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GO TO SLEEP!!! She became the person she dreaded not to be…Kelly Killoren! ![gif](giphy|Ianh9mXjZ5rLG)


at least kelly is still *pretending* to have a job. bethenny is a narcissistic workaholic who no longer has anything to do but spend money, but that doesn't fulfill her complex so she does crap like this. she has enough time on her hands to dedicate an entire day to trying to Pretty Woman a random chanel boutique because they were rude to her thinking she's making some grand statement or "catching" them, and then like always she spends the next few days on social media endlessly poring over the situation and martyring herself without even the barest hint of how petty, materialistic, and out of touch it all is. it's basically her full time now, grasping for a modicum of authority and influence documenting her personal consumption and her retail experiences, and whatever gross low calorie hack meals she makes


You mentioned it all. Thank you for this!


I know the line but for some reason today I read it as Lollipops and gummy *brains* and it makes better sense


![gif](giphy|l46Cy9aKcFWt4bpm0) I told y’all this was coming 😅


Stanley Tucci 😍


I have *such* a crush on him ong


I used to follow him on ig. And then went cold turkey from ig but he was (probably still is) the cutest to watch.


You and me both would like the touch of Tucci 😭


The Tooch.




I just saw a movie where some wanting a film with Stanley Tucci naked.


It was Hacks!


Extremely relatable to be a multimillionaire getting banned from a luxury store. A woman of the people.


She's a former "homeless" woman!


That she said that on camera, is amazing.


😂 😂


I just rewatched that recently. It’s so infuriating to hear her going on like a victim about being “homeless” while checking into the presidential suite with champagne and chocolates on arrival but cry me a river she’s “homeless”


I don't love her, but the whole story is she was dressed like a non-multimillionaire and told she could only come in with appointment. Next day, she dressed in head to toe Chanel, went w/out an appointment and was immediately let in. That's the relatable bit I suppose--if you appear a certain way (e.g. normal person w/out a lot of money), they aren't letting you in. Her follow-up videos and skits are a bit random and weird--but she's got her fans, so whatever.


Someone commented on a different sub whose friend works in Chanel. They said the reason she was let in the next day without an app is because Chanel heard about the ruckus she was making and decided not to engage but to allow her in without an appointment if she came back.


Oh wow. I totally believe that. They knew what she was doing. And I don’t get why she thought she was just so entitled to ce in when they require an appointment? They’ve been robbed for God’s sake !


One thing we know about B: fragile ego


![gif](giphy|lSsg6DXdBvZut2y6mJ) Fragile?? 🤣🤣🤣


Oh please let’s be honest the reason she was let in the next day was because she went off on TikTok and Chanel caught wind of it And they didn’t Want to and shouldn’t have to deal with her doing the same thing again not because she showed up dress head to toe in Chanel


Exactly. They aren’t trying to play her games. They knew what she was doing. The average person isn’t going to boycott Chanel over Bethenny being turned away without an appointment. She’s ridiculous with her self importance and entitlement. Go back to reviewing red lobster and Olive Garden B. I can’t stand her since the Raquel interview. Actually before that.


It’s a by-appointment store in Chicago. They’re cautious because armies of rogue teenagers have been storming luxury boutiques and looting them. Bethany generally looks derelict and behaves erratically. If someone like her showed up at my door asking for help, I’d likely say “Sure, I’ll call the police for you.” Rather than opening the door.


Not derelict 💀💀💀💀💀💀


>looks derelict lmao




I mean, look at her in that video. I do not suspect that she’s a drug user. I’m not implying that. However, if you imagine seeing her for the first time, her overall impression is giving methy.


She’s so manic all the time.


yeah too much adderall or whatever she takes.


Oh I completely agree with you!!! I just never heard a person described as derelict and I absolutely love it lol


It’s also by appointment so they can give the customers already in the store the full luxury shopping experience. Letting an extra customer in during their time takes away from the other people’s experience. Which is totally not fair for someone that saved hard earned money for their special day.


i agree with your point, but sidebar, the idea that anyone making an appointment to shop at chanel has "saved hard earned money" is kind of hilarious. when you have enough wealth to make an appointment to shop at chanel, you have reached the level of "does fuckall work" kind of wealth.


Im not saying it’s fiscally responsible or mature, but a lot of people sacrifice and save for the opportunity to buy a designer bag. Part of the allure is the luxury experience. It makes them feel special.


Sorry, but some people do save for years to get an item they really want and that doesn’t make them wealthy.


