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Clickbait poster


He can't imprison anybody without cause.


But I think he will invent one…


You can be held on a Material Witness Warrant. With a crooked judge (think Cannon) and crooked prosecutor, you could disappear into the US prison system for at least the four years of the trump second presidency. Things happen to people in prison.


Where does he say that at?


Fox News interview post guilty verdict




Only a dictator can do that, not "The President of the United States"!


He’ll just do it on one day. He promised?


The Dems did it to anyone who was near the capitol on J6.


Ah 'the tourists' right? Or were they all antifa/police actors? Narrative gets confusing sometimes.


As they should, you realize they were trying to overturn a democratic election yes? Which is treason. Which is a major crime.


Project 2025 and Trumps case before the Supreme Court would change that.


That is dreadful thought don't and hope will occur, a good reason to vote.


If you are ok with the Democrat party attempting to jail their political opponent- Donald Trump- then you should not be surprised by this headline. With that said, reporters love to ask vague questions like this to get these kinds of reactions. I wouldn't read too much in to this.


Nobody is surprised by this headline. Trump ran on "lock her up", directed the Biden impeachment inquiry, tried to leverage Ukraine aid for dirt on Biden, and that's just what we know. If anyone who seeks public office commits a crime, in or out of office, they should be subject to the full extent of the law.


Slightly wrong- Yes, Trump had rally's of "lock her up" based on his excellent take down of Clinton during the debates of 2016, but never acted upon actually locking her up, unlike The Democrats and Biden Administration, who are actively attempting to jail their political opponent- Banana Republic stuff. If anything, Trump was actually on to something investigating the Biden family corruption, setting up Hunter Biden on a board involving the corrupt government of Ukraine to- wait for it- gain leverage! And I agree with your last statement! The Biden family should be subject to the full extent of the law.


Okay so if Biden should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, why not Trump? Also, what about my statement is slightly wrong?


Well that's the problem; there should always be one standard. Unfortunately, as was the case with Clinton and now Biden, there is this "punishment for thee, but not for me" attitude. As Democrats continue to use lawfare prosecute their political opponent- Donald Trump- they completely ignore the mounting evidence and corruption on their own side and holding their own candidates accountable. I just want one standard for all; not separate rules for R's and D's. Prosecute Trump for mishandling classified information? Then you better be doing it for Clinton and Biden.


I think you are making a false equivalency here. Maybe you remember ~8 years ago when Clinton was questioned extensively, under oath and they found nothing foul. Perhaps you could recall the Biden impeachment inquiry that dug and dug and turned up, once again, nothing foul. Meanwhile, Trump's hands are all over the 34 counts of election interference, of which he was found guilty by a jury of his peers. You have a whole cluster of felons in Trump's '16 campaign, his '20 campaign, and his business. He tried to swing Bill Barr around and Bill freaking Barr was like no, I can't do it, this is too corrupt. Yet you want to make it seem like it's this unjust persecution of an innocent man. I suspect the truth is that you want democrats found guilty of crimes they didn't commit, and republicans found innocent of crimes they did commit. By the way, you never pointed out what was slightly wrong about what I posted.


