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Have noticed that too. The standing right in the way of literally everything is also getting pretty irritating.


People who stand in the middle of aisles or doorways are among the worst people on earth.


It is not just Bozeman. Colorado is the same way. If you can believe it, it's better in Bozeman.


It's not a location issue, it's a Boomer issue.


Any place with a lot of liberals is like this. Conservative areas still have nice happier people.


bro what




That’s a really stupid thing to say.


Weak take.


To be fair, I fell the aisles in the grocery stores have all shrunk over recent years. You can barely fit two carts side by side anymore, especially at someplace like smiths. It’s almost impossible to be standing there and not be in someone’s way. Even at Costco it’s hard sometimes to not block half the aisle if you want to read the ingredients on a package.


Okay, sure, but it's also not hard to acknowledge another human being and make the slightest effort to be polite.


I offered to help an old lady by cutting a couple branches out of her tree that had broken off and were going to fall into her yard. While we were standing there assessing the tree her husband pulls up on a Harley. After she introduced me to him, he referred to me as "her pothead" to which I half joking responded "eh better than being a drunk..." He physically turned away from me and wouldn't talk to me but would say things like "you can tell him blah blah blah". As I was walking away he said loud enough for me to hear "if we can find a Mexican actually willing to work, they'll do it cheaper than that pot head" I was going to do it for free or a plate of cookies and lemonade or something, just to help an old lady out but fuck that guy. He can climb his old fat drunk ass up a ladder with a chainsaw for all I care.


My MIL said that she wanted to hire a “nice Mexican woman” to clean their home so she can “pay her less” This was a few years ago and my FIL and I both lost our shit. I’ve since cut all contact with them after my MIL went deep into QAnon and said some pretty awful shit.


Do mexicans have a bad rap up there or something? I was in Belgrade last week renting a car and the woman I was dealing with was speaking on the phone with who I presume was the owner. The woman on the end of the line asked "is he a Mexican?" And the woman just looked at me and responded with "no the other one" (im mulatto) Was a funny way to spend my first hour in the place.


The other night at Winco I witnessed this lady (about 55-65ish years old) in a nice designer esque outfit pick up about 3 or 4 packages of ground beef, look at them, decide they weren't good enough, then proceeds to legitimately Frisby toss them back onto the rack, which probably messed up the packaging. I was literally fuming. I could go on and on. It's not just their mannerisms in public, it also shows on the roadways. "Oh I can pull out, they have brakes" or "let me ride this dudes ass even though he's going 5 over the speed limit" people talk about how californians are the worst people but fail to look and see how toxic a majority of the bozemanite boomers are themselves. They are literally the most entitled people I have ever met and I've been all over the country.


People pulling out into full speed traffic is baffling.


Its the same way in my area (lincoln county)So fking annoying. Mfkers casually pull out onto a 70 mph highway every frikkin day. If you see MT plates beginning with 56 beware!!


Ok, GenXr here and 55. 55-65 is a whole different ball game in regards to generational age. Lets not even put that ten year time span as relevant here. Likely that lady was 65. Whole different mind set.


I'm sorry😂 likely she was in her low to mid 60s


I work at TnC, and while a lot of people are absolutely fantastic, the most disrespectful people are always old people. Not all old people are disrespectful, but all of the disrespectful people are old. Working the register and having them just throw their reusable bags at me, yell at me if I don't put the stuff in the bag exactly how they want. It's infuriating. I had an old guy yell at me for us not having big cans of chicken (we did) and I was just like why would not buying a few more smaller cans of chicken not solve this issue?


Used to work at Heeb's when that was a thing and I can echo this. They always throw their damn reusable bags at you.


Working in customer service/retail is so hard- people are so rude for no reason and it really takes a toll overtime


I had someone yell at me when I worked at Tnc back in the day. Told me if I don’t like my job so much why don’t you quit. I told him I tried but they wouldn’t let me. 😂 People will always be assholes it’s just how you handle the situation at jobs like that. I would enthusiastically be nice to people to avoid the old people being rude and if they were rude I’d continue to be overly nice. At the end of the day they have to live with being an asshole. I do not.


