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Lindholm has a reddit account and posts frequently. Youll see him around




Yes someone else doxxed his username. I would never do that though


How does someone even figure out its him lol unless it was a IRL buddy




He's good but not nearly 8m per good. This is classic overspending in free agency.


You need to recalibrate because the cap went up, he turned it on in the playoffs, he's under 30 and scored 40 goals two years ago.


This is not nearly a bad overpay. A little bit? Sure. But the cap is going up another $4.5M next year and projected similar increases for at least a few more years after that We filled a massive hole and didn't completely break the bank for it, especially considering he turned down similar money in Vancouver


Agree 100%. Same deal with Zadorov,a slight overpay but not by much, younger than the other options at the price point and fills a hole perfectly. Very happy with what they've done this off-season. Filled the two big holes and added good depth forwards with some potential upside.


He’s gonna be awesome for us, this is so fucking badass. Awesome price, and him speaking about Bergy in his presser had me hyped. LETS GOOO


I really, really hope he does well here. Pretty nervous about the seven year term tbh. Lindholm is very good, but he hasn’t been the same ever since Tkachuk and Gaudreau left Calgary. He seemed to do better in Vancouver, at least. Maybe having another change of scenery will help.


With the core we have, the Bruins are mostly looking through the next 4-6 years to compete. We'll basically be completely retooling by the end of his contract regardless unless the Bruins have a new core pop up (which is very unlikely with our pipeline).


Lindholm to Lindholm


Now sign sway!


Is there any NMC/NTC involved and does anyone know the details?


Is he really that good? Haven’t watched much of him and his numbers aren’t too impressive


Solid 2 way center. Had a big couple years playing with Chucky/gudreau. Elevated his game for the Canucks in the playoffs last year. Solid faceoff guy.


Solid faceoff guys are nice. Maybe it was me but it felt like we couldn't buy a faceoff in the playoffs


Seems like a good fit for what the B’s need desperately, an experienced, big, 2-way Center who can win face offs. I’m betting his scoring will be much better than the last few seasons now that he has the opportunity to play alongside Pasta and Zacha and on the PP with Marchand


I just discovered bro’s middle name is Zebulon 


His nickname in Calgary was Lord Zebulon


Getting a jersey with “Lord Zebulon” on the back rn 


The flames are my first team as I’m Canadian but the bruins are my second team so I couldn’t be happier with this signing. I miss him in Calgary


Love it


We are paying 250k less a year for him than stamkos got. Yikes.


Stamkos is 34 and hurt every other year though. As good as he is, I don't think we can compare the contracts between them


I think he's saying it's a good deal no? We're paying less for Lindholm than a 34 year old Stamkos?


Stammer is also 5 years older. So it balances out. I wanted Stamkos too but E. Lindholm is going to fit just right in Boston. Plays the Bruin way


Well, like it or not folks, there's our 1C. Our biggest glaring hole is finally patched. I personally think he'll be a great fit for the Bruins and he'll be a decent upgrade from Coyle.


this was the worst kept secret the whole offseason lol, this was so bound to happen as soon as he declined the offer from Vancouver


Someone needs to see the Google stats on how many times “is elias lindholm related to hampus lindholm” is searched today


Just looked -- couple hits last night, big interest around 8:00 this morning, and some more activity this afternoon since it became official


This is the true stats I except from the Advanced Analytics.


Is it October 8th yet!!!!!


As a lifelong Flames and Bruins fan, this is so fucking awesome. Both of these guys are absolute studs. Zadorov brings so much energy to a team both on and off the ice. And Lindholm is one of the best 2 way forwards in the whole league when he has chemistry with his linemates. Really curious to see where these guys get slotted into the lineup. 


A Marchand-Lindholm-Pasta 1F line sounds amazing.


Who did you root for in the SCF if you were a Flames and Bruins fan?


There’s not a fucking snowballs chance in hell I could ever pull for the Oilers haha, worst fans in the whole universe. I was actually happy to see Chucky and Bennett get their rings, but I understand why a lot of people in here can’t stand those dudes. I guess living in Alberta just fuels my hatred for the Oilers. 


