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Go on Facebook It's the COMPLETE opposite viewpoints of Katie and Ariana. You'll find absolute hate for them but stans mcMans for Lala and JOE


Recently revived my Facebook account after years for a local group I needed, I was shocked, the misogynistic and hateful people over their are living in a different reality


And those people have to be weird af— considering they are commenting aggressive thoughts with their personal info hanging out for all to see


There’s plenty of hate in Katie’s insta comments as well


I had to leave the absolutely unhinged fb groups because they had so much vitriol for Ariana. They LOVE Tom. It’s wild.


I feel as if this “pro” vs “anti” nonsense is getting a little overboard, personally. they’re all bad people who have funny moments and horrible moments, some more than others obviously. none of these people on bravo are good people or people i’d want to befriend really, so idk why we try so hard to defend these reality stars who most likely are over producing and are much different off camera.


I agree with you! When Ariana called Tom and Rachel her “perpetrators” on p1 of the reunion my eyes rolled all the way to the back of my head. You were cheated on, girl, that’s it!


Lol, in like 5 seconds, she 1. Made the cringe perpetrator comment, 2. doubled down on the awful shit she said to Rachel, and 3. patted herself on the back for her "bravery" in going to the reunion. LIke, really? Bravery?


I’ll be very honest I’m not pro anyone on VPR - I find it hard to be pro most people on bravo if I’m being honest. I’m not on the Ariana and Katie train, I do like Katie more this season but I’m not fan girling over anyone on the show.


This. There are cast members that entertain me more than others or who are relatable, but no one to be a "fan" of. Sometimes some Bravo people are worse than others overall and/or in the moment...and that's it lol. Katie just so happens to be more tolerable than previous seasons and the whole cast is at different points in their lives. If the show ended one or two seasons ago, I bet most of the VPR crew would have gone their separate ways. I'm just here to watch the ship sink 🍿


Thank you. They are just here for our entertainment and their antics are the only reason they have jobs.


I think the show should just end. The cast has sort of aged out of this type of the show hence the valley being so much better right now. I can’t answer where to go that isn’t pro Ariana and Katie, I think people connect with them because they’ve shown growth unlike most of the rest of the cast.


I think the show is over too. Without Scandoval, there wouldn’t have been anything going on this season. The only real growth I see from Ariana and Katie is that they are free from the Tom’s. Aside from that I don’t personally see much growth there


I think the show would’ve ended last season without Scandoval pulling people in to watch the train wreck. I know I was about to stop watching and then news broke.


Yes it was going to end last season & T & R were going to profess their love at the reunion but the scandal happened so they continued on filming this season.


Thank you. The only “growth” that has happened for them both (besides not being with the Toms anymore) is time. Enough time has passed and alliances have changed enough over time for Ariana in particular that she basically never had to say sorry about anything, and for Katie, her hero moment was divorcing Schwartz, and yet she has still proven to be deeply invested in being in his orbit and latching on to the nearest Queen Bee. No real growth has happened and I think that’s okay for us to admit because at the end of the day, if you’re willingly signing back up every year to film on VPR after a decade of being paid to participate in mess, I think that’s indicative of the fact that you haven’t *really* grown.


Yeah I find Katie to pretty much to be exactly the same as always. I think Ariana has gotten better at hiding her self-righteousness from the camera, but that’s about it. The fact that she was with Tom for 10 years is a huge red flag imo


I agree entirely. People love to talk about agency and women making their own choices but never have questions for a woman who could be with a man like Sandoval for so long. Yeah, Sandoval should have broken up with her instead of cheating, but a person doesn’t become horrible the second they cheat. Ariana had autonomy to break up with him too and it felt like she hated him for seasons


People don’t want to see growth in reality shows. You think people are tuning into RHONJ to see Theresa’s growth? People just want to watch messy people doing messy shit. Why are 1.5M people tuning into VPR last season? It wasn’t to watch Katie and Ariana’s growth. They wanted to see the messiness. They wanted to see Schwartz kissing Rachel and Katie fuming in the restaurant. They wanted to see Sandoval and Rachel sneaking around right under Ariana’s nose. They wanted to see Ariana and James explode. They wanted to see tears, and snot, and drinks being thrown. They wanted to hear Ariana yelling at Tom about how much of a fuck up he was. Do you wanna know what they wanted this season. The same shit.


Preach and I lol'd at "snot"!


This is what I want for sure! This season was bleak. I think the break will be good...but a permanent break might be better.


I think it is and they’re all going to go to the Valley in various ways. Jax may actually ended up being the number one guy in the group for real.


I don’t mind people being pro Ariana and Katie but my god, the lengths some people are will to go to defend them and bring down the other cast is seriously concerning.


The parasociality of it all is very intense, more so than any other sub I'm in. Like we don't know those people nor so they care about us lmao


The only subs I can compare it to (and not really this sub, moreso the dedicated VPR ones) are full on snark subs. Like Kardashians snark is very similar to the VPR sub, except the VPR one isn’t supposed to function like a snark sub


People seem to have forgotten that this is a show about shitty people doing shitty things. I don't blame Ariana because she didn't ask to be deified but the fans have turned her into a yass queen who can do no wrong. I mean yeah Lala fucking sucks this season but the way people were going buck wild if you even dared to say hey maybe a woman in her late 30s shouldn't leave leftover wooden chicken skewers somewhere her dog can reach.


At one point during this season I commented that it seems like both Tom AND Ariana are messy people. Like, their house is an absolute mess, and it’s definitely both of their faults. But I got downvoted lol


I’m also a naturally messy/borderline slob person (as much as I try not to be) and even her room was kind of jarring… like hire someone to tidy up a bit before you film? Idk


Nah I agree totally. She has money to throw at this problem, especially if a camera crew is coming over.


