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Edgar's title suits him.


Nah, even bots would play better than him


No, seriously all jokes aside bots would play better than him. Bots would at least get a kill or two. And it's because bots are unpredictable and do a lot of random moves, they are not like humans. This edgar apparently is neither a human or bot.


Nah playing as Angelo, Colt, or Piper vs a bot is so annoying šŸ˜‚


depends on the bot. Bea bots are the ABSOLUTE WORST, and so are colt, primo, R-T and surprisingly barley. But some, like poco aren't very good.


The worst ones to vs for me are el primo Rosa 8bit and nita


No Angelo is the easiest bot because he doesnā€™t charge it up. He just spams the weakest hit


deserved because you play angelo


Based but I agree




prolly one of those telegram bots


Best comment


Iā€™ve been having this same exact problem too. Diamond isnā€™t that hard to reach but thereā€™s some people that I have no idea how they managed to get to it. Iā€™ve been stuck in diamond every single ranked season and Iā€™ll get so close to mythic and then just lose a ton of games.


people keep saying that you need to carry hard to get past diamond and mythic but every game is your teammates picking the worst brawlers and then feeding. you cant win bounty purely with skill when your teammates feed and die every second. and your aim doesnt matter in gem grab when your teammates run for the gems and die next to the enemies. sometimes you just have to turn your emotions off and push and push and push until you get good teammates or until you get a team you can actually carry and slowly progress. people donā€™t understand that itā€™s a team game and queuing in solo and getting to masters in an hour is not possible for everyone because luck is a big thing here


Take my upvote! Like holy shit like youā€™re a sharpshooter, stop walking up close to the enemy and just die.


Unfortunately you will have to hard carry to get out of diamond, mythic and legendary have better people so you wonā€™t have to carry as hard


seriously. crow on my team died 5 times, and did this both roundsĀ 


I feel youā€¦ Iā€™ve gotten 150 away from mythic.


u gotta push earlier in the season the good players push then so most of them arent hot trash making it significantly easier


Thatā€™s a double edged sword


I edge my swird 'till I double


You can also play by using that "find team" button the only downside is if you lose once then everybody leaves most of the time


And this sub always tells me that getting stuck in Diamond is solely my skill issue, yeahā€¦ try 1v3 in every match youā€™re in


bro diamond is a 1v5 you vs 2 randoms + 3 enemies


Why do some of us consistently reach masters in solo going from bronze to masters in a few hours? Don't get me wrong, I lost some games that were fully on my teammates but overall you should still win far more than you lose if you're alright at the game.


Shhh bro Supercell hates them specifically that this shit only happens to them. Ego over skill.


it is lol. Bc matchmaking works like this. Your team is you + 2 fandoms. Vs 3 randoms on enemy team. This means that enemy team has a higher chance of having someone like sleepy. 3:2 odds. If youā€™re hard stuck more often than not you ARE the bad random (just maybe not as bad.) this is how all comp matchmaking works out. Be better and queue enough and youā€™ll get places where y belong


Once I was grinding, it was the first time I grinded and i got 1 game away from masters, lost, then won and then I tilted back to Legend 1


so real dude its annoying. Whenever im ONE WIN away from getting to mythic my opponents are rank legendary for some reason, not to add that the teammates i get in that situation literally pick el primo or buzz in time destination.


Lost 4 games in a row due to tms not picking good brawlers. I've had tms with hardly any brawlers, all power 9 with no star powers. It's so annoying cuz I was 1 game away


exactly the same with me. Also I always get the griefers in my team who will have first pick and hover over one character during the entire choosing phase and then the second I try to pre pick the one I want they will switch to it, have absolutely no gadgets or star powers on that character and have it at level 9 and then proceed to spend the entire match sitting in a corner and spamming the thumbs down. I had this happen for 2 out of the 5 matches I played earlier today and quite literally felt like ripping my hair out


not even surprised ONE bit that is an edgar + blackbird skin


Its either blackbird or taco skinned edgars that be the worst


"taco skinned edgar" is crazy


I forgot the skins name tbh


its quickdraw edgar btw i also have it from a legendary starr drops


Big L you could have gotten bikini pam


i dont even have pam lol


Buy her with gems


with my 36 gems (pls donate me gems)


It's just always the Edgars, I find that quickdraw are on average better, but all are shite


Taco skins are the best ones in my experience lol and the thief ones


I donā€™t use Edgar often and only have the blackbird skin for it but if I do use it, Iā€™m not as bad as these randoms.