Unrelated, but planning to visit the region. Strictly on city experience, would you say Calgary or Edmonton deserves a longer time to visit and how many days each. (This is excluding natural parks like Banff and that stuff)


It honestly kind of depends what you’re hoping to do. The cities themselves are very similar, but they both offer different festivals and activities throughout the year. Both cities have tons of great food and bars downtown. I’d highly recommend coming to Calgary to check out Stampede.   


Lindholm had 5 goals and 5 assists in this last postseason. We need guys who can show up in the playoffs, and this guy can! Hyped for this signing


On a Canucks team that has shown it doesn't know who it is yet. Better with that here.


Incredible signing, really excited to see if him and Pasta will have some chemistry. He's shown he can produce with Tkachuk and Gaudreau before.


Everyone seems to forget that he was really good while he was playing with those two


Great signing, clearly he chose to rather come play on our 1st line and not on canucks 3rd. His skillset fits many of our needs, hopefully he will bring it.


When was the last time bruins had two players on their team that will wear their first initial in front of their last name ?


I’m guessing there will be no initials


Rick Nash or Riley Nash? I can’t remember how the did the nameplate then.


I think it was just Nash for both


Nash, Sweeney (Don and Bob for the young’uns)


Pretty sure Bobby Sweeny didn't have the 2nd e




We need more lindholms


Holm sweet Holm.


Finally got a 1c. Now stamkos please


Stamkos signed with Nashville like an hour ago


Good, fuck the Lightning


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago


Well good for happy gilm oh my God!


Lindholm is gonna kill it with Pasta on his wing. I’m happy about this


FiRe SwEeNeY! /s incase it was not obvious ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


Hopefully he can crush it in the bumper and on faceoffs. I'd like another crack at Florida with this lineup.


We have a center 😁




This is just a gross, disgusting contract. He’s had 1 season in his career where he would have lived up to this. Just a horrendous deal that I hope works out


Whew. The world is ok...finally got to the genius who would totally poo poo this. Was starting to lose all faith in humanity..the balance of good and evil, smart and incredibly stupid, etc...


I'm not quite sure you understand how contracts today are drastically different from contracts from even 5 years ago. The cap goes up and players get paid more.


15 goals last year. That’s Heinen numbers. 7 years and the AAV still that high, I don’t like it


Good thing you’re not the Bruins GM


Don Sweeney has been for 10 years and what has he done?


2 President's trophies, one of which was the best regular season of all time, and a SCF appearance?


He’s done it on the backs of previous GM’s picks. The last skater worth a damn he took was McAvoy, he botched 2015 draft which cost us a ring, made some decent moves like Coyle but hasn’t been able to move the needle at all. The presidents trophy year had the top 2 centers combine for what 3 million.


“Made some decent moves” he trading virtually nothing to get coyle and johansson for 2019, traded nothing for Taylor hall, traded for bertuzzi and orlov when he felt it was an all in season. There are just as many GMs who have had bad drafts in his same time frame. Drafting is basically a crapshoot when you’re outside top 10


2015 was a layup. There was no excuse to come away without 2 impact players. Jake, fine pick. But to miss on both the others, the organization has never recovered from that. Chabot and Barzal were the next 2 picks, unacceptable


Man how could they not know that Anthony cirelli, roope hintz, rasmus anderson, erik cernak, Sebastian aho, Kyle Connor, and Joel eriksson ek were gonna be good players wtf is wrong with them?!?!? Drafting is ridiculously easy after the fact isn’t it?


Tell me you don't know shit about hockey without telling me you don't know shit about hockey.


2 Lindy 2 Furious


Pretty high for an average player. He’s good in the dot and we needed that desperately. Not a 1C but gonna be billed like it. Let’s see how it goes, hoping the best for him!


I mean, that’s not really definitive 1c pay. It’s 33rd in the league, and it’ll be lower as time goes on. 


Didn’t say he got paid like a 1C. He will be forced into that role tho, and I’m not sure he can fit it. Hopefully I am wrong!


