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Does this surprise anyone? This is the guy who choke slammed a reporter and still got voted in to office the next day. People are willing to vote against themselves just to "pwn the libs". But many of those folks are obtuse enough to be placated by the checks they received. "See Giant Fart is for the people, he gave me monies!!" The only person he is in support of is the ones that line his pockets so he can grease his way up the ladder. He is an out of state millionaire from New Jersey who could be about the worst representation that Montana could receive.


Just wanted to add a couple of extra shitty things to your apt comment: > This is the guy who choke slammed a reporter And lied to police about it. > and still got voted in to office the next day. And then promoted the sheriff who gave him a light charge.


Also, the sheriff at the time was promoted to State Warden after Gianforte was elected. Totally not suspicious at all.


Yep promoted the sheriff.


Let's not forget poaching that wolf


> And lied to police about it. The Party of Law and Order folks!


It doesn't surprise anyone paying attention, but it's nice to remind those who aren't.


>He is an out of state millionaire from New Jersey who could be about the worst representation that Montana could receive. Sounds about right for the area tbh


And don't forget, you get another chance to vote in a multi-millionaire from somewhere else here next year for Senate. Yeppers, we got Giant Fart, Rosen(all hat no cattle)dale, and next up is the new guy from Kansas all bragging about being a vet (Well, I am too) and all farmer all the time...to try and counter Tester. So, soon, all of our elected officials will be one rich, and 2 from somewhere else... And yes, all you Montanan's you are doing it to yourself.


"one rich..." Oh no worries, the other two out-of-stater clowns are rich too. Seems as if the most important thing to that side of the aisle is recruiting "landed gentry" to run for office, since they can just loan their own money to their campaigns for starting cash.


What area would that be? He is the governor of ALL Montana...not any particular part.




The old farts who continue to vote for these assholes have nothing but AM radio and they certainly do t hang out on Reddit. They’re still mad at the Dems for supporting the klan back in the day. Millennials and Zoomers can OWN this state and country if they show up to vote. Cmon kids fix this mess!


He's still trying to increase the number of people moving to Montana.


And displace the Montanans who already live here if they dont fit his cast system.


There’s no room for poors here.


But they’ll keep voting for the face eating leopard


Pretty sure he’s the only governor in recent time to not win their home town when they ran for office


I didn’t know people from New Jersey residents could vote in Montana elections.




Judy Martz didn't win Butte-Silver Bow when she was Governor.


A conservative not carrying Bozeman these days isn’t surprising. It’s no different than Tester not winning his home town.


He believes dinosaur bones found in Montana somehow disproves evolution. This guy is a complete clown. He also likes to attack reporters for asking tough questions. He also hates our stream access law. Let’s vote this fool out.


Reporter "what are the long term solutions to this problem?" Giant fart "we sent out relief checks" Reporter "that's temporary. What are the long term solutions?" Giant fart "we sent out checks" Reporter "that's temporary... what are the long term solutions?" Repeat over and over.


Repeat until body slamming reporter


In other news: Water found to be wet, Sun revealed to be hot.


What the???


Busse ‘24


Man, I am so not excited for him, but at this point I'll vote for anyone over Giant Fart. Like, is our bench really that shallow that Busse was the most electable person on it? Props to him for having a brass set and really putting himself out there, but man does it seem like a repeat of the Dems trying to run Beto in TX.


I’m hoping he can build momentum and have a shot in 2028. Not confident at all for his chances next year.


And he’s stronger than Cooney 🙄


Did you know Cooney's grandfather was the governor of Montana?


He is a liar about everything. The jerks who vote for him do because they say better red than dead or something.


The man donates to creationist establishments. His reality is not aligned with the general populous. https://www.inverse.com/article/32221-gianforte-montana-congress-bodyslam-young-earth-creationist-dinosaur-museum-bible


Dude is a fat creationist cuck


👊 my man! Thats my favorite description of greg.


The norm for MAGA it seems.


I can't stand this disingenuous oaf.


She back him right into a corner




Going to get down voted. But this is how I look at politics: you can't look at just one side. If you want to say it about one side and be outraged, are you willing do do the same regardless of political side? https://helenair.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/ryan-busse-hunting-without-a-license-montana-governor/article_feb48cc0-7cec-11ee-abfe-178dd3bce54d.html


38yr montanan Democrat here. I'll happily say it. We deserve better than these idiots. At this point I'll vote for anyone but Gianforte though. I want my purple state back, so I don't anticipate voting for an R any time soon. As for illegal hunting... Well.. Ol'Greg has drank from that boot too.