I feel ya, i think the solution to this problem is having a team but finding a team is an issue, my friends don't play anymore and i cant find a team online and they see my stats and just leave or kick me(its my first ranked season as i am a returning player) I am stuck in diamond too after being 80elo away from mythic(now i am in D2 somehow) and i just can't catch a break


I'm usually a bit busy with studies,but if you ever want a teammate you can count on me(if I'm free at the time)


Sure, you got discord?


The 0-20 is wild


Idk looks like Edgar carried


I think Stephen Hawking can put up better numbers


thas crazy, I agree.


isn't steve a carl main?


no no hes a chuck main obviously


drives a train to epstein island


the joke was that chuck is canon paralyzed from the waist down but that sure is an interpretation


Got an idea Ban Edgar so he can't be on your team only lost 2 ranked games by doing this


Yeah but by doing that u give away a ban just for a bad brawler. Itā€™s dumb all u can do is hope nobody picks him thatā€™s it Ngl.


I rather waste a ban than have to deal with that kind of teammate honestly


do you think that edgar player could've done any better on other brawlers if he was so ass? I think the stats would be similar


Probably,but honestly it kinda seems to work(mostly) Edit:also I don't really know who to ban most of the time


I (always) ban, dyna or Edgar for example. The big thing is look at the modifiers. If itā€™s big guy then Defo get rid of frank, Jacky, buzz etc. if itā€™s quick fire Leon, gene, and so on. itā€™s not too hard tbh.


0/20 is fucking crazy bro šŸ’€šŸ’€


If u haven't even hit mythic u need to change your playstyle or draft. Some matches is doomed from the start like this one might have been. But u need to carry. Your teammates will be horrible (becauae u play in diamond) but so will the other team be. Play characters u can carry with, i recommend using healgear on almost every brawler, makes it easier to stay alive and put constant pressure without having to go away for to long and heal. I got around 40-45 brawlers to rank 26-30 by soloqueueing and i use healgear on almost everyone. Corderlius and jacky being the exceptions. Also legendary 3 rank soloqueueing


I'm legendary 3 too mainly solo queuing like u, and I don't quite get it because every game before mythic was always very easy lol


im the same, I donā€™t think I lost a game in diamond. as with most ranked modes, the simple fact is that if your teammates are all bad, so are you.


Why did they made ranked in 1000 trophies It should be 25000 or below trophies so players will have more knowledge to play this cOmPeTiTvE mode


Iā€™m tired of my team being level nine!


more like level nine years old


They should make it so that if you are level 9 You need to have a gadget, gear and a starpower to use the brawler.


Yeah power league was at 4000 trophies but 25000 seems too harsh, maybe 9000 trophies could be a good compromise


It wouldnt make much of a difference because of the matchmaking algorithm


Tbh I have seen and played with a lot of players who have 10k or 15k trophies , I think it should be 7500 or 10k


Definitely not 25 000, thatā€™s a lot. Casual players need ranked too


If the limit was 25,000 then everyone would rush 1000 trophies a day and people would say 25,000 is not high enough. High trophies is a pretty poor indication of skill especially with all of the pros and their 10 mini accounts.


Already mythic and 7k trophies! Not everyone is shitty, they just need to make it harder to push/rankup


Nah more like 20000 cuz some players don't have luck in getting new brawlers and it's harder cuz of it, but def ot shouldn't be only 1000


EVERYONE IS P2W! EVERY RANDOM IS A BOT :D (lol the edgars stats.)