He was a good 1C for Calgary a few years ago


Sorry I interpreted billed as it as paid like it haha




He was 9th in the league in face off win percentage, this is a massive upgrade in that department.


The Lindy Hop comes to boston


Good player, but 7.75 is a pretty high cost for someone averaging 50 points per season. He's only broken 50 points in four seasons, so I'm really not feeling this. He would be a great 2nd line C but again... 7.75 for a guy barely getting to 50 points a season (most of the time) is ridiculous.


7.75 is high end 2c money. He’s absolutely that.


One saving grace is that he's elite defensively


Canucks fan here. He had shutdown/pk/d-zone face off duties in stint with us. I expect that if he actually gets PP/o-zone face off time, his numbers would climb He's like a poor man's Barkov with an appropriately lower cap


I'm betting this he has his highest PPG of his career playing with Pasta.


Maybe it was the surrounding players or system. Dns whined for center help and here it is.


$7.75 AAV slots him in a T35 in the league for contracts for NHL Centers. I'd say that's exactly what you would expect out of a 2nd line center in FA. Especially with the cap going up and a bunch of the guys below due for large raises.


29 year old who’s put up 40 goals before, and is usually a near point per game guy, this is lower than what he was expected to get in this market.


How far are we stretching the word near


you know what i mean


I average near a pt a game


Players making >7.75M and producing <0.6PPG Elias Lindholm Pierre Luc Dubois Ryan Johansen Josh Norris Evgeny Kuznetsov Sean Couturier Esteemed company right there


Lindholm was playing on a dogshit Calgary team and then had 3C minutes in Vancouver, Lindholm also matches up well against other teams top players and is good at the faceoff dot. Part of this cap hit is for his defensive, all situations skills, something the other guys on the list above don't have


I mean you are very purposefully only using last years stats as your baseline to evaluate Lindholm. Is is the #1 center we have been missing? No. But #1 we didn't pay him like a #1 center. Two his 3 years prior to that he was a 0.89 PPG player so it makes sense that you are just purposefully ignoring that.


Last year is the most relevant for projecting how he will play here, and this is a 7 year deal. I hope it works out but I have a feeling in 2026 or so we’ll be talking about how many draft picks/retention it will take to get off the contract.


He completely changed systems / teams in the middle of last year. Very few players fit into a new team seamlessly lol


Except it isn't. The dude was traded mid season for the first time in his career and it clearly impacted his game. I mean its a clear outlier. Sure there is a chance Elias Lindholm is the next Loui Eriksson. But using 1 year and ignoring the rest of the his career to project that is completely disingenuous.


Wait his ppg average was cherry picked from a year he wasn’t even playing under that contract? Wow what a bad faith argument. 


Weird I have him at 557 points in 818 games which is 0.68 points per game and therefore not in the company of these guys. 


> Weird I have him at 557 points in 818 games which is 0.68 points per game and therefore not in the company of these guys. Not weird at all. He is purposefully manipulating that stats to make his argument. I guess that's the reddit way. Sure he had a down year last year. But pretending like that is the player he has been his whole career and there is no chance for a bounce back is just silly.


It’s on par for the rest of the league. I think it’s an overpayment this year but when the cap goes up it will be just about average.


Somebody's going to need a nickname because I always refer to player by their last name.


Their names are Jim 


When we played Quebec back in the 80’s, Fred would just call them “Peter”, “Marion”, and “Anton”.


Hampus Elias There you go


Hope this works out okay but I am glad we are at least doing something!


WHata joke lmao


What? This is an A+ signing lmao


except by everyone that is actually grading the players and their worth




I fuck widit




Seems like everywhere around the league teams are paying premiums, so I’m not mad about this, or the Zadorov deal. They’re a better team today than they were when the season ended


Are they tho ? Lost JDB , ullmark and heinin . Ullmark took the tougher matches last year , it’s yet to be proven if sway can handle 50 games against the better teams , everyone liked to shit on jdb but he was a solid two way player and probably the fastest guy on the team. The wings aside from pasta and Marchand are arguably all bottom 6 guys and marshy isn’t getting any younger


A guy that played one game in the playoffs, a tryout guy who was OK but definitely felt like was hitting his ceiling and a streaky forward. Compared to a legit 2c of which we had 0 and a legit top 4 guy? It's not even really close.


