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the meta changing could indirectly impact brawlers like byron for example climbing up tiers without getting any nerfs simply because of the meta changing


he did get a pretty good damage/heal buff recently though, a better example would be Surge who was like C-D tier a few months ago to now being a solid pick due to the map pool and meta changes with literally 0 changes to him


I swear he was so forgettable recently but he's been absolutely tearing me apart the past 2 seasons


Byron can tear me apart any season 😩


I'll just qrite your name really quick so I dont forget




Surge got a decent hp buff a few months ago, we’re just starting to see the effects now with the map pool/meta changes.


I wouldn't say Decent hp buff, it was 1000 hp that's a big change


It was 2 buffs, from 2800 to 3000 and 3000 to 3300, but yeah both together give 1k at lvl 11


I couldn’t recall the exact value of the buff, I thought it was more in the 600hp range.


It was 2 buffs, from 5600 to 6000 and 6000 to 6600


The meta changing changes the meta, crazy


I realized this after posting: * This made charging his super takes longer therefore delaying his HC (which was the main reason he got S tier) * 2 brawler, Gene and Sandy, that can scout him easily got HC. Sandy's super with dmg sp completely nullify Leon's super.


This nerf + Gene becoming meta simply took him out of the meta


I'm only playing Leon in quickfire tbh


autoaim go brrr


the thing is that he was a part of a very select few brawlers with hypercharges, now that so many brawlers have them he isnt as special anymore, I would say to at least give him back 5% proximity damage sometime soon


he recently got minor changes to his damage in between max and min range but that was't too impactfull. you know i would say this change was the main reason for his downfall but no doubt other things contributed. leon is a great sniper counter and recently pretty much universally all snipers got nerfed (belle, piper, nani, angelo). also some of leons counters got buffed such as gene, max, sandy, kit, nita, byron basically any brawler that encourages clumping up counters leon because obviously if all 3 brawlers are next to each other leon can't kill any one of them. also some lanes such as sandy and nita have just become better then him on bushy maps. map pool also slightly changed not in leons favor with more closed of maps. draco is a hard counter. other assasins now outshine him with both mortis and kit getting a buff. probably other reasons i can't think of right now


Other than the nerf, it's the meta as well Gene became meta who can scout him easily with main attack Max is also meta, which lowkey made Crow a bit more popular that also counters his invisibility. Sandy also became meta, and yes thus Crow became a bit more popular because of that as well as he counters invisibility. Sandy AOE invisibility is also seen to be much better than Leon. Byron shots also ruin his super. Snipee aren't as good with the new maps, which Leon used to be good against


also with the Rude Sands star power, Sandy can easily scout Leon as well


Leon is still high b tier. I wouldn’t say he isn’t meta


Meta is S-A, he is just useable/playable/pickable


Not in Leon’s better modes


It was a slight difference but you just have to be more patient and understand the movement of the other team. Anticipation is key to win with Leon now.


This nerf is less noticable than the 1% nerf to buster's damage The meta shift killed Leon because his counters climbed to the top of the meta


leon will always be a good brawler in the right hands but for most of the player base id say this is why


He still in the meta just no longer s tier


Tbf Draco can actually be quite a tough opponent given how they directly interact, and from what I'm seeing he's actually becoming more popular as time goes on.


Draco has been banned in every competitive event since his release though


Well honestly i dont really think that Yeah it does suck as leon does less damage but you usually dont use leon to snipe others dont you You can get the super yeah but then depending what mode then the strategy might be to just camp 😅 Idk... kinda weird but i think leon still can be strong especially due to the Hypercharge


it mostly had to do with gene and sandy becoming meta. That nerf barely did anything on its own


Less damage = less super charge which translates into less hyper uptime. Other brawlers got their hyper’s buffed and new ones added which contributed to his decline


Did Leon got a Buff too


He still is pretty good and with Piper's and Angelo's HC incoming, if they won't be nerfed, he will rise again.


Leon is till good in heist with quickfire mode, he literally shreds the safe


So many new Hypercharges


Yeah it’s just meta. It’s hard to push Leon when everyone’s running Kit, Buzz, Shelly, Fang, etc. They hardcounter Leon or are just really annoying to deal with haha.


Cus if you think about it, he kinda dominated showdown up until kit was released and everyone got a free buzz for the mutation event. (Personal opinion at least).


I feel like In hot zone he can still do alright


Out of all modes you use Leon in Hotzone?


Hot zone is Leon’s best mode besides brawl ball?


dawg what