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Don't spam in this subreddit.


Healthcare is free in Brazil. She could go by herself, since she is an adult, she doesn’t need permission or anything. If she’s too weak and can’t go by herself because she can be too far from a healthcare provider, then that’s a problem. But she can call emergency lines.


she can call 190 and get taken to a UPA getting treatment through good ol' SUS (if its an emergency)


190 is the police. although they do redirect if what you need is an ambulance and not the police. but she will need if her mom keeps like that.


192 is SAMU (ambulance). 193 is Firefighter that could also help. Both services are free.


iirc you should call 193 for trauma (physical lesions) and 192 for everything else.


Yup. When I busted my forehead the firefighters were the ones to the rescue. If she has no luck with 192 she should definetly try 193.


Brazil has a free public health system. If she goes to any public hospital she will get treatment completely for free. Ambulances are also free. Any person in Brazil has the right to use a public hospital. No previous registry is needed because they do it there if it's for the first time. she literally just needs to go or call the ambulance. if she adds that her mom is dening her treatment... she can maybe even call the police... ambulance number is **192**


All due respect, that looks like attention grabing. An 18 year old is totally capable of obtaining medical assistance by themselves. Who diagnoses themselves with Kawasaki's? Is this a House MD episode?


Or rabies! One swollen arm is not rabies. A swollen tongue with rabies is too far advanced. I doubt she would have been able to type.


Yeah. This is either: someone lying or an hypochondriac. EVEN IF IT WAS rabies, as there are already sympthoms, she would be a walking corpse.


Attention grabing at it's finest. This girl needs help, psychologic help


How can i translate "Falta de noção" to english?




She’s out of her mind


Like she literally can go to the hospital alone you know unless she is in such a very bad condition but again instead of coming to reddit she could literally call the SAMU and the police, it's free and she is alredy a adult so she dosn't need her mom to do anything....every single Brazilian knows that so unless she has come to the country literally today there's no way she don't know it. My guess is she is baiting people to be gentle to her or she has lived Under a rock (but again if she did she wouldnt know what reddit is). It's okay tho there's a bunch of Teenagers that do the same here in Brazil we call them biscoiteiros biscoitando, just trolls who want attention but if she is really Sick i Hope she can call the SAMU to go to the hospital.


Take this with a grain of salt. A lot of people use things like that for scams. You don't know anything about her. So, at the best, there is 50% chances of what's she's saying be true and 50%false. In case of true, besides her word, you don't know the real extension of the problem. Also, if she (an adult by brazilian laws) can't have help for her mother, she should ask for other relatives/friends or call firefighters brigade or Samu for a phone assessment and maybe an ambulance. Other than that, she can take an Uber or taxi. But guess what? She will tell that have nobody, and can afford the ride, and may someone will be so kind and will transfer some money. After that, she will need money for the prescribed medication and follow-ups... Saw this movie N times. Do what you think is fair, but be prepared to be scammed.


i do not think she’s lying because she has been asking about symptoms on other forums as well. her mom is probably super religious and stopping her from going to the ER and instead praying the sickness away :( hope she heals up and gets help


Prayer isn't a resource. There's no such thing as a "god".




The public system would take full care of her. It would admit her if she needed, and she would not have any issues whatsoever. Even if she was a minor (she’s not) she would be admitted.


Conselho Tutelar. Tutellage Counsel, in that case, state social workers. They have the power to remove her guardianship if she's harming the kid.


she is 18