>It’s a by-appointment store in Chicago. OK, thank you for this!! I felt like there was a piece missing from the story, and I couldn't figure it out. I've legit walked off a transcontinental flight and into Canel looking like a whole homeless person and no one batted an eye lol


Ya but if you think about it, their rules are to have an appointment. And she expected to get let in because she’s her, so really, they were treating her like everyone else - no appointment, no entry, and she got mad.


The real story is most Chanel’s in US city centers are no longer allowing walk in’s because of crime and theft. There’s literally security guards at the door, not SA’s. Bethenny didn’t have an appointment and was upset her Bravo “fame” wasn’t enough to breeze past security. Now she’s trying to pretend this is some Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman moment. She was let in the next day because she went viral the day before. She remains a loser with no friends to reel her in and too much time on her hands.


Luxury stores let people in who are dressed down all the time. I’ve gone in wearing Walmart clothes and athletic wear. It doesn’t have anything to do with how you’re dressed. But if you show up on an appointment only day without an appointment, they are turning you away. The other part is she was carrying around and eating popcorn while trying to get into Chanel. Obviously they weren’t going to let her in to touch thousands of dollars worth of stuff with popcorn butter on her hands. Additionally, I saw the original video and she didn’t seem stable in that video. If she came up with that energy, I’d probably have told her it was appointment only too because I’d be concerned about letting her in the store.




I was at Le Bernardin recently in jeans and a t-shirt, it’s a very relaxed dress code nowadays.


Did you see Eric Ripert 😍


I have definitely been to 11 Madison Park when people in jeans were there as well. You aren’t gonna take those Patagonia vests, technical golf pants and jeans off the finance guys who keep that place running these days.


Eleven Madison Park has no dress code, you could wear jeans and a tee. And honestly I appreciate people who are comfortable enough to be casual in settings that other people feel compelled to dress up for. This is unrelated to Bethany’s behavior. She clearly needs someone to step in.


Yes there’s “no attire” per se on their website…


Some of the richest men I know dress in basic jeans/t shirts all the time


I was born and raised in one of the mountain states’ biggest “cities”, and back in the 1970s one of the fancier restaurants in my hometown tried to institute a dress code. Mind you, there is a **lot** of ranching/mining/oil pipeline wealth there, but the dress code (and possibly the restaurant itself) failed almost immediately because of the general sentiment that “I made my money in my jeans and boots and I’ll be damned if I have to take them off just to spend it.”


When she was reviewing dollar store makeup I was like girl no this ain't it. But now, now I get it being kicked out of Chanel, wearing a bunch of Chanel to Chanel to make fun of Chanel and now being banned from Chanel. This is the stuff mere mortals can relate to. SAID FUCKEN NO ONE! GO TO BED BETHANY.






You either die cukoo for coco puffs, or live long enough to see yourself become scary island


Holy shit I’m putting this on a mug 😂 Someone remind me to come back and get MunchYourButt’s details so I can send them one. I’m terrible at Reddit




I would absolutely buy one of those!


Girl…if you don’t make that your flair it will be a tragedy! Iconic!!!




Jesus someone get this woman some psychiatric help.


I’ve said this over and over again for the past 2+ years now. She’s been so isolated at her house in the Hamptons or Connecticut (?) just with Bryn and maybe her assistants with barely any social contact. As many of you remember during early days of Covid when we were all isolated, we were going stir crazy. She’s just basically “quarantining” for 4+ years now and needs contact with people that aren’t the TJ Maxx or Chanel employee.


This is definitely it. She self proclaimedly isn’t involved in “the” social scene of NYC, or Connecticut/the Hamptons, which is fine in itself. However, she seemingly doesn’t really have any other friends outside of this circle either, and she doesn’t have extended family she’s close to. Plus she and her bf broke up. Meaning she’s spent every single day for the last 4+ years with just some combo of her daughter and her employees. That’s not healthy for ANYONE, let alone someone as wealthy and, for lack of a better term “neurotic” as Bethenny. She needs to get involved in society again in a meaningful manner


Nailed it. Someone once pointed out the epic Ramona “you don’t support other women” scene, interpreting it to mean Bethenny doesn’t have any real friends. Gotta hand it to Ramona on this one, a broken clock is right twice a day. Edit Ramona called it and said Bethenny has no friends. Thanks to my fellow posters for alerting me to my error. My memory sucks.


