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Can I get sounds to iPadOS please. Working at at start then at random point \*screech\* and they’re gone. If you press volume up and down they return momenterily


Will the colector pack show up to let me save 1 gem when buying hc alone or was it removed?


Duo showdown - What combos are good with Angelo? My friend plays Angelo and I own Melodie, Piper, Charlie, Kit, Spike, Gene, Rico.


Do I bump all my brawlers to rank 9 and try playing them in ranked (or maybe just bump all of them to 7 and play normal 3vs3's until I get good at a given brawler), or focus just on one, as I am doing right now? I just focus on Byron and sometimes Nita when going into ranked, today I managed to get into Diamond 2. Penny is like lacking sniper, Jessie I can't charge super before I die a few times, tanks in this meta are meh so I rarely play them, with throwers I am so so when it comes to aiming throws. I saw some extremely good Crow players, but of course when I play him, he's the king of paper and I die 24/7. Brock is too hard to aim, Angelo even worse, because you don't heal when charging your shot. I can't do Fang at all, my Buzz sucks. Mostly the brawlers you see I grinded 2 years ago when I last played, now I came back and I feel the most comfortable with Byron and maybe a bit of Nita. Any advice, any help? Thanks in advance! [Here's the brawlers I've got.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/359543440083779585/1253569988812472401/brawlers_YVGV9P8CQ.webp?ex=66765587&is=66750407&hm=72da2589d0e48c1cdefb254a3e43aaefd439ac33b643edd7b2a9574ccf6a8836&=&format=webp&width=1891&height=1063)


Firstly thank you for posting your brawlers in an image like that, many people post screen recordings/a ton of screenshots and its a pain I'd say you should focus on a few brawlers at a time instead of a ton at p9. Byron and Nita are really good right now and are great choices; Nani and Piper are phenomenal snipers right now, and Piper aims pretty similarly to Byron so your skills should translate over pretty well. Tanks can work in this meta, they're just map reliant. Tanks like Bibi, Rosa, and Jacky work well on Sneaky Fields, Split, most Brawl Ball maps, and Pit Stop (bibi only). You should definitely grab a star power and gadget for Colt too


who are the top 3 best throwers


Throwers are in a weak spot right now overall. Sprout is pretty good but he's really the only above average thrower. I'd say the next 2 are Tick and Larry & Lawrie


Is spike better than sandy in consistency? Many people used to call spike “The king of consistency” for always being A/S tier. I know that he’s been nerfed down to Low A/B tier. I want to know if unlocking and upgrading sandy instead of spike might be a decision that I may regret a few months later, or a decision that I will profit from.


I'd say he's very consistent, moreso than sandy. Sandy is never really bad but he goes from very very good to just good, while spike always remains in A-B tier. Other consistently good brawlers are Belle, Emz, and Colette


Spike or leon mainly for solo showdown/rank


Spike imo is better in more modes but I think Leon is better in solos


Who do I focus on leveling next? I'm in Diamond and I'd like to climb. I have HC's for Colt, Nita and Bull. Recently I got Byron and it's been fun to play him. [Here are my brawlers.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1253576247968010240/1253594937723850752/brawlers_YVGV9P8CQ.webp?ex=66766cc3&is=66751b43&hm=b6649f83ac6e67ce5d6f4448a5de32b72b03d732bdd0d43d8d00501f9e43b73c&=&format=webp&width=1891&height=1063)


Is using extra gadget gear on Angelo a good idea? He seem likes a brawler that can benefit from an extra get out of jail free card. Should I buy it? Or should I buy shield or health. Already bought damage.


I don’t think he needs shield or health since he can’t heal when aiming, so I’d do gadget gear


I got Crow's hypercharge




I just unlocked Max and am torn on which to upgrade between Max and Angelo. Can anyone advise?


Max is a much less punishing brawler to play while Angelo is the opposite. I don’t have that much experience playing Angelo and Max is one of my mains so I might be a little bit biased here


Frank, Pam, or Griff




Why do I not have any of the anniversary icons even though I was an early player. I have star Shelly skin and played the first year of global launch up to 10000 trophies then took a break. Just started playing again and I don’t have the anniversary icons(1,2,3,4 stars) like other og players have. Anyone know why I might not have them?


