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TBH, most piper mains give me brain DMG.


I partly main piper but damn how can people be this braindead 😭




The music gave me brain damage


Most Piper mains actually have brain cells since its the brawler they main


Well, it's the experience that i had with all the pipers that i faced. Donno about the others tho.




Technically with hc she is an assassin, but without it it just looks dumb


Is that why I keep seeing a lot of Piper using super to get near me even without the HC?


Even with HC, it's not a great way unless your target is defenseless against even Piper close range (Killing dogshit Pipers has never been this easy)


The HC has a massive push radius on landing with her super so you wouldn’t be close range once she lands on you you’d be about mid range minimum.


Mhm, um have you considered that there are better characters at mid-range than Piper, or that Auto-aimer's effectiveness is singnifcantly worse the further the distance between you and the target?


If you land a Hypercharge Super on an opponent, they get knocked back. You can follow this up with the Auto-aimer gadget to get another knock back while they are already getting knocked back from the HC. Hence, the knock back from the auto-aimer essentially never misses and now you have a 3K+ damage dealing Piper with stat boost with her easiest shots. So, good luck with that. A decent Hypercharged Piper will at least finish off any brawler with about 6K HP. Hell, even higher.


The knockback from the HC super creates a good chunk of distance between two subjects, no? The success rate of the auto-aimer from there would vary rapidly (istg if I hear one of you say that it's a guarenteed hit one more time imma have to animate a full ass video to expose this lie, which will take 6 months or smt but idc) based on the enemies' movement after the knockback and your own movement. 3k damage????? Bro you high or some shit? Run the practice in a real map in a realistic scenario. 2k8 at best afaik A decent Piper, huh? Well I'll be darned. I mean, it's not like there are like a bajillion mid-range damage dealer with the exact tools to deal with this kind of scenario- oh hey Max, Stu, Leon, Penny, Rosa, Buster, Amber, etc etc Yeah, and those are just ones with ONE way to deal with an approaching Piper. Imagine someone like Edgar who can, idk jump on her quickly (the auto-aimer does jack shit, he still has the speed boost afterwards) or Mortis, Mico, Primo and a few more who can tank a few shots Tufa syndrome.


> The success rate of the auto-aimer from there would vary rapidly (istg if I hear one of you say that it's a guarenteed hit one more time imma have to animate a full ass video to expose this lie, which will take 6 months or smt but idc) based on the enemies' movement after the knockback and your own movement. If you hit the gadget *while* the brawler is already getting knockback'd by the HC, it will not miss. > 3k damage????? Bro you high or some shit? Run the practice in a real map in a realistic scenario. 2k8 at best afaik 3.2K to be exact. You're forgetting about the Hypercharge stat boost and the extended range from the *second* knockback as well as Piper's increased HC movement speed that allows her to get a little more range. I tested it, but test for yourself. By a decent Piper, I'm basically trying to say a Piper that at least isolates her opponents and does the aggression only after landing a few shots. Of course, she can be countered by Brawlers and their kits but that's not the point I'm trying to prove. I'm just saying that she can potentially be played as an assassin using her kit and HC.


Yk what, I'm done No matter how much I try to explain, you guys always stick to this propaganda. Somehow you're more inaccurate than circlejerkers. They can at least recognize that Piper being an assassin is just Piper being an ass player


Tufa syndrome 💀


Nice name


Even with hypercharge it's generally a very bad idea to use it as an approach tool. I've done it twice as a hail mary to chase down the gem carrier during countdown, and one of those times it worked (against a target who was already half health and not surrounded by teammates mind you), but it's usually better to just use the speed and damage boost to pick off a few targets then cap off her hypercharge by blowing up a couple clumps of bushes and walls.


This is an older clip, or just very similar to one but your right


How many times is this gonna get posted Watch all the comments now be tufa syndrome


what's tufa syndrome?


