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Fair, but Cordy, Tick and Sandy are only annoying at VERY high trophy count (imo) but Piper is ALWAYS annoying and you litterally see that mf of Angelo one-shotting you everywhere. That is why the community is upset (imo)


I see. I’m more of a ranked player instead of ladder, so I can’t really tell what’s going on there. I will not defend Piper and Angelo because I cannot deny that they’re very annoying. But I have actually seen Piper somehow getting under the radar and escaped the ban phase even in open maps which really surprised me since I thought there’s no other brawler as annoying as her besides the mosquito. Meanwhile Sandy pretty much gets instant banned if it’s a mid or close range map


Byron is so strong rn. I’m surprised nobody is complaining about him


Yes but he definitely isn't that strong and he didn't get hypercharge


piper is never that annoying at mid lvl. most piper's cant aim for shit or position themselves poorly often times so you can easily win even with smth like max who just speed boost everyone or use someone like brock since a piper at max range litteraly cant hit shit and ive won many duels with brock vs piper Angelo is wya more annoying if ur playing a squishy since super + attack is litterally a kill when they blindky spam arrows


Bruh Tick was one of the worst thrower in the game before his hc


Well tbh he is really infuriating to fight against for a majority of the people in the game. So giving him a hypercharge was a pretty stupid idea


He gets one hypercharge per bounty match so it's no big deal I still understand you tho


People don’t hate sandy, and was not hated or that op before hyper. And now she it op. Angelo and piper are some of the most hated brawlers in the entire game.


Sandy is a boy


She feels like a girl


Nothing except his hair style and maybe name marks him as a girl🤦🏻‍♂️




That doesn't make him girl, he is a boy


But… I wanna her to be a girl🥹




Your telling me you didn’t consider kit a girl when she first came our


It's he, stop using wrong pronouns


He* and kit is a boy


Want him*


I hate everything about Sandy. I hate the way his gadget stuns me with no counterplay, I hate the way his super literally pushes the entire enemy team at spawn, I hate the way his attack works, even 90 years old would be able to hit the enemy with it, I hate the way his hc guarantees that he and his teammates will destroy the entire enemy team


Kendrick is that you?


The stun isn't even that good compared to others (Dyna) it also has a lot of counter play just run away his att is easily dogged, every hc does the same (basically guaranteed team wipes if used correctly) the super only pushes the team away if he has the right starpower, also if you see sandy just pick crow he is a great counter to sandy and his super. So I feel like sandy is one of the only balanced and well rounded brawlers in the game it's just that if you know how to play him and which brawlers pair well with him he becomes good.


tbh, sandy hyper kinda mid


You are tripping, easy to charge and its a free complete push, not to mind the fact that the mute actually resets Janet, Hank and Angelo's attack