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You're moving to Bozeman with no job or housing lined up? I hope you're at least bringing a car, because [I can predict your housing situation for you](https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/bozemandailychronicle.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/5/47/5474541a-57ef-11ee-81e0-43d996490708/650b4da815159.image.jpg)...


Yes, as crazy as it sounds. Hopefully securing employment prior to the move but I’ve saved for years for this in the event that I cannot find work for the first few months. 


Well, good luck on your move. Seriously. Fair warning, this thread is going to be a rough ride. There might be some advice buried in the comments. Just don't take any of it personally.


Fully anticipated! Just open someone can offer some genuine advice/answers to my questions. :)


If I can ask, if you're looking for a quiet country setting, why are you looking at Bozeman, and not Lewistown or Boulder or Glendive? Someplace that's not Montana's fastest growing city?


Mainly due to my employment options. I’ve largely been looking at Higher Ed or Non-Profit work and Bozeman seems to have the highest prospects, in conjunction with loving that area of Montana and its distance to Yellowstone/Wyoming. If there are other areas you’d recommend that offer employment options like that, I’d be interested in checking them out too. I have a daughter at MSU, so it’d be nice to be close to her as well.


Haaaaaaaaave you hard of Great Falls?


Moving someplace in 2 months without any job or housing lined up is a bold strategy. Especially one where it seems like you've maybe not done a whole lot of research on. Bozeman is not country, it is urban and suburban. Housing here is a crunch. With the specifics you listed, you probably will not have a whole lot of savings/spending money. $60k is not a lot here. You would probably need a roommate or two. My advice to you is do more research before committing to moving someplace where you don't have housing or a job lined up. People on here will probably act somewhat gruff towards you because we see similar posts every single week of people who think they can just move here on a whim and be fine, when really that's not possible unless you are very well off before you move here


I guess I need to edit the main post. Just because I do not have employment secured in Bozeman does not mean I do not have steady monthly income. I will be looking for employment in Bozeman but not relying on it to finance my move or cover the majority of my living expenses. I’ve budgeted to be able to afford to live on $2500/month rent, plus utilities, groceries, gas and misc for 6 months. Aside from my savings, we have my husband’s income which will not be impacted whatsoever by my move.  Hope that makes sense. I am not someone who saw Montana on a postcard and decided to move on a whim. Likewise, I don’t expect everything to come together immediately but most employers I’ve interviewed with have said they need proof of residency before submitting an offer. For that reason, I anticipate I may have to move before I secure full time employment. 


Try 8k a month. Food housing insurance etc. unless you have connections jobs are hard. MSU is always looking but they are not going to pay you what you are looking for. Did you try Missoula ? Still close to your daughter just not in the same town


It’s a contradiction that you are looking exclusively in Bozeman, and for a quiet country setting. That is possible here, but are the homes that cost serious amounts of money more than you have listed. Just not possible in your salary range. You either have to look further out, or pay more. Most jobs, even entry level ones will pay in that range, because it’s a poverty wage here.


To clarify: I don’t think I’d prefer an apartment in the business district of Bozeman but maybe something in the new construction just outside of the city center, closer to suburban neighborhoods. Looked at 19th and Graf but on another thread I read that traffic in that area is a nightmare at times.  I don’t expect to buy but are you saying $2500/month won’t cover a 1-2bedroom apartment? How is the commute from Belgrade? From what I’ve seen, the pass to the East of Bozeman presents issues in winter for those trying to commute. Commuting just doesn’t seem worth the long winter drive time and risk. 


There is no real traffic in bozeman. It's still a town in Montana despite what people say, and you're not gonna sit in gridlock for 20 min on the interstate here. I'd just google maps the possible commute from Belgrade to see how long it is and make the decision for yourself. Commuting from livingston is definitely not worth it in the winter imo


You’ll sit in traffic on 19th for 20 minutes though.




Oh no! Hate to hear that. I’ve seen quite a few 55k-58k ones. Not too far off? Are you on the site someone above mentioned? There’s a position open right now for $57k.




Not dozens of other applicants. Hundreds. Seriously.


If I did my professional job in another state, I'd make double, easily.


Oh, and the only reason we stay is I bought my house 12 years ago for $220k and my mortgage is super cheap.


Best of luck in your job search! I hope you find the right fit for you. I don’t know how soon you’re moving or to where, but if I see any jobs that fit your experience description I’ll share them. 


Ugh that sucks. I'm sorry.


Do nooooooot rent from Rental Professionals.


Who are you talking about when you say rental professionals? As in complexes, individuals, or?? Where I live now it’s not uncommon to solicit a realtor to help find rentals. Is that not the norm there? My plan was to contact a realtor if I cannot find an apartment I like by mid-April. 


I could have specified. 😅😂 it’s a rental company! You can look them up on google. Lots of bad reviews. I’ve never rented from them personally, but have known a lot of people that have and never heard anything good.