They are both slobs. I can't imagine what their house smells like. I hope they both get partners who get on their asses about not being such a mess.


Also, Ariana's hair rarely appears to be washed, as it's visibly oily AF. I can smell her dirty hair from here and am always disgusted by it.


And the thing is that it wasn't even just the chicken skewers! We saw the state of that litterbox that her poor cat had to use.


Ariana and Tom both live in filth. The state of their spaces disgusts me! But I am weaponising Ariana’s depression against her if I say she lives like a pig 😂


yea I really hate to admit it but there is an element of truth to what Tom says about Arianas living habits. The girl is lazy... her room is always a disaster (and thats what it looks like while she knows theres gonna be cameras). I don't like Tom (obviously) but just this one time he isnt completely wrong.


There was literally a whole think piece about how Sandoval staged that. I'm team Ariana but these people are wack lol


I saw multiple people suggest in all seriousness that Tom had saved his own poop to put in the litterbox to make Ariana look bad ETA: And one of them just replied to me. Enjoy, everyone!


Wow. They truly said that????You know what? I blame you for sharing that awful standom “logic” with us. Sharing is NOT caring-why spread the madness?!! Like…that is an insane stretch to avoid Ariana looking bad. I am so sorry you even had to read that nonsense. LMAO. Goodnight y’all. I have truly seen it all


girl it was honestly crazy…you couldn’t even reason with them


I got banned off vanderpumo subs last season because I wasn’t hail queen Ariana and pointed out her complicity in Sandoval’s bad behavior and “how you get them is how you lose them”I was told I supported abuse and all sorts of nonsense


they’re so dramatic 😭😭😭😩 they literally say the same things about lala on there


Hand on my heart. It was between 5-10 people, which isn’t thaaaat many in the grand scheme of things, but is still 5-10 more than I would ever expect would say something so unhinged 😭


People are doing too damn much on Kendrick Lamar’s internet


I saw it too and they were heavily upvoted


WTF??? Are you serious? That’s unreal. Most of the hardcore Ariana stans are completely insane and seem to have regressed from whatever healing of past traumas that led them to become the Cult of Ariana. It’s wild how it’s a year later, and the Ariana stand seem more and more unhinged in their thought process and emotional growth. Every day, they are ready to become more unhinged, more enraged, more offended by how poorly Ariana is being treated by production and fellow cast members. The fact that they believe that anything and everything that Ariana does deserves a gold medal. Anyone who dares to open a discussion into anything that is even remotely not 100% pro Ariana is somehow evil in their eyes. It’s so out of control on the Vanderpump Rules sub that I am disgusted every time I visit. I’m becoming more excited by The Valley which is waaaaay more fun to watch and discuss because most of the cast members are reality TV newbies. The drama there is surprising every episode, and I am surprised they don’t have a reunion. They need one! ☝️


Yeah, I barely look at or participate on either of the main VPR subs anymore because even though I like Katie and don’t mind Ariana, I cannot take the name calling and meanness. Reality tv is supposed to be fun!


Is this truly happening? I am kinda random on social media and love me some bravo so stumbled in here. Honestly why I stay away… and I have been digging the Valley as well!!!


Couldn’t agree more! Just be mindful of the Valley sub, they’re even worse. Well, they might be the same people actually…


Can someone tell me why they had 500 laxative pills in their home in the first place?


Supposedly Tom was an avid user of laxatives. I think Kristen has talked about how they both used to use a lot of laxatives to maintain weight.




I just commented that! It was awful


She has always been a lazy slob, but now her fan club is saying that because she works that she's not lazy. lol It's that or be homeless!


I saw so many posts about her doing love island, dwts, Broadway and that proves she's not lazy. I'm like, I work 70 hours a week because I'm paid to be there, just like Arianna is getting paid to do those things. If you walked in my house and saw the weeks worth of dishes, laundry, junk...you'd say I'm lazy. It's easy to do it when you're paid but if you don't do what is needed, you have lazy tendencies.


She was always a sloppy. I didn’t realize she was a hoarder until I saw her bedroom which they had never filmed before now, lol. I also saw a story about SAH on her IG where she was cleaning a table or whatever. I laughed out loud because I doubt that she ever cleans anything herself if she is not being watched by the public. Ariana is actually a decent actress because she seems to be playing a role quite often, and much of the public eats it up…at least, the Ariana stans do. Don’t get me wrong, Tom sucks for having. cheated on her, but Ariana is a wildly flawed and toxic person, just as Sandoval is. She is the female version, so I’m not sure why so many idolize Ariana. It’s wild.


Where have all you sane people been hiding?! This is what I don't understand. She's the same person! Down to having dreams of singing /dancing stardom beyond the show! She's been his ride or die, shit talking, "cool girl" since she joined the show. The only time they wavered is when she wanted to remind us that she thinks she's a lot smarter than him and would cut his ankles out from under him with some slick under her breath grade A snark.  I totally believe they were hand in hand in producing this version of their coupledom. The stans can't have it both ways: She can't have totally lacked all agency and been completely manipulated by some evil genius Sandoval for years and now finally liberated YET he's also stupid enough to not lock his phone and is hemorrhaging money on band practice and Venmo loans.


yep people are forgetting that before he betrayed her, ariana was completely willing to enable sandovals bad behavior and was his partner in a lot of it


people forget how horrible she was to Kristen when she got with Tom in the first place. She did the exact same thing that happened to her. I know it was a long time ago but I am 23 and I would have never ever done something like that. Her being young isnt an excuse, its just a character flaw.


Straight up gaslit Miami girl to save face and live in denial that if your new boyfriend that you just got with is cheating on you this early, maybe Kristen was right when she warned her that he’d cheat on her too.


exactly! and she was alllll for that dumbass band and defended him to lisa when he was being an idiot about tomtom


Someone else in this thread (IIRC) even mentioned how she came on to one of the VPR subreddit years ago to defend Tom and their relationship 😭 a true pickme for that man the whole way through!


