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The Antonio Brown of boxing.


Mr. Boxing Celebrity


Mr. Beltless Clown


Him and Rolly should def fight after this. Imagine the build up..


Mr. Beguiling Cringe


Its honestly incredible how far MBC has gone. Up there with Kelvin Benjamin pasta for best nfl meme


It's the versatility. No matter how many "Mr. B-word C-word" combinations you think sometime could make in a given situation, there will always be more.


Mr.Boundless Compilations


At least AB was the best when he was on the field. Garcia is, AT BEST, a walking meme


Mr. Belittled Competitor


Antonio Brown was at least in his 30’s when he started dealing with symptoms of CTE. This mf is 25.


I quit combat sports (MMA) because I got a couple concussions and was scared of the long-term effects. We joke about it, but it's pretty bad for these guys. You really wonder about their long-term health.


I don't even wonder. I just assume most boxers that are active for even like a decade or more will deal with brain damage. Taking blows to the head as a career is never ending well.


Unless you're George Foreman.


Or Julio Cesar Chavez. How do you fight that consistently abuse alcohol and drugs and come out in decent shape?!


Who was even more amazing than Foreman was Archie Moore. He fought heavy-handed opponents for decades and came out unscathed. For a long time it looked as if George Chuvalo might emulate Moore in that regard, but it was not to be.


I can't wait for like maybe another 2 years when the Power Slap competitors start showing their symptoms.


They probably already are. Only when we start seeing suicides, will people begin to care.


Me too. Thought I had some struggles with words after a particularly hard spar. Real, or perceived, it scared the fuck outta me.


He has some legit funny moments at least. This guy is fully unhinged


Ryan's pretty funny too tbf.


With a 1/10 the talent.




Mexican Broner


Going down the Jon Jones path, just publicly. Self sabotaging to have a built in excuse if he loses.


Jon Jones is still one of the greatest mma fighters of all time (probably the greatest). Ryan is tanking his career without the accolades. 


For all of Jones' faults tho. He is still the GOAT of MMA. Ryan barely has a resume.


yeah he's finished


Blame the people around him. Clearly should not be fighting tomorrow and that’s been obvious for weeks


They're definitely looking at this like getting one last paycheck before Ryan's brand and career is basically dead Crazy how fast and far it fell. Not long ago, much talked about, undefeated 21-22 year old with legit promise...already a pretty huge brand. Also, sane


He was 19 years old being posts from Lebron saying he was the future of boxing and stuff and then the fame got to him.


dude he was even on snl to promote the fight vs tank he fell hard


who knew a body shot could give someone CTE


Nah this shit is the drugs and enablers around him.


Knew he was unserious when Canelo called out his work ethic and he responded by calling the face of boxing jelous and a hater. He doesn’t love boxing it just makes him money to fund his lifestyle.


Some CTE in between there, maybe.


He got knocked down too from a headshot. All this mental stuff started after he got knocked down by Campbell. Then he said he was depressed for like a year. Then he came back and got knocked down by tank and now he’s crazy.


As an outsider looking in at a post that popped up on my feed, I have almost zero interest in boxing or Ryan, but he pops on my socials here and there. He seemed like a normal slightly cocky kid a few years ago, but the posts recently have been seriously unhinged lol. Very Antonio Brown-esque lol.


I really have to wonder if he took some shot to the head at some point that we just don’t know about


I think he realised it isn't for him. Due to whatever is going on he just doesn't have the focus that his competition has eg. Tank & Haney. Dude went all in. If he doesn't win, he fought the biggest names, sold it as much as he could, and made $$$ He is friends with Rolly so i think that could be his next fight, then he out.


His elite boxing aspirations will die but his brand definitely won’t. Pretty sure he can make millions just through social media.


That didn’t age well


Aged like milk.


I feel like this is on Oscar tbf. Couldn’t have picked a worst fucking person to be around Ryan. Oscar was an amazing fighter but his fucking lifestyle is toxic af and that’s clearly rubbed off on Ryan now.


Haha how the fuck is this Oscar’s fault. Yeah Oscar is a scumbag but Ryan is a grown man. Ryan can’t even keep a trainer and it’s Oscar’s fault lol.


I was more leaning towards how Ryan has been clearly coked out of his mind lately and Oscar also had the party monkey on his back. Not the best role model for a 20 something prize fighter rn


His mental health is fucked. Why is he even fighting is beyond me. I hope he gets help like seriously


Nah My copium says he still got a chance to catch Haney with a quick left hook INSHALLAH


Your copium was reality




Aged well


Haney jumped to -910


Why are we doing this fight? 


