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I didn't even notice that one of his eyes have this weird oval shade on eye just like when they randomly changed Brock's and Colt's portrait shading for like a week and then changed back


What did that changed portraits looked like?


I can't find the Colt's one but [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/gy6658/so_they_changed_brocks_icon_a_bit/) is someone's post with Brock's icon


It seems like they have always opted for sharper oval eyes iris since few years ago...


I never knew about this, it reminds me of that one time in season 2 when surge had his beta/brawl talk texture as his normal texture for a week or few days


He looks like a coffe addict


If they didnt mess up the color pallette i wouldnt even mind, the short hair and the icon werent that good tbh


Yeah. Imo the purple wouldn't even look that bad as a recolor. They were obviously trying to make the RPG look like a SNES controller and to their credit it does, but it'd be like if 8-Bit's Gameboy skin was his default, it'd stand out like a sore thumb


The recolor could have been a 29 gem skin


All they have to do is restore the haircut and color pallete. They don't even have to do the same color pallete, just make sure there's blue.


I don’t care about anything else, I just want the blue back


just make his jacket blue and cut a little bit off the top and he’s good


Bring back the blue jacket and we are good


Your dad what


I didn’t care much for the old model. Compared to newer brawlers it’s so bland. That being said, the new model is bland too. It’s a total side step. Such a wasted opportunity to update Brock with a more dynamic design. They obviously have the talent and capability to put out something amazing. It’s like they pulled their punches so as to not disrespect the preceding model. So unnecessary. Thankfully, I have like 5 Brock skins so I wouldn’t use either of these base models anyway.


The original Brock model that we got as the old school Brock skin was better


it’s so obvious they got new designers; the brock remodel, clancy, and some of the new skins are in a completely new style


Although there was an initial attempt, it’s evident that the individuals involved lack a clear understanding of the game they’re designing.


Thanks for posting aside from knowing what was wrong i also understood brawlstars artstyle


I think Brock's remodel and the hate its received is bringing him more attention than he would've ever had


It should have been better if Brock's colors for his outfit would never change to another color other than magenta, and would keep the same blue colors. Brock's remodel sure looks horrible to me


Looking at new skin profile pictures it feels like Supercell changed their artists.


i think the artist posted it on which profile pictures they made. i dunno everything.


Someone finally noticed the grim color scheme. Everyone else in the game that isn't a robot has a colorful theme going on, new Brock looks bland, he has the color scheme of Florida's weather. That's my only complaint, the remodel is decent, unwanted but I don't mind it. I don't know why they remodeled him when his first remodel still fit the game. Now they'll have to change his skins in the future for consistency. Hope they don't mess up Zeus Brock.


Art inconsistency is one among the biggest problem in the game (I have personal reasons)


> Bot problems > Style inconsistency Yep. Brawl Stars is merging with TF2


Imo all it need is the old pallete, maybe polish the details you pointed out and it’s prob an ok remodel


now I'm wondering why brawl stars icons don't use light blue for shading white surfaces I usually do that and it makes the drawing look a lot more vibrant. I've tried using that lighter color other icons use but it's so dull in comparison...


To keep consistency within the other icons I'm sure. Back then the game loved to use red/purple shading to fit with the Wild West (hot) theme. With Brock having blue light shading especially when he's amongst the original classic brawler makes him stick out like a sore thumb.


Bring back the blue jacket and we are good


I'm really the only one who likes the new remodel☹️


Wow such a detailed analysis just to say it's bad when we all know that, haha


brock's new profile picture has predator eyes, what the fuck.


I actually like the remodel but they shouldn't have changed the hair


Am I the only one who thinks this remodel looks best? Like, I think it looks better than some of his skins tbh


We have to be some sort of rare species


Fr, it looks good to me. I actually don't even like the original model so I'm glad it got replaced


I love the icon sm aswell hes so cool


I don't mind about his remodel, just would prefer if his rocket ammo were blue. I also dislike his profile icon stylisation but other than that, I thought it's a cool update to his model overall.


I love it


honestly its not even bad yall say so because it doesnt look like the old model


They should fire the person who does the recolors it's obvious that he doesn't know anything about color theory


I think the new jacket looks better to contrast with his hair, but the rockets could be blue to compensate.


idk why everyone’s hating so hard it’s not that bad, people always blow stuff out of proportions


the icon is genuinely the only good thing of the remodel


all they need to do is change the color back to blue and *the hair*


Gotta be honest, Brock has always had the most boring design out of any brawler. He doesn't look like a Brawl Stars character, he's just a dude. But i mean, being just a dude is better than looking like he was out of Subway Surfers


I agree. Brock has always been the "n\*gga with a rocket launcher" that also happens to be a "gamer", yet almost nothing about his design gives that away, aside form color matching with the rest of the Arcade Trio. The remodel should've been about improving that, instead of what we got here.


The model look really good tbh, it’s just the colors.


Honestly new artists just do what they tell them to do without putting much care into it


Considering how Brock no longer matches, either Rico and 8-Bit are going to be next to get redesigned or Brock is getting the Fang treatment and getting moved to another trio.


I don't get how Rico matched before. He's purple more than the other two that were shades of blue


>Icon is way too the right >shows Charlie who also is way too the right


also tf did they do to his hair


was i the only one that actually likes brock rework lol?