That's not true at all- it was actually determined that Clinton had an unauthorized Server to access classified information in her residence. On top of that, there was evidence she had all drives wiped (bleach bit!). This is what lead to the infamous question she received about wiping her drives, to which she responded foolishly with, "what, like with a cloth?" The head of the FBI- Mr. Comey- said that "no reasonable prosecutor would pursue a case against Clinton." Despite the fact her not having ANY authority to store classified data in her home, much less a Server to access data! (side note: this is even more grave than what Trump is accused of- he had hard copy classified info stored in boxes within his residence, which cannot be stolen/copied via electronic means. Clinton was reckless). As for the most recent case you discuss against Trump, this was so bad that the Judge had to lower the bar in order to ensure a conviction. Those "34 charges" brought on by the AG all stem from ONE payment to Good ol' Stormy Daniels. Ask yourself how in the world they broke it up in to 34 charges. It's a farse. Not only that, but the one devastating fact in this case- which would have been provided from a key defense expert that the Judge declined to allow for obvious reasons- is that Campaign Finances aren't disclosed until AFTER an election. Trump was accused of hiding this financial transaction in order to keep it from the public, supposedly to influence the election. So in short, Trump is accused of trying to hide a transaction that wouldn't have been seen by the public until after the election anyways. In addition to this, the Judge made it clear during Jury instructions that they don't even all need to have a unanimous agreement in a verdict. So the only outcome possible here was He's guilty or else; this was nothing more than a show trial. The Jury had no choice but to convict on the circumstances provided by a judge (who was already reprimanded for donating to the Biden administration, who's daughter is on the Biden Campaign, and who already had it out for Trump to begin with). This was indeed unjust persecution. It was a show trial. It was dirty and extremely corrupt. I didn't even get to the part where the State AG ran on "get trump", and the charges he brought forth were already turned down three times before by Bragg himself, the Finance Campaign Commitee, AND Biden's DOJ. Since you asked politely, I will happily provide you with key details of what was wrong with your previous post in the next thread! :)


All I'm hearing from you is that Trump's inability to exonerate himself is proof of persecution, and investigators' inability to find a crime is proof that Clinton got away with it. You believe that the DOJ should leave Trump alone, and you want them to drop the hammer on Clinton even though they investigated and found nothing to build a case. You are biased. In fact, take a look at the actions of the judge in the documents case and you will see which side of the aisle manipulates the courts for their advantage. Still waiting.


I know you don't want to hear this, but the Democrat party and indeed the Biden Administration is not only one of the worst in modern times, but it's also one of the most corrupt. I have no doubt that Trump will win on appeal in his NY case as it's fraught with errors. The Georgia case is falling apart. The Classified info case in Florida is falling apart. Just as James Carvill- a famous Democrat operative Foolishly saying the quiet part out loud recently- "you're throwing spaghetti at a wall and nothing's sticking!" In other words, all these cases are politically motivated. 3rd Country/Banana Republic stuff. Admittedly, this is all Biden and Co. can do because Biden himself is such an unpopular president. He has nothing to run on, hence the strategy of "Orange Man Bad!"


As Requested! Going back to your original post, Trump didn't run on "lock her up." This phrase was a biproduct of Trumps excellent takedown of Clinton in the 2016 debate, in which he responded to Clinton with "because you'd be in Jail." This garnered such a response that folks at rallies started chanting "lock her up." Not once did he ever pursue actually charging Clinton with anything. He didn't weaponize the DOJ. He didn't have FBI agents show up at her residence. He didn't turn her campaign finance violation in to a charge (yep, she had one! In fact, it was related to the phony Russia Hoax scandal in which the Clinton Campaign paid for oppo research to say that Trump was a Russian Agent, leading to the infamous Mueller report! And she was fined for the Campaign Finance violation, not brought forth a ridiculous court proceeding). In addition- if "leveraging Ukraine aid for dirt on Biden" was indeed such a thing, what was it when Biden leveraged Israel recently- IE "we'll provide you intel on the whereabouts of Hamas terrorists if you hold off on your assault!" There's lots of shoe on the other foot moments, double standards, quid pro quos.... all I want is one standard. Democrats and Trump haters can't have it both ways.


If you want one standard, then you have to accept the fact that Trump is a criminal.


Hey, if he is, then so be it. I'll still gladly vote for him!


Sorry, to correct you, but it's not an uncertainty anymore. He is a convicted felon. But thanks for proving my point.


