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you could.just open the windows and listen to the monster trucks I'm 20 blocks away and it sounds like they are next door lol


What was going on with that? At 10pm I finally got in my car and drove towards the noise to see what was happening and it had stopped. Super annoying


It’s a monster truck show at the fairgrounds lmao.


I'm not a whiner but code compliance is useless. The code states that after 8 pm construction noise needs to be less than 60 dB. Is there a solution here? There is still a lot of house to go... I work in construction. So its not like I'm not accustomed to the noise. They worked all 3 days of memorial day weekend, 7-930 each day. I don't know what to do but this video is shot from the kids room.


Talk to whoever is running the job? Be respectful and if they are a dick then you won’t feel bad when you make a complaint.


Who is the GC? I would contact them first.


You work in construction, so you probably know better than most people *who* to talk to about this. If this was your site and a neighbor had a complaint, who would hope they contact? Probably not the city, at least not at first. There’s probably company logos, can you figure out which contractors are working here? Call them. Give it a day or two. Still a problem? Walk over and find someone to talk to. Mention that you’ve already talked with their office or whatever. Be kind. Maybe bring your kid, do they think construction stuff is cool? Introduce yourselves as the next door neighbor. Appeal to them personally. Put a face to the complaint. Compliment sandwiches work well. Say that you appreciate all the hard work they’re doing - you’re in the same trade. But the noise is keeping the kids awake and taking away from quality time with your family. Remind them of quiet hours and ask if there’s a compromise. Maybe certain days are better than others for working long hours? Don’t threaten to call the city (unless it continues after all this). Hear their side of the story. Good luck!


Laws and regulations exist because enough people stepped over a community standard line with impunity that it had to go that way. I reject the notion that anyone expecting law-abiding behavior be labelled a whiner. If some idiot opened up a DIY firing range nextdoor, would you think yourself a whiner for wanting it stopped? Defending you and yours from others' overreach isn't whining.


Why is it light out at 9pm? 


Have you [called or made a complaint](https://www.bozeman.net/departments/administration/neighborhood-services/code-compliance)?


They do this constantly. I visited the University Student Housing over the years and they would be drilling, beeping, sharting, and the rest hours after they were legally supposed to stop. I reported it multiple times. It would usually help for a day or so. They really don't GAF about people. Only profit. Welcome to Bozeman.




Gotta be a hell of a shart to hear it at a distance.




They had a Noise Ordinance Exemption Permit


If they worked three days solid over Memorial Day, I'm thinking this is one of those things where someone is fitting it in as they're able, outside regular work. I have a neighbor doing this - clearly skilled in trades, and doing his own home remodel with added second story during evenings and weekends. He's been at it for about 3 years now. While I admire the work ethic, it's absolutely uncool to burden everyone around with a noise nuisance.


You get used to it. I own the first lot on a new development it’s just the process. Condition your sleep skills, always have music on. I made a music video playlist for my living room and it helped a lot.


Not the point at all, small children will stay awake with that regardless


Noise ordinance exemption permits can and do exist, especially for developments. You could also look this differently, the longer they work the sooner they will be done! Someone probably worked late on your house, you probably where thankful and didn't complain.


Boys have got a deadline probably


Also I love how the kid reads books like that.... 🤣 kids room my ass


The Wild Robot Protects is for kids ages 7 to 10, and A Wolf Called Wonder is for kids ages 8 to 12. Can't tell what the other books are but those are definitely kids books.


Report them. There's no reason for guys to be working that late.


Unless, of course, you live in Bozangles and can barely afford to live there with all the dimwits from out of state.


This rule like the fireworks ban is useless, it happens all the time and the City does nothing. It is there for symoblic show for them to say we did something to ease the impact of the development on you. Now if this was to enforce the short-term rental ban and what people can do with their private property, you bet the City would be right on it so the hotel industry has less competition.


Welcome to Bozeman. If you’re really in construction you’ll know how to make it stop respectfully


How about just talking to them versus Reddit. Why is there no kindness and common sense any longer.


I’m just glad they stopped for you lol I’ve lived next to the night construction and I almost went insane


They getting paid by the piece, making big $, I think most people want to make as much as they can.


Where are you from that the people work over 12 hour days? Do they only work 3 days for their 40 hours? Most construction places don't like paying over time.... Also where are you that it is still sunny at 9pm? I also work in construction, I work 4 tens 7am-5:30pm... never ever have I heard about people working from 7am-9pm... I honestly don't believe that that picture was taken at 9pm... you're just trying to get attention and someone to feel bad for you... also have a hard time thinking you work construction... just by your comments you probably wouldn't last a week on my jobs


It's a bozeman page so probably bozeman. Weather channel for bozeman says sunset is 2108, usually the norm everywhere is having sunlight for up to 30 minutes after sunset (hence shooting light during season). Judging by the clear shadow, it gives you proof the sun is definitely going down. We complained to the hoa that construction crews in my neighborhood, last summer, were working before 6 am (saw it on my way to work) and could still see them working passed 9 (with sunlight), plus on weekends. Many people complained for their kids sake. Just because you work 4 10s doesn't mean everyone does. I've worked 84 hour weeks as a laborer in this state, and it is definitely common.


where is this? I guess there's no sleeping tonight lol. I suppose at a certain point you can call it in


They got til 10


Tell them to fuck off. Actually, tell whoever is in charge that they shouldn't have their guys working this late!! Especially on a Friday night!!


It's not 9pm, the sun hasn't even set in the picture, the sun is still up, it's probably taken at 5pm and the OP is just trying to get publicity and clout


Sunset in Bozeman this time of year is after 9 pm. Today's sunset is 9:09 PM and there is light for at least a half hour after that.


Reminds me of when my landlord decided the last month of my lease was the best time to replace the roof. I couldn’t reasonably complain bc I was leaving but living with that much noise 7 days a week 8am-6pm literally drove me crazy. I hope you are able to find someone worth communicating with about this and find some sort of compromise!!