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I like this! It's a brand-new original concept for once! That's what I try to achieve with my reworks!




Thought for Mico's Hypercharge Rework: - Mico's hypercharge isn't strong. If the Frank rework were to increase his stun duration to 4 seconds, it wouldn't make Frank OP because after all, his stun is already one of the best in the game. - Mico is the "Sound Guy", and he thinks he's a star. So let's make that true within lore. - Deafen ability prevents brawlers like Max or Mortis from dashing away from Mico, hence essentially creating a sort of slow, without making it a true slow. This ability will likely make Mico splash onto other brawlers, hence making this an almost map-wide "slow" onto fast/very fast brawlers, and allowing for a push up without making this as chaotic as Crow's old Slowing Toxin gadget. - This makes Mico able to autoaim on every single brawler in the game without worry for anything except if they are a tank. The 0.5 second stun only works in the Mico super radius itself, hence stopping any current dashing abilities. A 0.5 second stun is shorter than the time it takes Mico to land his first attack, hence it is essentially useless aside from stopping any current abilities (assuming a 1v1 situation).


ignore the speed/damage/shield stats, couldn't find an updated image.


In the current state he would have 24% speed 25% damage 5% shield


This seems to completely shut down an opposing mortis or mico meaning they can't attack at all


i’m assuming they aren’t referring to mortis’s main attack as a dash


But does it activate when you activate HC or super?


At the end of the ult it seems


The hc already ends before the super so does it just not activate?


it activates after it ends now, don't see why not


After the super ends or after the hc activates because if its the second by the time you get down from your super the hc is already over which is it's main problem.


that's an issue with the current hypercharge. Pros counteract this by activating super 4 seconds after activating hypercharge -- they get 4 seconds of hypercharge and a hypercharged super.


when you land. stun takes place as it is now, deafen takes place 5 tiles around landing area.


My idea is that we make his super like a leon super, he is invisible in the air


Or supercell can just pause the timer while he’s in the air




The main reason it’s bad is because the timer continues during the super


ohhh i get it, yea they should change that


Reload speed is doubled, easy


Hc's change the super, not the attack




That is still after the super, not in general


im scared


It's good but Mico isn't a tank, so he needs just 5% shield buff. Hypercharge buffs the thing brawler good at


I don't want to touch hypercharge stat buffs, also hypercharges should add both a cool factor and be good stand alone without the buffs, so I reworked Belle and Primos to make them significant buffs even without the hypercharge stat buffs. Now Mico's hypercharge is like a Bo 2nd star power, but with only one stun, and since Mico knocksback the enemy ontop of him, it doesn't matter because rn that enemy is likely to die. yea perhaps my idea may seem abit like a roaming ability in other games, but this ability helps mico in his own regard too so I don't see it as a tank-support ability. he can autoaim on any brawler and not risk them jumping or dashing away, granted this may be too op against melodie, mortis and stu.


So, 5 tiles is like Cordelius' super charge range? Also if you press your super right away, does your hypercharge stops draining and pauses? And if it's not pauses, does the deafening range stays for 5 seconds?


yea kinda like Cord's. depends on what supercell does. I'd expect it to, but based on current patterns it doesn't seem so. yes. like the current hypercharge, you will have both the stun and the deafen as long as you activated super during the hypercharge duration


This sounds like a mechanic for a new brawler 😁


im reluctant to because technically this will be useless against half the cast i guess buster exists


I think they just need to make it so you can activate hypercharge mid super


5 seconds is so long. I think the problem with Micos HC is it uses up his whole HC while she is in the air. This is my Rework idea: Clear the Set: significantly reduced the channel time of Mico leaping into air for his super. Also he jumps into the air so fast he damages enemies near him when he does.


id also add the effect which makes him get iframes when starting super so it cant be canceled


Mico hyper isn't even bad though. It gives him a good speed boost in the sky and it can claim kills on beefier brawlers


most hyper supers have some sort of utility to them, people almost never use micos hypercharge super and his hypercharge is basically just a buff for him atm


he doesn't need all that op shit, he already counters more than half of the brawlers, that just feels illegal and unnecessary


This is suppose to be a joke right?


use that in posts with <14 upvotes, and a comment that ratio'd them.


Idk it just looks wayyy to op. Or am I missing something