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One, it's shocking he is still at it. Second, listening to him speak he is unbelievably lucid and sharp at 92. Crazy, meme him all you want but I hope to be as spry as him at 92.


In a podcast interview last year, he said that he continues to work because he does not want to be an individual who talks about their past accomplishments. He prefers to talk about what he is currently doing and his plans. That is admirable, in my opinion. By his own admission, he is not capable of being involved in the day-to-day operations at Top Rank any longer.


I bet his choice to keep working has contributed to him aging well, having to keep thinking and remaining active is a great way to avoid dementia, although it's also based on genetics.


It is shocking and amazing what he's doing at 92. Hopefully he will choose not to do it much longer though because he is awful for the sport.


There are some people who can't leave whatever they love doing. The moment this man retires, he will pass away for sure.


Seems to work out that way doesn't it? He is doing exactly what he wants to do.


How is he still awful for the sport nowadays?


He has single handedly prevented a lot of the biggest fights happening.


I agree 100%. My father is 88 and walks 3 miles a day but this Arum shows no signs of slowing down. He is a freak of nature.




Redditor not misdirect and make everything miserable challenge (impossible)


This fiendish ghoul will scour the earth as long as there's young pugilists to exploit, for centuries if needs be. He's like the back story for a side contract in Witcher 3.




Someone needs to cast yrden and deal with him






The dracula of boxing 🤣


One of the best comments I ever read on this sub was about Bob Arum. How pretty much everyone from his age group and his clique, including his son died but he's still at it because he lives for the hustle. Cheers to the original poster and the Arum for the endless grind!


Never will understand people like Don king and Arum. Like the greed for money and just for scamming people is so intense, you can't stop even being dinosaur, one step in grave. Like, you have a fucking fortune, buy small island, drink champagne all day, and get your pony licked by your own hareem ow 20 y o whores. You literally can die any minute. Get deserved rest for gods sake


Once you stop involving yourself in things you are passionate about, you can expect that death won’t be far around the corner


Work keeps guys like that alive.


Probs why they got to where they are. They're mindset is different to most.


Literally addicted to the grind, to these people getting richer and richer is quite literally all there is to life, you could hand them all the fortunes in the world and they would still try to earn more money.


There are worse promoters than Arum. He’s also a hell of a lot more knowledgeable on boxing than the rest


Love him or hate him, you have to respect Arum's longevity.


If he stops, his brain slows down, every mentally sound old person keeps themselves busy to not become semi demented


My coworker retired at 74 because she kept saying how work keeps her mind sharp, she doesn't want to be one of those retirees who becomes a "mindless zombie watching soaps all day" I think she was right.


People talk about how Poppovich deals with rookies that are often 20-30 years younger and the age gap. I legit wonder how Arum is able to understand these young knucklehead fighters that think they know more than him because of how much money they make. I know that as you get older it's harder to look at things as people in their 20s do because of how different it is now than then.


Bob Arum reminds me of Christopher Lee - working, and trying new things, right up to his passing. These two are inspirations, and legends of their fields. 


*Floyd voice*: Out with the old in with the new!


“It just shows how huge boxing is around the world” …. But does it though? Or are you we just arbitrarily linking two unrelated statements together for a quick nod from already fans.


It feels like he's been 92 for 92 years, haha. Big Money Bob has been around longer than the modern era of Boxing has been around! More power to him. I'm not particularly a fan of his, but I don't have any particular disdain towards him like I would Don King. I know Bob has done his fair share of shit bag promo tactics, but I don't hear very many fighters talking down on him.


Bro living life


This fuck needs to croak,  has ruined boxing with corruptedness 


Can't help but like and respect Arum


well... usually I would, but is there even ONE good thing you could say about bob arum??


Corrupt Match killer only has his bank account in mind. F this guy and all the promoters that ruin and rig the sport


What a life this man has lived. Has seen countless legendary fights live in front row seats. Traveled all over the world. Had an orgy with Muhammad Ali and a bunch of girls from the Philippines. What a savage.


White people crack first, but they croak last.


Kinda risky at his age, given we have COVID 24/7 to be aware of for life


This guy is for sure dead in like 9 months tops right?


Let’s hope that one day somebody doesn’t talk about you like this


Let‘s hope he doesn’t end up as horrible of a person as Arum


Let's hope you don't end up as horrible of a person as Arum.


Remember that everyone is either a son, daughter, brother, sister, or grandparent. These are real people at the end of the day


But everyone isn’t a piece of shit


But everyone isn’t a piece of shit


Not likely