Ramona flat out told her on the bridge that Bethenny has no friends


Lol she didn’t imply it, she outright stated it. And Ramona sucks but she isn’t a broken clock, she’s very accurate and perceptive with all the women.


It is my opinion her views about other issues make her a broken clock. Regarding this instance, my memory sucks so I have no problem believing she actually said B has no friends. For that I give her a lot a credit.


Not to be anal but she and Paul only recently broke up. He was in her posts until a month or two ago maybe. I think she probably drove him nuts and he had to peace out lol


It would be like being locked up basically.


She’s been quarantining with Skinny Girl vodka for 4 years. It shows.


I just keep thinking how Rachel Levis got wrapped up in someone else's psychosis. Again.


Someone like her needs more structure and purpose in their day. I feel like she’d thrive if she had an office to go to daily from 9-5pm. That and a good therapist and a non competitive body neutral exercise class of some kind where she could make friends and release some endorphins


I’ll pocket this advice as someone who has been head of household for a decade, now home with kids and trying to make routine out of it. I worked so long in sales cycles and being glued to a phone/cam, I’m still trying to figure out how to not internalize that as being hidden from a whole world lol. 


I’m the same! Was breadwinner for a long time and we decided late last year, after I was laid off, that I’d take 2024 as “sabbatical” to be with kids. One thing I’ve done that helps is I do “themes” for my days each week. One day is for cleaning/tidying the house, one for rest or doing nothing/self care, one for something culture / arts related and one day for volunteering/helping outside the house. It’s not quite a routine but I found I could literally clean the house all day everyday so I needed to give my week some tent poles of other areas that are important to me.


Honestly my favorite group fitness classes have SAVED me. It’s me time and helps with mental health. Good luck🙌🏾


Makes sense, I’m looking for that (new town has a nice studio) over just a gym. 


Are you me?


Like mentoring new businesses and meeting new like minded, determined people


Do you think she’s capable of mentoring new businesses without getting weird and competitive about it? (honest question, I feel like it could go either way)




I thought she was at her best when she was doing her disaster relief for countries that were experiencing a crisis.


She’s become completely crazy, all of the videos are concerning


On top of that, she’s spent these 4+ years with her nose buried in her phone on social media. Seems that makes up a large chunk of her interactions with the world. Anyone’s mental health would take a huge hit with that, let alone someone with all her issues.


On top of that, she’s spent these 4+ years with her nose buried in her phone on social media. Seems that makes up a large chunk of her interactions with the world. Anyone’s mental health would take a huge hit with that, let alone someone with all her issues.


There’s no way her daughter isn’t suffering from all this—speaking as someone with an isolated and under-occupied parent for much of my formative years


She's always traveling tho....


Is she visiting people/ friends or just solo travelling with Bryn and/ or assistants? Seems like she’s sightseeing just “alone” tbh.


She was where I live for what felt like 3 weeks - month with a friend sightseeing & filming a movie. I’ll give her credit though, she went to a lot of small businesses in the suburbs right outside of the city & they all seem to be very thankful for the attention she brought.


Sometimes she's with Bryn. She traveled with Paul a lot until they broke up in March. She travels with her friend Sarah and two childhood friends. They're on her IG stories with her sometimes. She's definitely not sitting home holed up in her house.


Someone really needs to take her phone away, or at minimum delete all social media apps from it.


Literally said this over a year ago. I think I said “Bryn, sneak into your mom’s room while she’s sleeping and put parental control over all social media for her and your sake” or something like that lmao.


someone tell her to get a hobby!


Unfortunately we are her hobby.






It was kind of funny at first but as is typical of Bethenny Frankel, she has well and truly run the joke (or point she was making) into the ground.


Weird hill for her to die on, I'm mean there are enough things going on in the world, and she is B Strong, I just don't get why she isn't involved in some charity that could use her time and attention instead of this BS going after a name brand.


Did they really ban her? I don’t want to turn the volume up and hear her. Can someone give me the cliff notes?


“I don’t want to turn the volume up and hear her” Severely underrated comment


she’s just doing a quote from devil wears prada, not saying anything real


They didn’t ban her. This video is satire. She went to the store and they didn’t let her in, then she went back a second time and they let her in, but instead of shopping, she walked right back out of the store. She took video both times. After the second visit to the store, she’s made a series of Chanel satire videos (8 so far) 😆.


