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It will always be a crime how fights with Ward and Kovalev never transpired, Stevenson’s left hand was dynamite. Nobody obliterated Chad Dawson like that.


Adonis Stevenson is like the opposite of Shakur Stevenson. Scary AF


Stevenson suffered a concussion In his fight with Oleksander Gvozkyk and then went into a coma for 3 weeks and he never fought again.


Probably a good idea.


Good. He raped, beat, and trafficked young girls and didn't show remorse for it. Shame he woke up so soon


Did anyone else expect the strongest jab and feel tricked that they're southpaws?


I expected a hook, but same kind of deal I guess lol


I expected it to be another Ryan Garcia circlejerk… 


Idk. PAC-man had a mean straight left. Carried him through 8 weight divisions.


I guess he kept his pimp hand strong.


LMFAO, some dude was trying to tell me Adonis was bum af like two days ago in another thread.


Ducked Kovalev forever. Then they had the fix ready against The Nail. The Nail took matter into his own hands.


False narrative again… Kathy Duva ducked Stevenson


He ducked stevenson many times. The pimp wouldve got the same treatment from kovalev as he got from the Nail.


If so then Sergei should have told Main Events to not withdrew from the purse bid …


Main Events had just one marketable fighter. Stevenson didn't fight often or anybody of note unlike Kova so it is obvious Chickenson has zero interest.


You can hate on Stevenson all you want it doesn’t change the fact that Kovalev handlers withdrew him from the purse bid … 🤷‍♂️


Duva did to prevent any possibility of losing the bid. Why should we believe Chickenson wanted to fight Kova when he fought nobody else?


We can speculate about Stevenson But we know for a fact about Duva https://www.espn.com/boxing/story/_/id/12692849/sergey-kovalev-bails-adonis-stevenson-purse-bid-order 🦆


And the Cat is out of the Bag


We do not need to wonder. Stevenson fought nobody.


Stevenson ducked everyone. Until he got turned into a vegetable by Gvozdyk.


Sure Stevenson had a lot of unworthy opponents But the fact is …. Sergey Kovalev bails on Adonis Stevenson's purse bid order https://www.espn.com/boxing/story/_/id/12692849/sergey-kovalev-bails-adonis-stevenson-purse-bid-order


You’re 100% right but this sub is PBC central from the top down so good luck. The cards for Stevenson-Gvodvk were criminal in PBC favor, luckily Gvozyk ended the fight himself.


Thats what i am starting to notice. But i honestly dont care for any promoter. I just want to see good fights personally. I was glad that the nail took matter into his own hands. Was never a fan of adonis “im superman baby (so i dont have to fight the next best person in my division)” stevenson. Mostly cuz of his reported past. I was rooting for the nail so glad he won. It sucked though that adonis got as hurt as he did though. Although i aint a fan of him, i didnt wish him to be permanently hurt.


It was actually Kovalev who ducked the fight immediatly after Adonis signed with Showtime. They were salty AF and HBO controlled the narrative at the time so they could easily make it seem like Adonis was the one ducking... Its pretty similar to how HBO kept acting as if Floyd was scared of Manny when whole time the fight didn't happen because both parties couldn't find an agreement.


Alex Pereira has something to say about this.


For real he's won multiple titles in multiple weight classes and KOs in boxing as well


When will people learn that MMA guys don’t hit like boxers do. It’s a different level 4oz gloves have made you guys delusional


MMA guys don't hit like boxers... but Pereira doesn't hit like MMA guys either. That man has universal power if you can't see that you need to watch some more fight film


he was 2-weight world champion in kickboxing with big gloves. Also, personally i dont feel a big difference in power between 8oz gloves and 4oz gloves.


Pereira did sleep guys in kickboxing gloves but i do agree mma fans tend to overrate power, mma gloves let you land cleaner and defense is harder


I guess


Periera is a crazy weight bully who punches about as hard as a heavyweight should with 4oz gloves. P4P power it's probably donaire's left hook


Yeah Pereira had absurd weight advantages at middleweight and he’s now also the biggest light heavyweight ever


240 pounds on fight night.


Idk man Alex Pierera has a nasty left hand too. We're talking combat sports so.


When it always comes down to hardest punchers, aren’t boxers more notable for punching harder? Boxing is all about punching, plus 10 oz gloves. Pereira does hit Hard even in kickboxing but going by pound for pound, I’d argue guys like Manny Pacquiao and Frazier had more powerful left hands


It's nasty for MMA but in Kickboxing, his KO percentage was a touch over 50%, and far as I can see, only 5 of his 40 fights were finished with the left hook, so I think some of it is that he uses 4 ounce gloves, and some of it is that mixed martial artists can't take getting hit in the face by an actual striker as well as they think they can (as evidenced by Ngannou-Joshua, which was hyped because "Easter Island skull cant be cracked" was essentially over after the first punch AJ landed.


True but Poatan has KOs across multiple sports with that left hook.


Ray Mercer has a one punch KO over a UFC champion. Does that mean Mercer had the nastiest overhand right in combat sports? No. Please be serious.