Wow—after reading reviews, they do seem concerning. Thanks for the heads up!


Thank you for the advice! 


There’s a great camper community set up by winco and a few more around town… that’s probably gonna be your best choice if you’re moving here with no job and no housing leads. Rentals are rough to get here and they’re gonna rent to whoever has cash available and a higher credit score


The apartment complexes I spoke to have said it will not be an issue because my husband has employment and we have good credit and significant savings. I was told it’s too soon to sign a lease, but they said to try again in mid-April so we’re doing that. Just hoping to get more info on Bozeman apartment complexes than I’ve been able to find on Google searches/social media so far. It seems like no matter which complex I go with, the majority of renters appear to be young single adults. I’m married and pushing 40 and will be living alone for the majority of the year. Trying to find a quiet(er) apartment that is not in the middle of a loud business district, if one exists. I know I won’t find rural apartment complexes but just something a little further out from the city center.


It’s a college town, you won’t be able to get away from young adults unless you go with a single family home. I’d suggest trying to find a duplex or something.


Ok thanks!


The problem with your masters degree is that everyone has one. That's an exaggeration, but this is an educated community as a whole. "Jobs" can be found in retail, restaurants, and construction. If you want professional work, be prepared to compete against 200 other applicants, and I'm not even joking.


Yes, agreed! Oftentimes people make the joke that Bozeman restaurants have the most educated wait staff you’ll ever see. I’ve had more than one PHD serve me feed here. There’s more than plenty of master’s degrees rolling around too.


The most desirable and expensive real estate is a wire country home, right outside of city limits. Good luck


Not country setting, but Creekside has some two bed two bath apartments for under 2400/mo


Creekside is run by Rental Professionals, which is a nightmare to work with imo.


Thank you! How’s the community at creek side? Safe area?


Yes, I would say all communities are pretty safe here though


Thank you for the info!


It will cover an apartment in that area, but it isn’t quiet or country, you’re surrounded by dozens of other apartment building and the ones being constructed. Bozeman does good to build lots of parks between them, so if you’re from a major metro area, you might consider it nice. The commutes from either side always have pretty scary and dangerous days in the winter, more-so from Livingston because of a mountain pass and canyon.


Thank you for the info!


You might save 500-600 a month on rent by giving up the idea of having a garage.


How brutal are the winters on cars left in the elements? I drive a Subaru and live in a warm climate, so the winterizing of my vehicle/effects of the winter months is something I’m concerned about. 


There is no effect on cars left out in the cold, they are just fine. If you are in town and drive carefully, you can avoid winter tires. Many people use car washes frequently to wash off salts and other de-icing agents.


Even the Subarus older than most of the students on campus do fine. Mine is 25 and has been outside in the elements here for about 5 years and in CO mountain winters and CO desert in the summer for another 7 at least. Just take extra care of the battery and paint to prevent rust spots. Good all weather tires are enough 95% of the time if you drive with caution. Never had snow tires on mine and it still does fine going on roads with 6+" of powder before a plow and on icier patches. If you aren't experienced with winter driving, the snow tires will help. Would recommend you avoid driving if possible after some of the first couple snows as a lot of crashes happen then because there's always people learning to drive in snow and/or they weren't prepared for the snow.


I’ll heed that advice. Thank you!


Quite a lot of us drive Subarus, don't worry about it. Your car is made for this weather. Mine does great and even starts at -45.




The best place to find local nonprofit jobs is through the [community foundation](https://www.onevalley.org/non-profit-jobs). Sign up for emails to get the latest listings (with salaries) every Friday. The Montana Nonprofit Association also has an active [job board](https://mtnonprofit-jobs.careerwebsite.com/jobseeker/search/results/). Welcome!


Thank you this is very helpful! 


You're welcome. Started working in the Bozeman nonprofit sector (in comms) about 15 years ago. I don't currently work for a nonprofit based here, but I'm happy to share what I know. Feel free to reach out.


Thank you very much! You sound like a wealth of knowledge. It’s people like you that draw me to Bozeman. :) 


I would suggest you secure housing prior to arriving. Work with an agent or start making calls to management companies. This is not the time to move into town and hope to find all the things you want, in a rural setting or in the country, or anywhere for that matter. Most of the people here aren't "into a commute" but do it because they have to. So, you won't find much sympathy here for all your desires. Locals are very tired, and I mean exhausted, trying to answer questions from people that want to move here. They are also tired of dealing with the unending pressure to accommodate newcomers since Covid and before. You can see that from the many responses and other conversations on this subreddit for sure. In addition, no amount of education or experience will set you apart here. There are more PhDs in this town and amazingly brilliant people who barely make a living. Be aware that living here will take fortitude and figuring it out on your own.


Thanks for the feedback! I do plan on securing housing prior to the move, which is why I asked for recommendations/places to stay away from. Do you have any tips/advice for that?