Thank you for this! So strange of her lol


This is so underrated and I was thinking the EXACT same thing hahahah. I can’t stomach actually researching this so someone please give us the cliffnotws


AHHH! 😂 I’ve been searching for the tldr; because I don’t want to hear her voice! 😂😂


Deep down, I feel like she’s doing this because she’s annoyed they didn’t recognize her. Bethenny isn’t taking any moral stands against materialism. She’s just pissed the poor doorman at Chanel didn’t recognize her personal wealth. If she is banned from Chanel for life, I expect her do some damage control. The SAs at Hermes are even meaner.


No she’s annoyed someone assumed she’s poor


So make an appointment. It’s not hard. When my husband took me to Cartier to buy a ring he made an appointment for us first. We’re completely middle class non millionaires and somehow managed 🙄. She needs constant unending attention.


Ikr. Have made 1-2 purchases at Cartier since Covid as well needed to adjust one piece and always made an appointment for the purchase, to request adjustment, and pick it up.


Totally agree. Everyone knows you need appointments at luxury stores, she’s just pissed they didn’t let her in off the street. She thought she was going to get special treatment and they treated her like they treat everyone. She’s unhinged


Her videos are becoming really gross, she’s manic and often eating in a pretty off putting way. It’s always giving grey gardens


watching her prepare and eat a lettuce wrap over and over would be my ahs coven hell


Knotty pine!


Good lord she's done like 4 insta posts about this, can someone tell her to get over it already!


Trampoline with eyes




She is a classic example of money does not make you happy!




Why she’s made this her cross to bear, I’ll never understand. But with that said, of all the high end boutiques I’ve ever visited, Chanel stores are the worst. They’ll find any and every (barely legal) reason to refuse service. Hell, if your eyeliner wing is starting to melt, they’ll shut the door in your face lol


She’s made it her cross to bear because she’s been trying to brand herself as the “people’s millionaire” for years now (the drugstore makeup reviews, the reality reckoning, etc) and this Chanel saga went viral. So she’s milking it for every penny it’s worth


I went to the one in Paris and it was fine. I was just there to bottle air for a friend. Guess I got lucky.


What does bottle air mean?


Same, walked in with my daughter last year, the staff was lovely.


They're really nice in Toronto too.


Bottle...air...? Sorry if I'm missing something, I'm a poor lol


I've never heard it but maybe it means "for the experience". Or to say that you did. I ask people to see or do certain things on my behalf in other places sometimes.


What is concerning is the amount of praise she gets in the comments for all of these unhinged videos


Stans.. Not trying to be mean.. but a lot of SAHM who think all her Skinnygirl products are amazing .. like the clothes.. and deli meat.. and basically whatever she was selling on QVC.. She calls them her mom army


Her Mom Army?! https://i.redd.it/0etzqp6i2j2d1.gif


It's probably a lot of randos too who don't even know her and think she's hilarious sticking it to "the man" or whatever. Like her original video showed up on my FYP and I don't follow her and rarely watch HW content on TikTok, it must have reached people all over the place.


And many influencers/housewives, etc have hired folks to go on social media.


Jesus Christ she does deli meats too?! I don't keep up with Bethany much besides posts I see on homepage but I wonder what that even would taste like?


They’re sliced thinner which is why they’re lower calorie. I’m not kidding.


Not surprising, sounds on brand for her weird shit😂




Which of her products are actually easily available for anyone across the country? I just remember seeing a lone Skinnygirl margarita bottle once at a liquor store in NYC and have never seen any other products anywhere.


WTF is she doing? Girl, who cares? These are first world, unrelatable, stupid rich people problems. Oh you can’t shop at an overpriced store. Ooohhh noooooo!!!!! GTFOH!!!!


Every bit of press about her was started by her. She acts like she has no idea why people talk about her in the press but babe they are reacting to you. Constantly posting it on social media


Her daughter is old enough to be mortified.


Was she really or is this just a weird skit?


Yeah I haven't watched this vid but this makes no sense? First they don't let her in, then they do, she makes a skit video with an employee(?), now she's banned? Regardless, I hate how much she's milking this saga. Like she can't believe she's gone viral and has to keep getting attention.


Go to her IG, it’s real 🫣


I mean, it’s real in her mind. She gave her version of the story. If the boutique was already busy with appointments, they may not have had the capacity to let anyone in. Limiting the number of people shopping at one time lets them keep their attention on customers. (And of course minimize theft by you wouldn’t share that with a customer). It’s a private business that can set up their own guidelines. I think 1) Bethenny doesn’t like being told no 2) She gets off on imagining herself as some kind of crusader. And lots of people buy it. I saw plenty of of non-ironic references to the shopping scene in Pretty Woman the last couple of days. A multi-millionaire is not being discriminated against like a sex worker from Hollywood Blvd 😆


100% I have no rebuttals


Yeah this seems like a some kind of joke?