I am being serious dinglebutt. Alex has won WORLD TITLES IN MULTIPLE DIVISIONS IN MULTIPME SPORTS. Ray Mercer KOD a washed up fat Tim Sylvia in a regional show filmed inside of a high school gym. We said COMBAT SPORTS. Edit: he won those titles in some fashion with that left hook.


Tim sylvia was 33 when they fought, and Mercer was nearly 50. There's not a washed up 33-year old boxer in all the world that's getting one pieced, in boxing by a 50-year old mixed martial artist. Because again. Striking. Is. Different. They fought in 2009, and Sylvia was UFC champ in 2007. Its not like he'd been out of the game for a decade. Getting punched by someone who made millions of dollars punching people in the head is just harder than getting punched by a guy who dedicates a couple hours of camp to striking. Dropping Mixed Martial Artists with 4 ounce gloves is not more impressive than dropping a professional boxer. It just isn't. I don't know why that's a difficult concept for you. So you go to Perreira's Kickboxing record, and again, a 55% KO rate, and five wins via left hook out of 40 does not make for the best left hook in combat sports. He can be plenty great and not have the greatest left hook. Edit: in fact looking up Sylvia a bit more, he'd never been knocked out un MMA, and Mercer put an end to that in one punch. I just don't see how you could argue an MMA knockout deserves the same level of consideration as a boxing KO.


Bro we are talking about across all combat sports. Adonis Stevenson only competed in boxing. We have a current Champ Champ in the UFC who has a legendary left hook who's got KOs in 3 combats sports.


But if someone said, who is the greatest sprinter in sports - you'd pick Usain Bolt. Tyreek Hill being fast in the NFL and having a track time doesn't suddenly make him the fastest sprinter. This is what happens in the UFC when it comes to striking. Ngannou's chin was supposedly unbreakable, and it turned out it was in fact very breakable. McGregor/Mayweather was a 50/50 on the MMA sub predictions because apparently Conor's straight left was like that. Then he landed a uppercut and Floyd treated it like he'd been punched by Paulie Malignaggi. I don't know, I just go by the rule that if you've got a thing, in this case, a left hook... and there's a sport where being the best in the world at it pays 10 times more than you currently make. If you were like that, you'd be in that sport. And that's no disrespect to Pereira, he's a great fighter. But he's a generalist. There's nothing wrong with that.


There's people in boxing who's got a left hook that's plenty better than Alex's hook for boxing. We're talking across all combat sports. Alex has proven it. Ryan Garcia as proved he has one of the best hooks in boxing. It's technically cleaner than than Alex's but he hasn't been proven in multiple disciplines.


There’s no reason to put Pereira above anyone else just because he made it multiple disciplines. MMA striking is leagues below what he faced in Glory. It adds to his achievements as a fighter, but in this discussion his MMA career doesn’t really make much of a difference.


> Ryan Garcia as proved he has one of the best hooks in boxing NEVER talk about boxing again, EVER.


Just being objective here: The UFC Heavyweight division was super weak back then (it’s weak now too tbh) lhw Randy Couture basically owned it whenever he wanted. We have spurts of high level potential at hw but it was never stacked like the lightweight division is now. And they’re not as skilled too. Tim was… a guy, to say the least. Lol Edit: The best heavyweights were in Pride FC back then.


He was the fighter of all time.


It was a flash KO that ended the fight in 9 seconds, and your analogy doesn’t really work because MMA fighters aren’t able to bring their full skillset over to Boxing as opposed to vice-versa. That analogy doesn’t say much about the skill of the fighter, but rather the limitations of the sport of Boxing. But that’s not the discussion, we’re talking about pure KO power (P4P) coupled with technique and Alex has pretty brutal KO’s with the 4-oz *and* the 16-oz gloves. He’s one of (if not *the*) best kickboxers of his generation and that’s quite literally his signature strike that he’s spent decades honing.


A flash knockout? Sylvia literally had to be helped up. Does he need to die for it to be a legit knockout? Pereira has more left hook KOs in MMA than he did in his entire Kickboxing career. While I GUESS that might mean he's elevated his striking at 35 years of age, I think it's probably more related to him fighting more people who aren't used to getting hit in the head by an elite striker.


go back to r/mma .. you sound lost. in boxing alex wouldn't even be considered "powerful" at all, he doesn't have a super high KO% in kickboxing


Replace poatan with ngannou and you have the exact same stuff shills were saying only 3 months ago…


imagine the boxers he would have to fight too lol at his weight it would be brutal Beterbiev would eat him alive... Usyk would maul him


Mercer was shot to bits by then


Most kickboxing bouts are 3 rounds, so not a ton of time to set up a knockout. Had he been fighting dudes for 12 rounds I'm sure high KO percentage would have been a lot higher.


He has gas issues. Put him up for 12 against anyone who beat him in kickboxing and his strategy would be to KO them in 3


Pereira is on my mount Rushmore of unique hook mechanics: 1.Tommy Morrison (for a man that big, mutherfucker had a lighting fast left hook that would make Ryan Garcia blush) 2. Joe Frazier ( how do you sling a hook like that without fucking up your shoulder or elbow 🤔? ) 3.Joe Louis ( he threw his hooks like **inoue throws his cross, all leverage, subtle torque and perfectly released short and crisp every time) 4.Pereira ( it's like a perfect shovel hook that he snaps out directly from the waist) **speaking of Inoue, a Japanese boxing analyst I follow on YT has uniquely dubbed the way Inoue throws the 2 as his signature "no motion straight".