Ariana was insufferable her first season.


I think of most of the rest of the cast she has the least natural charisma or any sort of X factor. She has been made a star by circumstance but I just don’t think she has “it,” unfortunately. She seems like a bit of a better person than most of her peers but I just can’t stan her because I just don’t find her interesting or compelling.


Thank god someone said it. If Ariana was the lead character at the beginning, the show wouldn't have lasted 2 seasons. Girl is boring with a superiority complex. Way before this all fell into her lap.....and this has also now ruined the show.


I always found her to be the most arrogant reality star. Like not only does she have the massive ego and self centerdness of all reality stars but she somehow takes it up a notch by thinking she’s somehow better than all of them/above it all. Plus that thing with saying she had body dysmorphia, which came the season after she got backlash for going on about how much prettier and smarter she is than everyone. When you have body dysmorphia you think you are literally hideous, it would be even more awful/unthinkable than for a normal person to go on tv telling people you’re prettier than other objectively pretty people. That’s when I realised she was a real piece of work, basically co-opting legitimate awful illnesses to try to get people to forget she’s actually extremely conceited.


And every season after that.


"I'm cooler than you, better than you, hotter than you, smarter than you."


But also having said that, I have self esteem issues and body dysmorphia, please feel sorry for me and forget I said supremely arrogant cringey shit.


![gif](giphy|ISVSctUDH25Us) Me every time Ariana pops up on my screen this season


She’s been a boring, nothing burger, Tom adjacent her entire run on the show.


blaming Tom for her dog eating her own rotting leftovers was peak scandoval derangement syndrome imo


>scandoval derangement syndrome Queenanon 😂


Queenanon has fully blasted me into it orbit omgggg


Yup. I went from being neutral on her to strongly disliking her over that. There is a cognitive dissonance between “my pets are my children” and “Tom is a dog killer” and then acting like you have no choice but to remain in a situation and a home with said dog killer. If there are vulnerable beings in the situation, dogs or animals, grey rocking needs to have exceptions. Her refusal to have basic communication with Tom while willingly staying put in that house put Maia in danger. The end. 


Meanwhile, people are writing thinkpieces in the VPR subs about how Lala and Scheana are “weaponizing motherhood” while Ariana *for the first time in the history of the show* starts calling her dog her child only in an argument with Tom to make him seem like he’s done animal cruelty lmao. Thank god they don’t have kids because I can only imagine what she’s have accused Tom of to rake in those Elite Victim Bonus XP.


100% also, when she was gaslighting him by talking loudly about him and spewing insults so he could hear and acting like he was out of line for daring to make the odd quip back under his breath, it was just really gross And then, when he says one thing to her when she's literally yelling about him in earshot, she threatens to call 911? Classic abusive behavior. There are so many other examples of her toxicity in S11, too: - Shooting those cringey ads that made fun of him when she knew he would be home and talking about him loudly on the phone - Poaching his assistant - Talking shit about him to his new interest - Not to mention trying to isolate him and strongarm his lifelong friends away from him (and subsequently his main income if he can't film with them) - Considering she was always super late on rent at SAH, as revealed by Katie, I now believe she was squatting in their shared home and not paying the bills and mortgage for a year like Tom said. The list goes on. I used to like Ariana a lot, but people show their true colours in times of life upheaval, and the scales tipped the other way for me this season; she was so toxic, mean spirited and the opposite of 'the high road' that it made me feel bad for Sandoval. It was something I thought impossible at the end of last season.


Quite frankly: her threatening to call the cops on Sandoval twice this season on camera after he did nothing really exposes a lot about her. For one, she’s not as woke as she likes people to think she is (see: the Randall cop prank a few seasons back), and she’s 100% willing to go just as low if not lower than Sandoval in arguments. Also: Sandoval has literally *always* been the way he’s been this season, he’s just more under a microscope because of the affair and he didn’t have James or Schwartz to pull focus from his shit. Ariana loved and committed to a life partnership with this man as he was and she rode for that, but now she’s trying to convince the world that he’s uniquely different post-affair.


To your last point, she actually admitted on the after show that she was not paying the mortgage or any bills and her excuse for at least the utilities was Tom hadn’t sent her an itemized break down (which doesn’t justify the mortgage or why she couldn’t just look it up herself) and I think Katie was trying to ask follow up soft balls to help her justify it further she kind of was just like oh, well, idk me not paying the bills is Tom’s problem lol, even Katie seemed a little confused there. It didn’t make much sense, and to now hear LaLa on the latest after show explaining what Katie told her about Ariana not paying her half of SAH rent while getting things up and running is just kind of messed up—it just seems Ari is generally irresponsible/distracted at best.


Whattt?? Mind blown. That pisses me off, in Canada it takes sometimes a year to evict someone and shitheads do that all the time. Come to think of it, Ariana said her in her last relationship, the guy was older and paid for everything. I wonder if she's ever had to really 'adult' before. Thats crazy for someone in their mid 30s


I’m actually extremely interested in the financial logistics between those two bc the more I learn the more confused I am lol I was also separately shocked at how much additional info/context was casually shared on the after show amongst everyone so now I make sure to tune into each one!


I agree about the chicken skewers especially. She’s in her 30’s and is a cough and a hair away from being in her 40’s. Most people in that age range don’t leave out rotting food, much less food that can cause harm to your pets. Thats something I’d see a college student doing. It’s ridiculous to try to blame Sandoval for assuming her dog could be safe in her bedroom. I’d have done the same thing because I assume most people are able to throw away leftover food or put it in the fridge.


The fandom’s hive-mind yassification of certain cast members has detracted from the entertainment factor of many bravo shows.


