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…. Must be nice to buy your kid a Porsche for their first car. Can someone buy me one as my last car?


Someone bought the used civic I was supposed to test drive last week. The dealership told me they'd tell me if it sold, but they didn't. That was a bad birthday lol. I will also accept a car. Any car. ^(Any) ^(fucking) ^(car)


I figure if you have the money, you should be spending it on the people you love. Even if it’s not relatable to a lot of people, I still think it’s nice and she seems very appreciative.


I cannot imagine putting my 16yo in a souped-up vehicle like a Porsche. It's just asking for stupid shenanigans that could end up with a dead kid.


Not to defend buying a Porsche for a child, but that’s a Macan and if it’s a base model then it’s anything but souped-up. The base model has 261hp, which is barely more than a Toyota Camry.


That makes more sense. I just assumed Porsche meant, ya know.... Porsche lol. Thank you for informing me.


261hp still hauls! It’s a ridiculous first car. I’d be focused on safety over cute as a parent. But also, not my monkey, not my circus.


It’s both though? Those cars have advanced safety features and are very safe. Sure, you can still speed and be an idiot but you can do that in any car. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this as a first car.


Appreciate the safety features, but speed, and the ability to roll this suv, are still things to consider. Let them get some more experience driving before a car like this.


Well, you gotta remember.... all things for likes no matter the detriment to your child. That's the MO of all reality stars these days. I don't think parenting is at the front of their priorities for the majority. There's always the random reality TV parent that refuses to indulge their child and followers, but it's far from the norm.


And it's still expensive. She doesn't need a car at that age either. I could understand that once they're in college and want them to have new reliable cars. They are rich, so I guess most of her friends probably have new cars, so they just have to keep up. I think it's gross to post Edit: a word


Oof. Your comment instantly brought to mind Porsche girl.


I cannot believe little porsha is at the age of being able to drive… I feel so old 😭


I’m watching s6e14 rn where Sophia was learning to drive and Kyle said she was never going to let Portia drive haha 🤣


I like alexia’s haircut. The constant crying from these people is so strange lol. Happy birthday, Portia!


Yeah the constant crying is bizarre. They’re SO emotional. Remember when Portia went for her ears pierced and they were all surrounding her in a prayer circle wailing and crying about it?! https://i.redd.it/la6h9xkl1f7d1.gif


As much as Ramona gives me the creeps, I still quote this line when I’m going though it lol


The crying at least shows that she's grateful for it


i think it’s sweet, she’s grateful


Me too! Kids this rich usually just expect it and she’s clearly very grateful which is endearing.


No shade but it always baffles me when children of extremely rich parents bawl their eyes out when they get a nice car as a gift… like is it really that surprising and unexpected lol?


lol I thought this, too.


My thoughts exactly.


She knew this was happening. You can’t hide a porche in broad daylight with a stranger standing in front of it and you’re 40 year old sister coming over for “no reason”


Filmed for RH of course


They had to do something nice for her after they had her crying for the cameras about her parents separation last year


I'd sign up for that deal.


I would’ve demanded a panamera or a cayenne at least idk. Reparations!!


You should represent her! That would be a good show actually- housewives’ children show up to meetings with their parents with legal representation.


What a sweet payment for using her imploding family for americas entertainment. If she has a breakdown on camera, I bet she gets a house


How many breakdowns does a birkin cost


No breakdowns. You just have to steal your sister's goddamn house.


Why don’t you have a piece of bread and maybe you’ll calm down






The crown is heavy, darling. And you deserve it. I literally laughed/choked at your reply. It was the only acceptable reply, but still hilarious.


You made me laugh too ❤️ ![gif](giphy|6YU8waHlQdfjGsJR7Q)


if Porsha even thinks for a minute about stealing Farrahs house, kick her mom off & sign her up


Doesn’t everyone say Kyle *isn’t* open and honest about her family? Does she exploit them for payment or selfishly protect them and rob fans of entertainment? Can someone bring me up to speed on this week’s opinion?


One can be honest about their marriage and not act like they're perfect while also not exploiting their children. Having their girls cry on camera was manipulative and gross. Discussing separation with your children is a private thing and most humans (other than Kyle, Rinna and Erika) feel that's fair. Nobody is asking to see their children's reactions. The adults getting paid? Well... they signed up for it. It's nuanced. Don't show your children hearing seriously damaging news on TV. It's gross. And I don't think anyone on this sub wanted to see Kyle and Mo's children experience that. It's exploitation. Kyle and Mo are grown adults. They can discuss this shit without involving the children on camera.


their kids are adults too and they consented to the entire thing. i get that it’s not the greatest idea ever but seriously this is far from the worst thing we have seen kids on these shows go through. they will be fine


I think her genuine emotion and surprise at getting this car was really sweet. She seemed absolutely shocked and genuinely grateful.


Means or not, on what planet does a 16 year old need a Porsche?! Good lord.


