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Basically make him do the same thing he did when he was released? Nah that was too broken and mostly impossible to dodge


Did you read this carefully?


It isnt that broken tbh cus yk, you have to get to stage 5 first


Getting stage 5 is easy with surge nowadays because all maps he is good is a lot of tanks and he can get super easily cuz they fed him


But surge only has 4 stages, and adding a star that inputs an extra stage with strong concepts behind it would make playing surge much more rewarding, since you become the absolute best brawler upon working so hard not to die and all, and it would also make choice between surge star power much more appealing


Surge is already great we don’t need him be extremely broken and playing surge is not that hard and specially on ranked he is a counter pick with this he will be extremely broken.


Well we could give a hp or damage nerf to compensate for that how about


Small changes *Hp: 3300->3100 *Damage: 1180->1120


I mean is straight up broken being able to hit without aiming at all


But his shots split off upon hitting a wall, not max distance, and the aspect of it you mentioned would come from his star power, which you would have to work really hard throughout the game to achieve this broken state.


He when was released his sp worked when the shot reach max distance split and surge doesn’t need any rework in his kit


Also not really because in the maps he is good is a lot of tanks that fed super


Every time someone proposes "rework" to this starpower it's always the same and they absolutely didn't play when this hellspawn was breaking the game because of this starpower


Tbh the only rework he needs would be to make is base (stage 1) stats more viable. The would make the other star power less mandatory


The concept is good but this can't be released as a starpower because surge's skin changes in game when he upgrades so you can't add an extra upgrade look just for it to happen on only one star power. That just doesn't happen in brawl stars