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I find this funny because when they sell hypers on the super cell store your level on a brawler doesn’t matter either


i mean if they didn’t let you bypass the level restriction with that they wouldn’t get money


I just bought Rosa’s one, thinking that for 5€ they would’ve gifted the level 11 (I had her at lvl10). I was wrong. Edit: never again. We should stop buying bad offers, and forcing Supercell to make better deals. Brawl stars ain’t paytowin like CoC and CR or SB.. but we may be getting there


You made a mistake. Stop acting like supercell screwed you over. There are a lot of things to criticize them for, but this is not one of them.


this what happens if you let people buy hypercharges with good deals before they have a brawler at level 11, they complain they got a good deal. They complain either way


"I killed someone with a gun but I blame the person for dying to a gunshot"


Might as well let new players get lvl 11 brawlers + a hypercharge in 1 offer, good God do u hear urself?


"grrr....I got specifically what I paid for...supercell ripped me off." please just stop, please


"grrr....I got specifically what I paid for...supercell ripped me off." please just stop, please


Lol! 5€ for a hypercharge is a good value, its slightly cheaper than the best gem usage atm (the hypercharge offers for 79gems)


lol thanks for the info, posted some time ago this question, if i buy the hc do i receive lvl 11 aswell, but noone knew


Bruh wtf did you expect? It was advertised as the hypercharge alone. You could've even checked with other sources.


Why are you complaining? Isn't 5€ 80 gems?


Yeah I find hypercharge logic really off too, I almost never get smth useful from Legendary Star drops (only skins or useless SP) but like a month ago I got a HC from it so I was happy, until I realized it was Pearl's Hypercharge☠️ First it's trash asf and second, I have her power 1 like damn why tf do I get her HC ? I could get it on brawler I actually play like Edgar Dyna or Sandy idk. There should really be a cap or smth where you can't get HC for brawlers that are really low power level. Imo getting a HC from starr drops should be at power 7 or 9, but power 1 is just dumb


It's way more chance to get it on low lvl brawler than a high lvl by obvious reasons🤑🤑🤑. I got Sandy's hyper only because i pulled it day after i pulled himself so he was lvl1. Same with recent 5 legendary drops i pulled Mico and then his useless hc immediately. From 7 hc i have in total i use only one cuz i maxed Sandy, all others i have for my low lvl brawlers that i won't play😮‍💨


The HC drop rate is the same to all brawlers


Of course it is bruh why y'all taking this comment so literally...


Reddit hivemind moment


Me when I spread misinformation


What?🤨🤨🤨 I literally just shared my game experience everything i said was true


yeah that's so annoying but at least you got one of the most busted HC in the game, I wouldn't mind spending 10k golds to max out Sandy. But nah lets max out Pearl and benefit from her broken HC that burns the whole map and kill everyone + wins the game instantly 🙏🗣🔥🔥🔥


As i said i got his hc only because he was lvl1 at that moment so I'm lucky i didn't upgraded him immediately lmao🤣


I have like 5 hyoercharges on brawlers but I can't max them out because of how F2P I am 😐


fr. I can get only like one guy maxed per season because of how grindy it is to get coins


At least you get one all I get is 2 brawlers to p10 with hypercharge


I’m f2p and have a lot of brawlers maxed out and a lot level 10, the coins in the brawl pass are really helpful


I know they are but I am always stuck between who is good now and who will be good later like I maxed out L and L , Piper, Colt and El Primo but have Melodie, Bull,Nani and Charlie at p10


Honestly I have more fun getting brawlers to level 10 and moving in to another brawler, I just don’t feel it’s worth it to spend 2800 coins for a little more damage and health


Makes sense


How many do you have at lvl 11 though? Just curious bc I haven’t spent a dime on the game and I wanna know if I’m at least decent or not. I have 6 hc at lvl 11 and I have been playing since mid-late February


I have like 4 p11s and the only hypercharge I ever bought was Edgers and I maxed out El Primo because of the hypercharge


So I think I’m doing pretty good then. I only ever bought Leon’s hc, the other 5 I got lucky from Starr drops lol


Okay 👍


I'm P2P but my accs sucks bcz I wasted many power points and coins


Wasted coins I understand, wasted power points I don't understand


I've used my power points on brawlers who is not meta


If it's Mortis, Fang ,Dynamike or Edger I understand but if it's Hank you are sigma


I always thought abt that, its so lame. I cant buy the hyper for my level 10 brawler cuz I dont have coins to max them out, but the game is very willing to give me pearl’s hypercharge when shes level 3


Simply set aside the coins for when the update comes out as I do




Supercell moment


You need to reach max power 11 of piper before you can buy it


But I can unlock the hyper in A brawer not at 11 See the other picture


You can get them from star drops but you can’t purchase them with gold/ gems unless you’re level 11


i think op is complaining that how is it that i get hypercharges from starr drops for brawlers that i have not yet maxed out and meanwhile i can't even buy hypercharges for brawlers not maxed out?


You are the smartest in the room


lets remove hc from starr drops problem solved


are you stupid or are you joking


im annoyed that people always find a thing to complain about even when it is free stuff


they aren't complaining about the free hypercharges from starr drops, they're complaining about how they can't buy them for brawlers that aren't p11


nah it is better if instead hc will be given to brawlers that have unlocked hc (ie. max level) and dont have hc like star powers given to brawlers that have unlocked sps


average brawl stars moment:


It’d be bad for the F2P economy if you could buy it without the brawler being level 11.


typical clown ass supercell


È una cazzo di scammata


concordo in pieno fra


Still can’t open shop without it crashing


I agree,why in the world can you get hypercharge on brawlers that aren't power lvl 11? The amount of times i got a hypercharge on brawlers that I won't even upgrade is ridiculous.pls do something suppercell 🥺


I disagree I would rather a hypercharge in a starr drop over a random star power


Yeah, and the only reason I would ever max a brawler is to use his HC


Thats a reason for you to play that brawler. I never played Charlie before getting her hc


Because its a special discount that sells the hc by itself. If you wanna buy it and also upgrade piper you gotta buy the pack


They want you to spend some money or resources to level up the brawler that you want to buy the hc for


But if i want to bit de hipercharge and then Max the brawler becouse if in that moment i dont have money and i want to have the hipercharge


Then use $ and give soup sell his paycheck


Is this even English anymore


I think it's their marketing way to sell you the full set


Its just so you have any reason to buy the other offers that max upgrade them as well as a bunch of useless cosmetics.


I just got that same Maisie hypercharge today from a random legendary star drop but I can’t do anything with it because she’s level 9 and I spent all my gold on Draco and Gale (who I still don’t have HC for) (Not that I’m not happy about getting a hypercharge in general)


Same I have emz on level 9 but I don’t want to waste resources on a brawler that’s easily countered.


you still need to get piper to level 11 to use the hypercharge so there is actually not differences


The difference is, right now is the best deal you can *ever* get on the hypercharge. So if you know you want it eventually, but can't/don't want to spend the coins to get to rank 11 now, it would be cool to be able to buy the hypercharge for later. (I'm also a bit annoyed about it, and surprised nobody else is in the comments)


yeah i wanted to buy Angelo's hc and i cant maybe i'll get it from starr drop or smth