This isn't "banana republic stuff", Trump and his cohorts committed crimes which is backed by significant peices of evidence. Him and his cohorts attempted to disregard the votes of Americans across 7 states and subvert the electoral college. Trump himself preassured state legislators to overturn the election. Most notably goergias SOS, whom he told, to just say they've recalculated, that there would be nothing wrong with saying that based on all the nonsense claims he was making in the call. Telling him he knew what they did and if he didn't do something that would be criminal and bad for him and his lawyer. That the courts are a game and that phone call should ultimately end in Trump wins. He even held the guys upcoming election over his head as a reason he should do it fast and favor him. This is all recorded in full I mean seriously if Biden and Co did this you'd lose it. Instead you make this great deal about Hunter being on Burismas board, which was a secret to no one. The worst possible thing you can grasp from it is kickbacks to Joe. Burisma paid Hunter to sit on the board. His role was in corporate governance, which is the same role he had at Amtrak. Through Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, the official stance on Ukraine has been to combat corruption and normalize relations with Ukraine. One way countries and major companies in said countries will do this is to hire known names who will have eyes on them. It's a way to show that you want them watching, you want their people to professionally integrate with your people. The former president of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski, whom was also a member of Burismas board when Hunter joined, even made a remark about this regarding the situation. "I understand that if someone asks me to be part of some project it’s not only because I’m so good, it’s also because I am Kwasniewski and I am a former president of Poland,” "And this is all inter-connected. No-names are a nobody. Being Biden is not bad. It’s a good name.” You can dislike this common practice, but it's perfectly legal.


This is really twisted reality kind of stuff. Trump did not pressure anyone to overtun the election- he questioned the results (as he should have, and as Democrats have repeatedly done the last two decades anytime a Republican wins). There is nothing illegal about questioning the election results, ESPECIALLY when mailing in ballots is rife with fraud, and honestly I can't blame Trump for questioning the results of the election, especially after all the dirty tricks Democrats played throughout his term (He's a Russian Agent, he stole the election, the Mueller report, 2 phony impeachments, smearing every Supreme Court candidate, etc. etc). Hunter had no experience being on the board of a company involving gas and oil exploration. None. There would be no reason to put him on the board except for one reason- influence peddling. A direct connection from the Ukrainian Government to Joe Biden himself. It was a sham- a behind the scenes way to buy influence. It's what both the Biden and Clintons did well- Influence peddling. They are masters of it.


He told the guy to just say they've recalculated, that there would be nothing wrong with saying that based on the unsubstantiated claims he was making in the call. He told him he knew what they did and if he didn't do something that would be criminal and bad for him and his lawyer. That the courts are a game and that phone call ultimately ends in Trump wins. He held the guys upcoming election over his head as a reason he should do it fast and favor him. This is all recorded in full. Seriously how are you denying this? It is all recorded in full. You are, for no reason, denying statements Trump made that are exremely easy to verify and listen to in full. Burisma payed Biden to sit on the board. His role was in corporate governance, which is the same role he had at Amtrak. He didn’t need any experience in natural gas and energy, because he wasn’t in operations.


> full. Burisma *paid* Biden to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Hell, I've never voted Democrat but I'm okay with him being in prison. His bullshit worked on me in 2016, and after 18 months, I got sober... Then wise...


He won’t do it sadly. I’d love to see Fauci locked up.


Not looking for an agreement, but what actual crime do you believe he committed?


Perjury for sure. And he should be held liable for the creation of Covid considering he funded ecohealths gain of function research in China. Deciding to mutate viruses in China (a notoriously non-transparent country) was possibly the worst policy failure in US history, next to the Iraq war.


Lied to the people about Covid resulting in a loss of 2 years of the lives of young people, the livelihood of many, the dying made to die alone.


What did he lie about? Quote him. His entire purpose was to be Trump's fall guys for COVID, and his base has swallowed that belief whole.


He just admitted he made up the 6 ft distancing


You mean the CDC did because they were using guidelines for the flu, right? What else?


Well the cat is out of the bag so no one should care


Right Trump is a broken record. He has been calling to imprison political opponents for the better part of a decade at this point.


and then he was president and didn't 'lock her up' so the evidence does not support your claim


The DOJ just investigated her his entire presidency and nothing stuck. He tried.


I love the notion that trump is supposed to rise above the standard set by democrats, where lawfare is deployed against your chief political rival. Its just too hilarious


The standard set by democrats is not breaking the law the only reason they didn't prosecute Hillary is because there was no evidence she broke the law. I know its such a shame to republicans that our justice system is set up to be biased against people for which there is evidence they committed a crime. There is evidence Trump broke the law he should be brought to justice.


lol tell that to Senator Bob Menendez.. Dude was caught red handed for corruption, and still serving thanks to the “D” next to his name


That dude got indicted. What are you talking about?


Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign paid a tech firm to spy on servers at Trump Tower and the White House. Joe Biden unlawfully retained classified documents. Theres definitely evidence indicating some criminal conduct


What “tech firm” spied on Trump Tower servers? Are you referring to the FISA warrant that lead to multiple convictions? Can you, with a straight face, tell us that you see no differences between the way Biden and Trump handled classified documents and cooperated with investigators?


[Heres ](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/594126-durham-alleges-cyber-analysts-exploited-access-to-trump-white-house/)a link. Also cooperating with investigators or not, he unlawfully retained classified documents.


So, according to the article, the Trump appointed special prosecutor alleged this in court while prosecuting Michael Sussman, who, by the way, was acquitted unanimously by the jury. > Neither Joffe nor the company from which he retired in 2021, Neustar, have been charged with any wrongdoing. You would think, since trump had all these investigations looking into his political enemies, he would’ve come up with something besides baseless allegations and a little gun charge on Hunter Biden.


Wasn’t this investigated though? Trump isn’t being convicted for taking files. He tried to move and hide them from the FBI and continued to lie about it. Joe Biden isn’t above the law. If a jury of his peers found him guilty for a crime, that’s how the justice system works. Trump did pay a pornstar he had an affair with and falsified the documents. I agree it’s sort of a stupid crime for a former President to be convicted of, but he did do that and he won’t go to prison. Probably just a fine.


Hillary Clinton and her campaign were fined (justice served no double standard there) for that. And it is not illegal to retain classified documents.


It is for a Senator


Joe Biden was vice president.


Do you have evidence that the doj could use? Made send it. So, prove it? And then prove it in a court of law.


do you believe data mining a white house server is a crime?


It’s also ok that Hillary Clinton isn’t guilty of anything. I’m not a Hillary fan, but they investigated her and that was that. Her husband was impeached for lying to Congress. I just don’t see the double standard. The President’s son who’s never been a politician is on trial for not checking a box when he bought a gun. Imagine if Eric Trump was being convicted of that.


Did she get investigated and found nothing? Hrmm, guess she in the clear. Funny how it works out. Guess if it was a major crime, she'd be in court.


She was investigated by a Republican. smh.


What’s the matter? You Marxists can dish it but you can’t take it?


I mean if someone is guilty of a crime and convicted by a jury of their peers, hopefully everyone is for that. Trump is saying ‘he’ll imprison’ people. That’s dictator stuff. Not American.


Trump isn’t guilty of anything. The appeal will show you the sham trial violated his rights to a fair trial. Democrats never get indicted because they own the system. When the power changes, remember: yee reaper what yee soweth. Biden drew first blood in this corrupt use of justice. Now it is fair game to reverse the corruption. The difference being that they have committed real crimes. Crimes that are actual laws, not made up bullshit.


You don’t think that Trump paid a pornstar off after he cheated on his pregnant wife and falsified the documents saying what the money was used for? How could you come to that conclusion? There is overwhelming evidence?


Honestly, Nevermind. I just saw the groups you follow. Tucker Carlson:) I could hold up a picture of a square and you wouldn’t believe it was a square if Fox News told you it wasn’t. Even the KGB says the brainwashing is irreversible. Try and zoom out if you can and consider that you might be lied to so you stay paranoid and afraid. Afraid of Biden. Afraid of economic collapse. It’s not real. If you deleted all social media for 30 days you’d probably feel so much better.


Will Dr. Phill be speaking up to pardon trumps political rivals then? /s. 


Isn’t this like the 10th time he’s announced this?


You mean like democrats do?


More fear mongering


His lawyers argued in court that he can assassinate political enemies. He pushed the justices to department to investigate Clinton while in office. This type of news isn’t surprising, the only surprising thing is that people haven’t been paying attention enough to notice.


That's a very Biden move. I thought Trump was all show and no go.


#1- HE needs to go to prison #2- the prison he goes to should have very restricted phone rules, no internet EVER. I'm not being crazy when I say that bc I heard some prisons are very easy on those rules