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Just do quick W - Q - W - fully charged E trades, most of the times he will be pushed back and unable to trade with you


yeah just read what his W did and makes sense not to hard engage first


Sett main here, just watch for the W and play around his E cooldown. He hits pretty hard but all his abikities are on pretty long cooldowns, so just play the long game, you can lifesteal more from minions than his passive will give inbetween trades. Wait him out and bait his W, normally Sett land an E stun then pops W right after, if you get E'd either try to E him away or Q stun if you're fast enough.




quite frankly, die. As ong as he isnt stupid then he holds all of the cards in every fight you do with him


Go for a quick W,Q,W2 combo, save your E for his W since unless you’re basically dead you’ll survive a full power W with the E damage reduction . If you get a wall splat in most cases u can auto him until you’re W is ready, but if you took too much damage use the stun time to escape


run when he is lower, make sure he wont use his e (i think its e, the big true damage ability) when you use your w. bait it when you arent berserk and you will be fine, this ability has long cooldown


Bait out his w then go all in or use your q, w or flash to move out of the way of it.


It’s a near impossible matchup bc he can almost always guarantee his max true damage on you, but if his W is down you can win the trade


not a sett main but i think if you play smartly you can abuse the fact that his CDS during the first 3 levels are very long, i think his Q is around 10s, E is around 20 and W i think is either 20 or 15. either way you can try and bait those abilities early and try to all in or trade when those abilities are down


Just push him back with E while he is in animation for his w and it throws it off so it misses


Briar's E takes much longer to fully charge than Sett's W lol


You can watch his bar and start charging E before it reaches max.