And they are the ones who yell and complain that no one has any respect anymore




Oldest Gen X would be between 59 and 62 depending, so Boomers aren't just the only "old" people running around. Born here, seems the rude ones are around 35-50 so Gen X? However, just drove from here to Browing with stops in Great Falls and it seems like everyone I had contact with was friendly no matter. So maybe it's just the riff raff that has settled in Bozeman.




no clue what you are talking about since we dont get paid for breaks currently, no idea who vince is but ive always liked travis


That was 20 years ago my guy. TnC is a great place to work now


I applied there 20 years ago and didn’t even get a call back. Costco hired me immediately after. I can’t imagine how my life would be different now if I had worked for a local grocer than an international retailer that offered 401k and great pay and benefits at the time. I’m glad to hear it’s better now, but wonder how they stay competitive for employees in 2024 Bozeman.


I also was born and raised here and everyone used to be polite, wave, say hi, etc. and now everyone is insanely rude and angry


It’s so weird! People are just angry and rude. I really don’t understand why! I guess that’s why it’s been hard to make friends over the last couple of years because people are rude and really have no business being rude. Look where you live! It’s beautiful here, why are you so angry?


Yes! I notice this all the time. The world feels weirder and angrier than I can ever remember. It’s a weird time to be alive.


Boomers gonna boomer, nothing new here. Montana boomers are a special breed of human.


Because things worked the way they worked it, and they think that making things better, by being more open to change, is risking the incredible comfort, in which their lives have been inundated the entirety of their, IMO very compartmentalized, existence.


I will jump in here and say that I'm a boomer, and I try my hardest to be as friendly as I can to everyone I see/meet. I find the people of this town to be very friendly, that's been my experience. I fear that many boomers are just tired of living or something. One of my great joys is being about town and experiencing the friendly nature of people. But you get back what you give, I guess.


There's a difference between being older and being a boomer. You are not a boomer.


Agreed! Boomer is like Millennial or Gen Z. It’s more of a mindset/personality trait than an actual designation. I’ve meet a few Gen z who act like millennials and vise versa. It’s all about mind set not age. Actions speak louder than words.


Boomer is an actual designation though? Say more… this confused me


This is so true. It is rough. I’m not sure if it’s like this other places, but I’ve been in Bozeman almost 20 years and it’s really bad here.


I think it’s got something to do with the level of entitlement held by people who own million dollar homes. It’s a tax bracket thing. They’ve never waited tables, changed oil, or worked retail. They literally don’t know what their attitude looks like from the opposite side of the table.


There are a lot people moving to the rural west with ideas of how they want it to be and expectations that don’t always work with reality. Instead of integrating into the community they’d rather bend it or buy it to suit their needs. They’re fucking annoying and don’t like being called out for it. You’ll see them once, maybe twice and then they retreat to their pampered gated clubs where they brag to their “friends” about being in the Wild West. They come and go like the seasons and usually don’t stick around very long but they’re so damned annoying.


We talk about this every day. Like they are just taking up space instead of being useful. Quit your damn instagramming and being a poser. Just be humble. Just be un-annoying.




30% of people are assholes post COVID, 60% are ok, 10% are absolute gems. Avoid the 30%, be pleasant with the 60% and make the 10% your tribe. I’ve found this true for anywhere I’ve ever lived and that has been all over the country since I was a child.


I like this. Having a heck of a time finding those 10% though…


100% feel this


It *is* a bad energy in Bozeman. When I’m in town (I live 30 mins away but grew up there) people are bickering in traffic, in the stores, I have run-ins with negativity almost every time. I was just out of state and country for a week in a similar-sized touristy-type town and had no issues of any kind from any one. People just need to chill but unfortunately the temperature is high across the board and a former cute mountain town is now a boomtown with less locals left and it bred resentment. It’s also endemic to the US—election year anxiety is hitting us all it was not present out of country, even just in Canada the temp is way turned down


It’s gotten too big, too expensive, too fast. The area is just kind of a mess with crap popping up everywhere.


Old people? Environmental airborne lead, seriously. The boomers had their brains marinated in it, and exposure to lead in a growing brain results in all kinds of fun effects like heightened aggression. Especially as they age, and the lead that settled in their bones releases into their body. Also, Gen-X got some exposure too.   I was really hopeful for the millennials, since we didn't grow up with it, but then we all got brain damage from Covid, lol.


And microplastics.


My new band name, Plastic Lead Head.




and head injuries...


I think about this a lot actually - how less fucked up our world would be without constant, excessive chemical exposure.


Great take, not enough people talk it. This is some truth that most old people will never acknowledge.


So funny I recently googled why are people so stupid? Google brought up lead poisoning. Said it wiped out over 800 million IQ points for people born 1951-1980 ish. Scary AF. Pair that with ego and entitlement in boomers and well… look where we are.