With people afk-ing the best thing you can do is report them, and if you run out of reports for the day then it's best to stop playing and leave it for the next day. No reason to frustrate yourself any further with these players...


That's the problem. Op said the edgar wasn't afk, just horrible at the game


(you can report for bad random, and almost every time I do, I get the message saying action was taken against them)


I swear I can lose a normal match be upset and just move on, but with ranked every single time I lose I literally hypercharge my phone


Honestly only play with friends. Not being able to choose your teammates is painful


We don't all have friends


Best Edgar stats I've ever seen


Those are the worst stats I've seen on an Edgar thus far lmao


Trying to play more i guess? These matches happen all the time.


Yeah Iā€™ve been playing quite a bit. It usually goes something like win 3, lose 3, win 4, lose 4 etc.


I was stuck in that pattern yesterday, but I got mythic 1 today so keep on grinding you got this


same here, got to mythic 3 here. u want unless ur playing teams to play a lot more aggro/aggresive brawlers that can teamwipe easily, supports aren't good in ranked unless it has good aggro potential.


One way of not having bad random mates is pushing early in the season. I pushed to mythic within the first three days, and yes, i only played against legendary players but my mates were also legendary which meant they knew how to play and draft(and had many brawlers on power 11)


Just ban Edgar from ranked


He can be really good sometimes though if the player is act not brain dead and the opponents didnā€™t choose a counter


I'll play with u if u want (I'm not that good but I'm better than the Edgar lmao).Dm


pray to the brawl stars gods that you get good randoms also that last roast was too good šŸ˜­


The problem is that Ranked is so inflated rn that even players like this Edgar can climb eventually. Win rates required to progress are very low and rank boosts make it even easier. The best thing you can probably do is to focus on the drafts and get the maximum out of it. There is a brawler that hard counters all enemy picks? Go for it. Also brawlers that can hypercarry or destroy players at lower elos. Teamwipe 'em. I'm thinking of brawlers like Carl, Tara, Fang (ofc only those you can play well and if it fits the map/matchup). There is a brawler that can support your teammates' (suboptimal) picks? Go for it. Try to enable them. I'm thinking of Max, Byron or others supports that can help your teammates reach the enemies or survive matchups. Hope this helps. Good luck!


Tbh bro, Iā€™m master since first ranked season, even reached my country top 50 a few days agoā€¦ and Iā€™m struggling to push my alt. Itā€™s at mythic and no matter how hard I try, matches seem uncatryable. Every single game I end up having a score similar to yours here and yet still lose a solid 40% of my games. The only solution is playing with a full teamā€¦ Iā€™m not even sure duo is enough


just play with friends


What if I don't have any?


You unfortunately have to make some. Even if yall take time to get chemistry together, itā€™s more worth it and fun. Trust.


Fr tho, even if your friends are bad you know they are bad so you know how much you have to carry


I feel ya. Hit mythic 3 last season and now Iā€™m stuck in diamond always 1 game away from mythic just to tilt down back to d1. Ranked is not fun at all, like I get 5k trophy teammates against 3x 50k enemies? What the fuck am I supposed to do how should I carry solo against a triple team sitting in discord scratching their balls cus they sweat so hard in diamond league.


Thatā€™s my exact situationā€¦ I have no idea how this matchmaking works.


We have all been that Sandy before


I normally have spen's "cheat sheet for ranked" video for this season on another device I then go into a game and whatever map it is, I go to that timestamp in the video's description It gives you a set of brawlers that are great for that map/mode This made getting to mythic pretty easy


0-20, that's crazy.


0-20 is insane


If you playing with randoms, you need take carry brawler, like: Colt, Angelo, Leon, Colette (if have many tanks) LL, Dynamike, Rico, Max (hard to play). Also you need skill, good device with 90-120Hz.