I would’ve preferred the Loma rematch over this


That was such an awesome fight. It got overshadowed by controversy and fans relentlessly backing their guy, but it really was a spectacularly high level fight. Only thing that bothers me is how I still feel like some don't give Loma credit for how he performed being older and smaller*, as well as the shit Haney still gets from some when he's clearly the future whether he's "pillow fisted" or not. We love to tear down more than we appreciate what we're given, and that fight gave a lot IMHO. Edit: *smaller* not younger


That’s the reason you won’t see the rematch. Haney has 0 reason to give it. He feels he won, it’s like 65/45 media split on who won. Makes no sense for him to kill himself again to try and fight loma. Maybe the Regis fight convinced me, but it was pretty clear he was sharper and stronger at 140. And bringing loma up would give him 0 credit from the people that already felt he lost.


lol Haney wouldn’t do that though


Agreed - call this shit off and book someone else in a few weeks if possible for Haney. Ryan’s gonna step in there with a weight advantage and still get his ass beat and then fully fly off the rails and hurt himself. The kid needs help and he can make plenty of money in the future if he can get his shit together.


Nah Haney will still be bigger once he rehydrates


That always happens though, its the energy levels that come with the cut which is the disadvantage.


Why ?


Haney is huge. I’m sure he’s cutting a decent amount of water so in the ring he will probably still be bigger than Ryan


Haney was 165 on fight night vs Regis. Garcia was able to make weight with a rehydration clause vs Tank at 135, I think he probably weighed about 152 on fight night.




Ha that’s why


Love how blatant this is lmao. Still going to lose easily. Edit: I KNEEL to KING RY 👑 I will never doubt you again


I wonder if he even has any fans left besides casuals and people who know him from social media. I used to like him, but he's kind of embarrassing to admit following at this point.


Idk he gained a fan here, dude is hilarious


Dude is in the throes of a mental health crisis


He is like a Ricardo Mayorga wannabe, only difference is that Mayorga was actually a tough mother fvcka


Aged like milk.


Love going back to comments after fights🤣🤣who would've though eh


How to end a career before it begins 101.


A career not beginning but earning 20+ million off it is crazy


Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s broke in a couple years. Dude is unhinged.


He’ll just start an only fans


Sadly 20 million for a boxer is the equivalent of a college kid receiving 10k from their dead grandpa.


Everyone who talks about earning more money than someone else isn't in boxing to be great.


Well, except one person lol “Money”


Money Moicano??


I agree with your sentiment, but to be fair, he has already made a shitload of money. More than most people make in a career. Sad to see either way though.


Agreed but just think for a moment...imagine if he wins 😂


Let me take that thought even farther. Imagine if Garcia is nowhere to be seen tomorrow and they need a replacement. Then I stand up and get in the ring. Then imagine me winning!


'imagine if he wins' upvotes and r/boxing, name a more iconic duo


I’d be the face of boxing.


The face of r/boxing


Hey can I get your autograph now? I’ll send my information to [email protected].


Ryan Garcia and bipolar disorder.


I think the only “fans” were the ones saying “he’s acting crazy and drinking weekly to sell the fight” they’ve switched so fast lmao


We need a thread calling these people out. What do they think now?


Some shitbag called me a casual who shouldn't post on here a few weeks ago when I said Garcia wouldn't make weight. I immediately tried to find the comment to taunt him, and he had deleted his post.


Agree. Been called a casual because I said Garcia is a clown too. 😂  Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/comments/1bzc76j/comment/kyubho5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button     Shame 😄


Now who is the clown?


I respect that hater shit, Haney fans eating shit tonight


This subreddit is cooked man people here are somehow dumber than the MMA subreddit, I got called a casual for saying Paquiao was a more skilled fighter than Lomachenko.


It’s gonna be one of the biggest threads in boxing 😂


Some ppl were legit thinking that the Illuminati got him and cloned him.


Hey bro, I'm calling you out lmao


They became quiet quicker than the MMA fans talking shit after Ngannou became Nconcious.


Will never change what happened against Fury that day in Saudi Arabia, you can say Fury took the fight easy or wasn’t prepared but even at his worst he should’ve demolished Ngannou. MMA fans will have that one forever unfortunately no matter how many times Ngannou gets slept in the sport.


Still beat the hw champ lol aj was just better


Hate how he uses “viva mexico” to get people behind him


How he typed it, I read it as (fuck all that viva Mexico) not viva Mexico


Nah, it’s definitely “fuck all that, viva Mexico”. He posted it with a Vicente song and says we in the next sentence lol.


I read it the same way. Like he's saying "fuck all that viva Mexico pride, I'm going to do whatever underhanded shit it takes to win"


If he walks out with a Mexican flag i'm going to have to get my abuela throw some brujería his way. Not that he has a chance but still


That and all the god shit.


