hundred deaths here and there per year. They lost, btw, and the DC-10 doesn't fly passengers now. The few that are left in circulation have been fixed and are operated by companies like FedEx. It doesn't matter how sad your story is, they will continually smear the name of every small-town victim for reputations sake and tell your loved ones to get fucked to their faces.


Oh I’ve figured it out myself. I was assaulted at a popular store chain in the mall. I really didn’t want to get a lawyer involved and they made me feel special after the incident but then I slowly started to realize they were playing with me and trying to get me to come back to work without being seen by doctors and then they pushed an NDA in front of me at one point while lying about what it actually was. I lawyered up and the CEO personally called the manager at the time telling him to find any reason to fire me.


And what store was this exactly? For boycotting purposes plzdontsaytarget.


It’s a store in the mall that typically sells sex toys.


There are stores in malls that sell sex toys? Damn I go to the wrong malls I guess.


Yeah but I wouldn’t recommend them. They are very low quality and high priced.


Yeah I'm good. Not in the market anyways thank you lol.


120° ??? Lowest setting on mine brews at 192°


Agreed. Using 120°F water wouldn't yield something that could legitimately be called coffee.


Hmmmm. I just did some research and most coffee does brew at that temp (I don't drink coffee so wtf do I know). Maybe it's just not consumable at that temp? I remember it being stressed that most people drink their coffee almost immediately after purchasing it from McD's and that the temp they serve it at is improper. Maybe brewing temp and serving temp is different, or SHOULD be different?


>*Most of them have never read a single court decision or been involved with a single trial.* Well, maybe not, but they have watched each and every episode of "People's Court" and "Judge Judy", and that is the equivalent of a Yale law degree.


True, most of them have never read a single court decision or been involved with a single trial, but overall, boomers are the most litigious generation on record so far. All the warning labels they love to bitch about came into existence in the 80s and 90s because of THEM and their neglectful behavior. The "I drank from the hose and never wore a seat belt and I turned out just fine" attitude they have negates the fact that a lot of people DIDNT turn out just fine, and its their fault.


This is one of those stories where I will stand on a fucking rooftop and defend that poor woman.


They grew up in an era where it actually was possible, but they pulled the ladder up behind them. For example look at Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas. He was in a situation where his neighbors tree fell on him, I've read competing claims, but suffice it to say, he won *millions*, multiple millions, paid out over his entire life. Then he got into politics, and do you care to guess what one of his first actions was? Reducing liability for people who injure others due to their negligence. I.E. screwing over anyone else that might have to go through exactly what he went through. So now you can't sue someone into oblivion for failure to maintain their property, and if a storm knocks a tree over on you and breaks your back.. well.. sucks to be you I guess? Hope a few thousand will get you through it. Good ol' Greg "Got Mine Fuck You" Abbott, is such a perfect encapsulation of the modern conservative boomer, it's almost sad. So because they grew up in a world where it was possible for the rich to be held accountable, they're convinced everyone is out to screw them over..


They also ignore that she only sued McDonald's for the cost of her medical bills, it was the court itself that decided McDonald's was going to pay her a day's worth of their coffee revenues because they were already warned that their coffee was too hot and McDonald's chose to ignore it. It's like boomers only read the quick notes on the court case and still ignored half of them.


Boomers fact check and think critically about nothing. They mostly just regurgitate Fox News and do the bidding of their corporate overlords all the while boasting about rugged individualism.


Boomers are the result of untreated mental illness. They’ve been out there raw-dogging life with zero meds, treatment, or even acknowledging they might have an issue. They feel like they are perfect and the rest of us are the problem. Also, guess which generation raised most of us???


a generation of us that had to learn by the example of "what not to do" while watching our parents unfortunately.


You mean... Which generation fucked us up?


I grew up in America and can distinctly remember my Mom teaching me to pet bumble bees in the back yard with one finger. It was a great way to teach me about nature, how to be gentle and to develop my hand eye coordination and dexterity. ‘One finger’ she would remind me, so I didn’t grab and squish the lovely bees. I agree. Americans are entirely too afraid of bugs. When we find a spider in our house I usually leave it. Spiders are our friends, I like to remind my kid, they eat mosquitoes.


We had the insect collecting kit (catch and release them...no pinning to boards) and we'd go out trying to collect bumblebees, look for praying mantis, etc. Great times.


Me too! I also have an extensive dead bug collection from my childhood, all insects found dead.


I call my kiddo over to look at cool bugs in the yard all the time. A few days ago i saw a massive bright green grasshopper!


My estranged dad always lied, threatening to sue, spends tons of having his lawyer send letters, everyone is out to get him.... Nobody is out to get him. It's in his paranoid, mind because he's the menace/scammer. He literally, threatened to "fuck me to death in court!"


Boomers are all just wannabe flashy 80s people that see themselves as Gordon gecko when really the majority of them are impotent suburban fatsos


Jesus. That's an accurate description of the boomers I personally know.


