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Please God, anyone but Pham. He's not the vibe...


Considering AA emphasizes players with good clubhouse vibes I don’t think Pham fits the vibe check.


I’m here to say this. I’d prob stop watching for a game or two


Hard disagree, he is exactly the vibe this team needs. By all accounts a great teammate, incredible work ethic, and crazy in the right way kind of like a younger Sale


Just don't get in a fantasy football league with him.


I used to agree with this sentiment but then I saw him shadow box the dugout a couple weeks ago (against the Brewers? I can't remember) and that shit made me cringe so hard.


Let’s not forget how he got into an argument with fans at padres game last year. Not a dude this team needs


I agree he could bring the attitude and enforcer vibe that could spark this team.


I agree with you. We won't have the popular opinion but we need someone like him. It's hurt us against the Phillies in the playoffs not having someone with a bit of an edge about them. He could definitely help the clubhouse.


Pham gets a lot of attention, but by all accounts he seems like a[ good clubhouse presence.](https://www.latimes.com/sports/story/2023-10-29/tommy-pham-arizona-diamondbacks-teammate-dodgers)


Y’all are crazy. Teammates love Pham. He’s a take no shit guy you WANT on your team when playing in Philly in October.


Pham and Joc Pederson are basically the exact same guy


Joc Pederson has not been stabbed outside a strip club or by his stepdad so I would say that they are rather different


Pham's actually been stabbed twice.


Except one has slapped a dude on the field over a fantasy football dispute, and the other has been slapped on the field over a fantasy football dispute.


Nah Pham


He makes perfect sense from a pure baseball standpoint. But goddam if he isn't a high risk acquisition.


If there's one thing I've learned, if a name goes public....AA ain't after that guy .


So you're saying we're getting Judge, Ohtani, and Soto for Kerr, Tromp, and Considerations?


Not Considerations! He’s my favorite!


So long as they don’t let go of the hottest prospect!


They've been trying to call up Louisiana HotSauce for like 10 years. He just must not be able to cut it at the Major League level.


It’s also Bob Nightengale who’s wrong about literally everything.


Hasn’t earned the nickname “boob” for nothing


No no no to Pham


Neither of these will happen


I know he’s had some off field issues and the whole slap thing which was dumb as hell on his part, but the guy is a fiery veteran who can hit and has performed in clutch moments in the playoffs. For a half year rental, I’d be all for it. I refuse to believe one guy who *can* be a bit of a prick sometimes (but he’s also been called a great teammate by many people who’ve played with him) is enough to poison our entire locker room. These guys are professionals.


I'm with you the more fiery guys the better. He wants to win. The guy was getting applauded last year because he was 4 for 4 or something like that and went up to the coach and told him to let one of the younger guys pinch hit for him. He might've needed a hit for the cycle I forget, but he's not that bad of a teammate and they are all adults. Yeah he's done some dumb shit but so has the big bear and we all love him.


Exactly. I actually feel like we’re close to a perfect fit for his style. A bunch of pro’s focused on winning and no drama sounds like what he needs to be the most successful. Let me reiterate I’m in no way defending him slapping Joc. That was some bullshit. But I want to win in the postseason and I think Pham is someone who could help do that personally.


Yeah that slap to joc was some bullshit especially over fantasy football amongst millionaires lol, but your right ALL that matters is performing in October, and if Pham can bring his crazy ass aboard. I want another title so bad just because I had some family issues in '21 so even though I enjoyed it and loved it, I didn't get to truly appreciate it until months later when I rewatched all the postseason games and parades and celebrations


Well, we know one way or another, Pham or not, that AA will take some swings and make at least a deal or two. It remains to be seen who it will be and how it will work out, but if you’re going to have confidence in anyone based on a successful track record, AA’s the guy. Sorry to hear about your family issues. Hope things are better now and that you get another shot at a proper celebration this year!


Thanks buddy appreciate. Yeah AA is definitely gonna make some moves like always. I like the way the offense has been performing the last week. I think we need a right fielder so duvall can go back to spot starts and pinch hitting against Lefty's. Wouldn't be surprised to see him add a good starting pitcher too because if one of our guys like sale, Lopez, or fried get hurt we're screwed


Agreed. One solid starter and one OF bat would probably be enough, though I’d like to see a more solid IF backup option for the bench (or better yet a replacement at SS for Arcia, and he goes back to the bench) and a bullpen arm or two in a perfect world. PS this is not Arcia hate. I love the guy but he has regressed back to the backup SS level of seasons past/that got him the low salary he signed at.


