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we stay defending Polin. 10/10 notes 👏




Incredible 💯😂


thank you!!


This was excellent. All of it. Your takes are both accurate and hilarious. -I thought I was the only one who noticed the chin scar. Thank you for telling me I wasn’t. - Colin pen for the first time at the wedding where his jaw drops a bit and his breathing speeds up…that’s how every woman wants to be looked at. -the reshoot apparently happened because the original had Colin angry when she said she wouldn’t give up LW. They didn’t want that for Colin, so they reshot to make him sad instead. Definitely worth the wig.


Chin scar nation rise uppppppp


HOWLING 🤣🤣 💯 And I know for dead certain that the only reason Colin mentioned entrapment was because he wanted Pen to tell him no babe I love you


He’s so needy I love him


“Wife Guy Senior and Wife Guy Junior” 🤣 Also did not know about Luke crying for Edwina’s wedding?!?!,! He is a softie boy irl too 😩🥺😭


This post is a genuine masterpiece.


Love u mean it






I am really curious to what they first filmed before reshooting and putting him in that wig after the scene with the Queen.


I read somewhere that scene was more angry before they reshot it and they wanted to soften it.


Oh that makes it sooooo worth it for me. He was already making me feel heartbroken as is lol


Me too! I am so curious about all the reshoots, actually. That's so expensive to do and it's not just one scene. I have to wonder what needed to be changed so badly.


Perfect as usual. Carry on.


Thank you for mentioning his chin scar! I've been obsessed with it since S1 and I'm so pissed that they've had a 6 month press tour and not a single interviewer has asked him about it! Like. Bruh. I don't wanna hear about the broken furniture or the carriage scene anymore. My panties are already changed, pearls have been clutched and I've been scandalized by the way they were breathing into each other as he slid her sleeve down and left her a hickey. Because I have never had chemistry like that in my entire life. With clothes still on? Are you kidding me?! I. Wanna. Know. Where. He. Got. That. Scar. I. Wanna. Know. About. His. Time. On. Disney. Channel. I. Wanna. Know. Why. He. Was. Couch. Surfing. Before. Bridgerton. I. Wanna. Know. About. The. Indie. Movie. He. Starred. In. Basically. Playing. A. Horny. Teen. That's the tea 🍵 I want 👀


I love your recaps! You get it! “You can’t convince me I’m a good writer so let me convince you I’m a good protector” blew me away tbh