I got nita and spike hypercharge from the drops, they are both power 9 who should I upgrade for ranked


Spike for most game modes, Nita is good for only heist


Why is she listed by SpenLC as A tier then?


Me and my 2 of my friends created new accounts to play only together and can only use brawlers we get from star drops. The first thing I get from the star drops is Cordelius. Is he any good? Also everything else I got was coins, bling, and a shelly skin


Cordelius is one of the most powerful brawler in the game. 100% worth leveling up


Do you know what gadget and star power to use?


I would say get both gadgets and get the mushroom kingdom star power


Ok rn I have the replant gadget


It is very useful for surviving against assassins


Is Mr P any good?


Very well rounded character, but people say he’s bad because he takes more skill to use than others. Highly disagree with them though


So would me worth upgrading to lvl 9


Mr P is very solid, got him to rank 25 at just level 7, if you have star powers for all your level 9 brawlers then I recommend leveling him up


Can you get the Shadow Mecha Leon skin from Starr Drops


No and that goes for any legendary/mythic skin


Should I buy 800 pp and 1k coins for 50 gems cuz I need 800 pp to get lvl 11 Brock so I can get hyper charge 


First, don’t by coin/power point deals. They are a waste of gems. Second, please don’t ever abbreviate power points ever again


What epic brawler should I get from the brawl pass btw? I’ve heard that Angelo is good but idk if he really is


Get the 1000 credits instead. Every epic brawler is 950 credits so the 1000 is (almost) better in every way. If you really want a new brawler than go with Anglelo, Colette, or Piper


I’m unlocking emz rn so like 60% of the credits will go to her 💀


Emz is a good crowd control brawler and shines most in hot zone so unlocking her wouldn’t be a bad idea


I had schizophrenia, it was Frank💀


Frank might be useful in big friend gamemode


Absolutely not never do currency deals


I want some tips or a full guide about how to analyze almost everything like understanding the good and bad points in a specific brawler, what is the best king of map for it, what can help them or defeat them, etc. How to analyze the maps And other things in the game. I know that brawlity.com and youtube are helpful but I want to think by myself and use my mind in the game. Thanks ♥️


The best teacher is first hand gameplay experience, not what a link tells you to do


Should I level up Nani or pearl or wait for Other brawlers


Nani > pearl for current ranked meta


I’m about to unlock piper so her or Nani?


I'm so fed up with maxed out accounts complaining about getting credits from star drops. You unlocked everyone, you have everything, what more do you want?


people want to save up for the next brawler and then the credits go to useless fame, also they would want coins for getting the new brawler maxed out + buying Hypercharges if they don’t have it for one of their brawlers


They want Hypercharges


i have a deal in the shop for 1,500 credits for 5 dollars. is it worth it? i’ve already bouight the pass and am currently unlocking a mythic brawler


No, because if you do unlock it with the money, you still will be bottlenecked while leveling it by power and gold.


Do I need a tank before I head into ranked or am I fine to level barley, Shelly and emz (or maybe bea)?


Dont ever gp ibto ranked with 3 power 9 brawlers...


Why not?


There are too many maps thosebrawlers are not gonna be good on that guven mao/modifier, if you rush upgrading brawlers for ranked you wont get the star powers/gadgets, you will ruin everyone elses gameplay. People lile this are the reason everyone hates playing ranked in lower leagues.


Well they’re lower leagues for a reason. If someone would be at my rank despite having star powers then surely the difference in power is made up for in skill otherwise they’d be in a higher league than me, no?


Well that may be, but if yoi saw every 5th post on this sub its about their randoms in ranked and i can promise however good ypu are you will always struggle with randoms in ranked. But if you want to play i recommend you play with friends.


There’s currently a modifier that makes your entire team the health of the highest health brawler on your team. I personally don’t think tanks are strong in the current ranked meta but I have gotten whooped by good primo’s before. I would focus on leveling up long range brawlers that you like and assassins. (Emz is really good for most game modes) (Brock/colt/piper are very solid long range brawlers for when you get bounty or heist)


Is the brawl pass plus worth it this month?


It’s always worth it tbh


Got doug maisie and Buster from the 5 free legendary star drops 🤣 used up all my luck


which brawler should I upgrade for ranked: chuck, jessie, rico, or belle?


