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Here’s a sleeper most may not know about: Montecito, CA It’s an ultra exclusive enclave just south of Santa Barbara, CA. The average home price is 5 million dollars and it’s home to a ton of celebrities and billionaires. But it’s super low key. You can’t tell the tech millionaires from the homeless people until you see the car they get into. I heard the bravo producers attempted to get a cast together but when the community got wind filming was happening they started to get shunned or shamed for brining so much attention to the area. It never got off the ground because the cast was too scared to film because of how the community reacted. True tea. If anyone wants a taste of a cheap knock off watch Montectio: Dancewives of California. It was briefly on Hulu during the pandemic and was basically a mix of ballroom dance documentary and a housewives show. It starred Arlene Montesanto as the villain. She is the ex wife of the creator and former owner of the Lucky Jeans empire. Wild stuff. They’re all crazy.


And now I have a new show to watch.


What year was that?


Oh it was a while ago. Maybe 5 or 6 years.


The tall blonde from Dallas is from Montecito.


I was only able to find the first episode of Montectio, but it looked GOOD


All I know about Montecito is that Meghan Markle & prince Harry live there. If it’s good enough for someone who grew up in castles it has to be pretty nice haha 


Doesn't Oprah have a house near them?


If the Boca one is true, I’d totally watch a HW show where a core group of elderly girlfriends who have their type of squabbles but irl just get together and shoot the wealthy Florida women shit. I could actually see it being fun


This is me. I don’t think people understand how much we love our Golden Girls.


Was going to say that. I would watch the hell out of that LOL


I was gonna say that sounds amazing.


You and Andy Cohen apparently


I feel like the RHOPalm Beach County would be great! Palm Beach is just north of Miami and is much more old money but I'm sure they could find a few younger wives for the show. The thing I think what is keeping Bravo away is that it's Trump country so it would probably scare away the liberal viewers.


I’ve been hearing New Orleans has been floating around for a while now - not sure why that never took off.


It’s because Bravo is too ashamed to admit at this point that they should have never taken Southern Charm New Orleans off the air because it’s was perfect.


yeah, the slc casting insta was following tamica, reagan, some woman named taryn etc. maybe they filmed a sizzle reel that didn't get picked up.


I asked the same question a while back and was downvoted! It was truly bizarre.


I live in Arizona. A RHO(AZ) would be boring. I assume it would be in Scottsdale or Paradise Valley, but IMO our state doesn’t offer enough for a RH franchise.


Lived in Arizona and hard agree with you. 


Main Line (suburbs of Philly) - basically the same as New England, they couldn’t put a cast together because the old money people didn’t want to do reality tv.


I’ve heard many iterations of RHO Nashville for a while now. Not sure why it hasn’t gotten off the ground.


I think this is the closest that they've ever gotten to one: https://youtu.be/qpVXueM5NfU?si=sYUHQ09ElMLQz8Dk


Native Nashvillian who actually knows a few of those broads featured on that failure of a show, and herein lies the problem with a RH/SC show set in this city: Reality show producers seemingly *only* want to focus on music-centric wives/women for these style shows set here, but most of these country wannabes/wives are just SO blandly generic and obviously performative that they make for stupidly unwatchable reality shows. We’ve had at least 6 failed major network reality shows set here. And it’s all the same formula: music industry wannabes who haven’t lived here long and it shows. And the problem is the fact that Nashville, TN is soooo much more than just ALL MUSIC, all the time…like imagine if RHBH or RHOC *only* focused on wannabe actors/entertainers; how boring would that be?! We have so much more rich culture, art, cuisine, vibrant history, and glam big city vibes to offer than just…MUSIC and that COUNTRY GLAM lifestyle, y’all!🥱 But just like most rich US enclaves/suburbs, the true old monied/longtime movers n’ shakers/high society of Nashville refuse to appear on trashy reality television anyway. It’s just laughable to see how many reality show producers can’t seem to GET this by now—I don’t even think Bravo would cast a show here appropriately at this point, especially with the recent influx of cheesy influencers that have since moved here(ahem, half of the Bachelor Nation)…


I don’t understand this. There’s a whole football team in Nashville, restaurant owners. I used to work with a luxury wedding invitation dealer that was located down there. I know the money (and mess and drama) is there. Bravo needs to wake up. Edited: Removed the post’s title from the question. No idea why it did that.