Also even without pets or a dog, leaving takeaway just sitting in your room with meat is pretty disgusting and you can get sick that way?? I can’t believe they let cameras in when the house is clearly a huge mess


That was nuts and absolutely disgusting. Throw your leftovers away or put them in the fridge. Any dog parent worth their shit knows you have to go above and beyond to prevent incidents like this.


My dog loveeeees chicken. The one and only time he’s gotten into the trash, I had thrown away the chicken and the trash can was getting full so it was close to the top/near the lid so he could still smell it. I learned my lesson fast so now anytime we have chicken and the trash is getting full-ish, we throw the trash bag out. I also own a cat…the flash back of the litter box was shocking to me.


My garbage can lid has a lock. the handle can be pushed down and it locks it, for similar reasons. 2 dogs, one is an angel and her lil sister is the mischief maker


I think even if you don't have a pet and even you ARE a slob for some judging eyes, you learn to put away leftovers, so they don't rot in the room. This was so strange, and people reacted like this was normal. But it isn't, right? Right??? 


Yep, anyone who whispers that Ariana is a slob gets roasted.


And why the hell doesn't Ariana wash her greasy hair?????


I mean... Ariana is definitely a slob. Their apartment and house both looked like a disaster constantly. I just personally don't think that makes her a less than person so I don't usually like when people bring it up as a reason to say she sucks 🤷🏻‍♀️


All of this!!!! The way she exaggerated stories on camera was wild! I’m with you - they’re all shitty to each other. No one should get a free pass!


And clean up her room. Could you imagine the smell of her bedding and clothing with those chicken fingers just left there? I cracked up when she was on the phone with new boyfriend when he was folding towels... She was sitting there looking at the unpacked boxes and asked him if he would come out and help.


I have to laugh at all the people saying Facebook with the tone of “you can be as misogynistic as you want towards Ariana and Katie there 😏” as if the VPR subs on this very website aren’t the example of lobbing misogyny at Scheana and Lala (and Rachel and Jo) the second you don’t unequivocally agree with Katie and Ariana. The main VPR subs weaponize misogyny against everyone who isn’t Katie and Ariana and that makes those subs no better than Facebook.


Personally as a former fan, I’ve been mostly done with her since before Scandoval, and tbh that whole thing just hammered it in. She literally came on Reddit to tell us Tom didn’t steal her book, didn’t abandon her birthday, was really supportive and put her ahead of himself, etc. She had some less than kind things to say about fans who believes the narrative about Tom being a POS. To me, she’s a completely unreliable narrator, and I’m genuinely unsure of how much to buy of her version of events. Plus I mean. You lose em how you get em. Ariana thought she was better than Kristen, and she let her ego get in the way of making good decisions. Sucks for her, but she walked into that situation with full agency. I honestly think she stayed as long as she did because she couldn’t admit she’d fucked up and loudly entered into a relationship that everyone else knew would be bad. Also she’s a bad, irresponsible pet owner, and tries to put the blame on other people. That pisses me off.


100% agree.


End thread here, absolute truth spoken


All of this ^^^


Would you mind mentioning which sub she went in to speak to the people on Reddit? Definitely wouldn’t mind seeing receipts of her continuing to defend Tom even to random strangers on the internet.


This has been frustrating me particularly when it comes to the scheana hate, idk this for sure, but I’m willing to believe when Scheana was telling Ariana’s mom that sand was a POS, Ariana gave her a choice: Accept my relationship or I’m not in your life. I think it’s a reflection of the woman being very loyal, but her judge of character … iiiiii don’t know. So ofc scheana shut tf up and embraced Tom to the NTH degree, and now she’s considered a flip flopping shitty disloyal friend bc she’s having a hard time cutting him off again? Idk. *I KNOW THIS IS A V UNPOPULAR OPINION* so no need to repeatedly ask if I’m Scheana or anything bc I know defending her is … a wild task lol.


Get rid of Ariana. She's been unlikable from day one, always acting superior to everyone else. Honestly, if you lose him the way you got him, you shouldn't be surprised.


I agree fans are ruining it. They’re taking it too seriously and made it hard for the cast to say what they really thought about Ariana as they’d get real life mobbed and harassed and their businesses trashed. It made the season feel very stilted and fake. If reality tv fans are going to be this way it’s just going to ruin reality tv. It’s a bit of fun it’s not that serious! But who is going to want to start silly conflict with this or that cast member if they have an internet mob thinking they’re all irl best friends who are ready to go and review bomb your various income streams etc.


The review bombing is just basement of hell behavior. Stans make repeated posts about how Scheana and Lala "need to get another job," then literally go to their other job (podcast) and review bomb it to get it canceled.


I agree with you completely and it's getting to feel like a weirdo cult. Someone needs to start a katie and ariana fan subreddit for people who think they are saints and bash anyone who says even the slightest thing against either of those two bores.


The deification is getting pretty weird, like "dear leader" weird.


It’s so hard to find a place on Reddit that welcomes nuance and more of a variation of opinions on Katie/Ariana. The two main VPR subs are just an echo chamber, and if your viewpoint doesn’t fit the mold, you’re immediately downvoted into oblivion and pounced on by various posters. r/vanderpumpaholics used to be an place where you could have nuanced conversations right as Scandoval was happening, and now it’s just a 2.0 of the main sub. It’s like if you simply provide constructive criticism about Ariana, then you hate women and you must support Tom or be a Lala fangirl. I liked the sandwich post on this sub because it was refreshing to see. It felt like I wasn’t alone. It was crazy seeing the stark difference in response compared to the main sub, where it was all positive and glowing commentary about the sandwiches. I would love to discuss VPR, but the two main subreddits have taken the fun out of it.