Jessie is one of the best brawlers in the game in my opinion, her with hyper charge wrecks any game mode(especially heist)


k. which gadget and starpower should i get on her?


is the 5900 XP doublers for 49 gems offer in the shop worth buying? seems pretty good, but i've seen a fair few people talk about how XP doublers are bad now apparently? not sure abt the validity of that claim


xp doublers are never worth buying for gems. if you've finished your bp already, 5900 extra exp is a bit less than 4 starr drops. as you can tell 49 gems for 3 starr drops is...yeah don't buy it.


Yall who should I get to lvl 11:Max or Jessie? I was thinking since I'm I'm lower trophies I go with Jessie, but I also like playing ranked and I'm pretty sure max is high in the meta rn so I'm unsure who to upgrade


They’re both good in the meta. Max will probably get a hypercharge nerf, but was meta before anyhow. I think you should get jessie if you’re gonna get the hypercharge


Jessie is very strong in the meta and good in basically every game mode


Should I max out Sandy i recently got him in a star drop! I can’t decide if I should or not.


Yes, he's currently one of the best brawlers in the game with his hyper. Although he might be seeing some nerfs next update


Oh okay thank you. What will be nerfed about him? and do you think they will nerf him a lot?


not sure about "a lot" but they might nerf his hypercharge rate, rn its actually not that hard to get hyper


Okay I will max him out thank you btw would you mind telling me which is his best build? thank you man


Do I get spikes of hypercharge, or once I unlock Mr. P, do I level him up? and get his Star power gadget and gear.


Go spikw


Got both sp for Gene. Idk which to use. Many people said the healing one provide better value. Any other advice?


Spirit slap is a bit better now with the hypercharge


I play spirit slap lol sometimes the extra damage can make a whole lotta difference


Healing one does provide better value


Yeah, especially in Solo showdown!


If you're playing Gene in Solo Showdown you may be a little bit lost lol


on my starr road who should i choose between grom, gale and collete? also in terms for playing ranked


Gale has a hypercharge coming soon if you wanna prep for that.


How does one prep for that? I'm a brand new player, got 4k coins and gale on my stars, so I leveled him to max. Is he a decent character to play right now? I've had a good time with him so far.


Leveling them to max and saving enough gems or gold are the only requirements. The gem offer is the best in the game, so if you can save up gems for when the hyper charge releases the gem off is the best bang for your buck. Be Gale is good in brawl ball, he’s an assassin and tank counter. If you have a game against 3 assassins it’s usually a decent time.




Best build for Buzz and Colt?


Today i got nita's hc and is her hc worth using? (Aka should i max out nita)




also is nita with hc good in ranked? (idk why i'm asking this when i have sandy with his hc which is already broken lol)


Nita with hc is very good in ranked, yes


Why can’t I use visa/mastercard gift cards on the brawl stores website to purchase stuff? It says that my order cannot be accepted


How do I change my age? I tried contacting supercell support but they won’t answer.


Which brawler do I unlock first? Sandy, Meg, Amber, crow






Is it worth to buy Colette’s HC using coins? Or she can work at lvl 11 without HC?


It's definitely worth buying. It makes her go from a good heist pick to a top 3 heist pick; plus it's just good in general


Thanks. I also got Chuck in the free legend sd. Does this change the case here? Btw, my colette is lvl9 with heal gadget and shield sp


Doesn't hurt to have more heist choices, although both of those brawlers are frequently banned in Ranked heist. For what it's worth (still on Ranked) Colette is literally the best choice in Big Friend and her hypercharge makes her more effective Overall I'd say her hyper is very worth it


5- wait 7! Legendary starr drops Is this normal? I just got another two legendary starr drops from my first daily starr drops


No that's very lucky


I got fucking caveman Frank from one of the legendary star drops


At least you can't get it again lol. I can't believe that skin is Super Rare


Is max super hard to use because I got his hc and was wondering if mid ladder legendary players like me can work with him


I really want the blue wizard Byron skin since I missed it all that time ago in ranked. I recently came back and I’m confused by the schedule and availability of skins now. Will it ever come back to purchase? I know some ranked skins eventually come back into the shop catalogue. Any explanation is nice


A while ago all skins from the Brawl Pass and Ranked (called Power League then) became exclusive if you didn't unlock them. They stopped that but the skins that were exclusive, stayed exclusive. Wizard Byron was one of those skins. They recently released a recolored version; it's Byron the White and it's pretty decent


Ion like it


Fair enough. Unfortunately the original will never be back


Sad. But typical. Gotta keep stuff exclusive! Another question: I have the old smuggler penny skin that was a power league exclusive. A friend told me he also has it, but back then I don’t think he played at all. Are some able to be bought still or is it pretty consistent across the board?