>she thought I would park my baby by the bees to intentionally get him stung, so that I could sue her. And the fact that you *didn't* eventually sue her means she was 100% right to accost, accuse and harass you, because she scared you out of your evil plan to destroy her business. H'tag BoomerLogic






It's not our fault everybody remembers what happened to Macaulay Culkin [Yes it's the bee scene from My Girl](https://youtu.be/izDX7BvzDUg?si=4iM_mdudLQp8GhWW)


Some used “he got My Girl’d,” as a verb recently and *I fucking lost it.*


I only acknowledge that he was in Home Alone and Party Monster. This is all I need.


Yes! This is why we are afraid of bees! 🐝 Don’t wanna die.


Except those are wasps


Lmao, the random epiphanies while reminiscing about some crazy shit is so relatable


Depending on the person I get weirdly sweet and try to defuse the situation by humour or innocence. In that situation I would have purposely made her think that I didn’t understand that she was being hostile and say something along the lines of “I always grew up around bees and love to watch them! I thought my baby would enjoy to see them too and I thought it was such a beautiful hive that I wanted to take a few pictures to show my friends! You’re doing a great job with them!” Normally (in my experience) if you throw in a random compliment while trying to defuse the situation they’ll go back to all smiles. AGAIN this is just my experience. I’m a tattooed/pierced woman with all purple hair and so I try to make an extra effort to show older folks that I’m not a thug and just like to have fun with my appearance 😭🤣


Omg are you me? Purple and pink hair, piercings and tattoos and two of the most beautifully adorable blonde/blue eyed cherub children who I dress impeccably cute. I love when these old booms get bitchy with me and I just turn soooo saccharine to them. It malfunctions their brain. All of a sudden they can't remember why they were upset with me in the first place.... and the encounter will sometimes end with them complimenting ME. They're all fucking crazy ass loony birds that have absolutely no true cognitive ability. I used to feel badly for them, but my eyebrow has been pierced for 22 years now; you can throw a rock and find another pierced person. It was rebellious in a way back then, but now? Put the pearls away Patricia, this ship has already sailed. The world changes. It happens to us all. Don't be a big dick about it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Could not have said this better myself!! You sound like a rocking parent, that’s what I aspire to be once I’m able to give a child a good life!


God that was a COVID lesson. Don’t want an old white guy to get after you for wearing a mask? (or occasionally, for not wearing one while halfway across a park?) Say something nice about his dog.


Super Soaker 3000 filled with piss. They hate that.


Forgot to pack mine that day. Honestly, I was so shocked at this woman’s behavior, it took me years to process what she was up to and why she was yelling. I wasn’t able to think fast enough to respond other than just confusion


Honestly, I’m just fucked up that she seriously thought you would *shove your infant in a beehive* to get money. Money! Like, how fucked in the head does someone have to be for that thought to even occur to them? That’s some serial killer documentary kind of shit.


It's absurd how they act. I hope you can steer clear of them.


I would've grabbed her phone and threw it into the bushes


I didn’t realize she was recording the whole thing until later. I thought she was just holding her phone


I would consider that harassment and perhaps even stalking.


It was definitely harassment. I was so confused and surprised by this crazy behavior that I didn’t have the brainspace to say “you are harassing me. Go away”


I get it. It’s shocking when it happens.




I used to be friends with a Boomer, a “late” Boomer, born in the early ‘60s. He sued everything that moved. He was awful. No rules applied him, but God forbid someone else broke a rule. I’m not friends with him anymore. It’s such a relief to have such a negative, angry cloud out of my life. I marvel at everything I put up with, and how obligated I felt to stay in the friendship. He eventually became a dangerous full blown alcoholic and I truly believe it was because he had that Boomer curse, where nothing is fair, he’s not respected, the world is moving on without him, and his life turned out nothing like he thought it should/what he deserved. And there was Absolutely. No. Reasoning. With. Him. It’s been a year since I’ve spoken to him, and just writing this is therapeutic. So thanks for reading my emotional baggage rant!


Always ask them what home they escaped from/ where their handler is.








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>Americans are irrationally afraid of flying insects imo. As an American, I can really see this. I've observed so many people run shrieking from a moth. A moth! Not a bee, or a wasp. A moth. My kids are the same. Grown adults are the same. Americans, when faced with flying insects, are the world's biggest cowards. It truly is a shame. Especially since none of our flying insects truly pose a threat to us aside from those allergic to honeybees.


I'm not afraid of any insects, but those skeeters can go straight to hell. (SE US)


You live in the SE US. You're already in hell. That's where we sent the skeeters.


Ya know, as much as I hate it sometimes, it's home. The south has a bad rep (which it deserves), but it certainly has it's charms. The city I live in has made a few "Top 25 Cities" lists recently, and a lot of folks are migrating to us. A lot of the locals hate it, but there are many of us who welcome the people bringing their various cultures and traditions with them.


I agree. I lived in lower Alabama for a few years and aside from the heat and humidity, it was a pretty nice place to live. Getting that new culture and ideas is good for the area as a whole. For all areas really. Fresh blood for the skeeters.


I wandered into a butterfly sanctuary out in the Seattle area years back and I completely freaked out and started screaming and running around like a weirdo. I'm a guy. Lol.




