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Everyone theoretically gets more in their pay check but pay more it back on their federal taxes. Plus, Trump tax breaks (deductions) will be dissolve 2025 which few are aware of.


Yes - Trump physically screwd the middle class. I have worked continuously for over 50 yrs and never had to into federal taxes until Trump made is behind close door tax breaks. Those who worship still don't believe he is responsible for the changes we currently have in place.


How so? He gave them a tax break?


Depends on where you live. Anecdotally, we went from getting about $2K back yearly to owing $2K- $3K every year.


Gotta be the Salt tax cap. The only people I know paying more in taxes are people with huge property taxes or huge state income taxes from a high paying job.


Same here.


Temporary until now so he’d not be up for office or it’d be an opponent who his tax hike waited for.


My taxes went way up because he took away my ability to itemize expenses. Next time you drive past a construction site, notice almost none of the trucks still have Trump stickers compared to almost all of them 8 years ago. That’s why. He screwed us after promising a tax cut. I’ll never vote for that liar again.


Um, that link does not go to "Breaking Points". In your lifetime, I'm sure I'm not the first to ask: #WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?


I am middle class no matter what I will lose.


The fact that Biden hasnt dont shit on taxes and only NOW proposing it for his next term should tell you all you need to know. Trump screwed the middle class with his tax "cuts"


That’s Americans fault for their short memory, I bet most people can’t recall the things his administration did in its first year. They have to save things for close to election time for this exact reason. Trump really did screw the middle class, one of the largest transfers of wealth in history, added 7 or so trillion to the debt (9 total), and made them PERMANENT for the wealthy and corporations, while they expire for regular Americans.


Why? The National attention span has shrunk to be about 2.5 weeks. The guy doesn't get credit for ANYTHING. He's gotta do some stuff closer to the election just to receive minimal recognition.


2 week attention span is soooo on point


Society is all on the reality show politics bandwagon. You vote a reality tv personality and you get just that. As for the taxes, how long till we can rewrite them and rewind them back to Raegan times where the rich were taxed heavier. Billionaires and the super rich have too much and I’m sure they made it legally like the tech tycoons, but I think these people need to take a page out of Carnegie and the Rockefellers by giving to the community. If we had this today, we would be a lot better off.


What could they get done with this congress?


We’re really concerned about taxes?


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