Yup 😕


Yes, look at where you are! If it wasn't for the old people such as boomers, you wouldn't have such freedoms like you have right now. I will agree with you on the lead to a certain extent. What right do you have to sit up there on your high horse and judge people regarding their ages. So many think they are entitled to so many things at a younger age. You will never know what it's like until you get older. And what the world is really about. So until you do experience a little bit more in life, you should probably hold back with statements like that. Pretty funny how you depend on Google for answers.


Give me a break. Boomers didn’t bring freedoms. They had the opportunities to and squandered them for the status quo. Hypocrite.


Boomers built everything you are sponging on today. What great contributions to society are you responsible for?


Their parents built it. Boomers took what the Greatest Generation built and squandered it. 




I built out, programmed and administered the network you're using to access this platform to talk shit about my generation. If the great contributions to society of your generation were so fan-fucking-tastic, please share with us how many of them we still use today, and if any are still used today, how many will be gone in 5 years? Go watch Matlock, your generation created that!


That is what a boomer would say.


I was downtown walking my baby in a stroller when an old man started talking shit to me when I was using the crosswalk right before the light turned. The street I was crossing was completely empty and main was busy. I’ve almost been hit with said stroller using the crosswalk while having the right away because people turning left don’t pay attention to pedestrians. He kept saying stuff in ear shot trying to get me to engage with him. Total prick. Totally agree with you though OP. People are next level rude here.


yikes. people never acknowledge pedestrians, it's fucking ridiculous


Yikes- yeah things have been changing. I will admit that sometimes people say “Excuse me” more as an order than a request. It depends on how it was said. Things have changed in multiple ways though, I agree with your observation.


Totally agree. When one says "Excuse me, could you kindly move your ass the fuck out my way, that'd be great, thanks." Or another one "On your left Dipshit!"


Through my travels, I’ve found that a lot of Montanans are for the most part just kinda bitter. I lived in Texas for a year, and while there was definitely a lot of “we don’t like out of staters” mentalities down there too, there was still a sense of southern hospitality. People were way nicer. Maybe the cold plays into it some, but a lot of Montanans just aren’t that nice. - signed, a native Missoulian


I think that the weather definitely has something to do with it. like everyone here has a vitamin d deficiency


Truth. And actually elevation contributes to mental health problems. I read a study on that a few years back. But then again, we do have a ton of beauty here too.


Might be something to that. I’ve been in Tucson, Arizona a lot lately and the people there seem super friendly so far. The internet guy helped me move my fridge around, and I have nice conversations with strangers in the grocery store and bars all the time. I’ve lived in Colorado my whole life, and it is becoming far more unfriendly than in years back. 😕


What’s up with the people in Kalispell? Went to school in Missoula and genuinely enjoyed every Montanan I met. Folks from the Kalispell area though were super uptight and full of themselves. They didn’t socialise very well.


Kalispell has the rudest people ever and I live in New York now lol


The reluctance or inability to make simple eye contact here is striking.


I see that mostly in the new neighborhoods with younger people


Boomer entitlement is the current scourge of the planet. Global violent conflict withstanding.


The boomers of montana are a different breed of boomer. Ive never met more, “back in my day…everything is worse now” stereotypical types of old people


But in the same breath tell you how much harder they had it.


I started saying “excuse you” instead of “excuse me.” It works 100% of the time and these entitled old people get the point.


that's genius


I do this too 😂


Been in Missoula for pert near 20 years and same here. I was just talking to my partner about the multiple rude boomer interactions I’ve head today and came across this post. They can’t be bothered to be nice or patient, especially on the road. I’ve started calling out their rude behavior, and it turns out they roll over pretty quickly.


Literally I don’t understand you can’t even make a simple mistake either with anyone you don’t know or they fly off the handles and if you even dare to say sorry they get even more offended and don’t get me started on trying to help random citizens when I physically see them struggling I’ve only been here for 4 years and the attitude of everyone is really started to get to me and rub off onto me as well I’m a really nice person and I catch myself almost all the time having a negative thought about a random person just because that’s the culture of things around me I’m still as nice as I can ever be but this town has made me grow a rough side that I personally don’t really like


Yeah, I agree that older people have no filter and it’s a problem. In these cases, I’m pretty direct with them. I’m not giving them a pass for being a dick due to age.




Boomers behind the wheel…take cover!


Hurt people hurt others.


[Some people suck.](https://youtu.be/S5vGI-g1xvw?t=114)


Shoulder check.