I was so refreshed by that sandwich post too! I’m glad to know that there are others who don’t think that a couple of reality stars are suddenly heroes because something bad happened to them. And in the grand scheme of things, is it really *that* bad? Taylor’s husband on RHOBH committed suicide, and she wasn’t deified for it. Far worse things have happened to the women of Bravo, and we didn’t see this mindless idolatry. Think of *all* the cheating on Bravo — and often with children involved — and tell me why this is the worst tragedy to befall any woman ever. This show’s been over since the last reunion.


OMG I remember being so relieved to find Vanderpumpaholics. You're totally right, after Scandoval I kept asking myself, "Isn't this supposed to be the good one?! 😭"


I’m not exactly a complete Scheana fan, but seeing those other subreddits just pile onto mocking her is just wild. She has some flaws but let’s not put the boot in.


lol it was funny yo watch people get so mad on instagram when I pointed out how the sandwiches looked like something you’d buy at a gas station. 😹😹


It is crazy how people go so hard for those they don’t know. You’re right, the show being about messed up people that do messed up things. It is comical that if you say something critical/negative about Scheana or Lala folks will rally and support. You say something about Katie and Ariana, then you’re a patriarchal princess, hate strong women, etc. What Sandoval did was horrible, dangerous, and betrayed her trust. This is something we’ve seen before and similar a bunch of times on VPR. Ariana is being paid for her pain (get your money!) It happened over a year ago, folks need to move on. She is not the first person to get cheated on publicly and won’t be the last. Katie is far from perfect and her defending Ariana is not surprising. They have a common enemy. She’s made valid points, but that doesn’t mean she is some Oracle. Some posts are actually unhinged and people need to go out and touch grass.


The other day, they were praising Assistant Ann for not being a famewhore sucking up for money and clout like Lala and Scheana. Mind you, this was in the comments about the commercial Ann and Ariana did for Duracell. And the initial comment started with "Get that bag, Ann!". I dunno anymore.


My hot take is that I already didn’t love Ann’s faux (in my opinion) upbeat/earnest act on the show and now she’s giving even worse vibes by jumping on all of these brand deals and being “The Assistant from Vanderpump Rules” on the internet


Yes omg and then I found out she was in her 40s and her teehee behavior really started to give me the ick. Like what is that?? The Duracell ad was a yikes for me


They’re bigging up Ann who is riding Ariana’s coattails, but shaming Scheana and Lala for plugging their podcasts and such. The hypocrisy is astounding.


I don’t like how everyone seems to forget that Ariana backed Sandovals crap for a decade! And if he didn’t cheat she would still be with him, narcissism patriarchal bs and all


You ain’t lying! She supported the Miami girl lie, they both hid vital things in their relationship from the audience, and the list goes on. I believe Tom when he said they were having issues for a long time. They should’ve been broke up and both have valid reasons for falling out of love. One thing that I truly dislike that Ariana did, was let Lala eat her out while he drove, all the while they were having intimacy issues. That was cheating, full stop.


She stole Tom from Kristin and then tried to make Kristin look crazy when she knew ALL ALONG that tom hooked up with Miami girl.


She tormented Kristen and weaponized (the idea of) her mental health, telling everyone Kristen had a personality disorder.


It’s always felt so strategic to me that Ariana then followed this up by opening up about her own mental health and getting praise for “reducing the stigma” of mental health talk on the show, but still didn’t make a point to apologize to Kristen as loudly as she degraded her mental health. Quite frankly, the fact that the first time we see Ariana “apologize” (and it was barely an apology) until after Scandoval really shows me that she never felt sorry and she was just happy to have Kristen on her side for optics.


I feel like if she had left him after his whole “cyst” male and screaming at woman thing then I could get everyone backing her as being some feminist role model, but she didn’t so I just don’t get what she’s done to show she’s some great martyr like everyone treats her


She was his ride or die until the second before she found the video. Stans weirdly claim that even though she's on a reality show she doesn't have to show anything about her life. I can't *stand* Vicki OC but I was recently reminded about how she got the call her mom had died and how raw that was. She never asked production to edit or downplay that. She and Tom presented a very curated public persona, both individually and as a couple, that we now know was false. And other than obvious trolls, 99% of VPR fans are *still* "Team Ariana" vs Tom.


I think it’s more so that those who disagree just don’t care to argue with an echo chamber who may try to dox them for disagreeing. If we go back…vpr was dying. Then Scandoval happened and they got 2 more seasons. This season imo wasn’t great. I just want to go back to the reunion after Scandoval and remember what Rachel said. She said in her mind she sort of thought they’d end up being a thruple. I fully believe this. I think Ariana and Tom’s relationship was for show but also like a security blanket. Possibly more for Ariana than Tom. Everyone also forgets that Rachel was a decade younger than Ariana and a decade plus younger than Tom. I think she may have suffered from some sort of personality disorder and that’s another reason she was in treatment for so long. I think what the word did to her was gross. There are millions of men and women who cheat everyday and I don’t condone it. Imo it is a miracle that Rachel didn’t take her own life.


YESSS it feels like a Republican suddenly supporting LGBT+ rights because his son came out, like I don’t care about the implications of this issue or who it hurts unless it starts to affect me directly


Baffling to me why she's at idol status for being cheated on. I'm not saying she may not be talented, but you think she'd be getting all these jobs and endorsements had it not been for Scandoval? Probably not. I don't blame her, I'd take advantage of it too.


Someone called another user an incel for legitimately criticizing Katie’s behavior - an incel! It was ridiculous!