Lol. There was thousands of butterflies. And they were flying around. That was my explanation to my friends.


Omg I died! Sorry, bro, but that shit is hilarious! 😆


We need to start passing laws to punish self-appointed law enforcers who feign concern for the community to justify harassing random strangers


Some 911 call centers have trained the operators to ask questions when callers say someone is “acting suspiciously.” Because to some people “being brown” is “acting suspiciously.”


Even African bees are ok if you stay away from their hive and don’t bug them. At this point so many bees in America are part African. I think part of the reason American’s are leery of bees is the 24/7 news cycle pumping up horror stories of killer bees. Personally I watch out for bees because my idiot cat pounced on one, it stung him & his paw/leg swelled up to twice as big! 🤦🏻‍♀️ That said I’m in my 40’s and I have never had a problem with bees. You respect them, stay calm and they don’t sting you. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Now if it was an Asian giant hornet (murder hornet) I would be staying as far away as possible & reporting the sighting (they are an invasive species.)


My manly husband will run away screaming if a buzzing bug comes flying near his head. I just stand there laughing.


I’m not being funny here, but can you even own bees, isn’t it just the equipment you own (and byproducts) ?


Totally agree with you there. She definitely yelled that they were “MY BEES” though




I swear to god boomers are just infantile brain dead idiots. WTF happened. From hippies and anti establishment to some of the most militant dumb asses on the planet.


Some people have a little script in their head explaining how they are outsmarting everyone. When my boomer father first got a camera phone and could take blurry pictures of things, he would sometimes go outside and take a picture of people walking by on the street. He lived in a city, there was always someone walking by. Then he would tell who he was with "See, that guy was going to try to rob me but now he can't because I HAVE HIS PICTURE!". Imagine some middle aged man holding out a flip phone at someone as they walk by with them briefly looking at him and furrowing their brow in confusion before they continue walking. He thought he was James Bond or something because he had a cheap camera.


Leaded gasoline dementia 


Boomers will NEVER approach a dangerous person. Keep that mean face on.


“Americans are irrationally afraid of flying insects in my opinion”. Wow. Just wow


Listen, alright, after Bee Movie people are weird about humans spending too much time with bees /j


Honestly, I have to wonder how many of these posts are Boomer problems or, in reality, mental health issues the USA completely ignores since Reagan destroyed all of our mental healthcare. 


obv. the queen.


Well, the good news is since this happened ten years ago. That crazy boomer is probably dead in the ground by now. I recommend bringing your kid back to the beehive and taking a picture together. Print out the picture and leave it on her tombstone. On the back of the picture write "Don't worry, Bee Happy!" Or something else clever related to the Bees. Lol.


I wasn’t following what she meant by “I bet I’ll hear from you,” until you mentioned lawsuits. So sad that she was that paranoid about people with their babies near the bees, but if she was that concerned, move the bees elsewhere. It’s not that hard.


Call the police next time


When you deal with these people, make sure you have the police on speed dial. Not to mention, if an interaction happens when you're in the car, do not get out of the car. These people are so weird and insane that I would not put physical abuse past them. 


They understand lawsuits much more intuitively than having a love for nature.




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So, bees. This is may be more of a regional issue but I'm guessing you grew up an area where it isnt a problem. But, Killer Bees are a thing, and they are spreading north. I have family that keeps bees in the South. What can happen is a wild KB Queen will move into the domestic hive, take over. And gradually, over time, her offspring take the place of the domestic bees. As that happens, the hive will get more and more aggressive. The way to fix it is to replace the Queen once the keeper notices that happening. If they never do, then you get a nasty aggressive hive that will sting the piss out of you. Fear? How about respect. Posted out of concern people are all, oh the honey bees are so sweet and harmless! Yes, yes they are. But they may not be honeybees. And bees used to love our renters shampoo, they'd go after him but no one else. Fruity stuff, go figure.


Yeah, my teen years (1960's), there was a lot of "stick it to the man!". But I spent that whole decade paranoid of pigs (cops) stopping you on the sidewalk and hassling you. They could arrest you for suspicion of "internal possession", something I frequently "suffered" from. Usually not weed. But, yeah, there were a lot of scams against the "establishment". sigh. Good Times.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


At least you were able to draw a conclusion to it because I would have lived the rest of my life just saying I was accosted by a senile person for no reason.


She had nothing better to do but make up stories in her head




As unhinged as she was, she was probably having flashbacks of the movie, My Girl. lol


She identifies as the queen bee, obviously.


Bees will swarm and the chase is on to capture the hive and rehome them. If i had to guess this boomer thought you were literally going to "steal" bees. Why they would react the way they did? Slow progressing dementia...


Bee-fuddling for sure


Yeah, people had probably been messing with him. People had probably reached out about the obvious bees and building. He rolls up to his property to find you taking pictures of bees in his somewhat neglected property. Also, there's not a lot of mothers out there who would take their baby that close to a bunch of bees. I think it's fine personally. I also love honey bees. They are actually quite sweet. It was just an unusual circumstance.


You should have told her to mind her own beeswax