She consistently gets it wrong. Every. Time. It’s a sickness she literally can’t stop this woman needs constant attention.




She was projecting when she went after Kelly Bensimon.


Does she do anything other than post to IG and tiktok????? She is ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


Rewatching RHONY and it's actually really obvious how fucked up Bethenny is with the power of hindsight, only she was super good at deflecting and making everyone else around her seem like the crazy one. They really positioned her as the voice of reason when she returned but she was just hypercritical and rude towards everyone. I think she was the more relatable one long ago and is still clinging onto the version of her that no longer exists.


What is she even doing in this video 😬it weird and she looks nuts


I can picture her teasing her hair and being like “THIS IS SICK!”






I’m more concerned about where she got that phone. Did she buy it from The Smithsonian ?


I HATE these stupid voice over tik toks - she didn’t even do it well.


She’s the type of customer I dread. Literally makes me anxious


Agreed. I wonder what happened with B Strong?


They don’t want insane people in their store, harassing their workers.. I don’t see the problem. Chanel doesnt need Bethenny Frankel. If only TJ Maxx and Marshalls would do this for their workers.


She should have offered them used Chanel make-up…


Just because Bethenny’s a villain doesn’t mean Chanel’s a hero. Let’s not start praising them, they’re evil and racist and use these policies in super bigoted ways


If she wanted to buy something, then rip them apart on their evil practices, that would be one thing.. But Bethenny has zero interest in that. She was mad because how “DARE she be turned away when they were only open for appointments be turned away”. Which is actually a perfectly normal thing to do.. they do close their store for appointments for normal, non famous people, who spend. She just felt that she is Bethenny.. so why couldn’t she come in then. She wanted the rules changed.. for her.. Then the need to dress up in so much Chanel, to the point of tacky.. and go all Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman .. which kind of comes off tacky.. and that she missed the point. They weren’t not letting her in, because she didn’t have an appointment!!! If she came back, dressed normal.. but booked an appointment .. things would have been fine.. but instead she had to make a scene. Again I’m not like “yay Chanel.. just glad that people being paid less than 20/hr don’t have to deal with her.


Bethenny is maybe C list celebrity at best compared to JLo or Natalie Portman.


The fact that her Pretty Woman scheme actually did work really just reinforces the exact point I’m making (and I think the point she’s trying to make): Chanel intentionally kicks people out if they don’t look up to a certain quality. It’s an inherently bigoted system. They hide behind “appointments” or whatever but do you really think they’re demanding appointments for everyone? Or just the lowly masses? It’s their excuse to save face, not an actual policy they enforce. They have plenty of PR, they don’t need you inventing excuses for them too. They have a lengthy and documented history of using this policy in racist and classist ways. And their “you need an appointment” line is the first tool in their arsenal to make this policy look legit and not racist.


I don’t think anyone who Bethenny has filmed working at a store deserves to be on her social media.. woman at the cash register at TJ Maxx, or people working at Chanel. These are just people trying to work. It is up to their work place to protect them. Is Chanel always on the right side of things.. hell no.. But at least their workers aren’t being harassed, while just trying to work their job. They don’t need Bethenny who is obviously there just using the store to film social media bs, and use them as props/and a set. It is taking actual sales where the people could be making actual commissions sales, and she is obviously there to just make a scene.


That TJ Maxx thing was unhinged.


As someone who’s worked in retail (not this high end but not cheap) it would drive me up the wall when people would come in and get me to run around, sometimes for hours and not leave with anything. Like it’s fine if nothing worked, but you can tell when people want to waste your time.. bethenny has that energy.


That being said I would OBVIOUSLY never tell someone to leave based on their appearance but I’m just saying bethenny is a monster and I would try to get her out of my store somehow lol


Chanel isn’t a hero.. but whatever manager or higher up made the call.. they deserve a cookie :)


I got to say, this is the rich people's problem, like Casey Hilton being snubbed by DJ, then went berserk.




Is it just me, or is this skit really weird ? Why did she post it ? Her content and persona is drastically different to a few years ago


Side note: Was just on tik-tok and forgot I follow Barb the builder from RHONY and she just did a Memorial Day Chanel haul 40% off this weekend and she showed shoes and top she got, no mention of any drama about getting in.