Fr that God shit is so annoying. Guy is a straight clown.


About a week ago, I thought I wanted him to win “for the plot”, but if he can’t even make weight or even be in proximity of it, he really doesn’t deserve to be in any major fights going forward. Another blemish in the increasingly shunned sport of boxing


The real blemish on the sport will be when he has an in ring breakdown tomorrow and everyone questions how tf he was cleared to fight.


Ryan going to pull Dillon Danis antics tomorrow smh




Arguably if they set this precedent then they would be censoring all boxers from that point on.


Lol exactly. Tyson said crazier shit back in the day


NYSAC is every bit as bad as Texas - total fucking clownshow.


So sad he became this. Ryan’s actually the reason I got into boxing, randomly stumbled upon an instagram clip of him hitting the cobra bag like 5 years ago , ended up watching his next fight and boom I was hooked on boxing after that. Sad to see his downfall **EDIT** well, he fooled me too. Just finished listening to a podcast after he admitted it was all a troll. He was my favourite boxer and I was routing for him for the Devin fight although I genuinely thought he was crazy. So glad to see he’s not!!


Take heart: there have been fighters in a lower place mentally, whether through substance abuse or psychological issues, and they have been able to fight back. The problem here is that no one seems to be in Ryan's corner to sit him down and have him focus on himself instead of on boxing. This fight really needed to be canceled because it's evident that something is going bad with this guy.


I don’t get how everyone is surprised. He had no discipline prior to the tank fight, what did they think 30 more million would make him?


There a difference between having no discipline and the way he’s acting recently, I mean you predicted he was all of a sudden become fucking nuts ? I doubt it..


Genuinely disappointed too. For the first time ever, I'm rooting for Devin Haney.


“Why would I do the thing I contractually agreed to do?”


Yea, that's got to be so encouraging for future promotions....


It will be interesting to see his mental collapse after losing tomorrow night. His team isn’t good for him.


Oscar is genuinely so creepy, it feels like we're 5 years away from a Netflix documentary about how his team failed him after Ryan kills his entire family or something.


He’s already collapsed imo




This is why they say the simplest answer is usually the correct one. He’s acting like he’s not ready to fight, because he’s not ready to fight.


Occam's dick in your mouth, bitch!


If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...


Where is this dudes family at? To pull him back from the darkness? Or are they in for the money?


He needs to be admitted to inpatient rn and should not be fighting. It's a damn shame how some people's families don't take action when someone clearly needs serious mental health treatment.


His dad and trainer absolutely knew this would be the case, that’s why his dad was trying to stop him from making the bet with Haney at the press conference yesterday. Ryan is absolutely unwell, and it’s pretty disgusting that Oscar and his dad are still letting him fight, they want to collect the bag before they send him to get care.


Exactly, well said


I’m 100% no longer paying money for this fight. As a consumer, I can’t trust Ryan will even give a complete fight will real effort. I’m expecting some wild shit to occur, either he’ll stop mid fight and climb out of the ring or purposefully turn it into a wrestling brawl and cause a DQ.


I putting money on a disqualification win for Haney. Like this promo has been so insane I can’t imagine him *not* doing something bat shit in the ring.


Yeah, and then a couple days later we learn that this dumbass bet on it by a proxy or someshit haha


It's 80/1 in some places.


I'd never give DAZN a fucking PPV dime anyway. They have successfully enshittified their service and are now the exact opposite what they explicitly claimed to be against when they started.


"Why would I force myself to make weight so I can be weak?" Because that's how your fucking profession works.


Tyson Fury starts boxing at lightweight: Why would I force myself to make weight so I can be weak? :)))


If he’s fr then this is actual cheating lol. Not rehydration. Does Garcia still have any fans?


Yes. They’re all at the bottom of this post being downvoted lol


why is he confessing to cheating? what a clown lmao


How is it cheating if the commission allows it and there are specific clauses in fight contracts regarding it?


we don't need this discussion every time someone misses weight though.


It is cheating, just because it usually results in being fined and doesn't automatically cancel the fight doesn't make it less so, just like low blowing or excessive clinching typically leads to a point deduction and not a DQ


Just in: Floyd cheated in his fight with JMM.


Just because you can get away with it doesn’t mean it’s not cheating. If he actually came in heavy on purpose to have a weight advantage, that is absolutely cheating. But he could be making it up just to look cool after failing to make weight. As far as I’m aware there are no specific clauses in contracts about missing weight which is why they have to re-negotiate after a fighter misses weight and why some fights end up being cancelled instead of going through with a fine


Who needs weight classes? /s


Fuck it Floyd did it to Marquez right?