Tufa plays Piper aggressively. He lands shots and if the enemy is low, supers to them to kill them. Usually in Solo SD, of course. So Piper wannabees see Tufa doing that and play Piper similarly, by jumping to enemies at close range.


Not to mention tufa does it at 650 trophies, so it is not possible against good players


Ow, my ego


Ngl I bet he failed that many times as he made stupid decisions and almost dying


Bro trust it’s too ez


Tufa fans be like:


The song😭😭


Not even outside YouTube shorts I can escape it 😭😭


The dyna one is even more infectious


I cant believe DAVID PRO would make such a mistake


Tufa made an irreversible change to Piper's winrate


Ah, sweet


Made my day ngl


Fr, my stomach is full from the pure joy I just experienced


tufa type shit


At this point finding a Piper below tier 25 not using the knockback gadget must be rarer than finding a dinosaur.


LITERALLY, but i guess using knockback in duels is actually valid since there's a lot of ass ass ins and tanks there.


Piper mains on their way to jump into a 7 Power Cube Edgar with a hyper and a super for the 34th time this week


piper mains that are stuck at rank 25*


Piper players after hitting one shot:


Piper can play like an assassin Jumping an rt is beyond stupid though


Nice gadget use btw, charged your super


i think thats just what it does


Weee,im losing my mind


I could not count the amount of times pipers have jumped into me (sometimes as Frank) and they use their gadget like piper is the assassin on here


the fact that this is even remotely possible shows how much that gadget needs to be deleted


I mean El Primo's not a sharpshooter yet his gadget makes it equally possible (that is to say, a one in a million scenario) to kill a low-health brawler from 10 tiles away, does that mean Asteroid Belt needs to be deleted A gadget being technically possible to use in a way that isn't how the brawler is supposed to be played is something that a ton of gadgets have in common, and frankly as the cc gadgets go Piper's is one of the weakest. Curiously, people started hating it when Piper's damage got buffed and made Piper overpowered...almost as if Piper's primary and star powers are the problem and not her mediocre gadget that does a so-so job of covering a weakness she has


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You meed HC


Realmente pensó que tenía hipercarga


Idk which rt gadget to get


R-T supremacy


R-T 🔛🔝


the bad ending:


Love seeing Piper get demolished but that gadget Is so stupid and I hate it


This Piper trend is so dumb 💀


How can R-T have 2 pair of legs?


Maybe they mis-clicked: It seem that they were going to shoot two times but used a super at the second shot. It could’ve been a simple mistake since the super seems to be auto aimed. Piper takes time to land, giving them enough time to process the situation. I’d say The use of the wasn’t a planned thing but more so a way to redeem their mistakes by getting away from you. I’d had times like that where I’m auto aiming and accidentally hit my super while clicking the screen. Maybe my it was my thumb or the thenar that was in the way, or simple trying to move my thumb away but it was simply to close to the screen and hit my gadgets or whatever. Either way please don’t make fun of someone for a simple mistake. (Apologies for bad grammar or anything of that sort )


On an R-T too 😭😭😭


Why does every Piper do this? always jumping near other people instead of further away


Bro thinks he has hypercharge


Smartest piper player


Even with her hypercharged super it's still much ill-advised to do that.


me after watching one reel from tufa


It works sometimes


Nah this is the best music I have ever heard (people with headphones turn up full volume)


when she dont have hypercharge


Be honest, we all did this with Piper at least once


Most intelligent Piper player:


With her New hyper charge she just be 😂


That super is used to counter assassins, not try to be one 😭


What was he thinking


average piper main (please dont kill me piper mains)


Weakest r-t enjoyer vs strongest piper main


Weakest R-T vs. smartest Piper


Average Randoms


Man man mandela


It always bugged me how her special just doesn’t fit her kit.


With her hypercharge she pretty much is an assassin... Without it? No. :/


Even with it she's really not. It's an *option* and it's not the wrong one 100% of the time, but Piper with her hypercharge is only gonna be assassinating brawlers who are already low health.