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I didn’t find him attractive at all. He was creepy. Benedict, however, is so very hot!


Benedict is seriously so handsome 😍


Same; he did absolutely nothing for me. Benedict deserves sooo much better than all of the love interests they have given him so far.


idk i really liked him with madam delacroix i'm sad that didn't last very long


I totally forgot they ever even interacted 🙃


hahaha fair enough! it wasn't given much screen time, i just really love both of those characters so was excited about the pairing!


I mean, I think we'd kind of all hate it if he had an amazing love interest before Sophie, right?


I'm not a book reader, so really just judging the show by its own merits! Hopefully this Sophie gal is everything as promised.


I don’t care if it’s even Sophie (I didn’t read the books either) and honestly I’d be excited if Benedict’s OTP was a man, but Anthony’s chemistry with Siena was TOO good and it gave me doubts when Kate came around, so I’d rather not have that dynamic repeated because for me it takes away from the fantasy of the love story


Oh, that's funny; I didn't care for Anthony and Sienna (and therefore Anthony himself) at all in S1! I remember going into S2 and thinking, omg, I have to watch a season of this jerkwad find romance? Little did I know just how obsessed I would become with Kanthony. I'm taking this comment as a clue that Sophie is someone outside of the Ton, though?


YAY! Benedict is the hottest of them ALL - easily


I found him creepy as well. Gave me killer vibes! I did like Benedict with Tilly and with Lord Granville in Season 1. But Paul was objectively attractive and I don't want to yuck anyone's yum! I think it was more the way he was styled that felt off to me.


Benedict is so fine because he’s so silly at just the right time. He’s my favorite.


I didn’t think he was that attractive for some reason. It may have been the hair?


It was totally the hair for me too


He looked smarmy.


He reminded me of a greasy adjunct professor that I may or may not have dated. He was laying it on thick with the eye-fucking. "Sir, this is a Wendy's."


why is this so accurate




I personally found him weirdly predatory. The whole setup of that storyline was strange for me. It felt more like Benedict was pressured into it. I would’ve rather he explored being bi on his own rather than the whole secretly being lured to a dinner so they could test if he was into a threesome thing.


This. Benedict felt pressured by his like for tilley, I feel. I felt like she was playing hot and cold with him.


How could he be pressured by his like for Tilley when he easily dismissed her after she confessed her feelings for him and told her it didn’t matter to him who was in his bed.


Because it felt like he liked her at first until she was like hey, I have multiple lovers. Then he had to be convinced to do it. He just didn't seem all that enthusiastic.


He couldn’t have liked her that much if he was disappointed by her offer to have sex with just her. His feelings were easily swayed.


He did not seem enthusiastic about it


Totally hot! I ‘m one of the few people who actually liked the threesome scene, it was just edited so weirdly


Yeah I thought the threesome was lovely, the editing was just bizarre.


Some people were like "it's fan service." Yes. Yes it was. I am that fan.


I think people are just mad that it took screen time away from Polin (it’s me, I’m people). I liked it but just wanted a little less of it in comparison to the main story!


I mean fair enough, but I’d rather sacrifice some plotline without shirtless Benedict for that 😂


god no, I really didn't like him. he looked like he knew what podcasts were and I was waiting for someone to give him a microphone. and on top of that, his name is *paul*. I rarely dislike characters straight away the way I disliked him, which is another reason why I'm not a fan of bi ben arc.


I would have preferred if they dated instead of some quickie scene. As if all bi people do is have sex and nothing else.


Well all Benedict has done for 3 seasons is have sex with an art interlude in season 2.


I agree but this is so funny too, I can totally see him owning a podcast 😭 I saw another comment say something similar, but if Tilly did not exist and they had taken the time to build a relashionship with these two instead it could have worked better, or just save that whole plot for Benedict's season and use that time for Polin to actually develop. And please don't make him do that Twilight stare, that's what made so many people uncomfortable. To me it was just weird.


Does he blink? He had Jasper from Twilight vibes. Not attractive just a slightly bewildered vampire look.




That balcony scene was so intense. Ugh, their chemistry was just insane 🥵 I totally want to see Ben and Paul in the next season too!


If they only showed that scene, it would have been more powerful for Benedict’s story arc than any of the Tilley stuff (love Hannah New but their interaction didn’t advance his development in any way, it just marked time). That scene was electric and told us so much in so brief an interaction.


I think everyone has the horn for Benedict. That guy is such a cookie


I thought he was super hot! I'm surprised at everybody in the comments saying otherwise.


Same. I thought he was the hottest guy this season.


I'm not gonna lie I forgot who Paul was




The dude was gazing at him like he wanted to eat his flesh! Nah - I’d run under an intense look like that.


He's delicious


I was actually surprised people were not talking about it. I personally did not find him attractive, but thought he would be the mayority's type.


meh he is old news and the threesome was tropey and brought the biphobia to light the shippers of this season. that said when bi benedict shows he is faithful to his wife in season 4>>>


I found his character creepy and his face off-putting. Not ugly by any means, but...not my jam I don't think they had any real chemistry either, the whole thing felt like Benedict getting peer pressured


I think hes more attractive than benedict personally as i dont really find benedict that attractive. But he did also give a tad creepy vampire vibes with his eyes.


There was so much butt


Paul didn't do it for me, but I loved the guy from Season 1 who had chemistry with Benedict. Lord Granville, maybe?


He would have made a good Michael Stirling…


Kinda wished he was the one for eloise instead of thst other guy they picked with the side burns. Cos imagine him in round specs and a botany book 🥵🫠


I thought he was quite hot. I didn't think there was any chemistry between him and Benedict, though. Could be because I find Benedict to be very dull.