BH is the model they should follow with it. There are some people with connections to the entertainment industry, but that isn't all there is. If they did a Nashville housewives I'd want one or two connected to the music industry, but they don't all need to be, and the show doesn't need to revolve around it.


They could also take the SLC route. There are tons of successful female entrepreneurs in Nash and I have it on good account that at least a few of them are bananas




Ugh I live in fort Myers and would have LOVED this It’s the perfect area for it. People are so rich and weird in Naples


The reasons Chicago didn’t work never made sense to me. Love Is Blind was shot here for a season just a few years ago and they were able to film in a bunch of different restaurants. The Real World also did it twice back in the day…although Wicker Park residents hated them 💁🏼‍♀️ I’ve always thought it had more to do with finding the right group of women. Most of the wealth lives in places like Winnetka (think Home Alone) and other North Shore neighborhoods, which aren’t anywhere close to Chicago so those people aren’t out on the town every night of the week. But I don’t know anything about government permits so maybe I’m completely off base.


To my knowledge it is a cost thing in Chicago more than a permit thing- lots of cities/states give really nice tax cuts to productions that film in their area. Georgia famously has a generous and easy to qualify for program. Chicago had a bad combination of high filming expenses and major restrictions to the tax cut program without a huge reward but in the last few years they have opened it up a bit and increased the refund. That is pure conjecture on my part but it has always been my pet theory.


A friend of a friend was approached to join the Chicago Housewives a few years back - beautiful, 30s, daughter of a rich Russian family and living in the burbs. She declined, but seems like they were definitely open to the suburbs


Larsa Pippen is from Buffalo Grove! (I know that's not why she was hired though, lol.)


NO WAY LOL! I have friends from around there and that is so funny to me


Yes, apparently the exurb cities where they actually live didn't want to approve a Housewives franchise.


I heard Minneapolis was on the radar but it was so dullsville they would've had to hire too many "extras"


Like convincing transplants to move there just for the show?


Or possibly too many friends of friends. I live in Minnesota so it vibes.


I maintain that a "Real Housewife of Lake Minnetonka" would be gold, pulling cast from the west/southwest metro.


New England would have to be zoned quite a bit - it would be difficult to get a housewife from Connecticut to film with a housewife from Massachusetts/New Hampshire because those are 3 hours apart. If anything it would have to be the real housewives of Boston, but I don’t think we meet the criteria 😂 everyone here loves sports and hates fashion


The locale I heard was CT.


Hilariously, this CT franchise is a big reason for Bethenny falling completely out with Bravo. Bethenny came to Bravo to pitch a show about her living in CT. Bethenny wanted a show that was only about herself, Bethenny: The Next Chapter. Bravo didn't think she could sustain a show by herself. This had been an issue before. After her failed talk show, she wanted to come back with "Bethenny Starting Over." Bravo said, "No, come back to RHONY." She got paid really well and the ratings were OK. She still wanted that solo show. Bravo somewhat relented and she got "Bethenny & Fredrik." Even though the ratings were solid, Bethenny fucked it up by being so nasty to Fredrik that he refused to work with her again. Goodbye, second season. Bravo wasn't interested in a show ONLY starring Bethenny, but they thought she was amenable to bring part of another Housewives franchise. They started contacting people in CT who were interested, including Eva Amurri. When it got back to Bethenny, Bethenny flipped out. Months later, Bethenny starts her reality reckoning campaign, where she decides that reality tv and Bravo are abusive.


That's some hot 🍵 That version would be the 3rd time they tried CT.


Oooh makes sense. Probably Greenwich?


Not sure if they got down to the city but probably.


Why not just Boston or Martha’s Vineyard?