Yeah I agree arcia greatly over preformed last season and is regressing to his usual self. I'm an arcia fan too and he's been a hell of a defender I just don't see many options to trade for and bench arcia, especially on that contract. As long as he continues playing elite defense we'll be fine with him starting


Hell no to Pham. Doubtful we will pay what is required for Eflin.


Pham is a massive douche. Not him.


Pham feels like he’s having a career year or something and will bomb for us. I can’t see him in Atlanta anyway.


Don’t see Pham as a Brave guy at all


Fuck Pham.


Phuck Fam.


Pham is a clubhouse villain and, in my honest opinion, a physcotic person. He's said some Aaron Hernandez-type stuff in the past.


Boob, you just leave the GM’ing to AA. Appreciate your input, but he’s got this.


The Braves will get shawn Armstrong.


I thought the Pham locker room cancer thing has been largely debunked? Not to say he’s the best fit for the team, but I feel like I’ve heard plenty of things recently that his teammates actually love him


Yeah people are just remembering the fantasy football thing


The thing? The thing where he punched a guy in the face over fantasy football lol? I know it’s not like he murdered someone but that’s kind of a red flag of a dude I don’t want in my clubhouse lol 


Not a guy on his own team tho. If he wants to play for the Braves and slap Bruce Hooper a few times, I’m down.


Slap* There were plenty of comments questioning if Chris Sale would be a good locker room guy based on cutting up his team’s jerseys and busting a TV. Turns out he’s the best teammate anyone could ask for. I’d go off of what Pham’s teammates say about him more than the headlines you see about him


We need that fire in the locker room! Kinda /s


Or the thing where he ran out of the lines to run into Wild Bill and then acted like a ~~baby back bitch~~ big tough guy about it and wanted to fight. Or the time he got into a hissy-fit with fans midgame from the on-deck circle. Or the time he tried to challenge Luke Voit to a kickboxing match to "settle things" Or the time he openly said to media “I’m playing to get my numbers. There's nothing selfish about that... I don’t care about anything else. I got to look out for me.” (nothing wrong with that stance, but ffs man, you cant just out and out say it) Or the time he basically told Lindor that the entire Mets clubhouse was lazy, then when asked about it backpedaled hard about Alonso and Nimmo.


Exactly and because he hit joc who everyone loved


He literally threw his coaches under the buss like 2 weeks ago


Pham won me over by talking shit about the Mets. :)


Anyone but Pham. Locker room cancer.


No thanks Tommy Pham. Dude isn't well


This just in Braves considering Gandhi or Grover. We aren't sure but we have to put out tweets and articles to get clicks.


Downvoted cause true.


I don’t want Pham either but whatever AA does will be the right decision


Fuck Tommy Pham fr


Lol he's not a clubhouse cancer. Teammates love him. Y'all are doing what other fan bases do to Ozuna. You saw a bad headline and think that's all he is. Edit: fair points. I might be wrong lol


To be fair, and I want to emphasize that I know team mates love the guy, I saw a comment one time that went something like this, “multiple people have came to the independent conclusion that stabbing this guy was worth whatever consequences came with it”. It’s not exactly a surprise that people would pause at the idea of picking him up


Didn't he just have a game where he was barking at the catcher and then after the game said "I train MMA in the offseason for times like this. Cause I'm really down to throw down." Or something to that effect?


yes, barking at William Contreras because he got thrown out by a mile and decided he wanted to fight him over it. pham sucks, I hope we stay away from him.


and that's not his first time doing exactly that. Same thing happened with Luke Voit like 2 years ago


Sounds like good TV tho


After taking a horrible route to home plate and being out by a country mile, he wanted to fight Wild Bill. Yes. He should spend some of his 'MMA time' learning how to get to home plate.


As a Rays fan (who lives in Atlanta) I can believe us shopping Eflin to get some good prospects in return. Hopefully if it happens he’ll turn out as well for you as old Charlie




I liked the other report of Ward or Rooker, not a Pham Phan


Stay away from Pham, a dude that brings race into everything big pass.


I trust Father AA


I'd be willing to bet that the Venn Diagram of people who want Pham on the team, and the people who think signing Bauer is a good idea, is a circle.


The thing about Bauer is we could get him for next to nothing and if he caused clubhouse trouble cut him loose.