When anyone says "excuse me" (I'm 62) I say, "excuse me" politely, Idk what your age. That's how it should be.


I agree, I think that it's a common phrase and it's just polite. but for some reason I get a negative response to it.


Wow. My wife and I were thinking of moving somewhere in the surrounding area. These comments make it seem like it’s not a very welcoming place.


it's better in belgrade, because there's a better sense of community. as someone who grew up in both, I love bozeman and have a strong connection, but I just feel like bozeman specifically isn't always a great place for socializing compared to belgrade. also way to expensive to live here now, unless your rich


Thank you. I’ll have to take a look at Belgrade. Bozeman is far out of our price range and, I often wonder what career path I should have chosen instead of Cyber Security to afford a multi-million dollar home 🤣


I thought cyber security makes really good money. I’ve been studying to get into cyber security. Do they not make good money? Is it worth it?


I make decent money. CISO, CTO, CIO Management positions make the most however, I don’t even think those salaries can support the typical Bozeman monthly mortgage. Seems like the average home price is 3.6+ million. Also, Cyber is a broad field. You’ll definitely want to have an idea of what you particularly want to get into. If you are able, I’d say book a ticket this August to Vegas and go to DEFCON. It definitely rekindled the fire within me and, I’m taking a different path in the field. Probably one of the most fun and best learning experiences I’ve had in my 27 years within IT.


I had ubered a ethical hacker that told me to use Comptia cyber security to get a certificate to get my foot in the door. I’m not planning on staying in Bozeman. It’s way too expensive. Thank you for the info. I’ve got the book and am studying but not sure where to from there. So knowing about this convention is a good start.


I’m assuming that person suggested Security+. That is a good foot in the door certification. If you get that then, think about what you’d like to do. Threat Intelligence / Hunting, Offensive Security, etc.. There’s a lot that can be done and, there is a lot of fun to be had it the field as well. Best of luck to you. Shoot me a DM if you want to chat more Security.


Yes my bad it is security+! And if I could message you that would be awesome! There’s so much info and it’s definitely kind of overwhelming.


Oh yea pretty much every interaction I have any more is super shity. Only have 2 months left. I go to other towns and people are friendly. Here not so much.


Kinda just how the world is becoming over time but I think a lot of Bozemanites are entitled upper class people now. Hard to afford it if you arent


Live in Coeur d' Alene - travel frequently to Bozeman for work. It's the same here. People are a mess these days.


I saw what I thought was an older gentleman, it turned out he was an older jackass, at Walmart after he checked out and was leaving he had nothing in his cart. So I asked him if he left his purchases as a small reminder to take them. He pulled one item out of his pocket and yelled at me to mind my own business. I am standing there thinking, "You're welcome."


There’s always been a population of entitled snobs in Bozeman, it’s just way worse now.


because its bozeman 🤷‍♂️


Maybe, and this is just ftom talking with a lot of older people regularly, they are tired of all the privileged little s&%*s that don't give two f#@%s about bozeman. They are here and spoiled and will be on thier way out a at first chance. They also are tired of trying to have a conversation with people and phones pop out. They feel like they are unimportant and unwanted. Sit down next to older people at breakfast and actually talk with them. The Western downtown is a great place to do that


I can see that, but I've also noticed it seems they have some resentment that the nation that was almost exclusively for them and their entitlements is both moving forward from that and simultaneously faltering because of their lavish lifestyles and the generations coming up will not be able to support it. Karen is mad the "snot nosed kids" don't respect her town, the kids don't respect her because they're going to struggle to afford a house at all because of her generations policy making and passing the buck to pay for it on to them. 🤷‍♀️ I say this because I've had these conversations, and euthanasia starts coming to mind when some wrinkly assed woman tells me I'm just not working hard enough for things when they could afford a house and college on a single earners salary. That's when the phone comes out, because there can never be a mutual level of respect between the two as the older generation fucked much of it up, but cannot see at all how they contributed to it.


I feel this comment. It’s pretty damned spot on.


Its not just here. It's everywhere in this country. Sense of community is deteriorating. It's not bad here though compared to most other places. I haven't had many bad experiences like the one you're describing. The people I've met here and interact with are some of the friendliest people I've met anywhere. But the problem your talking about is a nationwide problem. In terms of the comments about older people being mean I think they see a lot of people in the younger generation as lazy, entitled, afraid of hard work, whiney, always stoned, disrespectful, stupid, unpatriotic etc. and it annoys them. I agree with them and it annoys me too and I'm a millennial lol




I'm not from Montana but trust me, although it's changed, it is waaaaay better than most other places in the country right now. That's why so many people are moving here. Unfortunately a lot of these people moving here are bringing they're shitty attitude with them and are becoming part of the problem.




