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https://www.boss.info/global/support/support_news/19091015/ Check the permission to Load the driver, that was my problem.


I downloaded the driver and When I go to check system settings security and privacy, there is nothing that says I have downloaded anything from Roland. That message about it being blocked is not there.


did you already check the firmware version? Boss calls it "System Software" for some unexplained reason...


I updated the firmware and am still having the same issues. When I try to open tone studio it says “device not found”. The katana icon is present at the bottom of my system preferences window so I think at least something is there. When I click that, a small window appears and says “device Not found. The setting will automatically become effective when the device is connected the next time.” Also, under security preferences/general, it still says nothing about Roland corporation to be allowed...I’m stuck...thanks so much in advance!


Just to make sure: You're using the correct version of Boss Tone Studio? You need Boss Tone studio for MK2, the BTS for the mk1 amps is not compatible.


Yes, I’m sure...my wife has the exact same laptop and software...I installed it on that and there were no problems...are there any settings that could be switched in that could possibly be blocking it?


I think I figured it out! In the readme it says the following AFTER you've downloaded, installed and rebooted your mac: 1. In "System Preferences," click "Security & Privacy." 2. Click the General tab. A message will be displayed indicating whether the system software was blocked from loading. 3. If displayed, confirm that the publisher is "Roland Corporation" and click "Allow".\*If the loading of system software of multiple publishers is blocked, click "Allow" to display a list of developers. Select "Roland Corporation" and then click \[OK\].\*If the \[Allow\] button is grayed out, click the lock icon on the lower left to unlock it. 4. If prompted to restart, click \[OK\]. ​ I had the same issue and fixed it just now (Katana 100 I) :) Hope it helps!


After I download, it doesn’t say anything under security and privacy...nothing from Roland corporation...I can’t figure it out...it seems like it is installing, but for some reason it just doesn’t want to finish


After your install is complete you have the box saying to reboot. Make sure you do that first, then check the security and privacy. Should be there!


That’s where I’m getting stuck...after the re-boot, when I open the safety and security, it doesn’t have the box that I can check to allow the software from Roland...I cannot find anything on the internet that will address this problem...what I don’t get is that it installed fine on my wife’s laptop, which is the same as mine. The only thing that I can think of is that it could be my USB port, but other things seem to work fine.


Damn, don't know then! Good luck!


Did this get resolved? Having the exact same issue