That's the ultimate irony since so much of their language eg calling women whores and slut shaming Scheana and Lala are 100% the language of incels and the patriarchy. * Someone made a post about Britney leaving Jax and she talked about how he always criticized her body and her looks. The comments were full of awful comments about her body and her looks. * Kristen publicly admitted that she was DV'd by James. James tells off Sandoval and we get this. (I assume they think Kristen is lying): https://preview.redd.it/0gx18193f71d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1bb062a4ffb024fc87bd13875522d2e196c6d54 * I personally reported these two, separate comments: one saying Rachel should play Sudoko and one saying that no one would miss her if she did. * the other day someone said they hope Scheana never has a moment's peace or joy * the other day someone asked why Lala wants another child TL;DR: ❎ VPR Fans ✅ Bear


You get called a pick-me, having internalized misogyny, not being a girl’s girl, etc. It happens on the SH sub too, they call Danielle all kinds of names, but you say something about the bedbugs and hell breaks loose. Folks don’t know how to have nuanced conversations. It always has to pick a side.


The term “pick-me” has been thrown around incorrectly for so long it has lost its meaning. Fans use it to describe pretty much any woman they don’t like.


I always get the same two when they don't want to address what I said: - 'Hi, Schwartz, \[Or Lala, Scheana, Sandoval, etc)' - It's weird they keep using that - Are we watching the same show? - I always want to respond 'I don't know bitch, are we?' lol but at that point it's so dumb


Someone referred to the reunion as an atrocity. It's sick as fuck. How on earth do they respond to things in real* life omg. Edit typo


Someone said Ariana should’ve been the face case for Bethenny’s Bravo exploitation project and I laughed my ass off and then left the internet for the day bc what in the fresh fuck are you even talking about bro


You’re feelings are safe with me!!! Lol. You cannot have a respectful back and forth if you disagree. I’m not a fan of Ariana. Never really have been and didn’t jump on the band wagon because she was cheated on. Never been a fan of Sandoval either, but he can’t be hated forever by everyone. Life has to move on. Hers was allowed to, why can’t his. I happen to love LaLa. There. I said it all and it feels goooooooood.


Finally someone sharing a different opinion!! So refreshing!! I hate that ppl can't share a respectful disagreement on other subs without getting attacked. So many posts are pro Katie/Ariana, which is totally fine! Viewers are entitled to have their favorites. But the stanning is a little disturbing and uncalled for if ppl express a slight disagreement with their "Mother/Queen." I've been a viewer since day 1 and was part of the vanderpump rules sub for years, before Scandoval. Ppl posted a lot abt how boring Ariana was and how she needed to be off the show bc she gave nothing. I left the sub after Scandoval bc it was so toxic. I stopped watching this season (only saw the first 5 ep.) Bc it's gotten so dark. The screaming, the talk abt suicide... its just too much. It needs to end. There isn't a story to tell anymore.


I like Lala too because she’s unapologetically a reality star and she does her job. I think it’s so weird how the fanbase can fully recognize that production is fucking with the cast and telling them they have to film together to make a show and then getting pissed at Scheana and Lala for clocking into work. And Lala was authentic to the fact that her and Ariana have had issues in the past and Ariana has always defended Sandoval when he was being an absolute piece of shit to other women, so it’s pretty disingenuous for Ariana to act like he’s the worst human being in the world now because he wronged her (what he did was heinous and he did jeopardize her physical health by fucking around and not disclosing it and then sleeping with her). And judging by the season finale - it makes complete sense that Scheana softened to Sandoval because he was telling her and Lala that Ariana talked cash money shit about them off camera, which I also tend to believe judging by the fact Ariana has talked about people on camera. You can’t expect everyone to stay riding in your corner forever if they can’t even trust that you’re in their corner. The stans flipped all the anger they should’ve felt for production for putting all these obligations on the cast and threatening their money and put it on Lala and Scheana. So they screamed misogyny towards Ariana and Katie and then got real misogynistic towards all the other women. And I don’t even particularly care for Scheana, but it’s a lot to see people be so weirdly cruel for something that’s so on brand for her - she’s insecure, of course she can’t stand to have enemies. Duh. At the end of the day I still like Ariana and Katie, but I had to tap out of the VPR sub west coast live chats because I just do not agree that everything they do is so inspiring and perfect and they’re both the best at handling things ever. It’s just not true and I’m tired of pretending that it is.


Adding the amount of vile vitriol levelled against Lala and Scheana to a lesser extent actually sickens me. The stuff written about T*m Scandoval about is *nothing* compared to what I have read about Lala and Scheana. Truly disgusting. The cognitive dissonance is MIND BLOWING!








I feel like you just reached into my brain and put everything I’ve WANTED to say in the other subs into words here. Very well said, 100% agree with everything here


I second this !!!




I love Lala too! This season she said “I don’t have to wear my trauma like a badge of honor anymore” and I fucking bawled because it hit me right in the gut. I have been through the wringer just like she has and I just thought that what she said was something beautiful and I will always carry that quote around with me.


Also they were basically roommates… when the cheating came out it was like uhhh duh. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t cheat on him as well.


I was never really surprised because it's been obvious for multiple seasons now that she did not actually like him.


He has been cheating on her for yeaarssss. There have been constant rumors and the assumption amongst the fan base (and cast) was that they were open. And now everyone is looking at them like they were couple goals and she was an amazing partner and he threw it all away? Like it was shocking he was cheating for months with cameras on them, while raquel was having a redemption season. But they were horribly mismatched - disagreed on kids, lifestyle, money. Everything. They were horrible partners TO EACH OTHER. Tom was worse because he’s scum. But she wasn’t nice or a good partner either.


Ariana needs to clean her fucking cat litter. She is a lazy and irresponsible pet owner.


This is the Reddit post I’ve been praying for. More of this plz


For a second I thought I was on the vpr subreddit but I knew that couldn't be with the mind Rot happening over there. Nice to know some sane people still exist


I’ve tried sharing my opinion there but get downvoted heavily. Then I started receiving a few private messages from randoms asking me about unrelated other things I’ve posted about on Reddit. I very rarely receive private chats on here so maybe I’m paranoid but I get the feeling some of the crazies over there are so offended by my comments they’d like to find out who I am and destroy me or something. Could be a coincidence but the people over there are so nuts I wouldn’t put it past them.


