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Just nerf Angelo and melodie


The Angelo one shooting me is the only genuinely stupid thing in the game to me.


And Kit in general.


What if they lowered his bullet speed?


If they lowered his projectile speed i would be able to heal to max health before it MISSES me


As a Grom main Grom does **not** need buffs. He is balanced as is, he is like most throwers, made for far ranged not close ranged. OP doesn’t completely understand fundamentals of the game I think


I still carry with him in KO, Heist and Bounty in Legend rank. He's one of the longest range throwers other than Tick. Except he has better kill potential.


He is insta pick for me when it’s wipeout, absolute beast there


He is absolutely fine in ranked. I assume op never plays ranked because you cannot see enemy draft in ladder.


I mean depends on the mode (never play grom on brawl ball, worse mistake ever) but yeah your right


Never played grom much. After Godzilla event figured out he absolutely slaps and is so useful in so many maps


That’s why I like his character so much, he is op only if you know how to properly use him. Especially on walled maps


I think he does because his attack pattern is the most predictable thing in the universe. A 5 year old could dodge Grom’s attacks. Whenever I face a grom, they never hit me. You actually have to have a skill issue to die to Grom.


Not sure about that man, maybe your just not aiming right because whenever I play a game with grom I get the most kills


Stand in a corridor. Dodge then. 


He destroys on certain corridors maps. There are serveral on this seasons ranked map pool.


He‘s pretty bad and easily the worst thrower rn


worst than sprout? I don't think so. A skilled grom is far better than a skilled sprout Also Barley exists


Sprout is way better. Never would I rather pick Grom than Sprout.


Sprout is one of the best thrower rn, how did you manage to compare him to grom, who is easily the worst? Grom has no way to deal with the current agro meta and even in bounty/ko against snipers Sprout or Tick is miles better than grom.


ig I just don't see any good sprouts (or any all that much) but comparing the groms I've seen to the sprouts ngl Grom looks better. Also barley exists


What about barley? He’s not good but nowhere near as bad as grom rn


how so? His damage output, range and hp are all really bad, he can't survive assassins and his area control which is the only thing that makes him usable is okay and outshined by most other throwers


Barley also is one of the most competitive throwers rn


If Hank can't charge his bubble forever neither should Angelo


It should have a similar mechanic like the Huntsman.




I mean it term of top tier meta brawler, it’s better than before but for bottom brawlers…


The brawlers dont need a buff the op brawlers need nerfs


"If every brawler are op, than no one is op" -A Wise Man


“And if everyone’s super, no one will be” -Syndrome




The clash royale devs are leaking rn


Yeah way too much power creep in this game already, soon enough mr.p will be doing 3000 damage


I’m tired of getting 3 shot, if you make one little mistake now it’s all over, there’s no room for error because the majority of brawlers can 3 shot the majority of the other brawlers.


Ash is so good that he got disabled though


No he crashed the game


Yea, he crushed everyone because of his opiness!


PopularMMOS reference?


Because he had so much damage and health while moving through walls, yes


Yeah no way grom is underpowered


Did you just try to prove that you don't have a skill issue by saying that you get top 1 in ssd quite often?


Yeah I did. It’s the same lobbies with Kits and other broken brawlers in them so what’s wrong with that statement?


You do realise that Showdown is completely non competitive right?


If what I’m trying to prove is that I’m skilled at the game, then wouldn’t saying that I get the highest placement in a game mode with broken brawlers often prove that? Just because it isn’t the mode that competitive players play doesn’t mean that the statement is invalid. And I’m not saying I’m a god at the game or anything, I’m just trying to prove that I think I’m skilled enough at the game to the point that the problems that I have with more underpowered brawlers aren’t a skill issue, but because of the design of the brawlers in the game.


doesn't prove much tbh, showdown is such a dumb gamemode, the first mf to get 8+ cubes is guaranteed to win unless they suck ass.