I appreciate that. I enjoy just discussing the differences (independent) it doesn't seem like a promising pool for most elections lately sadly.


Sorry I’m not actively mad at a potential governor from before I was born instead of our current one, I’ll work on that


Busse is running for governor...... You are aware of that?


Yes but he did something bad from before I was born rather than the other guy doing bad things right now - don’t know how much clearer I can be


Oh ok. What's your time frame? Gianforte did the bad thing with reporter before governor. Or does that not count? Let me know your rules here so I can apply them broadly.


Ur a real lonely guy aren’t you?


Actually I'm a woman who happened to be born when busse did this. So using your parameters, that makes it a bit difficult for me.


If you are going to site hunting violations as a reason not to vote for someone. Then does this change your opinion on Gianforte? You cant just look at one side as you said but Busse and Giangorte have both done some shady things in the past. No going by your logic neither of them should be in office as they both have violated hunting laws. Thoughts Main\_View\_1264? [https://www.ktvh.com/news/gianforte-warned-by-fwp-for-violating-hunting-requirment](https://www.ktvh.com/news/gianforte-warned-by-fwp-for-violating-hunting-requirment) https://missoulian.com/lifestyles/recreation/congressional-candidate-greg-gianforte-says-he-self-reported-illegally-killed-elk-in-2000/article\_f81f30a8-b27b-5618-ad94-7fdb7069c51f.html


I agree both suck honestly. I like to point out the other side because I'm an independent and prefer to look at actions rather than a letter. It doesn't bother me to discuss. Most people prefer to attack anymore. They forget people like independents and libertarians exist, and can actually swing a vote.


Haha Hell yeah I like your style. I agree that both candidates suck and picking the better of two evils is still evil. The quick-to-attack attitude many people have these days is sad and is part of the reason that we are in the political mess we are currently in. I am a very moderate Democrat and agree that most people forget about independents in this "two" party system that we have. I'm glad that some people can still have civil conversations about these problems as they do affect us all. ​ Cheers my friend!


You as well! I'd sit at a bar and chat politics anytime with ya. I miss that.


Your downvotes should tell you everything about what people on Reddit think about applying their ire to their own candidates.


Agreed. I just like to point it out, that politics gets slimy fast. I wish instead of smear campaigns politicians would compete by doing good things for states or communities.


Gianforte also has a shitty hunting record, so that's a tie. Meanwhile, Greg has a thousand other negatives to his name.


Pretending any candidate is a good person because of a letter is.... Sus. It's important to pay attention in politics. I never said gianforte was good. If you reread what my post says, then think about it, it's a yes or no question.


Fuck off, I didn't say one guy was good because of a letter. Busse certainly isn't perfect. But Greg is absolutely atrocious with no redeeming value.


You're assuming I don't know about gianforte's hunting record, because I pointed out busse's. Instead, I asked a yes or no question. Stop being an ass. If you didn't want to discuss, don't. Y'all have learned in school what a discussion is, yes? I'm an independent. I don't vote based on a letter. Y'all have a nice day now.


You know what's sus? Coming into a story about the governor being a lying piece of shit and going "But what about something completely unrelated that Busse did?" Especially when it's a category Greg also sucks at. That's not having a discussion. That's just trying to derail the subject at hand. And again you keep bringing up the fucking letter thing. This article isn't about Greg being a Republican, it's about the actual actions he's taken, and failed to take as governor. You are the one being an ass here.


So if busse *also* did it, not unrelated. Again, for the hard headed ones. I asked: *ahem* Are you willing to look at other candidates and apply the same outrage from the same exact type of incident, equally? I don't trust people who claim letters and literally cannot apply the same sense of outrage to said POS actions, if it's their letter. It's only the *other* letter that's bad. If they aren't willing to say xyz did it too, I hate candidates that lie, then they are voting for a letter only. There's zero substance to people like that. The democrat up there got it. You apparently, can't. If you can't foster respect, learn to discuss, you aren't going to win any points. For example: this article checked BOTH candidates records. They allowed busse to talk about it. Keep being stupid about it, I'm sure that gets votes for Dems.... /s


Busse didn't lie about taxes, which is what this thread is about. So yes, it is fucking unrelated. You are the one who isn't fostering respect because you are trying to divert the conversation with bullshit whataboutism.


Ah we are changing our comments I see. Classic. Are you talking trash on all these other threads *not* talking about taxes? Cuz I don't see that. Hypocrisy much? If you're so bent I'm not just automatically trashing a candidate you dislike, why do you keep commenting?


Next you'll jump on with your alts just to downvote. I'll wait. 🍿