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What’s project 25 and why do Biden supporters know more about it than anyone else?


just a conservative think tank "proposal" not even tied to trump i don't believe


I mean, three of his administration staff helped fund the think tank.


It’s Trump’s plan for his first days in office if he’s elected.


They are trying to study it and tie it to Trump lol




They made a key point of it apppinting a bunch of Trump yes men to key spots. That’s all he’ll need to hear to support it


Trump’s plan is agenda 47. Which democrats are silent about. Because the last time someone made a post describing every detail of agenda 47 it converted non trump voters into voting trump. So yeah. Trump is so horrible, he is? Then talk about his agenda 47. I double dog dare you.




It’s on his campaign website. Unlike p25




They should know but it turns out recency bias even happens for historians. I struggle to see how Trump is that much worse than W. I struggle to see how either are worse than Hoover. Andrew Johnson ? James Buchanan? We’ve had some real stinkers. It makes for a cute headline and all that, but it does seem like a bit of partisan hack


Probably bc of the attempt to end democracy.


Democracy was dead in this country long before Trump. He got his base ginned up enough to storm the capital. Pretty weak all things considered


Hence, project 2025, let's not make Jan 6th a practice attempt.


Project 2025 is CRT for libtards.


No, it isn't dead. It's flawed, corporatized, and corrupt but I get tired of hearing the doomer talk of it not existing. And it's not beyond saving and reforming it. But if you burn the house down instead what you get afterwards will probably make you rethink what a 'dead democracy' actually looks like.


Why don’t dems campaign against agenda 47? Because they know it’s popular? Too popular to publicize?


. What polling do you have that it’s converted independents?


Why don’t democrats campaign against agenda 47, his actual campaign promises featured prominently on his campaign site, instead of p25, which trump has never mentioned except recently to disavow it?




Trump does promote agenda 47. I like agenda 47.


So you just made up a claim out of thin air?


Y’all literally starting a petition for a platform that nobody running is even supporting lmao


Republican gop are supporting it. Which is why SCOTUS is doing the things they are doing. Trump also supports it.


SCOTUS literally just took a massive amount away from the bureaucracy. If trumps plan is to take over the bureaucracy and scotus is helping him then why would they do that?


The answer to idiots who claim SCOTUS is advancing this


Republicans are also against it. So it comes down to how many republicans are supporting it. We know for a fact that the republicans who are part of the think tank that created it support it, but beyond that, who is it that you know support it? I’m a republican and Ive read the first 195 pages of it, so I can’t say as if I support all of it or not. Like Trump I believe in exceptions for abortion, so if as it’s claimed that Project 2025 lists no exceptions for abortion, then like Trump, I don’t support it. What I do know is that whatever Trump wants to achieve as President the creators of Project 2025 will most likely support it. What exactly is in it that you don’t like?


What they say and what they do are very different things. It's not good to campaign on, but once it's implemented, they won't need to worry about winning campaigns.


Happy Cake Day!


Like who?


Trump literally denounced it just a few days ago, what is your source on "Trump supports it"?


Trump, famously a known truth teller who opposes coup's.


So you don't have a source either do you? So I can link him denouncing it but you can't link him supporting it. That makes you a liar.


Do you take everything at face value? If you got a truck load of dog whistles dumped on you, you still wouldn't know what happened. Trumps isn't going to openly campaign on a dictatorship. He's already tried or implemented the project in some capacities. A state is putting the bible in the classroom, and his supreme court is going to ratify it, he's already tried to take controls with fake electors. He's talked about purging all his enemies in the government which to him, is anyone who's not kissing his ass and treating him like a king. Maybe he won't go with this plan specifically, but he's aiming for the same goal and the republican party seems to be on board.


That's what you're asking me to do, take your word at face value that it's a lie. So far you don't have a source only some conspiracy theory.


Trump being on the Epstein report was just a conspiracy until it was, Trump conspiring with the proud boys wasn't true until Jan 6th. It's far harder to stop a dictatorship after its taken hold. You gotta learn to spot the fourth Reich before it happens. We learn history for a reason. Nothing would please me more to be wrong and have another uneventful if embarrassing Trump term. But you'd be a fool to look at his attempt to seize power against the democratic will and assume he's just going to not make it easier for him to do that on the basis of *checks notes* an optimistic attitude and hopeful vibes.


