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So write a character that you will be comfortable describing the past, personality and characteristics, that way you won't write a caricature full of stereotypes AKA forget the brazilian part


It’s not common to know how to dance samba, and you can learn through family and friends, tutorials or classes, but you can also learn by yourself from watching and trying to reproduce it, it’s just not easy


we can double jump


I would recommend that you do some research on other regions of the country, Brazil is huge and each place has different cultures and customs, most of the Brazilian characters that the media portrays are always from Rio and this ends up being disappointing. I recommend looking for vlogs and videos on YouTube that can show you more about our country.


Don't be afraid to use SOME stereotypes if you don't go overboard. Like, some people here said “some Brazilians don’t like carnival”. Yes it is true. I'm one of them. But we are in the minority. Usually the Brazilians who don't like “carnival jumping” are introverts, like me, or VERY conservative ones (because carnival has pagan origins, and promiscuity, and everything they don't like). Not everyone dances samba either, few do. And truth. But that doesn't stop him from learning. Maybe he even learned it in Italy. His mother could have put him in classes as a way of maintaining his roots. THAT MAKES SENSE. I have 3 main tips for a Brazilian character: 1) Make him like coxinha (a Brazilian food that I personally don't like, but everyone goes crazy around here). But this doesn't have to be a main characteristic, just a datail. 2) Decide on a Brazilian state for him. We have some strong cultural differences between states and knowing this will make a difference. 3) choose a “samba school” for him. HERE I DRAW THE LINE BETWEEN STEREIOTYPES AND REPRESENTATION. At carnival we have a competition between “samba schools”, people who invest in carnival have their favorites. I don't know much about it, because I'm not one of those people. I recommend that you watch a parade on the internet to understand better. Furthermore, if he likes carnival, he likes samba and pagode (I mean the music, not just the dancing). This is non-negotiable. Listen to some, I recommend it.


Eh, why carnival? A lot of people here don’t even like carnival. As a matter of fact a lot of families just travel elsewhere to enjoy peace somewhere quiet 💀 And yes, people can dance without taking classes but it’s not like every brazilian know or care about samba tbh. Brazilian people are just regular ppl. Some of us don’t even eat beans and rice everyday


Bro is trying to speed run the stereotypes. Maybe his MC is also really good at soccer, and is always drinking caipirinha


Ahahahaha don’t worry, he’s kinda indifferent to soccer but he loves ballet 😆 Apart from that, I will surely research more, as I said it’s a relatively new story that I haven’t had the time to think through. I think I will change his place of origin from Rio to a place in the south, but I’d like to keep the carnival, as it’s gonna be a reoccurring theme through the story, so maybe instead of describing Rio’s I could insert a flashback about a smaller carnival, one in which the people are not just watching but actively participating in (actually that might even be better than my original idea, thanks guysss) and the samba, well, I know it’s a stereotype, but also, my character really loves dancing and I don’t think it would be too strange if he had a passion for a dance that originates from his country, he doesn’t have to be super good at it obv. Thank you again, I might come to bother you again in this subreddit ^ ^ so, until next time 〜


If you really want to stick to the carnival theme for whatever reason then probably make him be from São Paulo. São Paulo has the largest Italian population in the country and has carnival parades that are almost as large as Rio's.


And honestly, if he’s half-italian then you may as well say he’s from some place like the south of Brazil, it would be extremely realistic


Exactly, say your character is from Santa Catarina instead, OP.


Make for MC Lencio