The Braves are already sick, do they really need to add cancer?


If they sign Pham I won’t watch another game. I *HATE* that toxic motherfucker.


Boob and his sensibilities


He’s misses windmilling Braves around 3rd, I get it.


Rooker please. Don't know what the fascination is with Eflin. We keep getting linked with him.


If Bob said it, we’re safe. It ain’t happening.


Pham does not make a whole lot of sense considering who else is on the outfield market and I doubt he’s anything but Boob speculating as a mouthpiece for Reinsdorf Eflin very much does, especially if Morton retires (I’d have to guess he would). This year is pretty unrepresentative to his arsenal and the qualify of his pitching, and I do think there is a higher ceiling here that I really, really like. Should be of note that Tampa will not be paying the $18M he is owed next year, so Eflin will definitely be shopped and I’m sure Atlanta would happily pick it up. It depends mainly on prospect cost though. It’s known they were very close on Glasnow before pulling out and pivoting to Sale, but weren’t willing to part with AJSS/Waldrep for him. If they weren’t willing to for Glasnow they won’t for Eflin. If that’s what Tampa wants then I doubt AA’s front office goes for it


AA rental targets aren't guys playing well. He goes after guys he thinks are underperforming their talent and trusts to bounce back.


I wouldn't hate Eflin as a 5th starter He doesn't walk batters which means he is forcing the other team to hit the ball, might not work in playoffs or vs the Phillies but that's not why you trade for him. You get him to eat innings and not lose games on his own.


I'd be cool with Eflin but def no to Pham. Baseball wise, he probably could help but I dont think he would mesh well in our clubhouse, even if he's a better teammate than in the past.




Pham's instability is worrying. It's really only a question of when his next meltdown over something minor is going to be. He also seems allergic to accountability, if how he tried to blame everyone *but* himself for his meltdown over Wild Bill tagging him out is any guide. All he had to do was take a non-stupid route to the plate. Instead he took a dumb one, tried to crash into Contreras, was out by a mile, acted like he was going to start a fight over it, and then decided to blame everyone else involved from Contreras to his own third base coach while yapping about how he trains to fight in the offseason because he's so 'tough'. That's just not stable person behavior, I'm sorry. Haven't even touched how he managed to get himself stabbed in a fight in strip club parking lot or hitting Joc over a fucking fantasy football meme.


Don’t trust anything not from the braves or AA. My guess is he did his due diligence and called about them. My money is on a few OF no one is thinking about and hoping that the astros are sellers and verlander waives his no trade to come here still.


Pham would complain about the team name and the chop within a week. Probably as an answer to a reporters question about some drama he caused.


how do i make money betting against this


I don’t see the Braves trading for a SP. Bryce Elder has been pitching great in AAA. 29K to 4 BB in 22 IP, 0.82 ERA in June. Then you have Schwellenbach and AJSS. I’d like to see Grant Holmes get a start to see what he can do. You also have Ian Anderson in about a month to two months. We have three great SP in Max, Sale, and Lopez. We’ve got enough for a playoff series. And we have enough to get us there IMO.


"Bryce Elder has been pitching great in AAA" We already knew he could get AAA batters out, his problem is consistency at the ML level ...


Elder isn’t as good as he was Pre All-Star but he’s not as bad as he was Post All-Star. But, I think he’s good enough to be a passable 5th/6th starter.


Yeah, I don’t think it’ll hurt to give him one more look. How many options does he have?


Yeah, SP isn't a need for this season -- at least not a big enough need that it's worth sacrificing real prospects for. But what makes Eflin attractive is that he's under control for next year as well when we'll definitely need pitching following the departures of Fried and Morton. Trading for him would give us more stability and depth in the rotation this year (which can never hurt) as well as addressing an issue for next season. The only question is if we actually have good enough prospects to make a competitive offer for him, since I'm sure every semi-competitive team will be checking in for him.


Yep, like it or not, but the Braves rotation for 2025 is one gigantic question mark. I know some folks are going to be praying for a Fried contract, but we best assume he's gone, and I think Morton retires. Need at least one SP, maybe keep one spot open for a host of players in organization to compete for. Maybe the SP doesn't necessarily HAVE to come at the deadline, but doing so would be very helpful.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=T5EeTsnOXaVenl24&v=1nv1ax4tBLE&feature=youtu.be To all the people “misinformed” about Tommy Pham.