Trump said, "I wish them luck." Maybe you should look up denounce. He claimed he's not connected to it but then wished them luck. Which sounds exactly like the BS we've been fed about every other right-wing priority. "Roe won't fall, and if it does it will only affect states." Republicans propose a national ban. "They aren't going after IVF." IVF becomes impossible in Alabama. "They aren't going after contraception." Bills to limit contraception start popping up and show up in project 2025. It's becoming tiresome. Every single unpopular thing Republicans say they won't do starts popping up. If you personally disapprove of Project 2025 then don't be fooled by the declarations that they won't do it or it can't be done. If you like it well, then good luck, and I hope it doesn't come back to bite you because you didn't think it through.


He also said he disagreed with it and a lot of the ideas were abysmal. Why don't you use the whole quote instead of spreading misinformation.


Because one quote from Donal Trump's personal propoganda website is irrelevant. Are you really going to accept that vague statement? You don't want him to say he disagrees with the position on IVF directly? Apart from the fact that Donald Trump has taken every side on every topic, we also know he's not really interested in the vast majority of governing. Do you think Donald Trump really has any preferences on abortion? Of all the president's we've had I'd say Trump is the most likely to have paid for an abortion. Yet Roe is gone because it's what the Infrastructure around him wanted. All the old school Republicans are gone. The party is only the most extreme members now. Trump is going to let them do whatever he wants while he makes sure that events are held at his hotels and his family can collect multi-billion dollar checks from the Saudis.


> You don't want him to say he disagrees with the position on IVF directly? Ummm...he already came out a while ago saying he supported IVF


Yes, he has said that. That is exactly why i chose it as an example. It's a political position he's taken that he didnt mention when he "denounced" Project 2025. My point is that his "denouncement" of project 2025— where he wishes them luck— included no details of any kind. There is no actual condemnation. He just says he disagrees, but he doesn't cite a single thing specifically or make an actual condemnation of a single point. Because he needs these people. The heritage foundation are the people who chose all his judges. He's going to let them do whatever they want. Mike Johnson wants a ban on contraceptives. Mike Johnson doesn't like IVF. Mike Johnson said his world view is the Bible, and Mike Johnson is the speaker of the house and called MAGA Mike Johnson. Trump can't sign a bill that isn't sent to him first. Do you really think he'll veto a national abortion ban when it's sent to him by these freaks? Do you think he'll veto the removal of No Fault Divorce? So you think he'll veto the contraception limitations? The connections are all sitting right there I front of our faces but the Trumpists refuse to see them. I really genuinely hope I'm never proven right. I desperately want to be wrong about this


Hey just saw this. Figured you'd liek the FYI Video of trump saying the heritage foundation will lay out the [plans for his presidency ](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-project-2025-video/) Don't worry, there's a video.


That video was from a year before project 2025 even existed...


“This is a great group, and they’re GOING TO lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what OUR MOVEMENT WILL DO, and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America," (my emphasis). But he sends out a tweet saying he's never heard of them, and your honky dory? The people heading up this project are his administrations staff. They likely will be again. His own super pac called it "Trumps Project 2025." If you like the plan, that's one thing, but don't gaslight me and try to make it out like Trump opposes it. He's said a hundred times, "we'll have to say certain things to get elected" (paraphrase) when discussing abortion. He's telling us that you can't trust what he's saying because saying what they want on abortion is unpopular. Why wouldn't he lie about this too?


Trump lied. Again.




The hysterics around Project 2025 are as ridiculous as any QANON bs. If our "democracy" was really hanging on by a thread and we were mere months away from theocratic fascism then the democrats would not be propping up a senile Biden and would even push for policies the people actually want to get people out to vote. Instead it's the same lesser of two evils and vote shaming crap.


I mean your theory hinges on democrats being principled and not arrogant... But as Ruth Bater Ginsberg and Hillary Clinton have proved, that's not reality. Sorry champ.


More BlueAnon conspiracy theories.


We must undermine democracy to avoid undermining democracy! Huzzah!


Yes, but you should probably tell gop to stop supporting it.


The fact Krystal, who despises Trump, doesn’t mention Project 2025 tells you all you need to know about how much traction it actually has.


Here ya go doubters… https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/mIru9SuTOV


"page not found" ROFL




I'm tired of hearing about it. Idc to be honest Edit: Go ahead and keep downvoting me - I'll just vote for Trump.


Hey, guys, he was totally going to vote for Biden, but your reddit bullying has forced him to vote Trump, lmao.


Dramatics aside I'm voting third party.


Just vote for trump and spare everyone else the drama 


But I'm not a trump guy


People so afraid of it now I’m gonna support it. lol. Streisand effect yo!