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City budgets are always posted publicly. https://www.belgrademt.gov/422/Final-Budgets Same with school districts. https://www.bsd44.org/departments/business-finance/business-reports


That was not the question. The state needs to appropriate more money to the school districts. There are several in the state in dire need.


Yeah, that's NOT the direction things are going in Montana. ^(\[in case you hadn't noticed\])


The ENTIRE point of Gianfortes administration is to funnel money to his private schools. Have you been living under a rock?


Well, what happens to schools when states do not allocate money to districts? Do they just fail? We have a multi billion-dollar budget surplus and yet we have districts like Missoula, Bozeman, and Billings in deficits and closing schools. So yeah, the state SHOULD give more money to the schools, but they are not, so schools are left out to dry. ​ Think about that when you vote in November.


The state keeps reducing their funding to public schools under the *current administration*. Therefore the local communities must come up with increasingly large percentages of the budget.


Public schools are always a political football for funding. Our system of funding them primarily with local property taxes is flawed in many ways as I’m sure you’re aware. The Belgrade city commission is likely working with the tools in their toolbox to the best of their ability. You literally asked where the money is going in your post. You’ve been given the resources to access itemized information about those fund appropriations by other commenters. What are you actually looking for? Someone to say “don’t vote for the bond and call your state rep to get more money”?


The money is being proposed to build one new school and improve the middle school. We already approved a bond 2 years ago but now they are saying that since construction costs went up they need 23 M MORE than the initial 20M we approved to complete the initial schools. The money does not go towards teachers or teacher retention.


Your property tax bill tells you how every dollar is allocated. You can look yours up here: [https://itax.gallatin.mt.gov/](https://itax.gallatin.mt.gov/)


Thank you and yes i do. SAME QUESTION


You first. My property taxes were allocated to over 40 different taxing authorities and special assessments in '23. I'll take a detailed report on each of those. K Thx.


Don't worry. Knowing Belgrade, it'll get shot down anyway.


Hope not 😢😢😢😢the bond should pass. Kids deserve it.


Belgrade's gonna Belgrade.


Education is cheaper than ignorance.


That does not even deserve a reply


I think you just proved my point


Cheaper for those of us who might have loved one’s that attend public school. But, an educated populace is harder to swindle and abuse than an uneducated populace. So, there’s no incentive for the state government officials to empower the very people who may disagree with a government’s decision.


Bonds build/remodel buildings. Levies pay for programs or increased wages of school employees. As more houses are built and subsequently taxed, mil levies cost less per household because the tax burden is spread more thinly. Belgrade consistently approves new subdivisions and the result is more families, more kids, and more need for new schools to put them in. The last two new elementary schools were “full” before they were finished. Historically, Belgrade passes bonds but not levies. So in other words- “build the school but we don’t want to invest in operating it.”


I know two former teachers at the Belgrade school system and they both absolutely hated it there. Hopefully whatever they're plan to use the money for involves fixing that system's policies from the ground up.


agree 100% Teachers need paid more.


Well pay is a good concern their complaints tended to revolve around problematic kids there and how the kids are kind of just getting pushed through the school system as opposed to being held back like they probably otherwise deserved. Again not my stories, just what I heard.


Sadly that is a national issue, administration can’t just chose to ‘leave a kid behind’ so to speak


They need to also look to see if they are administration heavy.


Imagine worrying about a Belgrade School bond 😂 The only time one ever passed there was when they ran out of money for the football program and were going to have to shut it down


How do you think they paid for Story Creek Elementary?


Bake sale


So 1. Belgrade teachers aren’t even sort of paid what they are worth. 2. Your property tax is still, nationally, very low. Grow up and support your community.


You must not pay property tax. It’s ok just raise your rent some more. And you can cry about that later.


No bro- I just know how to use the google machine and read stats.


Fast food workers get paid more than teachers


Fast Food workers don’t get paid to sit around all summer. Teachers do.


You think you pay high taxes? Have a look at New Jersey, then cool your jets.


But state income tax is much lower in New Jersey. Comparing tax burdens state to state isn't very useful if you are only doing it to tell one group to "cool your jets"


Except you're wrong. Montana income tax tops out at 6.75, NJ goes up to 10.75 - with a max cap at 1,000,000 compared to MT with a max cap of 21,600. ​ I grew up in Belgrade, a 6th generation Montanan. I live in NJ now, and the differences are stark. My property tax on a 4 bedroom house is over 10,000/yr. On top of my income tax, sales tax, gas tax, etc. Montana has it easy.


Just to be clear, do you think Montanans don't pay income tax on money earned above $21,600?




You would have to be making over $620k/year before your state income tax liability in NJ outpaced MT.


That’s because they pass every bond. And how far away is New Jersey.


How about we fix the healthcare system here too while we are at it…