Bro I literally have this every game


The most important thing is knowing what Brawlers to use with what map. That's the only advice you should take


Dodge strategically and stop playing when youā€™re on a losing streak


Yeah, it's because supercell only cares about money and doenst give af. The game is full of braindead bots and soloQ is unplayable. If u are on low thropys u get afk farm bots shooting straight without moving. If u play ranked/normals u get mates throwing with dumb plays and going full negative. They don't give af


Just dodge matches like these


Edgar and Bibi were hypercharged so I had a little hope before the match. If only I knewā€¦


Have a cup of tea and rethink if you should grind now or start playing a different brawler


Play with friends


Yeah idk.Im masters and the hardest part is always Mythic. Like i dont loose one game in legendary but like 3 in a row in Mythic


I think that this is way of luck. I don't have problems in bronze to diamond, but then, when games starting to get longer and your way to win is harder, because of the ban system, with random cube rate players, AND most importantly, modifiers in competitive mode...gosh.. And even word about "play with friends" work not all of the time. Jokes on you if that someone don't have any friends, and/or they just also play alone. The other things will always be, and that is really bad for that game mode, i think.


Self ban Edgar


Iā€™ve had the same problem too. Every season, I always go straight to Gold III, lose and go to Gold I, win and go to Diamond II, then lose all over again. Imo, the best way is to play with skilled friends, if your able too a team of three. Also, you can use the search teammate button, Iā€™ve used that too, and Iā€™ve ended up with both really good and trash teammates to play with. Iā€™ve met some great players who arenā€™t Edgar or Mortis mains by the search teammate button, and theyā€™ve helped me reach Mythic III pretty fast before going into Legendary.


Its crazy that I have the same problem but I'm at legendary 3 so like bad randoms are forever there


I feel u man. I always have to carry my team all the way to legendary 1. never playing ranked this season again. I don't really have much advice tho so stay strong! :)


Hey dude, I know itā€™s not advice but if you need help getting to mythic add me if you want and I can get you there if not good luck nonetheless


Matchmaking in brawl stars is a mess, it's why I quit playing that game because I don't hate myself, i'd recommend praying and hoping for the best


If you need help i gotchu, Almost 60k and got masters, have a mini acc thats only 10k and barely play ranked on there


I was able to reach masters this season solo q, a lot of it has do with draft, you can decide a game pretty much on who has the better team most of time, but trust me some people on ranked shouldnā€™t be allowed to touch a phone.


do not drop rank will cause this. just get use to it or not play ranked anymore


Id of the edgar?


nah bro I was playing my last game to masters against bull and Buster in BB and my teammate picked EMZ (W). But somehow she managed to get like 4-16 KD and missed an open goal which would've lead us to the win. Me and my other teammate had extremely positive KD


Play with an actual team or with your friends. 10x better.


maybe we can play together?


0-20 šŸ¤£


you just have to play, its pure luck if you win or not you just have to play a lot


Don't play ranked


Then there's that 1 guy who got lucky with teammates and he'll tell you to just carry harder


whenever I see a Blackbird edgar I know the game is lost, they're almost everytime trash asf and the skin is ugly. For ranked, you either gotta push through it or find a permanent team relative to your skill level


The worst part is that you can still find these randoms all the way in Mythic. I was just pushing to Mythic 2 with randoms and encountered someone who picked Edgar in Time Detonation... like, are they blind? Btw, he went 3-17. How are you even in Mythic when you're playing this bad? If you're getting carried by your friends in team queues, at least keep playing with them instead of throwing for someone else in solo queues.


I can feel you, my luck gives me 1 good match were I had to carry just a bit, and after that match I get 2 bad ones where my teammates afk whole game/pick lv 9 brawlers and den in sec, be ouse of it it's impossible to get next rank, how sm that afks while game got to diamond 3? Idk




Problem is couple of years ago game wasnt this much popular at all, rarerly you would hear someone played BS it was just another game on the app store. Now i hear from my little brother, in elementary school all of his friends are playing the game. It's a kids game, people don't care and it's normal and expected. Find a team, or showdown. That is the only solution that worked for me, the thing is with teams you don't have to find people better then you, just the consistent ones.