I lived in Seattle before moving to Montana. The people and culture in Seattle suck. Pretty much any big city you go to. Except Florida. For some reason Florida is the only other place besides Montana I've been where every one is so damn happy and friendly. Maybe it's the weather there idk. But people in Florida are great.




Uh every shitbag in the US has moved to Bozeman and you’re surprised by the outcome?




This isn’t exactly unique to Bozeman


I disagree


You think people are only disrespectful in Bozeman?? There are many places with a ton of A-holes. You must not get out much


I never said that. I think that there is a unique way that people act here that I've never seen before. And yes, I do "get out" a lot. I've visited LA, Boise, Salt Lake City, Portland, Rochester, and many more. I even used to live in upstate New York.


In all those places you just listed, everyone shares the exact same opinion about their local population. >I never said that I mean, yea , you did. You said everyone is rude here, which I’m not disagreeing with. But this simply is not something unique to Bozeman. You may not have heard that phrase be used before. It just means Bozeman is not the only place with majority A-holes. The statement wasn’t initially about “people act different here”, you’re moving the goal posts


it's really not that deep, I just disagree


This story is basically the Bozeman motto


It's our society, imo. What motivates us to be kind and respectful? Everything in the US is about working harder, earning more money, and screwing over the next person so we can live a little better life. Our schools are almost identical to prisons, and simply encourage us to fall in line and not question anything. Thanks to the internet, our social skills have extremely deteriorated, and Covid made things exponentially worse. Our food revolves around taste and convenience - not nourishment. So we are programmed to work all day inside, eat crap that has no nutritional value, take pills rather than address the actual problem, and then come home to watch TV or play on your phone until you can do it again tomorrow. Without adequate exercise, sleep, stress management , and nutrition, we seek the quick fix to our mental health problems. There's no sense of community anymore, so people rely on drugs and other fixes to feel the love they're missing. We need a dramatic shift in our culture, which would need to be addressed via politics, or we'll continue to lose our social skills and fully rely on our Alexa devices to live. Touch some grass, feel the sun, eat some real foods, drink more water, eat less sugar, drink less alcohol, and spend some time by yourself doing what you love. Spend time with loved ones, and be thankful for what you have rather than angry for all of the things you wish you had. Ask a rich man how much money they want, and the answer is always "more". Somewhere our society equated success with financial success, but neglected to stress the importance of physical and mental well-being. Think of how long humans have been around, and how long they've interacted. Just in the last decade we've seen technology drastically shift what we've done for thousands of years. There's hope, and still plenty of good people left in the world, so don't let the assholes bring you down. They've always existed, they just feel more entitled now. (Instant gratification plays a huge role, gimme gimme gimme now now now)


I lived in Bozeman for a really long time and of all the places I lived in Montana Bozeman is the worst. Most pretentious uptight community that isn’t open to new people. Absolutely hated it there.


Bozeman sucks!


This is what happens when your state goes Red


These people sound like entitled boomers to me. They had everything handed to them


Not all are. Same with younger kids. I'm not a boomer, yet I'm not a younger kid either. Boomers are old, set in their ways. I've noticed that if you are not prim and proper...they have no problem letting you know. Younger kids & from my experience are mostly selfish twats(hope I can say that). No thank yous, opening doors, just overall no respect. I mean, what kind of parent are you? Not trying to disrespect anyone per se, so don't take it that way. Face it, we need to give the older generation a break. All of this technology and such? Makes them go a little cuckoo(I know, I have one). Yet, some are downright assholes. You get what you give. We are all going to get old. Have fun while you can. Like my mamma says, "What golden years"?? LMAO


Sorry if the truth hurts


Welcome to victim culture. Everyone thinks everything is targeted with ill intent, and respond as such. Respect died the minute we started coddling grown adults and telling them the world actually does need to conform to them. It never was an age thing, it's always been a parenting thing (or lack of)


Such a ridiculous yet funny answer. Let's see how you're going to feel when you're old and want to be coddled.


Want has nothing to do with it. We all want to have to not go to work everyday, but that's not how life works. I'm not sure what going up in age has to do with wanting to be coddled, unless you're confusing medical care with coddling.


Boomers gonna boomer


Native Bozemanite - "I demand respect! Can't you jerks see I'm from Bozeman?" Classic.