Showdown is more luck based than chester😭😭😭


The team gamemodes are just as luck based, if not more you get two random teammates who are either gods or bots


You should have said your highest class brawler


not really, pushing brawlers is easy if you have a team, I play with randoms only (not for a lack of friends mind you) and I don't really bother with ranks if I'm not trying to prove a point so I dont push, my highest class brawler is maybe Stu at 27 (no I didn't play him on mutations) and I consider myself pretty good at the game


i play only randoms too, but being able to pass through this barrier carrying the randoms and sometimes getting a good team and playing again is a sign of resilience and skill, it requires an extra effort, but it doesnt mean youre bad at the game


This is a pretty disingenuous argument. I don't know how long you've played, but there have always been overpowered and underpowered brawlers. A year ago, Shelly was very bad, while Janet was very good, or I don't even know how long these are, but there were metas over the years when Bibi, Mr. P and Shelly were top of the meta, whereas current meta brawlers like Jessie, Nita, and Mike were considered bad. Actually, every brawler you list as underpowered has had their time in the sun at one point. They all come and go, and it's not new for brawlers to not be equal. With more and more brawlers in the game, it is unreasonable for every brawler to be of equal power since there's literally not enough time for the devs to do that, nor do I think it's realistically possible if they did. To the point of broken brawlers, new brawlers being broken is nothing special, and recent ones like Melodie, Angelo, and even Larry, to an extent, haven't even been the worst. It's again just a thing that will exist in every meta. Also, I'm not trying to say you are bad, but people calling SSD out as your scale of measurement have a point. It's literally the one game mode where you could make almost any brawler work on any map and is riddled with teamers and people who just camp at higher levels. Edit: I forgot to point out that the brawlers you named as underpowered with the exception of Janet maybe all have their merits and are not that bad. Squeak, Mr. P and Ruffs are all lower damage support brawlers. Along with Ash and Grom, these are brawlers that can counter certain brawlers and certain brawlers counter them. Plus, as supports, you're obviously not gonna have as easy of a time in SSD with them if that's how you were judging them.


Janet really only needs some very minor buffs to make her more usable, a *slight* damage buff (a little over 2000 damage instead of 1980), and make the super projectiles just a little wider. Both her gadgets are good and viable in their own way. (Also change her to a controller, she is not a marksman and should not be used as a marksman)


ngl she needs both star powers to get reworked (the faster range one should be a gear). Something like a buff if her shot has max range like a debuff or a damage increase and like slowing targets when hitting them with super missiles


Vocal warm up should just be base kit, she *really* needs damage and shield gear


I was thinking 2120


This meta is infinitely better then the previous meta


Just give them 400 health. Problem solved!


Tbh idk if you’re talking from a showdown only perspective or not but I don’t think brawl stars cares much about showdown balance, they cater towards 3v3 and certain brawlers you said are “bad” are actually good in 3v3 modes. It comes down to using the right ones for each mode. Ruffs, Ash, Mr. P are all good examples of being terrible in showdown but still having value in 3v3 modes. Mr P can be really good against certain matchups in knockout or bounty for ex. Ruffs is good in brawl ball or even hot zone sometimes as well depending on the map. Ruffs was picked quite a bit in the latest pro tourneys and looked really good in the matches I seen. While I do agree Melodie and Angelo need a nerf the game isn’t super unbalanced rn I actually think it’s decently balanced as long as they eventually nerf op characters like Melodie and Angelo. If you want to trophy push someone like Mr P wait till a good 3v3 bounty/knockout map is available for him. Hope this helps!


No, you’re just bad.


Fr this dude sounds easy to sweep


How would you know that? You literally haven’t even seen me play. I don’t think making an argument about weaker brawlers needing buffs makes me bad at the game.


Yes, weak brawlers need buffs. The problem is you ain’t talking bout no brawlers that really need buffs.


You just mentioned your favorite brawlers, not brawlers that are actually weak


With how many rant post I see just scrolling through reddit, I think the possibility of creating a whole new sub just for people to vent their anger might actually be a decent idea.


Mr.p and ruffs are good?, ruffs is c-tier and mr.p is like b-a tier


I probably shouldn’t have used Mr. P for this argument, but Ruffs definitely. He does way too little damage for the amount of health he has, basically every other brawler washes him.


He’s a support brawler, ruff’s is actually really strong in game modes like brawl ball, gem grab and hot zone. Most brawlers aren’t that great in showdown and if you refuse to play 3v3s with him I at least recommend running duos instead of solo showdown 😂


People dont use ruffs for the damage anyways. He's used mainly for his utility. Damage buffs, opening up the map, and his bounce shots being great for certain maps.