And Jacobs did it to GGG with the rehydration clause


Floyd working with Ryan to take down Haney to protect his legacy?


I hope so. I can’t stand that idiot Haney


Broner to Escobedo


Exactly lmao. And Floyd gets non-stop praise for that performance. Comment section full of either hypocrites or casuals.


I thought Antonio Brown was going to be the most severe case of CTE on a living person to prove its real to the few deniers that still exist....but what Tank did to Garcia clearly has given us the most severe case by a mile, bro has generational levels of CTE.


antonio brown is way worse than ryan, idk how yall even comparing lol. i think he has like actual sexual assault cases etcetera. ryan’s just being a diva and acting up but he’s still fighting lol. antonio brown doesn’t even play


Not to defend AB but he was a 1st ballot HOFer before he descended into madness. Garcia is a good boxer but didn’t accomplish anything like what AB accomplished in their respective sports. Both are insane, yes AB is a much shittier person, but way better in his craft.


It is so weird to me that this fight has been allowed to continue. I understand why most of his team doesn't say anything because they just want to make money off of him. This isn't suprising from people like oscar because he has always valued money over anything but I don't get why derrick is just sitting by quietly. I think it is shameful for a trainer to put their fighter in this situation. Obviously he is not the only one who is accountable in this situation but if you know your fighter isn't fit to be in the ring than you shouldn't support the fight. Trainers should care about more than just the business side and should protect their fighters. How are other fighters supposed to trust that he has their best interest at heart when he allows things like this?


I'm genuinely concerned about what Ryan is going to do to himself after he inevitably loses tomorrow. The kid shouldn't be fighting and anyone with sense can see it.


I hope he gets committed after this fight. Dude is not well.


Off his rocker but do you know what, I want to watch the fight more because of it...


Giving Devin $1.5mil before you even step in the ring don’t feed your family either Ryan


He’s mentally 15 years old


Didn’t he shake on 500k per missed pound during the presser ?


Checking in on everyone here who said Garcia was cooked lmaoooooo


Please Ryan win this fight. It would be soooo sooo funny.


No way any Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, etc. should support this dude. The only way is if you're blinded by race, full stop. Source: I'm a vato (Mexican american)


hard agree he ain’t raza


Tank fans have his back


Ryan isn't claimed by any of them, rest assured


dev started his career in mexico just support him at this point😂


TikTokers claim him. That’s about it.


Raza for Haney lol


At this point I'm tempted to put the bet on Garcia being disqualified because that wouldn't even be the weirdest part of the build up to this fight.


Devin should shock him and the fans with a sympathy bet, something like, if I beat you, you have to check yourself into rehab and see a therapist as well. I’m going to beat your ass to save you.


Please give this bitch a year long suspension after he gets stopped tomorrow


Stopped? I thought he was fighting Haney?


Haney hasn’t stopped anybody in years


Ryan is killing his sponsors off one by one, his brand is ruined Whatever success Haney has tomorrow now gets double the credit


>Whatever success Haney has tomorrow now gets double the credit Why double?


Giving Haney extra credit for fighting someone in this shape lmao, he already knows Ryan is way overmatched at this point in their careers, now he’s losing it on top of that? MF could go Oliver McCall 4 rounds in, gunna give him extra credit then?


He’s going to end up killing himself or end up on a mad case. Is it Cocaine abuse? P diddy abuse? Or something else?


If yall had heavy balls and big backs too, yall would understand the weight miss


Why are people in the comments treating this like it is coming from a sane man?


I've been asking the same question for months


“Winners do what they have to”. Seriously fuck this guy 


Winners do what they have to. Unless what they have to do is make weight


Like mayweather vs marquez


Garcia quicklu becoming the least likeable person in boxing. His attitude also makes it pretty clear that he probably hasn’t been taking training seriously. It seems like he’s going into the ring with a ”when I see red it’s over mentality”. I’m fully expecting him to gas within 3 rounds of constantly spamming power shots.


Please remove him the fight. Dude genuinely needs help, not 12 rounds of brain trauma vs an elite boxer. If he goes ahead with this fight and ends up in a bad spot after it, it's not going to be a good look for boards etc that let this happen.


Lol, A bunch of butthurt bandits in the comments now. LOL


this guy is a joke i hope lord haney punishes him


Anyone here still thinking he's trolling? lol


Showbizz was on point


Is this gnna be Oliver McCall vs Lennox Lewis all over again?


So much crow that could possibly be eaten in here, it’s crazy lol. This is boxing and Ryan has a master left hook. One lapse of focus with Haney and this fight is over. Haney will be right there just out of range just like all his other fights.