Thatā€™s why I hit mithic 1 and call it a day itā€™s not worth stressing over when youā€™ll get some pin or another useless item for the pain too


Welcome to brawl stars


The instant Edgar picks are reallll. I thought it was a joke people made about bad randoms but holy shit, I got 4 P9 Edgars in a row. Losing as Star Player hurts too bad


Stop playing ranked, my life is better now


What kinda games let you do an overall of almost 1M damage? I'm happy when I do 100k+ and I don't think I have seen any 3v3 with 2 people over 100k dmg


Always ban edger so your randoms canā€™t play him


Maybe edgar fell asleep or sum


Bro been dealing with the same issue, Iā€™m hoping I wonā€™t have to play with randoms soonšŸ™


Average blackbird Edgar user


People with low skills should be in another server or smt, theyā€™re the worst, itā€™s not funny


I can carry you to mythic


Instantly ban edgar in the banning phaze


honestly getting banned because you left during picking is stupid like bro i just don't want to lose my progress because of morons


My advice. Play Griff. You saw what the enemy Griff did, and that's bearly 1% of his true poweršŸ˜ˆ


What rank are you? If you are on Legendary we can try to team up, I have been demoted/promoted from Legendary 2 15 times already this season :D.


0 to 20 that is mental


Find some teammates so you can avoid edgars šŸ‘šŸ¼


Play with some friends


Honestly i think you have to reset your mental.. there will always be bad teammates but most of them are trying their best. If you play like this you will reach higher elos. Gl dude


I am surprised he didn't get any kudos


If you play a bit before the season ends it will be more easier to play. That's how i reached Diamond easily.


If ur teamate picks edgar, exit game as fast as you can


Same with Legendary I. Iā€™m literally stuck rn in itšŸ˜­


Bruhh that edgar


Know when to dodge or play in duo


I feel you, they immediately lock pick lvl 9 mortis or Edgar in open maps, quick fire, and they feel like bots.


lol orion


don't solo queue


If you are not a bad random you should progress. Enemy team has chance of three bad randoms and your team only two, as long as premade teams are not matched against random team compositions. Not sure about the second point though ...


Dude get better at the game cuz Edgar had to carry you so bad


Quit Ranked.šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Bibi didnt play that bad




Iā€™ve never been hardstuck diamond 2 but my randoms are making it happen. I feel like the average skill in this game has dropped considerably


Been spamming melodie and tried to carry as much as possible, ofc there are games like these where tjere are trolls or id!ots like Edgar, but i just hit mythic in like 2-3 days starting from bronze (with ranked boost until dia 3), and so can you :)))) (not that much of a tip, but I wish u the best of luck!)


that Edgar...


Just donā€™t play it.


0:20 kdr is wild šŸ˜­šŸ™


Don't play ranked games, simple


Play with a teammate


Edgar intelligence below 0


"How can I hit mythic with these randoms" oh man... who's gonna tell him?


I hate to break it to you, but if you can't make it out of DIAMOND, that's on you


Edgar be playing with one feet šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ (Tbh, Iā€™m also dog-water at ranked so sorry ;-; I canā€™t help)


Of course it's a fuking random Edgar with Night Robin skin or smt, who else would take the role of this failure -_-


as top 250 global one thing i would suggest is to blame yourself for the mistakes of your teammates because if you blame your teammates for their mistakes it will make you more angry at them and yourself. blaming yourself gives you time to reflect on what you can change in your gameplay to win


donā€™t ask here bro 98% of these players canā€™t even get passed mythic. Ask in the competitive sub theyā€™re the real ones who see this game mode as a joke because how easy it is. But i recommend finding a super team or learn how to draft and carry teams.


0 and 20 wth


Edgar with 0-20 šŸ’€


Maybe just take a break from the game? Thereā€™s like a whole world outside. šŸ˜


I feel you bro, i hope you get to mythic as quickly as possible :) šŸ‘


I loved the message to Edgar, I hope his smartphone gets on fire.