It’s the coastal people. This is the culture that they come from and they don’t have the ability to leave it behind.


Why do younger generations cry about every little thing? "OMG why don’t people automatically respect my very existence?" "OMG, low-skilled jobs don't pay enough!" "OMG, housing is soooo expensive!" In spite of what your loser parents stated ad nauseum; YOU are not any more special than anyone else!


Oh my. You are the problem. Basic decency is translated to , “my very existence.” Yes. I do expect that, like you and everyone else should? Low-skilled jobs don’t pay enough to buy one room in a four bedroom home here. This isn’t New York or Portland. I’m an architect and can’t afford rent in a busted house here. Is that low-skilled? I’ll never own a home while your generation bought them for pennies with low interest rates, no education debt, and folks that respected others for their ‘mere existence,’ because that’s what humans should do. ..the fuck outta here with your entitlement.


My "generation " lmao! You mean my parents generation? Yeh the ones entering retirement vote against their best interests lmao! Funny, the only generation crying about EVERYTHING is YOURS! A result of failure to comprehend simple economics and how govt policies affect said economies. My parents didn't vote for marxists/commies/progressives...YOUR GENERATUON DOES. The mere fact you and others blame fellow "older" citizens is simply laughable and a clear insight into how govt funded education has failed you massively! You are what we call a "useful idiot". No f'ing clue how govt works You don’t like it in Bozeman or bfe...MOVE. But feel free to show everyone where your Architect program promised you a house lmao!


wow, you're really miserable


Uhhhh no! Don't try to ad hominem those laughing at retarded "poor me" rants. Good gawd...the "victim class" never gets tired of complaining. Here's a hint; MOVE if you don't like the folks in your community!


I can't move you dumb fuck


lol so can’t figure out that respect piece can you? I don’t care what generation you are in, and you don’t know what I am in. You, however, have the problem approach and mindset. A piece of shit approach is a piece of shit approach no matter what generation you’re born in. I didn’t vote how you are talking about I never said anything about hating bozeman.. stop projecting. You are so angry. 😂 is projecting all your capable of doing these days? if you were so upset with how the “next generation mindset” approaches the world, then you should’ve been more involved. In fact, you could still get involved. But it’s probably below your pay grade, right? You’ve got someone to blame. That’s all you need or have to what you have to say about this conversation. Got it. Funny how you’re modeling the behavior isn’t it? Point proven. You are still the problem. I’ll let you have the last word because you’re not really very good at communicating. You’ve only been taught how to be right not considerate. Whatever your opinion is, I’ll still smile at you when I pass the sidewalk. I’m not really sure you’re capable of that.


wow, you clearly have no respect for younger people. your generation left us with so many messes to clean up. I don't think I'm special, I'm just upset about why older people here have this entitled attitude. me being upset about not being respected is NOT me demanding everyone to respect my very existence. People here have no fucking decency sometimes, obviously you are among the ones who don't.


You start a thread crying about a different generation then question others when they call your self entitled butt out! Lmao! Thanks for proving my point! Carry on


you didn't have a point. my post wasn't specifically about your generation but just an observation about how people in bozeman act, and most of them are older. most people under my post are agreeing. you are proving my point and that's the embarrassing thing


🚨Boomer Alert🚨


Wow..you're so original! How ignorant can one be to fall for the msm created division of gender, race, sex, wealth, etc! YOU are the text book example "useful idiot" your masters depend on!


The nice people are still here (most of them anyway) from what I can tell. I have noticed a big change in the last year+, but maybe that's because I've spent so much time away in the woods for the last 2 yrs It just seems so loud and unnecessary.


I mean it's one banana, how much could it cost? Ten dollars? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl\_Qyk9DSUw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl_Qyk9DSUw)


What you’re witnessing is the rest of the world (and its mentality) finally caching up to Montana. Welcome to the garbage side of humanity. Be glad we got to grow up in a place like Montana when it was what it was.


I too, have decent manners. That woman was just rude. I have devised a way of dealing with these types AND getting a little exercise at the same time. I grab a cart and FLY down every aisle, only stopping to grab my stuff. It is amazing how people get out of the way when they hear/see me coming! Added bonus, is I burn a few calories!


If the older or newer give you crap…don’t take it. Don’t let people shove you around. But also, no shoving the elders


There's no shoving of anyone - and it's rarely elders who do this. It's inconsiderate people. If you are going fast with your cart, they just get out of the way and don't stand in the middle of the aisle.














Was her name Alfred Einstein?