Grom need no buffs, he is just annoying the way it is. Right now is hard enough to deal with him on certain maps.


He got some of the easiest shots to dodge


i think draco, kit, Melodie and Angelo all need a nerf, they are basically ruling the meta right now and are really hard to fight against


Draco sucks what are you talking about


no? he's literally unstoppable once he gets his super, plus has Bea's star power as a gadget which makes him survive in critical situations


I have encountered 50 Draco’s, none of them killed me.


and you kept count huh, congrats on picking the right characters to counter him in the right map then


I was using Hank for most of them, is he a counter?


pretty sure your teammates assisted you, you can not do that with a hank


It was on showdown, I mastered Hank.


i won't believe so on draco counter, cuz as Hank charges his bubble draco can just spam flames at you, but congrats on dedication to master


You realize draco doesn’t have his super all the time right?


rq could you tell me how those brawlers are op? I only play melodie to score in brawl ball to carry friends sometimes and I hate playing angelo. Also Draco seems underwhelming


People don't understand if you play a non meta brawler and someone else plays a meta brawler, assuming equal skill, you lose lol. Being able to overcome a challenge putting yourself at a disadvantage sometimes doesn't make it good design.


L&L meta lul


I think you need to play more. Get your practice in. Cause Mr. P and frank are my top brawlers excluding bibi and lou. What it comes down to is finding the character that suits you. And I don’t think you have.


And kit in showdown is genuinely one of the most annoying things ever, he's good in every other game mode but in showdown he's completely broken, he can have 10k health with like 5 powerups or something, it's completely broken, if a kit gets even 2 powerups he immediately gets like 8k health and like 2.6k damage which is super unfair And that's not even talking about the rest of his kit, a mini leon super, the most annoying super in the game especially for showdown, completely stops you from moving while kit is invulnerable, basically is a death sentence, and pretty good and really fast burst damage. Like if kit exists why would any other close range assassin even try, Edgar, mortis, Mico, lily etc are just worse versions of kit.


His point from the post is that some brawlers are plainly extremely op, like kit draco Angelo Melodie etc. and some polar opposites and are as bad as early colette like frank, Hank etc. there was no other time where this many brawlers were S++ tier (OP ASL), the game is just annoying when every 2 games you find one of these stupid brawlers dominate you. Oh yeah and I remember in the old days when every brawler mostly had some sort of counter to each other, but now think about it, playing Grom or something is a death sentence when every 1/2 games has a Mico, Edgar, kit, mortis etc. basically the meta is filled with these annoying brawlers like kit draco etc that have no skill cap, are basically impossible to kill unless your playing one specific brawler counter and have high health / fast burst damage.


The problem is that you have to ban angelo melodie and sandy every fucking game


One, showdown is not a competitive game mode so no that does not give you credibility and two, stronger brawlers will beat weaker brawlers... thats like how meta works??? Then you are asking for buffing weaker brawlers. You are essentially just asking for better balancing which we all wish for. Man this post is so bad and no you wouldn't know a bad meta. Been playing since beta and I've played through so many metas, this micht actually be one of the best.


Why wouldn’t it give me credibility? A solo showdown match is probably less difficult than a competitive match, but that still doesn’t mean I’m trash. The point is I’m not a competitive player, but I’m not so bad at the game that you could blame the creation of this post on a skill issue. And yeah, I am asking for them to buff weaker brawlers. Also, which metas were worse than this one, cuz I used to play the game a while ago, and the only meta that might have been as close as bad to this one is the Rosa meta when she first dropped.


To gain credibility you have to be at least mythic 1 or up in ranked


I have 3302 solo showdown victories, at 45k trophies at one point I had more solo showdown wins than 3v3 wins. (I can gladly send you proof too just ask me) I can firmly tell you solo showdown is not a competitve game mode. Pros dont practice it and brawlers like kit are rare outside of the game mode.