You can buy them if you unlocked them. That's exactly the case I have lol, I played 50 games in the Smuggler Penny season to unlock the purchase option, and then I never used it. Still have that option Perhaps he also has the Moon-curser variant, which is a recolor of Smuggler Penny


Nope I have the green original! It’s all so confusing


smuggler is exclusive, maybe they have the recolor?


No I have the original


i got hc for that lil annoying monkey, is it worth upgrading?


Nope, his Hypercharge is really awful


Who should i up to level 11 first? (for ranked) i have buzz, brock and colt hypercharge https://imgur.com/a/JyfWKRw




I'm not good with her :(


Ig buzz cos colt is high skill and brock needs aiming like Piper


I got Belle's hypercharge, 1000 credits (got Draco with em!), and not 1, not 2, but 3 star powers that were converted into coins. Unlucky?


Yes and no, you would be lucky if you had someone at level 9 with open star powers but you didn’t so you got coins. But it also depends on what star power you would have gotten anyways


I have all the brawlers so I simply could not get any lol


You have all brawler star powers?




From the 5 leggo star drops? I got a - star power for morris (creepy) - Hyper charge for tick - Hyper charge for Colette - El rudo primo skin - And.. Meg.


I opened my 5 legendary drops and got cord, grom, and gale. And star powers for penny and leon


I am unlocking a legendary brawler and need to know which one is the best between Amber, Crow, Chester, and Meg. I need a brawler that is good for ranked. Specifically the modes hot zone, heist, and brawl ball.


Amber is probably your best bet for those modes. Meg is overall better for Ranked but she's better in Bounty and Knockout


Agree, amber. Im a Meg hater.


Meg is really good but just so boring. I heard she may be getting ANOTHER rework so we'll see where she is after that lol


My issue is that once you lose your mech, you stop helping your team, and just try to not die until you get it back. She'd be better off with only a mech form and less overall health.


Which legendary brawler is best to pick? I am only a few hundred credits away from unlocking a new legendary brawler, but idk who is best to pick at the moment. The choices I have are: Sandy, Amber, Meg and Crow. Someone please help me.


Sandy if he will not be nerfed on the next balance update, but I’m assuming he will cos he’s op af. So I’d pick Amber tbh


Sandy is a top 3 brawler right now, pick him


Do the collab skins (line n friends, bt21 etc) ever go on sale?


Very rarely but yes they do. Usually if they release a new one in the series, the old ones will go on sale. This does not happen often though


I guess it's just better to buy them full price then, not too keen on waiting that long lol


Yeah you'll be waiting for a while


i got R-T, a HC for buzz, a dynamike skin and 2 star powers for one for fang and another for jacky from the 5 legendary starr drops


i got mico, pearl, 2 hypercharges (sprout and jessie), and the shark skin for colt from the legendary star drops!!!


does ash or ruffs have any place in the meta rn?


Ash is mediocre and very comp and map dependent Ruffs is quite good on some maps and a very underrated, good brawler. Bit boring so people don't pick him, but 11 picks and 13 bans across 4 regions in last month's BSC finals (the largest esports tournament in the game) is nothing to scoff at. Compare that to Ash who got picked 3 times total and that's it


what legendary should i pick, leon crow or spike?