I wouldn't be shocked they are NUTS over there. Katie is like the second coming of christ apparently. I literally can't stand anything about Katie lol she thinks her ish don't stink when really she's the most insufferable miserable person I've ever see on reality tv she's absolutely let's these weirdos blow up her ego that she shouldn't have


Girlie, just keep on telling your truth and your people will show up for you, even if the comment section looks like an echo chamber! I am never scared to say what I think and believe me, there are many of us sane people here on Reddit who are not up Ariana’s and Katie’s ass. The rest is a bunch of nutties who suffer from parasocial relationship. They also always have this negative energy around them and are always stressed about something. A quick look at the VPR subs and it is just them complaining and whining all day, not a fun way of living if you ask me. I would rather engage with people who see this show for what this show is: an entertaining dumpster fire. Although I do believe the show is past its prime days 🤷🏽‍♀️


*deeply inhales* I don’t think Lala has said anything I haven’t thought at least once this season regarding Ariana and Scandoval *heavy exhale* 😮‍💨


There's definitely people here who agree (including me), but they get downvoted and, in some cases harassed until you deleted your comment. If all it takes to make the show is throwing around a few buzzwords and avoiding confrontation, then they need to cancel it. It's a snoozefest, and they should not be getting paid for not doing their job. I'm not pro-Lala by any means, but at least she tries to bring it. The problem is that it's overly produced, and that is not what most fans want.


Katie is just miserable, I hope she finds happiness. Ariana her ex cheated on her with a castmate (not bff!! There is a difference) boohoo. Good for her for going after all the opportunities she is given now yet to me she still is wayyy overrated on that show. I could not tell you ONE memorable scene on VPR from her. Not one. Still think she is boring 😅


I don’t know but if you find it, let me know. Literally the entire cast is brutal, I don’t know why Katie gets worshipped by everyone on here. Sure, she’s the lesser of like 12 evils, but she still sucks.


Everyone forgetting her constant slut shaming is infuriating, how can she put down scheana for doing soft porn one season then the next be called a feminist queen??? Someone please explain


Don't forget how upset she got when she was called FAT but she has no problem body-shaming Jo for being skinny, all while pretending to be a feminist.


Right now, Katie seems to be "And/Also Katie". As in: "I love Ariana and she's the coolest and bestest and so pretty and I want to wear her skin and smell her hair. Oh, and also Katie." She's the addendum. The fans don't actually care about Katie but she's part of Team Ariana so slay qween. Ariana is getting all the brand deals and Katie got... a Chilli's drink. Ariana is on Broadway and doing big network reality shows and Katie... has a podcast (again - but this time with a co-host so she's forced to keep up with it). They worship her because of proximity but as soon as Ariana steps away from her, she'll be worse off than a Scheana or a Lala who actually hustles for their money. At the end of this, Katie will probably threaten to resurrect Pucker and Pout for the eighth time.


And all of this (which is 100% true!) just backs up that Lala is absolutely telling the truth about Katie talking shit about Ariana to her because where else can she do it! Katie lives in the comments and is smart enough to know that if she dare be *rill* on camera, she’ll get crucified and removed from her 2nd place pedestal for “betraying” Ariana (I.e. having her own opinions and being brave enough to voice them on the show).


Her idea of friendship is actually loyalty. Loyal to me... if I hate someone, don't be friends with them.


You’re safe here lmao I have never liked Ariana, she’s a pickme with the personality of a dry biscuit. No matter how much the fans project their girl boss fantasies onto her, there’s a reason she was with Sandoval for a decade. She loved his narcissism and treatment of other women until she was on the receiving end.


The comment section of the SUP Patreon. 😂


Phantom Mike where are you?


Phantom Mike gives me such nostalgia bc he reminds me of this user in the bachelor sub years ago (idk if they’re still commenting) who lived solely to shit on Nick Viall and it was so damn funny. I wish I could remember the username


I realized when I saw this thread that we haven’t heard from Phantom Mike in awhile….i wonder if he got himself banned


Wasn't it scout or something like that?


I’m always PRO ME. Plain and simple. I was recently called a bot. That’s when I knew people were completely unhinged. I unsubscribed because I just couldn’t. The producers made a terrible mistake taking a hard line when it came to Raquel. They should have paid her what she wanted. Lala is RIGHT (and I can’t stand her!). The fans are fickle. Last year they bought all that Send It To Darrell crap and now they can’t stand Lala. Be PRO YOU.




I never understood what the big deal was. People get cheated on every day. People with children and families heavily intertwined. They are left struggling to pick up the pieces, with heavy financial strain. Ariana should have been sitting at this reunion with a smile because Tom did her dirty, but it turned out to be the best gift ever. If she was asked, if she could go back to life with Tom, without the Rachel affair, there is no way she would give up her new life and her new man. So why be bitter and bothered. Katie is looking fabulous, but speaking of bitter. She seems so bothered most of the time. Lol, I can't get the vein popping out of her forehead as she lost her shit with Jo out of my mind.


My personal opinion is that it blew up because no one expected that from Rachel. Most people thought Tom and Ariana would break up at some point but I didn’t think it would’ve blown up like this and I never expected Rachel to be the kind of person to be a side chick to Sandoval of all people.




Well I do dislike both of them. Always have. You get used to the downvotes.


Fully investing in anyone from a "reality show" is weird.....