She is miserable, she has no one but her daughter, and too much time on her hands. Now that her brigade against Bravo failed in every single way, she's desperately trying to find something to fill the void. She needs help, and I'm not saying this as a joke or trying to be mean.


Shes made so many of these Chanel videos now and they are all beyond cringe and unhinged. 


![gif](giphy|xUPGcoc12jvOwqTHCU|downsized) Welp


![gif](giphy|lqd9jeVYZB4Dm|downsized) Why does she look like Michael Jackson now


Like is she ok? Genuine question


Omg! This is so cringe. And why does she look permanently surprised?


Bethenny can be “tew much” but she is obviously a product of her childhood and what I will say is I wonder if she has engaged in any sort of therapy? People keep mentioning her isolation and that’s something that’s often common in children with abandonment issues. It’s very difficult to trust people enough to let them in but when you do you often sabotage these relationships to “prove” a point. She probably feels “safer” with those TJMaxx employees and assistants because they’re superficial relationships. I hope she is taking advantage of her financial status and undergoing deep therapy treatments.


Did she really get banned? I thought this was just a shitty TikTok she made.


You’re right. She isn’t banned. This is just a satire TikTok 😂, but obviously some of the other commenters here don’t realize that.


the skinny girl red land line phone prop lmao


I know everyone is hating on this but I can’t help but be entertained. I miss the absolute shamelessness from my OG RHONY girls. I love that Bethenny believes herself to be relatable. If we aren’t here for the delusions, why are we watching Bravo in the first place? She was living her Pretty Woman fantasy as she put on her Jackie Kennedy cosplay and walked right into that store. It’s just so stupid and B will think she’s some sort of whistleblower in the fight against Chanel. I’m very much looking forward to the Instagram live of her gnawing on crab legs in the dark and talking about classism.


I can't find anything anywhere that says she was banned. Did she post a video or something?


It says “POV banned from Chanel for life” on the video posted here.


I stopped following this woman on social Media. She’s a train wreck and probably has a mental disease. She’s way too unhinged for me but that being said what the hell is she doing to her face? What’s happening with her eyebrows ? They look like train tracks.


I hope she gets banned from TikTok her unhinged post are just... not cute. If she wants Chanel there's department stores that she can go to get some, ban her from there too


I mean she attempted to sue tik Tok and she’s still there so sadly it’s unlikely


I am terrified for my life.


shes so happy she has a new content subject


Can someone explain this video? Is it real? Is this satire? It has Brittany Spears vibes. Why would she film this and post? Is she actually barred from Chanel? Nothing came up when I googled?


I would have appreciated a filmed “big mistake, huge” scene.


She needs a real friend to get her some help. This is beyond sad.




She need to get over herself


I think it's so funny on these videos when you can see the person reach for the "stop" button on the phone at the end


I agree. I swear I’ve never thought I’d say a word in this sub, but today I will. I’m going to defend Bethenny, someone I don’t know, but I’ve been watching and listening to for quite a long time. She's funnier and more self deprecating than anyone else from her lane and she has earned everything she has, twice. She's lonely and weird and crazy high strung, but she's right more than she's wrong. She’s ten times quicker than most people and she has the receipts. Is she a bit of a yappy Yorkie? Totally. You can make fun of her without cutting so deep. She’s a powerhouse and still has to fight so fucking hard for some respect. I know Reddit is just a place to mouth off, but as a woman, I am asking whoever has read this far to just give some thought to it. Should she have to read these things? Look at what she’s been through the past year alone. Is compassion or grace completely out of the question? If B was a man, she’d be “a real character”, quotable and fun. But she isn’t, she’s just a loud skinny girl, and so she’s fair game to hunt. There are so many more deserving personalities, people who truly make the world a worse place, that you could dissect with such hostility. ✌️


It’s not a gender thing. She’s putting random employees that never asked to be filmed or approved of it or mentioned on blast on Tik Tok. Like if I were to go to the Starbucks drive through and the order was slightly off and I would blast the person giving me the drink, that’s plain out wrong.


I disagree. Bethany gives what she gets. Her personality over the years has given a level of Trumpism in personality and obnoxiousness. People criticize him and had nothing do with gender. When you have an abrasive personality people are going to have harsh reactions. 


It's from the movie The Devil Wears Prada. It's a parody. She's making fun of the situation.


She’s spiraling.