Facts, people don’t get up when Poatan hits them. Look up the Thomas Powell KO, shit was scary


There’s massive difference with 4oz gloves tho 


They aren't running 4oz gloves in kick boxing.


His ko rate was 50% in kick boxing.


A lot more to worry about in kick boxing. So more at risk when you go in.




Maybe, but that dude can still punch.


Nah, she dated some boxers before and they would always get their ass handed to them on the streets so she started only dating people who are into real combat sports.


I was just thinking of Superman just yesterday crazy man I liked watching him fight


I still remember that Chad Dawson KO


I wish he fought some of the elite competition that was also at LHW during his reign. That left cross was deadly.


I asked about this once before and people said Corrie Sanders had the hardest straight left. I feel like Zhang's Chinese Powah has to be up there too.


Andre Ward wanted nothing to do with Stevenson, Beterbiev, Bivol, or Vozdyk. They were the top light heavies at the time he gave Kovalev all those low blows.


Bitch please. Kingry


He USED to be a piece of shit


He raped, beat, and trafficked young girls. He's a piece of shit and will be until they plant him in the ground.


What about Roy Jones jr.


Roy was a more complete fighter than Adonis, more skilled, better footwork and speed, gameplan, better resume etc etc..... but single shot for single shot Adonis straight left was harder than anything Roy threw. Just my opinion (


It looks that way against easy targets.


Or our King Jerker?


If you say so..


Says the guy who probably only watches 1 sport. Lol


100% chance I have wrestling, muay thai and kickboxing matches in my hard drive that you have never heard of.


I would argue Poatan has the best left hand, but I don’t know why this guy is this hurt over someone posting another opinion on something so minor. You could definitely put someone like Stevenson in that discussion.


>muay thai Name your favourite Golden era Nak-Muay 🤓


Somrak Khamsing


Oh hell yeah, you legit. Somrak was pretty slick with it for sure. I prefer Muay mats like Coban and Lakhin though 👊🏾🔥


I only know Coban for his fights against Dekkers but he looked strong as hell.


Hmmm, little look through your history shows that you have boxing so far up your ass you don't really see things objectively. Oh wow, you have some fight footage on your hard drive? Impressive. I thought you were going to see you've trained in the other arts but no, it's on your HARD DRIVE 🤣🤣🤣


why are you so pressed about a boxing clip? Since you are checking my profile you could have seen that just a few hours ago I asked in r/amateur_boxing about how to handle a head ache after a full contact sparring session. In a gym where’s there’s mma, kickboxing, bjj and boxing classes 6 days a week, I train with the Latin American mma champion from Argentina everyday. Since you are in my profile you could have also found plenty of clips from fighters from other disciplines like Ernesto Hoost or Sean Strickland, I simply like boxing more. And why do you think it’s funny I mentioned the footage I own when you literally were the one that brought up how many sports I watch?, you moved the goalposts from WATCHING to TRAINING in a single comment. You are not even a good reddit troll.


They’re some nasty kos why the fuck do you care it’s boxing? Out of any combat sport getting pressed someone said a boxer has good power in his back hand is just hating


He said "combat sports". Boxing fans are becoming the biggest little bitches cause you know you should twisted like a pretzel in street fights. Just say best left hand in the sport. Don't try and make it more than it really is cause you would get your ass whooped in another sport. That's why you only post this crap in boxing cause you know that it wouldn't fly in combat sports.


Objectively, boxers have the strongest punches, they only train their hands. Saying a boxer has the hardest punch across all combat sport is not far fetched. There have been studies and you could see it in real life when two of the hardest mma punchers tried boxing. You are getting triggered defending a sport you clearly don’t even train.


Objectively this guy is retired so he doesn't have the "Strongest" left hand in "Combat sports". And what happens Everytime a boxer tries MMA? Oh wA Ait they don't cause they know whats going to happen to them. Let me know when a world champion boxer takes a round from a MMA champion in MMA. There have been studies that your mom dropped you a lot as a baby so it's hard for you to think normally. "Triggered" 🤣 sure bud, dumbasses dont even watch other sports calling themselves the greatest at something. It's like the us calling themselves world champions at stuff.


The title doesn’t say it’s for current fighters, you are just looking for reasons to be mad lol No one is arguing about the results boxers would have outside the ring, we are literally only talking about punches. You bring out the mom jokes and change subject as soon as you don’t have an argument. Just enjoy your Saturday. Claiming the strongest championship boxers don’t have some of the strongest punches it’s not a reality, ask an mma coach if you ever join a club.


Why is it that some of these MMA instigators don’t think boxing fans watch MMA or other combat sports, or aren’t knowledgeable about MMA?? Gate keeping at its weirdest.


Did your girl cheat on you with a boxer or something cause you’ve got some real weird hatred.