JDB was streaky as hell, including in the playoffs. The goalie tandem didn’t work in the playoffs and and you should be able to replace Heinen, seeing as he wasn’t even signed by a team when the Bs picked him up last season


Well, they never actually used the goalie tandem in the playoffs, so there's no data to say whether it "worked" or not. Sway only got 1 playoff start last season and Ullmark got 1 this season


I’m glad Boston isn’t paying 5.5 to JDB for seven years. Vancouver is gonna regret that one like Loui Eriksson.




Who have his recent linemates been?


in the playoffs it was garland and joshua if im not mistaken. there was also a time in calgary where he played with both gaudreau and tkachuk, he was dominant both times tbh


Love the AAV! I think his game will age well, I’m happy about this. He was good for Vancouver in the playoffs points and pressuring the puck. Put up huge numbers with big game wingers and now he’s gonna be feeding on Pasta every night!


If he and Pasta get chemistry, then it's an absolutely fantastic deal. Lindholm has proved he can produce before, no reason to think he won't with one of the best goal scorers in the league. He also covers on the PK after we lost DeBrusk, and is a faceoff monster.


This is what borderline 1C-2C players cost. I know a lot of people wanted to wait for Draisaitl but he's going to cost somewhere around 13-14M per year if he even hits the open market at all, and we still needed someone for this year. This is a fine contract but not a steal or anything


Yup, this needed to happen. If Drai becomes available through a trade then we figure it out, but couldn’t just do nothing and pray


Draisaitl is a pipe dream IMHO. The way this team operates


Lindholm isn’t exactly a borderline 1C. He’s a decent middle 6 player in a weak FA class


Gonna look horrible very quickly. He’s cracked 60 points only 3 times in his career and will be 37 when this deal is over.




That’s a good deal


You sure about that?


2nd line center skill 1st line center pay


1Cs make $10mil+ nowadays with the cap.


Not sure why you are being downvoted you’re correct


Whatever idc it's a bad contract overall, they just get excited for any move the Bs make.


You’re being downvoted because 7.75is not 1C pay lmao


Yeah I get it, I was wrong but I don't like the deal or the player shit happens


So you just spewed shit knowing you were wrong, got downvoted for being wrong, and then talked shit because you were being downvoted lmao


Welcome to r/BostonBruins lmao


I admitted I was wrong? Go ahead and downvote, won't change the fact I don't like Lindholm and don't think the deal is good. And he will be the Bs 1C even though he's not one.


7m is not 1st line center pay, not even close. Maybe 10 years ago


Nah 7M is absolutely 2C pay in this cap climate


If prime Bergy made 6.8 no one minus the 100+ point scorers of the world should make more than that


Well thats such a stupid take that I hate that I’m going to waste my time writing the rest of this out, BUT: 1) Prime Bergy was between 6 and 12 years ago, when the salary cap was anywhere from $65M to $79.5M, compared to $88M today. 2) He also was signed to a crazy good hometown discount that whole time. 3) Krejci made more than him for some of those years


Dude commented “in this cap climate” and you’re talking about a guy who retired before the cap went up….. no way you’re that dumb right?


Brother, contract prices increase over time. Is this your first time experiencing inflation?


NHL salary cap in 2019 was 79mill. Now it’s 88. Let’s round and say it’s a 10% increase. That means we add 10% of 6.8 to 6.8 and get about 7.6. Lindholm is at 7.7. That is 1st line C money even with inflation


I mean, great math and all, but Bergy signed that contract for 6.9m AAV in 2014… when the cap was 69m. Try again.


Still close enough. 7+ is 1C 5~ is 2C ~3 is 3C and ~1 is 4C


good deal considering the premium you pay in Free Agency. Happy about this move for sure.