This is no ordinary 16-year-old. She’s wearing her pants up her butt and clinging from her hips, and of course that has to be gotten on film. All of these Beverly Hills kids look and act so practiced that even their supposedly natural reactions do not come across as natural. Of course, she knew this was coming. It was filmed, so that Kyle would have content. Everything for the sake of a storyline so that Kyle can stay on the show. I look at Portia, and Rinna’s daughters and they all seem like a created prototype. I remember when Portia was born, because I’ve been watching the show for a long time, and I remember her being really cute and having very, very curly hair, which has now been straightened I see and she looks like a carbon copy of everyone else. It just strikes me that there is nothing natural about these people, not in the way that they appear, not in the way that they behave… and certainly not in their reactions. Weird




I just saw the Bravo cameras upon rewatch. Yes, that’s who those tears were for. She knew this was happening 100%.


I don’t mean to be pedantic… but as someone with a name constantly misspelled can we please at least spell Portia correctly when referring to her?


I get it, but there's Porsche, the car; Portia, Kyle's daughter; Porscha from ATL. It almost feels like a riddle sometimes. Porsha bought a Porsche from Portia.


Porsha from ATL is Porsha. Not Porscha lmao


Sorry. I used the right form in my second line. But totally fucked it up initially.


I get it. But again… if you don’t have a name that’s regularly misspelled this might not be a trigger, but the “that’s not my name” feeling is real. I know the post wasn’t meant to be a judgement on Portia, more on her parents trying to replace love and stability with gifts, but she’s been on our screens since she was a kid. She has regular chyrons. Any Katherine/Kathryn, Caitlin/Katelyn, Sarah/Sara, Jeffrey/Geoffrey or Johnny /Jonny I would assume feels this deeply. I know it’s specific… but I also don’t think it’s too much to ask.


I'm Amanda. I go by Mandy. I've had my name spelled many different ways. Personally, I've never taken it as rude if someone spells my name with an "i" or "ie" or whatever. I've even had it spelled Mandeigh. Now, being called by Mindy or Mary I find disrespectful. Misspelling is one thing to me. Being called entirely the wrong name is rude. So, yeah. I get it. Don't attribute malice to likely ignorance. Typos are human. Misspelling a common name, especially one with multiple spellings isn't malice. It's nice when people ask how I spell my name, but why get mad or offended if your name is misspelled?


I remember her as a baby on tv! It seems extravagant but this gal has had to come of age on TV and her parents marriage breakdown was tabloid fodder. I'm glad she has a win here.




So happy for her !


A Porshe for Portia... ![gif](giphy|l46Cr6nhtezksI2dO|downsized)


Omg I remember when she was just a baby. Now she has a better car than mine. Oh how they grow up fast


I dead ass thought that was alexia


I watched two eps of buying Beverly Hills and all the sisters look so much alike and sound just like Kyle!


Except that’s not Portia’s natural hair. She’s entitled to wear it however she wants, but personally, I loved her curls!


It's her natural hair just semi straightened. You can see her curls underneath.


Yes, it’s *her* hair. More specifically, I’m referring to her natural texture which is curly. Sorry, common reference in the curly hair community. It looks good both straight and curly. Even with her curly hair, and her sisters having work done, you can tell they’re related. They are looking more and more like each other which I think is just the California “look.” You can still see subtle features from each of their parents in them tho. Portia would stand out more if she rocked her curls. She’s got Mo/Mau’s hair not Kyle’s like the rest of her sisters.




Damn, not sure what’s going on in these comments. Just saying I like her with curly hair. She still looks like her sisters but all the other girls have straight hair like Kyle. Guess I have some nostalgia from when she was a little peanut listening to LVP gossip in her kitchen lol https://preview.redd.it/nqkp84019f7d1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c226d99bc3f78f4a49dc477581d4b9fc0b318b73


Your comment just made no sense in relation to mine.


Wow I didn’t get shit when my parents divorced


Lmao! I got unresolved trauma and paid for therapy in my adult life but heyyy!!


Here I was thinking she was named after the merchant of Venice


Honestly good for her. I’m not in the business of turning down free porsches 😂


Haters in the comments. Good for her and it's cute to see how excited and grateful she is


I agree, I think it’s nice and she seems really appreciative. When my son is old enough to drive I’ll have been a doctor for a long ass time and I’d love to buy him a nice, safe, expensive first car. What’s the point of having money if you don’t spend it on the people you love? Can’t take it to the grave with you!


Same! I’d rather this reaction which seems super genuine and grateful than some spoiled brat reaction.


Congrats im sure she earned it


By....? Existing? I can't imagine any 16yo *earning* a Porsche. This is all for likes on The Gram. Or to make up for her parents splitting. Maybe a combo.


That was sarcasm 😊


Omg. I'm so sorry. I get it now.


I can't believe she's so big! Of course I've seen her last season but in my mind she's still a little girl


She honestly deserves it. Both parents have been acting a fool for media attention since last year.


She deserves it


Nice to see everyone come together to celebrate Porsha! Also, I feel so incredibly old.


Lol yes.


I want one too, please. I'm even patient enough to wait until my birthday in Sept. Thanx in advance, Kyle & Mo ✌️


For a 16 year old child? Where do you go from here? Just asinine!


I shouldn’t be this jealous of a 16 year old girl but here I am. At least she seems to know how big of a deal it is and is appreciative!


As she gets older she looks more like her sisters 🙂




This is weird in this day and age why are they acting like she just became a doctor …. It’s not like she was gonna get a civic!


That’s how filthy rich they are fucking shit






That’s alexia lol


Driving a 95 thousand dollar car but looking like $15.00.


A macan isn't even close to that.