One thing that strikes me as odd is that Ariana (and her fans) always brags about Ariana coming in **3rd place** on Dancing With the Stars. (After watching her redemption dance, she should have had 4th place and Charity should have been 3rd.) There were only 14 celebrity dancers to begin with, so it always sounds incredibly strange! Ariana did well, but to constantly include 3rd place on her resume of wins is a little laughable. Alyson Hannigan is sweet, yet she was not a good dancer. She came in 5th place. Harry Jowsey is one of the worst dancers I've ever seen, and he came in 6th. Has anyone ever bragged about coming in 3rd on DWTS besides Ariana?


I know!!! I totally believe these die hard worshipers of Ariana and Katie are just empty headed and bitter victims of cheating themselves and have somehow turned this scandal into personal retribution for themselves. I was never a fan of Ariana’s but I can’t really say I disliked her until the holier than thou behavior she has exhibited and entitlement since all this occurred. And I literally cannot stand Sandoval, even before this happened!!! I think the Katie fans are mostly lesbians that want to date her. I can’t think of any logical explanation for liking her. She is a hateful miserable person who has a history of bullying people and this is from pretty much day one of the show and it’s still happening. Stasis was treated much worse by Jax and Kristen but she never got this adulation! And, even being Stassi, she didn’t DEMAND it like Ariana has. I never once ever heard Stassi say “you can’t set at this table of our friends if you’re friends with Sandoval” or “you can’t be in my presence if you don’t hate him”. GTFO with that immature entitled attitude! I am literally so sick of these low IQ idiots perpetuating this farce!


Now we said it. It’s absurd how much love Ariana has gotten from the love island gig and Chicago and dancing with stars gig. I said it before and don’t regret it. People cheat. Life happens. How did this evolve so far.


I got reported for bullying after defending myself for not being pro Katie and Ariana. Like...It is just a show chill


Completely agree with you. This season sucked so hard. My favourite show from the beginning. Thank god I have Below Deck now. But thank you for coming and having the balls to say this. I hate FB . I was very disappointed to see there wasn’t two sides on reddit. I like Ariana a lot, but my personality is much suited to Lala’s not Katie. I’m not a drinker at all so I couldn’t handle tequila Katie. I have ended a lot of friendships because of alcohol. It’s just so sloppy, and I can’t in my 40s look after drunk people anymore. To me Katie hasn’t grown. She’s the same. Which is a mean girl. That’s how the show started. Katie, kisten and stassi are mean girls. And bravo brought on new women to bully. Literally how the show started. I can’t be on team Katie as I’ve never have been in 11 years.


I have to give a shout out to Sexy Unique Podcast for recapping this season in a truly independent way that didn't fall into stan territory or contrarianism. They called everyone out when it was fitting and most importantly, they kept it FUNNY because this is a TV SHOW. Lara's insights onto what's going on with the fandom and Ariana in the latest episode were some of the smartest takes I've seen. Among other great points, she said that most women can relate to being screwed over by an ex, and Ariana's experience of literally getting rewarded for it and becoming the queen of everyone is like a fantasy for people.


Ohhh I’m a SUP head! Best pod, their recaps of RHONJ and Logan beach club are unbelievable


Yeah I legit commented the other day how I felt like Katie was being a mean girl, I got a ton of downvotes, like others are allowed to have different perspectives 🥴


I feel like Katie has always been a mean girl and I don't get the fan hype lately


I'm here for you and agree. :)




100%. I get posts in my feed all the time full of people shitting on them and praising Lala and Tom.


Ariana believes she is the entire show. It’s to the point where the other cast members can’t speak their minds in fear of the Ari stans attacking them and their “brands”. If Ari feels she doesn’t need the show, she should leave. I hope she’s banking all this money she’s made because these opportunities will dry up once she’s off the show. Katie can go, too. Snooze fest! Move the rest over to the Valley.


I said this already in another post or another sub but there is nothing great about Ariana or Katie AND their personalities suck. The only reason people like Ariana now is because they relate to having been cheated on. Go read pre-Scandoval comments about Ariana, if there even are any, and they’re likely completely different than they are now. She didn’t do anything extra special besides get cheated on. Same with Katie. And they both are foolish enough to stay in obviously bad relationships with obvious losers for far too long. Tell me why I should I SHOULD like them. Also I love to watch Scheana and Lala - at least they’ve got some ooomph to them. None of these people are who I would want in my circle of friends but this is a TV show so that’s where my “loyalties” lie.


The parasocial relationships are intense. People assign malicious motivation and intent to the tiniest things. And they don't posit a theory, they put it forward like it's straight facts. Just craziness.


Im the biggest feminist (proud misandrist/man hater) and i can not stand katie or adrianna… particularly katie. Lala telling her how it is got me wet tbch


I don't like either of them.


Nope there isn’t 😂 it’s annoying! I’m in the camp of - they’re all bad. That’s the point of VPR.


All I know is, if VPR fans think Scandoval is the worst thing ever they could never handle OGNY or OGAtlanta 😂 ![gif](giphy|48P56YX8Fc3KgwalfV|downsized)


Or the first few seasons of BH. Outing your sisters alcoholism, house stealing, domestic abuse, suicide, multiple divorces, the morally corrupt Fate Resnick


“You stole my g*ddamn house!” will live forever


they couldn’t and that’s why we don’t have good reality tv anymore !!




I got invited to one called pumptinichamber. It’s private and actually allows conversations


i was shocked that no one turned on her after she threatened to call the police for sandoval trying to talk to her. remember when rand pulled that heinous police joke and katie called him out?


Not just once but twice. I never thought she was serious about it but even going there tells me everything I need to know about what kind of person she is. Her most devoted fans all seem to be white women though so I’m not surprised they don’t care — people are only pretending to care about Lala’s AAVE now because they feel she wasn’t loyal to Ariana


yup!!! i didn’t think she was gonna do it either but it was a really lame threat to make and a full 180 from their attitude about it in 2021