True that


Well of course the meta is garbage if you play Showdown


I would say ruffs is pretty balanced seeing how he just gets overshadowed, either wait for his hyper charge or if any people remember the last time he was meta, his unload speed was insanely fast


Kits only counter seems to be rico or any multiplayer gamemode


While I completely agree with the post... and I've never had that much less fun with the game with this meta, which I consider to be the assassin meta. Having that in mind, I'd say two things: - We need some serious nerfs to the brawlers whose kit is just too powerful. Charlie and Cordelius need gigantic nerfs, sorry to their mains but no brawler deserves S tier for almost a year. - The brawlers you listed are not, for sure, in the strongest side of the meta but not in the weakest one either. Out of those, the only one that really struggles is Squeak. You could have said Penny, for example, or Lily (which is the worst one in the entire game). I personally enjoy playing Mr.P and with a correct draft he is extremely good.


Counter argument. They are waiting to give them hyper charges before they buff them


This is a massive over-exaggeration. There have been much worse metas than this. The larry and lawrie meta, the charlie meta, the meta when hypercharges first came out, etc. Also, you seem to believe that all 1v1s should be completely even, which they shouldn't. A support brawler should not have an equal chance to beat an assassin, just like an assassin shouldn't have an equal chance against a tank. Ruffs is not a bad brawler, he's a support. He's not supposed to do good damage, there's already too much damage inflation in this game. You also seem to play solo showdown quite a bit, which explains why you feel this way. Support brawlers are not good in solo showdown, and they never should be. While I do agree that some brawlers are certainly too strong (kit, angelo, melodie) this meta is actually quite good; very few brawlers are truly bad if you just play them the way they're meant to be played.


Op had to do 2 edits to try to prove he’s not a clown lmao and tbh new brawlers are gonna come out people will pay for them and then they will be nerfed nothing will ever change


Maybe it would help if they made the reload speed for the current overpowered units very slow, like Mortis. Imo, Mortis is a good example of a brawler that's strong but requires skill to execute properly, because you need to use timing to get the most out of him. For similar brawlers that are very frontloaded, it would help if they had a similar reload speed


Youre GOING to die. You're NOT going to win every game. I go on losing streaks. I go on win streaks. And none of my favorites are top tier. I don't blame it on the mechanics, or that some brawlers are OP as people claim. I either blame it on randoms who don't carry their weight, or that I got caught slipping. My point is, you either play the game and enjoy it, or just don't play the game. You win some, you lose some. Yes, some brawlers are annoying. But with me having over 20k trophies, I KNOW I'm a MENACE when I'm in the zone lol Step up or get stepped on. No sympathy. No mercy. As Brock says "take the L"


"Over 20k" proves your lvl with 2 words 💀


It amazes how many noobs lurk on this subreddit and how they think they are good at the game, some guy at my post said kits star power isn't broken you just don't know how to counter him and then proceed to say he has 800 trophies on kit and gets countered very easily lmfao


It's not my fault people forgot how to play to just have fun. Yeah it's annoying sometimes, but in 3v3, every brawler can carry their weight depending on the map I see people complain about Edgar and kit the most. And yeah, they're strong, but if I can body an Edgar 1v1 with slow ass 8 bit, then it's possible. If you get caught slipping, then it is what it is But I'm def not a noon though. I carry my weight most games. Star player a good 40% of the time. I used to play alot back in 2019, and stopped playing once I maxed out every brawler. I just came back a month ago and got back into it


Wanna 1v1 then?


Sure. I'm always down to play in my free time lol


TL;DR: “Brawler choice shouldn’t matter to you, if you don’t like the game don’t play it.”  Sage advice. /s


That's not what I said,lol What I basically said was, you win some, you lose some. You either get better with your brawlers, find a new brawler, make smarter decision when in the field, or continue to get yo ass whooped. Your brawler choice should matter. None of mine are top tier, I just pick who I enjoy playing with. Either learn and get better or keep gettin bodied lol


Just remove every single brawler from the game


>like Mr. P, Janet, Squeak, Grom, Ruffs, and Ash. Mr. P is broken in 5v5 and still decent enough to be selected in most 3v3 modes. Janet needs a buff I agree but she is still not a bad pick in some modes and maps. Squeak is one of the best control brawlers come on. Grom is far better than some overrated throwers such as Dynamike and Tick. Ruffs is a good support and decent in most 3v3 modes. Ash might be one of the best tanks in the game lmao. >(like dynamike, Jessie, Shelly and etc) Dynamike and Shelly is worse in the meta than the brawlers you mentioned.