Honestly a little overpaid, but not to bad considering typical free agency inflation.


There is only 5 centers currently in the league that are getting paid this much who have similar point production to Lindholm. Massive overpay for a guy who was bad last year and even his best was just pretty good.


And there are 34 centers paid more than him by AAV, I’d say he’s a top 35 center pretty confidently


I really don’t love this move, glad others are excited though. Here’s hoping I’m wrong for thinking this is not the signing we needed today


curious who you think the signing we needed today is


Jeremy Swayman seems right up there, first and foremost


I hear that Linus Ullmark guy is pretty good. We'd have to trade for him but I'm sure he'd sign an extension with us!


You don’t HAVE to sign players to long term deals. That’s what shitty organizations do. Better off signing some short term deals and maintaining the flexibility to pull the trigger when needed.


Bruins: “I am offering you $7.5m for two years!” Any other team: “I am offering you $7.25m for 7 years!” Which one is the player going to pick?


Hold on, please give examples for your reasoning here


That’s pretty self-explanatory


Then name the obvious you coward


Not with that tone. Thanks though.


You’re very welcome friend 😊 It’s almost like you don’t have an answer, but I appreciate you and everything you contribute to this sub


Maybe don’t resort to ad hominem arguments right off the rip like all the other 12 year old degenerates on here do and you’ll get a better response.


So the bruins should drive their car off the bridge because other teams will? Signing shitty deals that you have to buy out or trade assets to get rid of is how you end up hamstringing yourself.


That’s not a good comparison. The options are sign him or another team signs him and we don’t improve at all at center.


Then we don’t improve at center. Lindholm is not the missing piece to a contender. If other teams want to sign an albatross contract, you let them make that mistake.


What’s the alternative? Stamkos? He got more money for the end of his career. Who else??


You wait and don’t sign anybody to a horrible long term contract. Take flyers on guys with potential or guys looking for a big short term pay day.


So we wait until everyone is signed and then gamble on unproven players?


Not too bad. Happy enough with that number. Let’s see what Z squared gets Edit: 6 x 5 ain’t too bad also for Zadorov. Alright I feel pretty decent about that


I’d rather have had Stamkos.


Yeah, Stamkos, the guy that Lightning fans have called a liability all year and only produces on the PP lol


Stamkos is like 50


Stammer was never going to sign here


Alright Donny let’s keep it going


That’s gotta be it for today. Swayman is next. Then fill the gaps throughout the summer.


Hopefully one of those gaps is Heinen. Edit: He signed with the Canucks


Obviously I would have liked it for less, but I'm ok with this. He turned down 7x$7m from the Canucks, so we knew it was going to be above that. He's the best center available on the market, he will fit well in our system, and can move down to 2C if we get someone better in the next few years.


Solid! I'm happy about this one. Scared for Zadorov AAV to come out though. Excited for both players.


Hopefully he goes back to one of the top 2way forwards in the league and we get Bergeron 2.0


I mean I don’t feel great about giving pretty much anyone a contract that long. That said, I love this deal. Great work Sweeney and co.


I'm ready for Lindohlm assisting on a Lindholm goal.


> I'm ready for Lindohlm assisting on a Lindholm goal. Do they really spell their names differently like that?


If 7 years is what it takes to get it done then, then that's what it takes The bruins need help now. This helps them.


It brings back haunted memories of David Backes getting the extra year the team he captained wouldn’t give him. I have more trust in Sweeney than most on this sub, this one I’m not wild about but let’s see what happens next. I’ve been wrong before and am happy to be wrong again, but my gut does not love this move


Backes was older and already had been declining. Lindholm had a bad season last year.


I get it, but I think it's apples to oranges. Backes's contract was bad the second it was signed. This one at least has some potential.


It really doesn’t, that’s hindsight history without blind optimism at the time. People were saying Backes was a huge win at the time too, and St Louis was foolish for not giving him the extra year.


Whatever you say


I mean backes was older and way more physical. Very different players and Lindholm should age better.