I just got Cordelius from one of the legendary starr drops. I’m liking him so far so I’m wondering what is a good build for him? I’ve been playing knockout if that means anything


Firstly that's super lucky, congrats! Gadget depends on matchup but generally Replanting is the way to go. If you're against aggressive brawlers Poison Mushroom is better Star power, Mushroom Kingdom is overall better but against tanks Comboshrooms is the better choice. I like running Shield and Gadget gears, but you may also get utility out of Damage or maybe even Speed


Okay thank you for the advice! I’m very happy I got him and I didn’t think he’d be as fun as he is


He's an absolute blast to play. Extremely unique and interesting


He definitely is. I have a question though. So I know his super is to send a brawler to the shadow realm for a kind of 1v1. Usually when I use it I play aggressively and rush them, but is it ever viable to use the super as a way to just get out of the fight and heal up, or even to take a high health or high damage brawler out of the fight for a short time? Or should it always be used to kill a brawler?


It absolutely is viable. Cordelius actually is a great Chuck counter in heist as a result; if chuck is charging your safe, you can hit him with a super and take him out of the fight for a while. It's also worth it to get out of a fight, especially in modes where kills are the mode's objective like Knockout or Bounty. Mushroom Kingdom helps a lot with that purpose, the healing from the mushrooms is huge


Yeah! I also discovered earlier that if you shoot your super at a brawler who has the ball in BB then they’ll automatically be forced to drop it. I had a few saves like that earlier. Thanks for all the advice! He’s definitely unique but I like him and I’ve been having fun with him


So did i! Im so happy as he was a brawler i wanted but im scarce on coins


I really didn’t even think about playing him until I got him, then I found out he’s actually good and really fun to play


i have hypercharge for leon, lou, and maisie… who should i level up and build a kit around




i got angelo L&L and belle from the star drops are they worth using?


angelo is an op brawler right now and he is getting hc in the next update but he might get nerfed alongside with it. belle and L&L are both very solid options too


Best gadget for amber?


Fire Starters is more versatile and better overall thanks to its synergy with her star powers but Dancing Flames can do a lot of damage against aggressive brawlers


Ah I already choose dancing flames since no one really steps in amber’s puddle, hope I didn’t make a mistake


That one's pretty good too. Fire Starters just synergizes well with her Star Powers, they're not necessarily all that good for attacking people. Amber struggles with aggro brawlers and Dancing Flames helps with that so you really can't make a mistake regarding her gadgets


Ah good to hear


Who do I choose between Crow, Leon, Sandy and Amber.




Bro can someone tell me. I got bibi from one of the legendary star drops, but I have sandy next on Star road. Ik they both r rly good, but I only have enough powerpoints and coins to max out one brawler. Shud I max out bibi or sandy?


Sandy is more flexible. Bibi is what she is. If you like running around clobbering ppl on close maps, go bibi. Otherwise sandy. How many credits do you need for sandy? If over 1000, Id do bibi now and save up again for sandy.


I hav 2300/3800 credits for sandy, so ig I’ll go with sandy. Thx for the advice


Unlock Mr. P, Mortis, or Willow? All pretty terrible.


Mr P. Willow is terrible and Mortis is painfully mediocre; meanwhile Mr P. is actually pretty damn good on the right map and against the right comp. He's a very good Ranked brawler; he does a great job countering extremely meta brawlers like Angelo, Piper, Gene, and Byron


Mortis for sure


No? Mr. P and Willow are great options, Mr. P is well rounded in almost all modes and Willow in almost any 3v3 mode


Lol, after 2 comments I have it narrowed down to Mr. P,Willow, or Mortis.


I really don’t recommend Mortis and I’m not sure who recommended him to you, he is really overrated. If it were between Willow or Mr. P I’d do Mr. P, Willow’s super is useless in most situations outside of brawl ball




how does 3v3/ranked wintrading work?


Other guy loses by afk on purpose so the dude on the other team wins and progresses


Hi i’m a new player who’s good to upgrade? i’m not sure how to show what I have though so just general recommendations for brawlers newer players are more likely to have (i have 27/80) would be helpful 🥹


Just upgrade who is fun for you. Even if they’re meta doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy playing them, play what you enjoy and you’ll have fun


Are the coin offers in the supercell store actually worth it?


The deals in there right now are really, really bad. Don't go for em


Nope, never.


Who should I pick first between sandy, crow, amber, and meg?


Sandy I’m not biased sandy pick sandy yes sandy he’s better than all of the other failures 


In my 5 legendary Starr drops I got: Meg, Collette and Lily. One star power of Emz and a Belle skin Overall massive W on my side